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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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7 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible reacted quickly, spinning a walking stick he'd picked up and smashing it into a chicken before it could electrocute Rirrom. "Of course. Chickens. How could I forget?"

"Zombie chickens. Must have gotten mad because of Subversion coming together again."

6 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan immediately went into action. His wings spun about, flinging the chickens about. Then the chickens started to cackle. An electric wave building up.

Rirrom sighed, then pulled out the plotblade. It spliced through the chickens, without conducting the electricity.

Another portal opened up. Flaming zombie squirrels came out to reinforce the chicken attack.

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Unintelligible tackled Falvan out of the way as the electric wave launched, leaving a deep crater in the ground where it hit. Then he charged the squirrels, swinging his walking stick-turned staff wildly, heedless of the flames that began lighting along its length. "How many of these guys are there?!"

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1 minute ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible tackled Falvan out of the way as the electric wave launched, leaving a deep crater in the ground where it hit. Then he charged the squirrels, swinging his walking stick-turned staff wildly, heedless of the flames that began lighting along its length. "How many of these guys are there?!"

"Many. They appear to be an attempt to thicken the plot a bit." The squirrels were ferocious but Rirrom did not relent. They were each chopped up by Side Character And left on the ground to extinguish. More squirrels started appearing, and started burning everything, creating an inferno that grew with power.

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Just now, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible was knocked to the ground by a flaming squirrel, weapon knocked from his hands as a pile of the fiery critters swarmed him before he could recover.

The firey pests were all over Unintelligible. Rirrom reached through the fire, then pulled Unintelligible up, at the cost of a few 50th degree burns. "Watch out for them, they seem extra vicious today."


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13 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible shoved the offered Plotblade away, stamping out the fire on his burning cloak and tearing off some strips to wrap around his hands. "On second thought, punching doesn't sound so bad."

"~Okay. I can probably heal you so go ahead."


17 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan kept going. The long reach of his wings were very fortunate.  But he was getting tired.

“Can someone with the plot bade attack that big chicken? So I don’t get fried?”

"Take the plotblade, I'll take it back. I promise." 

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Falvan took the blade. It felt comfortable in his hand. Almost like instead of him changing to meet it, ot already was meant to be with him. With the blade, he launched into the air, avoiding the horse of chickens he went up, then came soaring down straight toward the chicken, plot blade held out.

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10 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan took the blade. It felt comfortable in his hand. Almost like instead of him changing to meet it, ot already was meant to be with him. With the blade, he launched into the air, avoiding the horse of chickens he went up, then came soaring down straight toward the chicken, plot blade held out.

Rirrom fought with mirrored force. Where electric chickens struck, the electricity flowed back. The fire burned the chickens, not him. It was going well until

Elephants with swords with wings came out of the portal.

"we need to remove that portal. Now" Rirrom's eyes pulsed white a bit.

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Falvan speared the large chicken form top to bottom, going into it. He felt it’s electricity at first, but it quickly died down as the carcass stiffened, then fell. He fell with it and then got out of it.

”Uh, how do we get we remove the portal?” He said ducking under an elephant.


Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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34 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan speared the large chicken form top to bottom, going into it. He felt it’s electricity at first, but it quickly died down as the carcass stiffened, then fell. He fell with it and then got out of it.

”Uh, how do we get we remove the portal?” He said ducking under an elephant.


"Get a narrator to touch it." Rirrom's hand started to glow and pulse white.

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17 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan began running forward. He swept out chickens form every direction with his wings, and slashing at them with the plotblade. He went in a line, clearing the way for Rirrom.

Rirrom walked towards the portal, ànd touched ìt. it started tø close. The portal told him many dark and dim things but it was reversed in the end. It poofed into thin air and became a witchcraft. "Huh. So that was plot convenient. Can I have my plotblade back?"

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27 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan stared at the blade in his hand for moment. Then another. Then he put it into Rirrom’s hand. “Thanks. Now where do we go for a Walmart?”

"A bit that way. Lets wait for others to respond first."

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A flaming squirrel went flying as Unintelligible punched it, landing in a large pile of defeated critters.

Unintelligible exhaled, shaking the flaming strips of cloth from his hands and wincing slightly as he examined his injuries. He picked up what little was left of his walking stick and headed over to the others. “Someone have a container for that witchcraft?”

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