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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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14 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar grunted in response to what Platypus said. That was all he had time for, after all.

What happened next would go down in the history of Thaidakar's author as one of the greatest finales he'd ever written.

Thaidakar flipped through the air, complex Narrations that fed more Narration to Desolation, thus preventing him from getting to the shield. Thaidakar landed behind a large group of Desolations, slamming a wave of enhanced Plot Weaving into them, sending them flying to different parts in their individual character arcs. As Plot Weaving was not Narration and could not be used by most, it most likely was not absorbed, at least not immediately. Thaidakar rushed forward, moving like a hurricane of destruction, sweat and blood flying from his body as he fought like nothing before, dispatching one Desolation after another, meeting blades with his own. He slashed armor and more off of the Inkling copies, slamming his blade into their flesh, sizzling as the exposed skin like stuff met the Narration Blades, hot because of use. 

The Narrator fought as if it was a dance, bringing death down upon his enemies. This was what he was good at, this was how he did things and this was how he wanted to be remembered. He, Thaidakar Von Kelsier, was a warrior of immeasurable skills because the world had forced him to be. He never wanted anyone ever again to be forced to become a creature like himself. 

And that was what he fought for.

Even as exhaustion and weariness attacked him from Platypus attempting to kill him, he continued to fight, adrenaline flooding his veins. He laughed as power rippled around him, ripping more of the Desolations apart. 

"I AM THAIDAKAR VON KELSIER!" Thaidakar slammed one blade into a Desolation's neck, Narrating defenses all around, feeding more into the Desolations to stop them from taking the core shielding, "I am Feanor, the Creator Of Gems! I've created the sparkling caves beneath Kalithor!" 

Feanor and Thaidakar spread ruin and carnage as they went, doing what they did best. This was his legacy, Thaidakar decided, the fallen bodies of those who would destroy the core of TLT. "I am the Herald Of The Apocalyptic Return! I have attempted do stop it! Let that be my legacy upon the thread!

"You will fight for your horrid cause, Desolation! But you will never succeed as long as there are still Authors, Narrators, Avatars and Characters still breathing!

And, thus, he resumed, continuing his glorious final work upon TLT. 

"That's why my plans are to make sure there are no Narrators or Avatars in TLT." Desolation figured this was Thaidakar's last stand.

for each Desolation ripped apart another 5 (yes, five) took it's place. The core defenses idea was quite intriguing, but it took Desolation a little time to figure it out. 

Each new Desolation carried something special. A blade, similar in design to the Nohr-maul blade, but yet visibly less potent, so that way they would shatter upon the destruction of each Desolation. 

Desolation almost didn't want to kill him, but it was a thing that had to be done. The primary desolation stood atop a gooey mound, formed within the now black liquid mansion. "I am Desolation. You cannot destroy me, and you can easily be destroyed. The fight is over the moment it began."

and with that, ALL the Desolations charged at the narrator, some on dragons, some on foot, some in armor, some with voidbeasts. But they all attacked with the same weapon. The weapon that could kill a narrator.

EDIT: @Being of Cacophony Desolation can basically never be disarmed. Maybe platypus could kill Thaidakar with the Mordite blade, lest Desolation take all of his Narration or something like that. Or you could just... let Desolation do his thing -\_(:l)_/-

Edited by Aeoryi
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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar grunted in response to what Platypus said. That was all he had time for, after all.

What happened next would go down in the history of Thaidakar's author as one of the greatest finales he'd ever written.

Thaidakar flipped through the air, complex Narrations that fed more Narration to Desolation, thus preventing him from getting to the shield. Thaidakar landed behind a large group of Desolations, slamming a wave of enhanced Plot Weaving into them, sending them flying to different parts in their individual character arcs. As Plot Weaving was not Narration and could not be used by most, it most likely was not absorbed, at least not immediately. Thaidakar rushed forward, moving like a hurricane of destruction, sweat and blood flying from his body as he fought like nothing before, dispatching one Desolation after another, meeting blades with his own. He slashed armor and more off of the Inkling copies, slamming his blade into their flesh, sizzling as the exposed skin like stuff met the Narration Blades, hot because of use. 

The Narrator fought as if it was a dance, bringing death down upon his enemies. This was what he was good at, this was how he did things and this was how he wanted to be remembered. He, Thaidakar Von Kelsier, was a warrior of immeasurable skills because the world had forced him to be. He never wanted anyone ever again to be forced to become a creature like himself. 

And that was what he fought for.

Even as exhaustion and weariness attacked him from Platypus attempting to kill him, he continued to fight, adrenaline flooding his veins. He laughed as power rippled around him, ripping more of the Desolations apart. 

"I AM THAIDAKAR VON KELSIER!" Thaidakar slammed one blade into a Desolation's neck, Narrating defenses all around, feeding more into the Desolations to stop them from taking the core shielding, "I am Feanor, the Creator Of Gems! I've created the sparkling caves beneath Kalithor!" 

Feanor and Thaidakar spread ruin and carnage as they went, doing what they did best. This was his legacy, Thaidakar decided, the fallen bodies of those who would destroy the core of TLT. "I am the Herald Of The Apocalyptic Return! I have attempted do stop it! Let that be my legacy upon the thread!

"You will fight for your horrid cause, Desolation! But you will never succeed as long as there are still Authors, Narrators, Avatars and Characters still breathing!

And, thus, he resumed, continuing his glorious final work upon TLT. 

1 hour ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion watched the fight with an impressed gaze, then pulled out her Narrationblade and prepared to stab Thaidakar in the back.

@Being of Cacophony

Platypus locked Narrationblades with her and twisted, throwing the Narrationblade out of her hand, then lunged forward, stabbing with Vengeance.

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

"That's why my plans are to make sure there are no Narrators or Avatars in TLT." Desolation figured this was Thaidakar's last stand.

for each Desolation ripped apart another 5 (yes, five) took it's place. The core defenses idea was quite intriguing, but it took Desolation a little time to figure it out. 

Each new Desolation carried something special. A blade, similar in design to the Nohr-maul blade, but yet visibly less potent, so that way they would shatter upon the destruction of each Desolation. 

Desolation almost didn't want to kill him, but it was a thing that had to be done. The primary desolation stood atop a gooey mound, formed within the now black liquid mansion. "I am Desolation. You cannot destroy me, and you can easily be destroyed. The fight is over the moment it began."

and with that, ALL the Desolations charged at the narrator, some on dragons, some on foot, some in armor, some with voidbeasts. But they all attacked with the same weapon. The weapon that could kill a narrator.

EDIT: @Being of Cacophony Desolation can basically never be disarmed. Maybe platypus could kill Thaidakar with the Mordite blade, lest Desolation take all of his Narration or something like that. Or you could just... let Desolation do his thing -\_(:l)_/-

for the purpose of my upcoming character arc (and because they already fought and it just feels like a natural conclusion), I would like to be the one to kill thaidakar, and the mordite blade is basically the only way he can do it while continuing thaid's planned plot. So what I'm thinking is that somehow he's distracted (probably by fighting Thaid) and Platypus steals the blade to kill thaidakar. And he could be disarmed, he's not expecting Platypus to fight him with plot (by manipulating plot he could take the Mordite blade from him) so he would steal it and kill Thaid. Is that ok?

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31 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus locked Narrationblades with her and twisted, throwing the Narrationblade out of her hand, then lunged forward, stabbing with Vengeance.

Subversion spun to the side, summoning her Narrationblade again and counterattacking with a swift strike.

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

"That's why my plans are to make sure there are no Narrators or Avatars in TLT." Desolation figured this was Thaidakar's last stand.

for each Desolation ripped apart another 5 (yes, five) took it's place. The core defenses idea was quite intriguing, but it took Desolation a little time to figure it out. 

Each new Desolation carried something special. A blade, similar in design to the Nohr-maul blade, but yet visibly less potent, so that way they would shatter upon the destruction of each Desolation. 

Desolation almost didn't want to kill him, but it was a thing that had to be done. The primary desolation stood atop a gooey mound, formed within the now black liquid mansion. "I am Desolation. You cannot destroy me, and you can easily be destroyed. The fight is over the moment it began."

and with that, ALL the Desolations charged at the narrator, some on dragons, some on foot, some in armor, some with voidbeasts. But they all attacked with the same weapon. The weapon that could kill a narrator.

EDIT: @Being of Cacophony Desolation can basically never be disarmed. Maybe platypus could kill Thaidakar with the Mordite blade, lest Desolation take all of his Narration or something like that. Or you could just... let Desolation do his thing -\_(:l)_/-

Thaidakar laughed, "I can easily be destroyed? Look at the times I've died and come back. I'm a Narrator... I'm Thaidakar Von Kelsier. I might not be able to kill you, but you won't be able to kill me! At least for a time..." 

He roared like a lion, sweeping his blades beside him, launching all the Desolations with several layers of Plot Weaving and Narration away from him. It was long enough for him to stab the Narration blades into the ground with a thunk. Thaidakar smiled as power swept across the wide area, using almost undetectable Narration. More Narration burst visibly, ripping through other Desolations first so they would absorb it, letting the rest come to them. As the second wave hit, the Desolations began to lose focus as characters, their arcs becoming frayed and meaningless. Every bit of their character was more and more horribly Narrated until they were written off and scrapped to make way for better characters. 

The Narrator had never touched a Plotblade... perhaps he never would. And, yet, Thaidakar's abilities somehow seemed similar to how one would be while holding one of those powerful weapons. Inside, Thaidakar thought he knew why. His Author had made a character touch a Plotblade. And, with the way Thaidakar had invested himself in his son, they were essentially one in spirit. So, therefore, Thaidakar could access its abilities even though he was not currently holding the blade.

However, this theory was wrong, as Thaidakar would discover in the afterlife after a time. Thaidakar was channeling the power of Plot directly. When Plot had died, his sword had been split with aspects of him, but there was one little itty bit that had attached itself to the person who had exemplified that the most in the thread.


Thaidakar wasn't a good father all in all, but he had tried to get his sons the best in life.

And that's what it meant to be a parent, after all.

Thaidakar slammed his blades forward, killing Desolation after Desolation. And, yet, he felt wearier and wearier. His time was soon, whether by Platypus's hand or by Desolation's, Thaidakar Von Kelsier would be no more.

He grabbed a Desolation by the throat, making them feel as if they'd done something horribly wrong and were being cornered by someone who was going to punish them. Making them feel small. He took advantage of that feeling, making them physically small and tossing them away from him. Immediately he injected in them with Narration that they were puffed up and proud of what they were doing, feeling bigger than those around him. Thaidakar used that to make him as big as an air plane which caused him to crash into hundreds of Desolations, crushing them on impact.

Thaidakar screamed, blades licking his arms as he killed every Desolation with every weapon in his arsenal that came near him. He couldn't keep up forever, but he would certainly try to.

14 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus locked Narrationblades with her and twisted, throwing the Narrationblade out of her hand, then lunged forward, stabbing with Vengeance.

for the purpose of my upcoming character arc (and because they already fought and it just feels like a natural conclusion), I would like to be the one to kill thaidakar, and the mordite blade is basically the only way he can do it while continuing thaid's planned plot. So what I'm thinking is that somehow he's distracted (probably by fighting Thaid) and Platypus steals the blade to kill thaidakar. And he could be disarmed, he's not expecting Platypus to fight him with plot (by manipulating plot he could take the Mordite blade from him) so he would steal it and kill Thaid. Is that ok?

I would agree... except that my original reasoning for why if Desolation stabbed Thaidakar in his weakened state with a Mordite blade, certain things would happen because the fact that the Voice was talking to Desolation in specific. Though, I could jurry rig something to work with that... It can work with whichever, as long as he's stabbed with Mordite.

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10 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar laughed, "I can easily be destroyed? Look at the times I've died and come back. I'm a Narrator... I'm Thaidakar Von Kelsier. I might not be able to kill you, but you won't be able to kill me! At least for a time..." 

He roared like a lion, sweeping his blades beside him, launching all the Desolations with several layers of Plot Weaving and Narration away from him. It was long enough for him to stab the Narration blades into the ground with a thunk. Thaidakar smiled as power swept across the wide area, using almost undetectable Narration. More Narration burst visibly, ripping through other Desolations first so they would absorb it, letting the rest come to them. As the second wave hit, the Desolations began to lose focus as characters, their arcs becoming frayed and meaningless. Every bit of their character was more and more horribly Narrated until they were written off and scrapped to make way for better characters. 

The Narrator had never touched a Plotblade... perhaps he never would. And, yet, Thaidakar's abilities somehow seemed similar to how one would be while holding one of those powerful weapons. Inside, Thaidakar thought he knew why. His Author had made a character touch a Plotblade. And, with the way Thaidakar had invested himself in his son, they were essentially one in spirit. So, therefore, Thaidakar could access its abilities even though he was not currently holding the blade.

However, this theory was wrong, as Thaidakar would discover in the afterlife after a time. Thaidakar was channeling the power of Plot directly. When Plot had died, his sword had been split with aspects of him, but there was one little itty bit that had attached itself to the person who had exemplified that the most in the thread.


Thaidakar wasn't a good father all in all, but he had tried to get his sons the best in life.

And that's what it meant to be a parent, after all.

Thaidakar slammed his blades forward, killing Desolation after Desolation. And, yet, he felt wearier and wearier. His time was soon, whether by Platypus's hand or by Desolation's, Thaidakar Von Kelsier would be no more.

He grabbed a Desolation by the throat, making them feel as if they'd done something horribly wrong and were being cornered by someone who was going to punish them. Making them feel small. He took advantage of that feeling, making them physically small and tossing them away from him. Immediately he injected in them with Narration that they were puffed up and proud of what they were doing, feeling bigger than those around him. Thaidakar used that to make him as big as an air plane which caused him to crash into hundreds of Desolations, crushing them on impact.

Thaidakar screamed, blades licking his arms as he killed every Desolation with every weapon in his arsenal that came near him. He couldn't keep up forever, but he would certainly try to.

I would agree... except that my original reasoning for why if Desolation stabbed Thaidakar in his weakened state with a Mordite blade, certain things would happen because the fact that the Voice was talking to Desolation in specific. Though, I could jurry rig something to work with that... It can work with whichever, as long as he's stabbed with Mordite.

I mean, as long as thaidakar dies it satisfies all party.

Desolation was worried. Thaidakar was extremely skilled in using plot, and far more clever with it than platypus yet more delicate with plot than subversion.

Desolation spoke, "Impressive. But have you ever seen what a true inkling can do?"

This was enough. Desolation would finally have to use Narration. 

He tugged on both Nameless' and Subversion's narration pools, gathering narration as he prepared his attacks. By now, Desolation was running low on Inkblades, so he had to change. 

Change. He needed to...

Within mere seconds, all the remaining Desolations shrank into the floor, and out of the walls came Three dragons, collosal in size, making Thaidakar look like but a spec of sand admist an ocean, all had a rider. Each rider, normal in size (although a bit bigger than normal), held a weapon.

The rider of a four-winged serpent dragon held Foreshadowing, in its entirety, and had several golden strands, visions (of random people's futures), circling him. He was clad in armor, and his dragon rippled with lethal spikes.

 The second Desolation held a diferent weapon. A full narrationblade in its glory, translucent in color (although it had prismatic outlines), was in his hand. The entire dragon he was riding on was coated with the same material, but used for armor. Narrationplate, if you will.

The final and arguably most important rider to thaidakar was holding the Nohr-maul blade in one hand, and the unholy Mordite blade in the other. This dragon was pulsing with chaotic energy, hardly even able to keep the power of plot inside.

They all spoke at once, "This is what an inkling looks like in full power. And you're about to experience it." @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Falvan watched in anticipation as Thaidakar began defeating Desolation. But then Desolation split and grew into enormous dragons. Falvan eye got caught on the plot blade held by one on a four winged dragon. He saw swirls of future tellings. Some blurry, in distinct images, others clearer than what seemed possible at his distance. He watched himself, a…hero. Then he saw himself… not a hero… fighting against them? But he saw others too. He saw himself journeying to the dreams let— getting a sword perfect for him. Suddenly he knew the way. He saw platapus starving. He saw the images flash faster and faster. Plot being summoned. A huge giant making a colossal storm. A snail in a sandwich being thrown and fought over. He saw a group of people in cloaks sitting in an old temple. He saw fleets of ships flying in space. Faster and faster until he could no longer tell them apart. Then it stopped. He saw Thaidakar lying bloody on the ground. And get chills. Platypus standing over him. He had to stop that. He would try at everything to not let that happen. 

I’m sorry it is just a good opportunity. Also Falvan has no power compared to platypus but he does have the element if surprise.


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1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan watched in anticipation as Thaidakar began defeating Desolation. But then Desolation split and grew into enormous dragons. Falvan eye got caught on the plot blade held by one on a four winged dragon. He saw swirls of future tellings. Some blurry, in distinct images, others clearer than what seemed possible at his distance. He watched himself, a…hero. Then he saw himself… not a hero… fighting against them? But he saw others too. He saw himself journeying to the dreams let— getting a sword perfect for him. Suddenly he knew the way. He saw platapus starving. He saw the images flash faster and faster. Plot being summoned. A huge giant making a colossal storm. A snail in a sandwich being thrown and fought over. He saw a group of people in cloaks sitting in an old temple. He saw fleets of ships flying in space. Faster and faster until he could no longer tell them apart. Then it stopped. He saw Thaidakar lying bloody on the ground. And get chills. Platypus standing over him. He had to stop that. He would try at everything to not let that happen. 

I’m sorry it is just a good opportunity. Also Falvan has no power compared to platypus but he does have the element if surprise.


So long as falvan looked into the future, a voice spoke into his mind. It was gentle, not intrusive, and calm. "You see what will happen? It is already foretold. We inklings have been waiting several hundred pages for this. It is our Solace." A rolling spiral of light descended onto falvan's shoulder, forming into a ribbon as it did so. "You already have the connections, child. And you have the plotblade to fight back. I will not interfere, but I will suggest that you do so. Aim to get the darkest blade off the field for the brightest future." 

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4 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan was tempted for a moment. Really tempted. But he remembered how Desolation had been when he had first unleashed him. It was his fault. He would not fall for their tricks a second time. He brushed off the gold and flew away, biding a time to stop Platypus.

"Child, you fear of me." The orange inkling said. .

Instead of a gooey substance, this inkling was more like flowing water. It formed into a ribbon and zipped over to Falvan. 

"I, am Cognition. As you can see, I manifest quite differently than Desolation. I am not him. I embody a different feeling than him. I wish only to guide you, not to decieve you."

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8 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

He tugged on both Nameless' and Subversion's narration pools, gathering narration as he prepared his attacks. By now, Desolation was running low on Inkblades, so he had to change. 

Desplation felt an angry tug, and Nameless’ narration vanished from his grasp, leaving only what he’d stolen during their battle.

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9 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

I mean, as long as thaidakar dies it satisfies all party.

Desolation was worried. Thaidakar was extremely skilled in using plot, and far more clever with it than platypus yet more delicate with plot than subversion.

Desolation spoke, "Impressive. But have you ever seen what a true inkling can do?"

This was enough. Desolation would finally have to use Narration. 

He tugged on both Nameless' and Subversion's narration pools, gathering narration as he prepared his attacks. By now, Desolation was running low on Inkblades, so he had to change. 

Change. He needed to...

Within mere seconds, all the remaining Desolations shrank into the floor, and out of the walls came Three dragons, collosal in size, making Thaidakar look like but a spec of sand admist an ocean, all had a rider. Each rider, normal in size (although a bit bigger than normal), held a weapon.

The rider of a four-winged serpent dragon held Foreshadowing, in its entirety, and had several golden strands, visions (of random people's futures), circling him. He was clad in armor, and his dragon rippled with lethal spikes.

 The second Desolation held a diferent weapon. A full narrationblade in its glory, translucent in color (although it had prismatic outlines), was in his hand. The entire dragon he was riding on was coated with the same material, but used for armor. Narrationplate, if you will.

The final and arguably most important rider to thaidakar was holding the Nohr-maul blade in one hand, and the unholy Mordite blade in the other. This dragon was pulsing with chaotic energy, hardly even able to keep the power of plot inside.

They all spoke at once, "This is what an inkling looks like in full power. And you're about to experience it." @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

so can I kill him? I'd need to steal the Mordite to do so. 

Platypus guided his fight closer towards the Desolation with the Mordite.

Wait, I just realized Platypus might be doing a 3v1 soon :P With Desolation, Falvan, and Subversion.

48 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Desplation felt an angry tug, and Nameless’ narration vanished from his grasp, leaving only what he’d stolen during their battle.

Desolation realized that with that, Platypus' Narration was never actually there. He was just over-confidant and assumed Platypus couldn't stop him from taking the Narration.

18 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

Would anyone mind if I introduced a new character during this fight? Or is there specific plot and story going on rn

there is a specific plot right now. You could probably introduce a character, but it probably isn't the best time

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43 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus guided his fight closer towards the Desolation with the Mordite.

Subversion stepped back, breathing heavily. "I see what you're doing Platypus. You're going to try and kill Thaidakar before Desolation can. Well, go ahead if you want. As long as Thaidakar dies, I don't care what happens. Although I think it'd be easier for you if I just did it instead."

Also, Desolation never claimed to have Platypus's narration.

Edited by Nameless*
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1 minute ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion stepped back, breathing heavily. "I see what you're doing Platypus. You're going to try and kill Thaidakar before Desolation can. Well, go ahead if you want. As long as Thaidakar dies, I don't care what happens. Although I think it'd be easier for you if I just did it instead."

Also, Desolation never claimed to have Platypus's narration.

oh, I misread Nameless as Platypus for whatever reason. THEY BOTH END WITH S, ALL RIGHT?

Platypus grimaced. "NO! It doesn't matter if you can see it, I know what I need to do. Some people do what they promise they'll do for a friend. But why do you want Thaid to die? Are you so power-hungry that you are going to try to take his Narration if you can?"

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9 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

"Child, you fear of me." The orange inkling said. .

Instead of a gooey substance, this inkling was more like flowing water. It formed into a ribbon and zipped over to Falvan. 

"I, am Cognition. As you can see, I manifest quite differently than Desolation. I am not him. I embody a different feeling than him. I wish only to guide you, not to decieve you."

No. I will not do this again. He thought. But… “Can you help me? Do you have a blade like desolation? Something… powerful?”

1 hour ago, Xiahida said:

Would anyone mind if I introduced a new character during this fight? Or is there specific plot and story going on rn

You can pop in anytime, but this is kinda a bit climax and it would be better to hop in after. I will be going on a quest you can join me.

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1 hour ago, Xiahida said:

Would anyone mind if I introduced a new character during this fight? Or is there specific plot and story going on rn

Forget what Cacophony said, now's a great time! Just maybe don't throw your new character into the middle of the battle straight off. let them have a bit of time to acclimate to the thread first.

Unintelligible frowned, staring up at the speck in the sky. It looked suspiciously like a new character.

3 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus grimaced. "NO! It doesn't matter if you can see it, I know what I need to do. Some people do what they promise they'll do for a friend. But why do you want Thaid to die? Are you so power-hungry that you are going to try to take his Narration if you can?"

Subversion glared at Platypus. "You must be blind. How can you even say he's your friend after what he's done? He killed Nameless and tried to kill me. He's done terrible things, and being sorry for them doesn't excuse him for doing them."

Edited by Nameless*
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6 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

No. I will not do this again. He thought. But… “Can you help me? Do you have a blade like desolation? Something… powerful?”

You can pop in anytime, but this is kinda a bit climax and it would be better to hop in after. I will be going on a quest you can join me.

The voice hesitated, then said, "Yes. Have you heard of an Inspirationblade?"

12 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion stepped back, breathing heavily. "I see what you're doing Platypus. You're going to try and kill Thaidakar before Desolation can. Well, go ahead if you want. As long as Thaidakar dies, I don't care what happens. Although I think it'd be easier for you if I just did it instead."

Also, Desolation never claimed to have Platypus's narration.

This is correct. Desolation has a good amount of Nameless' Narration, a bit of Subversion's Narration, and a decent sized chunk of Thaidakar's narration. Not once has Desolation absorbed Platypus'.


1 hour ago, Nameless* said:

Desplation felt an angry tug, and Nameless’ narration vanished from his grasp, leaving only what he’d stolen during their battle.

Desolation could still channel narration much better than nameless could. Nameless' attempts were futile, and Desolation just ended up yanking the connection almost effortlessly from Nameless.

Just now, Xiahida said:

Alright time for some fun

A cloaked figure falls from the sky "I am Xyr, Death" He shouts. 

Give him a sec to Connect to this world. His main ability is raw connection I will explain as this goes on I promise.

Ohhhhh... but no one fears death here :P

42 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

abalodor, ofc not liking it, summons his staff, and his raven on the staff grows to a collossal size. it flys off to take care of the dragons. "FLY RAIN"

The narrationplate Dragon simply whacks it to the side in an effortless swipe. The staff is temporarily subdued.

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Just now, Aeoryi said:

Desolation could still channel narration much better than nameless could. Nameless' attempts were futile, and Desolation just ended up yanking the connection almost effortlessly from Nameless.

The connection disappeared. It seemed that Nameless' narration simply didn't exist anymore, aside from what Desolation had brought in from the past. At least, not where Desolation could get to it.

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