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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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7 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Time for... a thing.

Platypus danced with Thaid, Blade flashing, power wafting from him and it. He attacked and defended, counterattacking as he parried, fighting Feanor and loving every second of it. He locked his Blade with one of his opponents and forced the Blades into the third. Knocked off course by his attack, he lunged, then... froze up. Watching in horror as a Blade came from Feanor, he could not avoid it. His muscles were locked. Frantically he Narrated, trying to escape, and failing. Then the Blade came in, a killing blow, but he didn't feel anything. Shocked, he looked around and saw the Blade on his other side. Vengeance. He knew that absorbing it could cause weird things, but this? He apparently couldn't kill Thaidakar... but he couldn't be killed either. Plot was with him, for now. Knowing there was no point to a fight like that, he disappeared. Then, abruptly he reappeared. I can't even leave the fight? Guess it's plot-important. Fine then. Game on.

Dodging and weaving, he stopped trying to attack, only defending, his flashing Blade against the two swirling swords. Thaid might be more experienced, but he didn't know Platypus' heart, and he didn't know how the fight would happen. Then he realized. He had to fight so Subversion and the other could leave. They needed to let the thread know that Feanor was Thaidakar. He tried to shout for them to leave. No luck, his face locked up. He tried to tell them what Thaidakar had whispered to his mind. That wouldn't work either. He silently willed them to leave, knowing they couldn't know what he wanted.

Even as they fought, Platypus could tell he would eventually be overwhelmed. Only Vengeance was keeping him in this. He simply wasn't a good enough Narrator. But he didn't plan on losing yet. He threw himself into the fight, the dance. Blades flashing, auras radiating, power flowing freely. This was what he lived for. The fight, and protecting others. This was both. He could not, no, he would not lose this. This was his chance. Me or him. It's all down to who breaks first. Me. Or. Him.

Then he felt something. Some would dismiss it, but not him. He was too attuned. He could feel the Plot weaving itself around this fight, around each moment individually. Then he dug deeper. He could see where Feanor would be, where he would've been. With effort, he pulled the threads of fate. He was no longer where he should have been. He disengaged from the fight, no longer swinging his Blade, just dodging, manipulating destiny. He looked ahead. What he saw shocked him. His Author tried to write it down, but it was forbidden knowledge. No one could know but the two of them.

Moving on with renewed vigor, it was clear that Platypus was fighting for something new. Something greater than survival or for honor. He was fighting for the thread itself. It had its flaws, but it could be so much worse. Would be so much worse. 

He danced the dance faster and faster, Blade swirling, aftertrails blinding. He danced and fought. He and Feanor were one. He knew the way. He controlled his fate. Then, he improved. Narration becoming better and better, changing. Soon he wove with more finesse than his opponent. He knew why, but could not explain it. Yet still, he could not kill. He could not wound. And that was when he knew. He could win this. He could save the thread. HE WOULD BE ENOUGH!

I feel like I just wrote something incredible, and at the same time, I feel like it wasn't. Critical feedback appreciated! 

I loved that! Thaidakar won't win here, but he won't lose either.

Feanor laughed, his hood whipping back and revealing his hair. Swords whipped back and forth, exchanging with a pleasant ring. A ring that normally brought death, but it was just another note to dance to for him and Platypus. Platypus really was a good one. Shame that he had to kill him if he could. However, he doubted if he could. Could really kill him, that is, without being stopped, either by himself or by another who wanted him to cease the murder of Narrators.

"Having fun?" Thaidakar asked with a smile as his blades darting back and forth, Narration sparking. Power rippled through every motion, guiding each move. This was art more than anything, a painting created with fiery steel and Narration, Plot setting a backdrop for something magnificent. He could see Platypus was weaving more finesse, but Feanor knew that he could match it if he wanted to. And... what if...

Feanor leapt into the air, narration spraying under him, stopping Platypus from effecting him too much while he arced across the dim sky. The landscape changed as he landed, a screen wipe. It was a tool that not many employed or knew of in this world, but Thaidakar knew it like the back of his hand. They were in the middle of medieval battle, screams of terror and pure enjoyment erupted around them as Feanor continued the fight, slashing with his blades like a deadly hurricane. The change of landscape would probably be disorienting for Platypus.

Sorry for responding late, had a few things going on.

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3 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

it's also possible that it's not supposed to be me and Feanor. it did say three people were fighting, which is not true, so if it is, that part couldn't be forseen (completely accurately at least, it is possible that it would be Seen correctly).

you get used to it. It's fairly common.

I will say that, now that I see this, there are three people fighting.

Thaidakar sees himself as two people, Feanor and Thaidakar. It could also mean Spook, who is on the sidelines, who's perspective we'll see very soon...

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30 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I loved that! Thaidakar won't win here, but he won't lose either.

Feanor laughed, his hood whipping back and revealing his hair. Swords whipped back and forth, exchanging with a pleasant ring. A ring that normally brought death, but it was just another note to dance to for him and Platypus. Platypus really was a good one. Shame that he had to kill him if he could. However, he doubted if he could. Could really kill him, that is, without being stopped, either by himself or by another who wanted him to cease the murder of Narrators.

"Having fun?" Thaidakar asked with a smile as his blades darting back and forth, Narration sparking. Power rippled through every motion, guiding each move. This was art more than anything, a painting created with fiery steel and Narration, Plot setting a backdrop for something magnificent. He could see Platypus was weaving more finesse, but Feanor knew that he could match it if he wanted to. And... what if...

Feanor leapt into the air, narration spraying under him, stopping Platypus from effecting him too much while he arced across the dim sky. The landscape changed as he landed, a screen wipe. It was a tool that not many employed or knew of in this world, but Thaidakar knew it like the back of his hand. They were in the middle of medieval battle, screams of terror and pure enjoyment erupted around them as Feanor continued the fight, slashing with his blades like a deadly hurricane. The change of landscape would probably be disorienting for Platypus.

Sorry for responding late, had a few things going on.

thanks! it was my plan if what he wanted to do to Subversion was super Plot-important, he'd freeze up and be unable to stop it. Also it's fine, I got to use hacob a little so that's a plus.

Platypus grinned uncontrollably. He wanted to be serious, but he had always loved the feeling of testing himself against one who thought they were better than him. Particularly when they were right.

"This is what I live for. The challenge, not the kill!" Platypus shouted back before being dropped into a medieval battle.

"That was a mistake," he calls. "This is where I am at my finest."

He thought back to the many years of medieval wars he had fought, killing and maiming and regretting. Suddenly the realm began to shake. His old self was coming. Knowing what he needed to do, and having watched Thaidakar do it, he changed the realm, using Plot-pulling to protect him as he figured it out. They were next to a lake, rivers flowing into and out of it from all directions. A beaver's dam was in 4 of the 18 rivers. Platypus dove into the water, then lunged out on the other side of Feanor, continuing his attack.

28 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I will say that, now that I see this, there are three people fighting.

Thaidakar sees himself as two people, Feanor and Thaidakar. It could also mean Spook, who is on the sidelines, who's perspective we'll see very soon...

I realized that after I posted but didn't have a chance to say it. school and all, ya know?

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10 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

When did Hacob go into the shadows?

Not really.

Um, is that last one supposed to be me, Thaid, and Spook? Cause if so, there is far too much Plot weaving, fate changing, and Narration flying around, to see anything like that.

also, Falvan could summon the Blade back to him, Hacob is just using it temporarily.

No it isn't you, just some vague plotlines for the future. It is the past so ...

Rirrom walked out of the tunnel

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2 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan rushed out, following him. "Here is your plotblade back." he said holding it out. "Also, if I summon my other blade, will desolation follow?"

"The other blade? You cannot summon it. It is no mere plotblade. It is beyond making silly bonds with foolish mortals. It is the Ore-din-Aerie Nohr-maul Blade." Rirrom did not take back the plotblade

Oh and desolation became someone new maybe if I decide so... Foreshadowing is in their hands.

Edited by Aeoliae
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16 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

"The other blade? You cannot summon it. It is no mere plotblade. It is beyond making silly bonds with foolish mortals. It is the Ore-din-Aerie Nohr-maul Blade." Rirrom did not take back the plotblade

Oh and desolation became someone new maybe if I decide so... Foreshadowing is in their hands.

10 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Hacob hurried out of the cave. He handed the Blade to Falvan. "I believe that it is possible to find a way to bond it, but it won't bond yet. I think I'm going to claim this cave as mine. Bye!"

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Hacob hurried out of the cave. He handed the Blade to Falvan. "I believe that it is possible to find a way to bond it, but it won't bond yet. I think I'm going to claim this cave as mine. Bye!"

A gooey substance follows Falvan as the blade is handed to him.


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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis crawls out of the cave, um, so what are we doing now? and what is the goo that is following you Falvan 

The goo coalesced into a man. "I believe you have something that belongs to me. Or did, before." The liquidlike man is holding Foreshadowing. 

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