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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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17 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

Resolution guts Stormy with foreshadowing

The storm guy dies. The thunder guy starts trying to get revenge.

1 hour ago, Nameless* said:

The sphere reappeared in Subversion's hands. "No stealing this, Thaidakar. It's mine." She spun the sphere on one finger. "Don't worry. It's completely harmless in this form. Just a little trinket Curiosity found. Speaking of Curiosity, have you ever thought about what it feels like to die?"

"I don't need to, I've died at least twice now..." Thaidakar said, turning his cup idly in his fingers, the liquid sloshing about merrily inside. "And... you expect me to believe you. I did, after all, split you in ten, kill at least one of you and arranged the death of several characters at this point in the narrative. Just to name a few things..."

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor shrugged, "Well... that's good and all, but have we considered my plans? Then..." He sat down on a just materialized plush chair, "I suppose you'll be wanting to keep me here despite my best wishes, Subversion? Classic." He snapped his gloved fingers, a black mug appearing in his hand that had the words "Best Antagonist" in blue emblazoned upon its reflective surface. The Narrator had a sip of whatever drink was inside and said, "Nameless knew how to set up a place, I suppose... aint got nothing on Kalithor, though."

Spook bristled, the fires surging in his eyes. Finally he turned, looking away from Platypus, the plot blade's glow simmering at his side. "The only solution? This is TLT, Platypus! Isn't anything possible if we imagine it so? I find it funny," He said, the blade shrinking as he placed it back on his bracelet, "that the only thing we create is more limits for ourselves in a place that's supposed to be limitless. Don't you?" 

He ran a hand through his dark hair, "The Temple of Plot showed me the future in a refracted lens. It gave me this plot blade. It showed me fighting Thaidakar and Mythos. It showed me killing Thaidakar and it showed thaidakar killing me. Many things can happen. But all I know is this, Thaidakar and I will fight and one of us will die. I would rather it be him, Platypus... He was my father," Spook turned back to Platypus, a torn expression on his face. "I loved him and he loved me. We were a family, once. I wish it could be otherwise, and perhaps it could be, but I don't want to take chances. Thaidakar wants this, and, so, he'll get it. He knows about the vision I saw. I told him. If there's anyone I trust to stick to their plan, it'll be my father. He'll do what he's trying to do, whether his heart wants it or not, whether he's truly feeling it or not. He's a stubborn fool."

Spook started pacing, "If we go back to the Temple of Plot, perhaps one of us can see something. Something beneficial to defeating Thaidakar without killing him. And... maybe it will reveal whether or not we can succeed at this point without killing him. Maybe we'll have to... It's not something I look forward to, patricide, but it might be necessary to save a portion of us in TLT."

The lightning guy is confronted by the thunder guy and their father, the storm guy.

"Oh Spook. How I long for the naivete that comes with youth. Yes, anything is supposed to be possible. Is it? No. The plot will be. If you will kill Thaidakar, you will kill him. But now is not the time. There is too much to do, too much to prepare for. I fear we will have to kill him, though I'd rather not. I like to believe anyone came be a better person, but it doesn't always happen. Right now, we go back to our world and we gather allies. Thaidakar will not be easy to take down. Just pray he doesn't acquire a Plotblade."

1 hour ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion ensured that the link between her and Platypus was completely severed, then briskly walked over to a control panel near the center of the room. There, she pressing her hand into an identity lock, allowing her to access the controls and change the hideout's location. That done, she locked the panel again and walked back over to Feanor.

"Actually despite what you might believe, I don't intend to keep you here long." Subversion pulled the depowered Narrativium sphere out of her pocket again. "I just wanted to ask you a few questions, and then I'll send you on your way." She sat down in front of Feanor, conjuring a chair for herself. "How tired would you say that the fight with Platypus left you? Are you sure it's safe to leave?"

rude. I just got blocked out, I told you I was going to forget anyway. How mad would you be if I told you I still had a plot-hidden tendril in her mind?


it wouldn't work because the bunker is Plot-shielded, but still. i'm curious


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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

"Oh Spook. How I long for the naivete that comes with youth. Yes, anything is supposed to be possible. Is it? No. The plot will be. If you will kill Thaidakar, you will kill him. But now is not the time. There is too much to do, too much to prepare for. I fear we will have to kill him, though I'd rather not. I like to believe anyone came be a better person, but it doesn't always happen.

Spook raised an eyebrow, "Everyone keeps saying that, calling me a youth. Sure, Thaid's my father, but I've conquered worlds, killed plenty of people, fought a lot and plenty more. I'm not some child." His expression and words were calm, but his eyes certainly weren't. "It almost never happens, especially here. Most especially here. Who here has had a redemption arc? Name two people."

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17 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"I don't need to, I've died at least twice now..." Thaidakar said, turning his cup idly in his fingers, the liquid sloshing about merrily inside. "And... you expect me to believe you. I did, after all, split you in ten, kill at least one of you and arranged the death of several characters at this point in the narrative. Just to name a few things..."

"I suppose you're right not to believe me. This sphere is, after all, one of the most potent weapons on this thread. But not in the way you think." Subversion put the sphere away, stood up from her chair, and started walking towards Thaidakar. "Despite your words you are too trusting. You and Platypus both." She held her hand to the side and a thin, delicate-looking Narrationblade formed in it. "You did split me into ten pieces. And you tried to kill one piece of me. Unfortunately for you that part of your plan failed. I suspect this conversation would be going very differently if you had succeeded. Curiosity was most developed. Probably because of that blasted Plotblade." She stopped a few feet from Thaidakar, pointing her Narrationblade at his head. "I don't care about your plan, or whatever plot you're weaving. I was made to subvert plot. To take expectations for the future and rip them to shreds. You die, Feanor. I will not allow you to live after what you've done."

6 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

rude. I just got blocked out, I told you I was going to forget anyway. How mad would you be if I told you I still had a plot-hidden tendril in her mind?

  Reveal hidden contents

Subversion didn't want to take any chances. And I'd be... sort of mad. Not super mad. Just a little.

Edited by Nameless*
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6 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook raised an eyebrow, "Everyone keeps saying that, calling me a youth. Sure, Thaid's my father, but I've conquered worlds, killed plenty of people, fought a lot and plenty more. I'm not some child." His expression and words were calm, but his eyes certainly weren't. "It almost never happens, especially here. Most especially here. Who here has had a redemption arc? Name two people."

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend you by calling you a youth. I was expressing that I longed for my youth again. You misinterpreted me." He grinned. "Honestly, I'm probably a younger Narrator than you."

3 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"I suppose you're right not to believe me. This sphere is, after all, one of the most potent weapons on this thread. But not in the way you think." Subversion put the sphere away, stood up from her chair, and started walking towards Thaidakar. "Despite your words you are too trusting. You and Platypus both." She held her hand to the side and a thin, delicate-looking Narrationblade formed in it. "You did split me into ten pieces. And you tried to kill one piece of me. Unfortunately for you that part of your plan failed. I suspect this conversation would be going very differently if you had succeeded. Curiosity was most developed. Probably because of that blasted Plotblade." She stopped a few feet from Thaidakar, pointing her Narrationblade at his head. "I don't care about your plan, or whatever plot you're weaving. I was made to subvert plot. To take expectations for the future and rip them to shreds. You die, Feanor. I will not allow you to live after what you've done."

Subversion didn't want to take any chances. And I'd be... sort of mad. Not super mad. Just a little.

ok :D 

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54 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The storm guy dies. The thunder guy starts trying to get revenge.

"I don't need to, I've died at least twice now..." Thaidakar said, turning his cup idly in his fingers, the liquid sloshing about merrily inside. "And... you expect me to believe you. I did, after all, split you in ten, kill at least one of you and arranged the death of several characters at this point in the narrative. Just to name a few things..."

The thunder guy also gets gutted. Uh yeah.

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34 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"I suppose you're right not to believe me. This sphere is, after all, one of the most potent weapons on this thread. But not in the way you think." Subversion put the sphere away, stood up from her chair, and started walking towards Thaidakar. "Despite your words you are too trusting. You and Platypus both." She held her hand to the side and a thin, delicate-looking Narrationblade formed in it. "You did split me into ten pieces. And you tried to kill one piece of me. Unfortunately for you that part of your plan failed. I suspect this conversation would be going very differently if you had succeeded. Curiosity was most developed. Probably because of that blasted Plotblade." She stopped a few feet from Thaidakar, pointing her Narrationblade at his head. "I don't care about your plan, or whatever plot you're weaving. I was made to subvert plot. To take expectations for the future and rip them to shreds. You die, Feanor. I will not allow you to live after what you've done."

Subversion didn't want to take any chances. And I'd be... sort of mad. Not super mad. Just a little.

Feanor didn't make a move for a long time, just acting as if nothing had happened. Finally, he laughed, "Was that supposed to scare me into submission? Of course you don't care for my plan, but do you want to know what I think you care about? I could tell you how the brave adventurer was destroyed, what specific commands I used and the technique around it. I could also tell you how to split someone into ten as I did you, and how to unravel a Narration blade." At that moment, as he'd said, the Narration blade turned into several loose ends, all screaming in a different toned voice, though with a hint of Subversion's in each of them. "Shall we talk truly at this point, my friend, Subversion? Or are you so subverted that you cannot have a proper conversation without threatening the other participant?"

If you're wondering, he altered the Narrative voice so that the Narration fell apart. Though Subversion might not know that at first.

29 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend you by calling you a youth. I was expressing that I longed for my youth again. You misinterpreted me." He grinned. "Honestly, I'm probably a younger Narrator than you."

ok :D 

Spook smiled softly, "Youth is flexible in TLT, so who knows exactly. And, besides, Thaidakar will do his best to weasel out of everything. He revealed his identity to you so that you would let him go. He killed the brave adventurer so that he wouldn't oppose him. He split Subversion in ten because he knew she could oppose him earlier than he would've liked. He killed off himself, somehow, to provoke you and others against him in the short term. Though, there may be a further plan with that. He isn't a person you can call normal! Let go your friendship with him and start thinking of him as the villain he is!"

1 minute ago, Aeoliae said:

The thunder guy also gets gutted. Uh yeah.

Except not, because the thunder guy defends with his thunderous sword.

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12 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor didn't make a move for a long time, just acting as if nothing had happened. Finally, he laughed, "Was that supposed to scare me into submission? Of course you don't care for my plan, but do you want to know what I think you care about? I could tell you how the brave adventurer was destroyed, what specific commands I used and the technique around it. I could also tell you how to split someone into ten as I did you, and how to unravel a Narration blade." At that moment, as he'd said, the Narration blade turned into several loose ends, all screaming in a different toned voice, though with a hint of Subversion's in each of them. "Shall we talk truly at this point, my friend, Subversion? Or are you so subverted that you cannot have a proper conversation without threatening the other participant?"

Subversion looked at her Narrationblade in shock for a moment, but recovered quickly. "No, I don't want to talk to you. I already know how you killed the brave adventurer; you tried the same trick on me, remember?" She took a step back from Feanor. "I'd hoped you'd be easier to kill after that fight with Platypus, but... well, this way might be better. A pity I have to crack out this plan now and not later, when the true threat emerges, but I doubt I can kill you otherwise." She shrugged, a soft glow beginning to appear around her. "Unless you'll be so kind as to let me kill you?"

Edited by Nameless*
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Falvan landed on the ground. Panting. “I don’t know what is happening or who you people are, but there is an army coming. Hundreds of white spines and Chasmfeinds we need to prepare. I don’t know what they are doing, but they seems to be specifically coming here. Also, for you guys o don’t know, I and Falvan.”

@Being of Cacophony you changed your pfp! 

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26 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor didn't make a move for a long time, just acting as if nothing had happened. Finally, he laughed, "Was that supposed to scare me into submission? Of course you don't care for my plan, but do you want to know what I think you care about? I could tell you how the brave adventurer was destroyed, what specific commands I used and the technique around it. I could also tell you how to split someone into ten as I did you, and how to unravel a Narration blade." At that moment, as he'd said, the Narration blade turned into several loose ends, all screaming in a different toned voice, though with a hint of Subversion's in each of them. "Shall we talk truly at this point, my friend, Subversion? Or are you so subverted that you cannot have a proper conversation without threatening the other participant?"

If you're wondering, he altered the Narrative voice so that the Narration fell apart. Though Subversion might not know that at first.

Spook smiled softly, "Youth is flexible in TLT, so who knows exactly. And, besides, Thaidakar will do his best to weasel out of everything. He revealed his identity to you so that you would let him go. He killed the brave adventurer so that he wouldn't oppose him. He split Subversion in ten because he knew she could oppose him earlier than he would've liked. He killed off himself, somehow, to provoke you and others against him in the short term. Though, there may be a further plan with that. He isn't a person you can call normal! Let go your friendship with him and start thinking of him as the villain he is!"

Except not, because the thunder guy defends with his thunderous sword.

Resolution sighs, then turns around and faces the direction of Lightning. 

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The army of white spines and chasmfeinds and chulls came over the hill. They astarted deawing dangerously close. Not the middle of them, a hundred foot tall great shell, with dozen foot horns cam thundering at them.

Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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Just now, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

The army of white spines and chasmfeinds and chulls came over the hill. They astarted deawing dangerously close. Not the middle of them, a hundred foot tall great shell, with dozen foot horns cam thundering at them.

BOLD your worlds

Resolution looked at the army of strange creatures. "It appears we have bigger problems to deal with."

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4 hours ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion looked at her Narrationblade in shock for a moment, but recovered quickly. "No, I don't want to talk to you. I already know how you killed the brave adventurer; you tried the same trick on me, remember?" She took a step back from Feanor. "I'd hoped you'd be easier to kill after that fight with Platypus, but... well, this way might be better. A pity I have to crack out this plan now and not later, when the true threat emerges, but I doubt I can kill you otherwise." She shrugged, a soft glow beginning to appear around her. "Unless you'll be so kind as to let me kill you?"

Feanor grinned, "No, actually, I would prefer not to die. Bad for the skin, I would know." Feanor stood up, flexing his arms, the mug disappearing in a burst of mist. "Fun fact-," blue flames wreathed his body, a glow that almost burned one's eyes, "-I never tire. Side effect of dying several times. You lose the need for sleep. The real need for sleep, unless one has an injury of the severe kind." He raised one finger, the flames seeming to concentrate on the imprint of the fleshy stick extending from his hand, "If we fight, there are many potential outcomes. However..." Thaidakar smiled, "I am not in the mood for a fight currently, not of the sort I had with Platypus, so..." He sat back down, the flames spinning endlessly around the Narrator, "Why not we play a game to decide the victor? You choose and thus we begin the play of the game. I don't care what game it is, as long as we can do it." Despite himself, the edge of his mouth began to smile in a "I'm going to murder your family and laugh while doing it" way. Thaidakar knew what he was doing, despite how lax he appeared to be in the moment.

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8 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor grinned, "No, actually, I would prefer not to die. Bad for the skin, I would know." Feanor stood up, flexing his arms, the mug disappearing in a burst of mist. "Fun fact-," blue flames wreathed his body, a glow that almost burned one's eyes, "-I never tire. Side effect of dying several times. You lose the need for sleep. The real need for sleep, unless one has an injury of the severe kind." He raised one finger, the flames seeming to concentrate on the imprint of the fleshy stick extending from his hand, "If we fight, there are many potential outcomes. However..." Thaidakar smiled, "I am not in the mood for a fight currently, not of the sort I had with Platypus, so..." He sat back down, the flames spinning endlessly around the Narrator, "Why not we play a game to decide the victor? You choose and thus we begin the play of the game. I don't care what game it is, as long as we can do it." Despite himself, the edge of his mouth began to smile in a "I'm going to murder your family and laugh while doing it" way. Thaidakar knew what he was doing, despite how lax he appeared to be in the moment.

Subversion considered this, then sat back down, the glow around her fading. "Very well. Tell me, what sort of games do you like? Pokémon? Chess? What are you good at?"

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7 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion considered this, then sat back down, the glow around her fading. "Very well. Tell me, what sort of games do you like? Pokémon? Chess? What are you good at?"

"I've played Monopoly, Chess, Risk, and a few more." He rubbed his fingers together. "Though, I can be good at whatever I want to be. I can just Narrate skill into existence, after all."

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"I've played Monopoly, Chess, Risk, and a few more." He rubbed his fingers together. "Though, I can be good at whatever I want to be. I can just Narrate skill into existence, after all."

"Yes, of course." Subversion frowned. "I'm not sure what kind of game to play. I've had experience with all of those. Why don't you choose?"

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13 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"Yes, of course." Subversion frowned. "I'm not sure what kind of game to play. I've had experience with all of those. Why don't you choose?"

"Ah, but that would require making a choice altogether, which I am not fond of when it comes to choosing a game to play. Quite the coincidence, eh? However..." He pulled out a stained checkered wood box from the air behind him and set it down on a table between them. He opened it up, revealing chess pieces, "Why not stay with the classic, all things considered. Choose which color you want." 

Do you want to actually play the game or like just say irp "They made a stellar strategy to take the queen" or something like that.

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Ah, but that would require making a choice altogether, which I am not fond of when it comes to choosing a game to play. Quite the coincidence, eh? However..." He pulled out a stained checkered wood box from the air behind him and set it down on a table between them. He opened it up, revealing chess pieces, "Why not stay with the classic, all things considered. Choose which color you want." 

Do you want to actually play the game or like just say irp "They made a stellar strategy to take the queen" or something like that.

"Sounds good to me. Just to be clear, what are we playing for again?"

We can actually play if you want.

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24 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"Sounds good to me. Just to be clear, what are we playing for again?"

We can actually play if you want.

"To take the place of our fight," Thaidakar clarified. "It extenuates the mind more than the body, more than an actual fight would, for that takes quick action directed into strategy and Narration from the mind and soul. A game, however, is less taxing and altogether a better way to solve things between two intellectuals, wouldn't you say, my dear?" He said "dear" in the way that an old professor would call someone who he'd been acquainted with for a good while now. "See, the manipulation of the pieces will bring a more satisfaction to our brains than merely fighting. And, besides, there is a more feasible ending, as we can see with the examples being the fight I had just now with Platypus and the never ending battles against the Wither Lord. For, when several powers, similar in levels, clash in a place such as TLT, Narration being as it is, there is no way for a true ending to come forth. Thus we see that this is the only true way to solve a conflict, where a real ending for it can be achieved with simple skill and movements of insignificant pieces of the planet."

Thaidakar had gone full academic mode. Aka, full boring mode. What he said would sound absolutely boring to some, and entirely entertaining to other persons. To him, he was saying something riveting and quite enjoyable to listen to. Perhaps Subversion would agree, but perhaps not. If not, then at least he knew Nowhere would approve of his theories.

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