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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Just now, Nameless* said:

"Dang. Well, I guess the quest isn't over. Hi desolation, nice to meet you."

"Hello. It appears that I have been summoned for the same reasons."

Just now, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan flew up. And up and up. As he kept going.

He hit a roof that wasn't there before. "And who are you?" Desolation asked. 

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15 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

And if I say no? Falvan replied.


"I kill you absorbing the power and your friends die anyways." Desolation was inky black, almost liquidlike. "And I get the sword. And I get to go and kill all the narrators on TLT. You lose."

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Does Desolation even have the power to do that?

Falvan turned. He faced Unintelligible, Rirrom, and Arranis. “I have no choice but to hunt you down.” He held out his dark black weapon. It seemed to be the absence of matter. A void. A portal to the abyss. It writhed with power.

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4 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Does Desolation even have the power to do that?

Falvan turned. He faced Unintelligible, Rirrom, and Arranis. “I have no choice but to hunt you down.” He held out his dark black weapon. It seemed to be the absence of matter. A void. A portal to the abyss. It writhed with power.

I would say he probably could, but he wouldn't get all their power

Rirrom nodded, then summoned his plotblade. "Desolation. You! the Dark one! "

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Falvan turned to Desiloation. Do I have access to all that is here?

Falvan turned back to his companions, then glanced at his dragon. Attack in my defense he thought. The dragon roared. It didn’t have breath weapon, but It was still very dangerous. And, being metal gave it natural armor. Also the fact that it wouldn’t die naturally. As it roared, it rushed the group if adventurers.

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9 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan turned to Desiloation. Do I have access to all that is here?

Falvan turned back to his companions, then glanced at his dragon. Attack in my defense he thought. The dragon roared. It didn’t have breath weapon, but It was still very dangerous. And, being metal gave it natural armor. Also the fact that it wouldn’t die naturally. As it roared, it rushed the group if adventurers.

"No. You have the advantage, so they are allowed to use everything here."

Rirrom lept out of the way, then broke into the cabinet containing the Plotblades. 4 of them were fake, which Rirrom quickly identified by trying to reverse them. 2 were real. Rirrom grabbed one of the real ones, holding both side character and the other blade, he rushed at Falvan.

The blades are Foreshadowing and Plot development, Rirrom grabbed foreshadowing.


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8 hours ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible stared at the blade. "All right, I think I'm good. who wants the weapon?"

@Being of Cacophony @TheRavenHasLanded @Scars of Hathsin

I have no idea how to @ you, so this is the best I can do.

Subversion hesitated. Was her plan still a good idea? It looked like Platypus was gearing up for an awesome final battle, and, as incredible as her plan was, perhaps it would be better to just let this play out.

Platypus whispered into her mind, using Plot's power to hide it from detection, that he feels someone else there and to just get everyone out safely. He would take care of Thaidakar. He told her not to interfere, because someone needed to make it out and warn the others who, and what, they were really fighting.

8 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"If I do kill you," Thaidakar said softly, "I will do as you ask. And... as my blade falls on you, it will fall with tears. But," Thaidakar started, walking forward, his blade turning into mist and leaving him, "Can I at least give you my reasoning for why I am doing what I am doing? If you truly saw me as a friend, give me at least this chance to explain myself and the importance of what I am doing. I want someone to understand it. I can't explain why, but I just want someone to know it. I would die a villain in everyone else's eyes if only one knew what I am truly doing from the depths of my heart, though it be tinged with darkness."

"Give me a chance, Platypus?" He said it like a question more than anything. In that moment, Thaidakar almost felt like he would let Platypus kill him. But, alas, his plan would fail if that happened, and he couldn't let that happen. This needed to work. It all needed to happen how it would so he could, at last, rest in utter peace knowing that he'd done something that would save TLT in the end instead of destroying. They had to think of him as a villain so that they could be ready for what was to come. For what was coming after him. This world had done nothing for him besides given him pain... and some friends. He felt a twinge of regret sting deep inside him. No time for that now. No... there wasn't anytime for that. Not yet. There would be time to grieve for the Brave Adventurer. Oh... the brave adventurer, his oldest friend, his oldest enemy. And to think that the last face the Adventurer had seen had been his own. 

Yes, there would be time to grieve later. He would make time to do so at all costs.

Time froze for Platypus. He remembered the time spent with Thaidakar. His Author remembered the time spent goofing around here and other places. He remembered killing Plot who Thaidakar's Author brought into the equation. 

Platypus' time stream returned to normal. Wanting desprately to be able to change Thaid's mind. He lowered his Blade, not letting is fade, but brought it to his side. He still stood in a defensive pose.

"Stop," Platypus said. "Stop where you are and I'll listen. But I can't let you close to me. For all I know, you could be pretending to be Thaidakar to get me to lower my guard, that way you get close to me and can defeat me. So stay where you are, and once you're done, we'll see what happens."

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“How in the world do I have the advantage Desolation? That is not right. Falvan grabbed the potion of resurrection. He grabbed also tried to grab development from Rirrom but did not succeed. “Rirrom” he whispered desperately— the dragon roared again and charged them. Interrupting Falvan who was forced to fly up.

Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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Unintelligible shrugged, then started climbing after Falvan.

6 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus whispered into her mind, using Plot's power to hide it from detection, that he feels someone else there and to just get everyone out safely. He would take care of Thaidakar. He told her not to interfere, because someone needed to make it out and warn the others who, and what, they were really fighting.

Subversion nodded. I won't interfere Platypus, but know this: If you fall, I will make certain that your death is avenged.

Then she sat down in a chair that formed from nothing, pulled a grey metal sphere from her pocket, and started fiddling with it.

Edited by Nameless*
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3 hours ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible shrugged, then started climbing after Falvan.

Subversion nodded. I won't interfere Platypus, but know this: If you fall, I will make certain that your death is avenged.

Then she sat down in a chair that formed from nothing, pulled a grey metal sphere from her pocket, and started fiddling with it.

You misunderstand me. I don't want you to avenge me yet. Make sure everyone gets out. Stop Thaidakar from claiming Vengeance if possible. And then, plan. Once you have a plan, then you can avenge me. Then he shut down the mental connection so he could use his full power in the fight that was to come.

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4 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

You misunderstand me. I don't want you to avenge me yet. Make sure everyone gets out. Stop Thaidakar from claiming Vengeance if possible. And then, plan. Once you have a plan, then you can avenge me. Then he shut down the mental connection so he could use his full power in the fight that was to come.

Subversion smiled to herself, putting the sphere away and closing her eyes, trying to figure out where everyone was. It seemed that the battlefield was mostly clear, those who remained mostly minions of Thaidakar. Some of those who'd left seemed to be in danger elsewhere, but that wasn't her problem at the moment. Satisfied that she'd be able to keep everyone from immediate danger if Thaidakar won, she opened her eyes again and pulled out a can of Root.

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3 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus whispered into her mind, using Plot's power to hide it from detection, that he feels someone else there and to just get everyone out safely. He would take care of Thaidakar. He told her not to interfere, because someone needed to make it out and warn the others who, and what, they were really fighting.

Time froze for Platypus. He remembered the time spent with Thaidakar. His Author remembered the time spent goofing around here and other places. He remembered killing Plot who Thaidakar's Author brought into the equation. 

Platypus' time stream returned to normal. Wanting desprately to be able to change Thaid's mind. He lowered his Blade, not letting is fade, but brought it to his side. He still stood in a defensive pose.

"Stop," Platypus said. "Stop where you are and I'll listen. But I can't let you close to me. For all I know, you could be pretending to be Thaidakar to get me to lower my guard, that way you get close to me and can defeat me. So stay where you are, and once you're done, we'll see what happens."

Thaidakar smiled, sitting down cross legged. "See there, was that so hard? Come, sit with me. We have much to discuss. And," the Narrator waved a finger, "I have a good story too... a story of wrongs and reasons which I am sure you will be interested in, yes?" Though his words were jovial, there was an edge of caution, an edge that defined his readiness for a fight if one arose.

"As I said, many people regard and regarded me as a horrible person," Thaidakar said, beginning his story. "I don't think I was or am. My actions are horrible at times, but inside I'm really just a fellow he likes a good story. And there isn't a good story without an antagonist, is there?" The Narrator sighed. "No, that is not reason enough... before you go thinking that I did it for the fact that all of you needed a villain, let me tell you otherwise. I am what I am because they have made me so. And..." 

He stood, "It must not be revealed to the thread, for that would destroy what I have worked for." Thaidakar extended his hand, the words entering Platypus's mind. "Do you understand now?"

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