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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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17 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible is not phased by the Fused Chasmfiend, merely shifting his stance in preparation for its attacks.

Bang! The chasm fiend uses the surge of gravitation to fly towards Unintelligible.

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13 hours ago, Nameless* said:

"Is it? I didn't know. Anyways, what's under the hood? Curiosity is dying to know."

Feanor watched them for a moment, then... "I will reveal it when the proper time comes... For now, I have business to do." Darkness shifted as the being was taken away from their presence.

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Meanwhile Seconds confidence has broken and he is now screaming in terror. 
we were supposed to read the whole darn thing? …. Guess I have a lot of reading to do. Also- WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING-

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Unintelligible’s Blade flashes brilliantly, and he shoots through the chasm fiend’s head, cutting the beast in two and landing in a heroic stance, the chasm fiend’s corpse hitting the ground behind him with two massive thuds that shake the chasm. That done, he wipes his Blade clean and sheaths it at his side, then walks over to greet Second.

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Shadow stood silently in the crowd, staring with an odd look at the Narrator on the stage, Thaidakar Von Kelsier, former vessel of Adonalsium. Every being, person, character, narrator, etc, seemed to be holding their breath. Thaidakar frowned, turning to the door at the side. he had just made the announcement that his son was going to be speaking to them. But Spook wasn't there, not yet.

Shadow made a motion to Micheal, the quiet man standing beside him, notifying him to stay there and watch. The entity melted into the ground, the shadow flitting between the feet, claws, tails, etc. of the crowd. Shadow slid under the door, forming again into a man. Inside, he saw a pale-faced Spook staring at a painting of a child, a young man and a beautiful woman. Except, their faces were gone and blood was smeared on the woman's dress. 

Shadow regarded Spook with an odd look, "What is this?"

The Heir to Narration jumped, turning to Shadow with a look of pure terror, "Sh-she..." He pointed at the blood smeared on the woman's dress.

The being bit his tongue, staring at the blood... no, it wasn't a smear, it was words. "I'm alive," He quoted the words. "What does it mean?"

Before Spook could say a word, the door burst open. Thaidakar strode in as if he owned the place, a man and a woman trailing behind him with oddly garish clothing upon their persons. "Why aren't you out there, Spook? I told you to-" The narrator froze in place, staring at the painting.

Silence permeated the atmosphere before, finally, Thaidakar said hoarsely to the two beside him, "Burn the... the picture..."

They nodded, marching to the painting. Before Spook or Shadow could do something, they'd pressed a device into it, turning it into ashes in a burst of flame. 

"We will not speak of this," Thaidakar said cooly, adjusting his collar, his mask of calm tightly wrapped upon his head once again. "It means nothing."

"I saw..." Spook stated quietly, an odd look in his eyes, "I saw something in the picture."

"You saw nothing," Thaidakar said, a slight waver in his voice. "Nothing. Nothing has happened here. Now, what we're- Shadow?"

Shadow smiled softly, "I am here, Thakandar."

Thaidakar frowned, "You mean Thaidakar?"

"Yes, of course." Shadow said softly, observing Thaidakar's reaction. No, it wasn't him, it couldn't be him. He was bitter about how people regarded him, but surely he couldn't be behind all of this. "I will be leaving..." Shadow flitted under the door before anyone could say anything else. As he entered the crowd again, voices echoed from the room behind.





A voice whispered in Drilk's ear, Feanor's "Kill Thaidakar. There is a mordite blade hidden in the ruins of the city, Kalithor, in the hidden chamber at the green and blue gazebo. Good luck, my servant."

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2 hours ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Before they can answer, Drilk drinks a potion, restoring his arm and turning him into a dragon temporarily. He flies at River, and snatches them  in his claw.

River then flies upwards to the point where you can see shinover, and shakes off Drilk.

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Second just awkwardly stands there before wiping his hand on his trousers. “Nice to meet you, I’m Second, Second Adventurer.” He seems confused and slightly shaken by what appeared to be happening to River but the boy seems to have only caused trouble to him, maybe in his mind it wasn’t worth sticking with him.

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Second pauses a second almost realizing this sword wielding, monster slaying, crazy man is talking to him. “Oh- Yeah- Okay- I kind of…” He thinks of how to explain that he was teleported here magically and is now rotting in his stone grave he can’t seem to escape. “I dunno.” He shrugs.

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Second stumbles on that word. “Hero? Me?! Pff! Never… never… I’m just… uh just completing something someone started. I’m no hero.” It’s clear he has grown in confidence and he tries to be brave like The was, but he still struggles in so many categories. He could never consider himself a hero. In his mind a hero is this big man with a cape and mask who flys around and flashes people wicked smiles while defeating evil. Meanwhile he is a flimsy fifteen year old boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing or how he got here, just that he must complete what his friend started.

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21 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Shadow grunted, ripping a small device from his pocket, stabbing it into his arm, stabilizing his being as he strode towards Micheal.

The device grew hot on his arm, and Shadow felt a slight edge of tiredness again, this time tinged with annoyance. 

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5 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

The device grew hot on his arm, and Shadow felt a slight edge of tiredness again, this time tinged with annoyance. 

Shadow grabbed Micheal by the arm and said, "We're going, now." He pulled out another device, tossing it at the wall. It faded in with the odd melange of colors that made up the wall. 

Micheal gave Shadow a questioning look, "What?"

"We're going to Moni."

"I thought we were doing that already? Weren't we going to ask Thaidakar?"

"Not anymore."

They left in a swirl of darkness, reappearing in Nameless's old base.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Shadow grabbed Micheal by the arm and said, "We're going, now." He pulled out another device, tossing it at the wall. It faded in with the odd melange of colors that made up the wall. 

Micheal gave Shadow a questioning look, "What?"

"We're going to Moni."

"I thought we were doing that already? Weren't we going to ask Thaidakar?"

"Not anymore."

They left in a swirl of darkness, reappearing in Nameless's old base.

The tiredness only intensifies as Shadow and Micheal appear in Nameless' old house, and Shadow felt a faint impression that someone wanted to talk to him.

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