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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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2 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Yes indeed," said Nowhere sarcastically. "Who else has done that, I wonder... Nameless, there are several current antagonists now, all of them dangerous. You don't remember it, but there once was a-" Nowhere's mouth shut and he grunted, trying to speak. He tried several more times until his mouth loosened, "... Shadow knows. Thaidakar knows part of it. Mythos is finding out. Nameless, it is of great importance that someone else know this knowledge before time runs out. The time of vicissitude is close at hand, Nameless One. Do you know how Eof knows everything? Whatever you think you know about his foresight is probably wrong... He knows it because he was one of the-" his mouth shut again. It was a longer time before the scientist could speak again. "Eof used to be something very important in TLT before that name was erased. He knows everything and nothing. When he remembers the past will be the time that either saves us all or destroys us. No in-between."

Nameless shrugged. "I'm sure my current self will handle it." He glanced at Desolation. "So he's mixed up in all this? New villain, looking for Mordite to help whoever that mysterious boss of his is?"

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7 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Great! So, what should I do now? How can I help at the moment?”

4 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Yes indeed," said Nowhere sarcastically. "Who else has done that, I wonder... Nameless, there are several current antagonists now, all of them dangerous. You don't remember it, but there once was a-" Nowhere's mouth shut and he grunted, trying to speak. He tried several more times until his mouth loosened, "... Shadow knows. Thaidakar knows part of it. Mythos is finding out. Nameless, it is of great importance that someone else know this knowledge before time runs out. The time of vicissitude is close at hand, Nameless One. Do you know how Eof knows everything? Whatever you think you know about his foresight is probably wrong... He knows it because he was one of the-" his mouth shut again. It was a longer time before the scientist could speak again. "Eof used to be something very important in TLT before that name was erased. He knows everything and nothing. When he remembers the past will be the time that either saves us all or destroys us. No in-between."


Mythos cursed softly as he strode down the stairs, his clothes seemingly dragging him towards some direction. There was something... familiar about it. And, yet, it was an eerie familiarity. He knew this place, yet he hated it. He had no idea why, except that apparently he'd had a crown here once, apparently. Or, at least, someone who looked strikingly similar to him had. And, for some reason, a woman with Lindy's ring had been here with her hand on his shoulder in the painting. 

"But why?" he asked in hushed tones. He didn't exactly know why he was whispering beyond that it just felt right to do so. Mythos reached a long hallway. His clothes continued to drag him forward and he didn't stop this time. On the sides of the hallway were paintings, stained glass windows and tapestries. All of them portrayed various scenes of glory, most of them centering on himself, Shadow, a few Narrators, the Mimes and...

He felt all the blood drain from his face as he stopped in his tracks and stared wide eyed at what he saw. Immortalized in the glass was a woman standing there with a glowing orb in both hands. At her right side was Eof, standing tall and clutching a red and gold eye in his hands At her left was Shadow, steadfast with a blade at his side, his hand rubbing the pommel. They all wore robes covered in an odd kind of runes.

Runes that Mythos could read.

And... what they said made the difference.

Servants of the high hand. Leaders of a righteous land. A prophesy to build. A future to see. A plan to set forth. A legion of heroes to foster. Antagonists to let fester. The sacred plan moves onward. The Legended. The Name. The Herald of Darkness. The Nameless One. The Avenger. The Darkness. The Scarred One. The Chosen Warrior. The Creator of Gems. The Shadowed One. They are in the Land Without Plot. Some are the same, some are different and many are their own. They are the ones we plan for, they are the ones that we ready the Thread for and more. One of our number shall die untimely. One of our number shall reign. One of our number shall be the creator of a new world. All of us shall be remembered when no-one is looking for us.

One name sparked in Mythos's head. A name that used to be his. A name that two now carried. And, with it, was a first name.

Oh, how he'd loved that name.

"Zara Von Kelsier. My mother." He whispered softly, his hands meeting his temples. Von Kelsier was Thaidakar's last name. Von Kelsier was Zara's last name. Von Kelsier was Spook's last name.

And... apparently it had been his own last name once upon a time.

Thaidakar looked uncomfortable as Platypus hugged him, but patted Platypus's back, "Thank you, Platypus... There may come a time where you will understand why. Pray that you never find out."


Platypus laughed at Thaidakar's discomfort. Then he disappeared.

Platypus reappeared in the courtyard. "Right now," he said, interrupting Hacob as he started, "we need to go stop Desolation from aquiring Mordite. Thaid can't help us. But he has given me a mission, and if he says it's important, it is important. Come with me."

He walks towards the middle of the courtyard.

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1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus laughed at Thaidakar's discomfort. Then he disappeared.

Platypus reappeared in the courtyard. "Right now," he said, interrupting Hacob as he started, "we need to go stop Desolation from aquiring Mordite. Thaid can't help us. But he has given me a mission, and if he says it's important, it is important. Come with me."

He walks towards the middle of the courtyard.

The once author follows him, slightly confused but not questioning.

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Thaidakar and I have an... understanding. He is an interesting individual, more so because of his recent actions. For most, I wouldn't condone what he's done, but..." Nowhere shook his head. "Know that there is a reason to chaos and a chaos to harmony."

Nowhere paled, "Th-the... Voice..." He straightened, resuming his calm and calculated voice. "Is that so? I did not think that our friend the Scarred One would want to make an appearance after his banishment. Then again..." he smiled, "how can it have an appearance if it is assuming that title rather than his other titles... Interesting. I will supply you one Mordite Blade under two conditions. You will bring me the key to his mansion and will leave me and Impossible alone for the next thousand pages. Do you accept these terms?"

The voice made a ponderous noise, "He knows the past... as he should. I accept these terms, but do you, Desolation?"

"They are but your terms." Desolation responded to the Voice of Darkness. To Nowhere, he said, "I will accept these terms, so long as you and I never interact in these 1000 pages."

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7 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Yes. I can.” He takes a deep breath. “I can.”

"Alright then. Ready? Either way we're go-"

His voice cuts off as the sun passes directly overhead. A beam of light hits the panel at their feet, and a box springs up around the three of them. When it lowers, they are on page 1 with Desolation, Nowhere and the others.

"Stop!" His voice cuts through any sound in the area, silencing it. "Nowhere, you cannot give him Mordite. I have been warned by Thaidakar Von Kelsier that Desolation cannot be allowed to get Mordite. You know how he didn't want to die? He told me to kill him if Desolation gets Mordite. I'm not sure what could cause that desire, and it doesn't matter. If he thinks it is that bad, I will do all in my power to stop it."

He slides to Hacob and the Once-Author. "Be ready for a fight. Desolation won't like my interference. I think I will rely upon you to surprise him, Once-Author. That and the fact that Hacob is the only one to really defeat him. I will take care of Nowhere if he tries to give Desolation Mordite. You two take care of Desolation. And get Nameless to help you if you can, he'd be useful."

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1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Alright then. Ready? Either way we're go-"

His voice cuts off as the sun passes directly overhead. A beam of light hits the panel at their feet, and a box springs up around the three of them. When it lowers, they are on page 1 with Desolation, Nowhere and the others.

"Stop!" His voice cuts through any sound in the area, silencing it. "Nowhere, you cannot give him Mordite. I have been warned by Thaidakar Von Kelsier that Desolation cannot be allowed to get Mordite. You know how he didn't want to die? He told me to kill him if Desolation gets Mordite. I'm not sure what could cause that desire, and it doesn't matter. If he thinks it is that bad, I will do all in my power to stop it."

He slides to Hacob and the Once-Author. "Be ready for a fight. Desolation won't like my interference. I think I will rely upon you to surprise him, Once-Author. That and the fact that Hacob is the only one to really defeat him. I will take care of Nowhere if he tries to give Desolation Mordite. You two take care of Desolation. And get Nameless to help you if you can, he'd be useful."

Nameless split in two and walked up to the group. "Everyone's coming back in time, huh? Surprised I'm not here too. Perhaps I knew I'd be here."

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21 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Nameless split in two and walked up to the group. "Everyone's coming back in time, huh? Surprised I'm not here too. Perhaps I knew I'd be here."


23 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Alright then. Ready? Either way we're go-"

His voice cuts off as the sun passes directly overhead. A beam of light hits the panel at their feet, and a box springs up around the three of them. When it lowers, they are on page 1 with Desolation, Nowhere and the others.

"Stop!" His voice cuts through any sound in the area, silencing it. "Nowhere, you cannot give him Mordite. I have been warned by Thaidakar Von Kelsier that Desolation cannot be allowed to get Mordite. You know how he didn't want to die? He told me to kill him if Desolation gets Mordite. I'm not sure what could cause that desire, and it doesn't matter. If he thinks it is that bad, I will do all in my power to stop it."

He slides to Hacob and the Once-Author. "Be ready for a fight. Desolation won't like my interference. I think I will rely upon you to surprise him, Once-Author. That and the fact that Hacob is the only one to really defeat him. I will take care of Nowhere if he tries to give Desolation Mordite. You two take care of Desolation. And get Nameless to help you if you can, he'd be useful."

Desolation looked at them questioningly. "This is the last place you want to fight. I will warn you now, if you start fighting here, then Time will notice, and all of us, you included, will be devoured by Time. Time will break immortality or counter Narration." 

Desolation traces a reverse outline of both Nameless' and Platypus' Narration, throws up some mental barriers, and draws the Nohr-maul blade. 

"Thaidakar told you to kill him? Truly pathetic. If you have to kill him, make sure to give me the key to his house. Either way, even if Hacob is here, you have already walked into a trap. Without Miracle, you cannot escape Time."

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2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:


Desolation looked at them questioningly. "This is the last place you want to fight. I will warn you now, if you start fighting here, then Time will notice, and all of us, you included, will be devoured by Time. Time will break immortality or counter Narration." 

Desolation traces a reverse outline of both Nameless' and Platypus' Narration, throws up some mental barriers, and draws the Nohr-maul blade. 

"Thaidakar told you to kill him? Truly pathetic. If you have to kill him, make sure to give me the key to his house. Either way, even if Hacob is here, you have already walked into a trap. Without Miracle, you cannot escape Time."

"You really think I am in danger of Time? I befriended Time long ago, else I would be dead."

What Narration?

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

"You really think I am in danger of Time? I befriended Time long ago, else I would be dead."

What Narration?

The power in general. Desolation has other normal goo figures back in present time so he is fine.

"Time is always changing. Now, it hates people who defy it. Everyone is in danger of Time. Even me."

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9 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:


Desolation looked at them questioningly. "This is the last place you want to fight. I will warn you now, if you start fighting here, then Time will notice, and all of us, you included, will be devoured by Time. Time will break immortality or counter Narration." 

Desolation traces a reverse outline of both Nameless' and Platypus' Narration, throws up some mental barriers, and draws the Nohr-maul blade. 

"Thaidakar told you to kill him? Truly pathetic. If you have to kill him, make sure to give me the key to his house. Either way, even if Hacob is here, you have already walked into a trap. Without Miracle, you cannot escape Time."

Nameless immediately stabbed Desolation in the chest with his Narrationblade. "Please. You think Time scares me? I'm not so weak as to fear a mere idea. Time holds no power over me or my narration."

Edited by Nameless*
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Just now, Nameless* said:

Nameless immediately stabbed Desolation in the chest with his Narrationblade. "Please. You think Time scares me? I'm not so weak as to fear a mere idea. Time holds no power over me, or my narration."

Nameless is old so it wouldn't eat him.

"I do." Desolation summoned a Narrationblade, this time less squiggly than normal. "You think you can just make a comeback after being inactive for several pages? You are still rusty." 


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Just now, Aeoryi said:

"I do." Desolation summoned a Narrationblade, this time less squiggly than normal. "You think you can just make a comeback after being inactive for several pages? You are still rusty." 

"Rusty? What are you talking about? I'm at the top of my game." Nameless flared with power, and suddenly Desolation found himself splattered against the ground, held in place by a seemingly immovable force.

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9 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"Rusty? What are you talking about? I'm at the top of my game." Nameless flared with power, and suddenly Desolation found himself splattered against the ground, held in place by a seemingly immovable force.

The blade of Desolation cut through the force, and consumed it. "Where is the old Nameless? He was so much better."

Desolation picked up the Nohr-maul blade, then charged at Nameless

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6 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The blade of Desolation cut through the force, and consumed it. "Where is the old Nameless? He was so much better."

Desolation picked up the Nohr-maul blade, then charged at Nameless

"What old Nameless? I've never met you in my life." Nameless spun his Narrationblade in a casual arc, not looking at all worried by Desolation's attack.

I think Desolation mistook Unintelligible for Nameless when they met shortly after he was first summoned. Nameless died a long time before Desolation was released.

Edited by Nameless*
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5 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"What old Nameless? I've never met you in my life." Nameless spun his Narrationblade in a casual arc, not looking at all worried by Desolation's attack.

The Nohr-maul blade completely crushed the Narrationblade, collapsing it. The Nohr-maul blade was pointed at Nameless' chest.

"You should know," Desolation said slowly, "That your Author put your character sheet on their About me page. It also conveniently lists your weaknesses."

That's a lie. Don't even think it's true.

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4 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The Nohr-maul blade completely crushed the Narrationblade, collapsing it. The Nohr-maul blade was pointed at Nameless' chest.

"You should know," Desolation said slowly, "That your Author put your character sheet on their About me page. It also conveniently lists your weaknesses."

That's a lie. Don't even think it's true.

Nameless summoned his Narrationblade again a split moment later, opting to allow Desolation's blade to plunge into his chest, then swing his Narrationblade for the monster's head. "I don't have any weaknesses. And certainly none that something like you could exploit."

Nameless wouldn't care even if it were true, which it sort of is.

Edited by Nameless*
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1 minute ago, Nameless* said:

Nameless summoned his Narrationblade again a split moment later, opting to allow Desolation's blade to plunge into his chest, then swing his Narrationblade for the monster's head. "I don't have any weaknesses. And certainly none that something like you could exploit."

nit like nameless would admit that

Desolation simply regrew a head. The Nohr-maul blade was stabbed harder through Nameless' chest. By now he would probably realize it was fatal. "That certainly doesn't seem like the case, no?"

This is gonna be the end of Nameless if he doesn't get the blade out of him.

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39 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The power in general. Desolation has other normal goo figures back in present time so he is fine.

"Time is always changing. Now, it hates people who defy it. Everyone is in danger of Time. Even me."

"That's the thing. I don't defy it. I am here with permission."

39 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“So…” The Once-Author whispered to Platypus. “Now?”

@Being of Cacophony

"Yeah. Now."

2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Desolation simply regrew a head. The Nohr-maul blade was stabbed harder through Nameless' chest. By now he would probably realize it was fatal. "That certainly doesn't seem like the case, no?"

This is gonna be the end of Nameless if he doesn't get the blade out of him.

Using the opportunity, Platypus swung with his Narrationblade and Plotblade at two different places.

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1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"That's the thing. I don't defy it. I am here with permission."

"Yeah. Now."

Using the opportunity, Platypus swung with his Narrationblade and Plotblade at two different places.

Desolation pulled the Nohr-maul blade out of Nameless and ignored the plotblade and the juicy narration sinking into him, instead opting to strike Platypus' side with the Narrator-killing blade.

Nameless is still alive. He probably has less narration though.

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6 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Desolation simply regrew a head. The Nohr-maul blade was stabbed harder through Nameless' chest. By now he would probably realize it was fatal. "That certainly doesn't seem like the case, no?"

Nameless dissolved into the blade. This caused the second Nameless to look over at Desolation, a hint of surprise on his face. "Well, that was impressive. Wouldn't expect you to be able to do that to a clone of mine." He split in two again, one of the clones appearing in front of Desolation. "Now you have my full attention. Half of it anyways."

3 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Using the opportunity, Platypus swung with his Narrationblade and Plotblade at two different places.

Nameless' other clone appeared in the way, catching the Plotblade on his own Narrationblade before it could strike Desolation. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I think I'll let this guy succeed, if he can beat my clone."

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The Once-Author pulled out a pen and began writing in midair, glowing letters forming. Suddenly a gigantic pulse of energy radiated out from him. As it did, the narration in Platypus, Hacob, and Nameless doubled, though Desolation’s remained the same. Desolation was thrown backwards, the Nohr-maul blade missed Platypus.

I can’t write anything without having someone write more first :P

Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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