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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Unintelligible remains to the side, watching the battle. "Seems like all of you have things under control. By which I mean things are totally out of control and I doubt my help will change that."

2 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"That was no proof Subby. That was him killing the adventurer. Unless... Are you saying the adventurer was Nameless? And I made an Avatar to help him! Ugh. What do you even want!? Do you want Thaid dead or not?"


Subversion felt like strangling someone. "Yes the brave adventurer was Nameless. Of course! It's the only explanation that makes sense! And to answer your question, I want Thaidakar dead. I just don't think you can actually do it."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Unintelligible remains to the side, watching the battle. "Seems like all of you have things under control. By which I mean things are totally out of control and I doubt my help will change that."

Subversion felt like strangling someone. "Yes the brave adventurer was Nameless. Of course! It's the only explanation that makes sense! And to answer your question, I want Thaidakar dead. I just don't think you can actually do it."

Platypus kept running up the dragon towards Desolation. "AND I HELPED HIM! AGH!" Platypus ran faster, trying to get away from Subversion. "Then leave me alone. If I can't kill him, Desolation will."

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus kept running up the dragon towards Desolation. "AND I HELPED HIM! AGH!" Platypus ran faster, trying to get away from Subversion. "Then leave me alone. If I can't kill him, Desolation will."

"Oh no. I'm going to stick around and make sure Thaidakar dies, one way or another."

Edited by Nameless*
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11 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

I mean, as long as thaidakar dies it satisfies all party.

Desolation was worried. Thaidakar was extremely skilled in using plot, and far more clever with it than platypus yet more delicate with plot than subversion.

Desolation spoke, "Impressive. But have you ever seen what a true inkling can do?"

This was enough. Desolation would finally have to use Narration. 

He tugged on both Nameless' and Subversion's narration pools, gathering narration as he prepared his attacks. By now, Desolation was running low on Inkblades, so he had to change. 

Change. He needed to...

Within mere seconds, all the remaining Desolations shrank into the floor, and out of the walls came Three dragons, collosal in size, making Thaidakar look like but a spec of sand admist an ocean, all had a rider. Each rider, normal in size (although a bit bigger than normal), held a weapon.

The rider of a four-winged serpent dragon held Foreshadowing, in its entirety, and had several golden strands, visions (of random people's futures), circling him. He was clad in armor, and his dragon rippled with lethal spikes.

 The second Desolation held a diferent weapon. A full narrationblade in its glory, translucent in color (although it had prismatic outlines), was in his hand. The entire dragon he was riding on was coated with the same material, but used for armor. Narrationplate, if you will.

The final and arguably most important rider to thaidakar was holding the Nohr-maul blade in one hand, and the unholy Mordite blade in the other. This dragon was pulsing with chaotic energy, hardly even able to keep the power of plot inside.

They all spoke at once, "This is what an inkling looks like in full power. And you're about to experience it." @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

so can I kill him? I'd need to steal the Mordite to do so. 

Platypus guided his fight closer towards the Desolation with the Mordite.

Wait, I just realized Platypus might be doing a 3v1 soon :P With Desolation, Falvan, and Subversion.

Desolation realized that with that, Platypus' Narration was never actually there. He was just over-confidant and assumed Platypus couldn't stop him from taking the Narration.

there is a specific plot right now. You could probably introduce a character, but it probably isn't the best time

You can kill him if you can take Mordite and you give me time to create a mega post when he dies. Remember, you have to take the Mordite from Desolation...

Feanor screamed, leaping into the air. Power spread around him, forming fell wings tipped with blades. He flew up into the sky, holding position there for a few seconds, blades in his hands and in his wings, "For Zara!"

He laughed, rushing at the Desolation holding the Narration blade. Using the skill he'd shown earlier, the Narrator slammed the full weight of his powers into the Narration-blade, ripping it's inner narrative to a million places. The blade melted in Desolation's hands as Thaidakar landed on the dragon's back, slashing at Desolation with his full might. He danced, sweat dripping by the gallons off of him. This was taking a toll on him, but it would be worth it, in the end.

Thaidakar kicked Desolation away form himself as they fought. He stabbed one blade into the dragon's neck, stabilizing himself, and the other swiping at Desolation and sending threads of Narration all around him.

9 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"That was no proof Subby. That was him killing the adventurer. Unless... Are you saying the adventurer was Nameless? And I made an Avatar to help him! Ugh. What do you even want!? Do you want Thaid dead or not?"


uh, Raven, Xia, be careful not to do too much while Aeoryi is gone cause it might not be canon if you don't give the desolations a chance.

"Thaidakar isn't a good man," a voice said softly from behind them. Spook walked forward, "My father killed Nameless, I'm not surprised to be honest. He killed my mother because she was in the way. He tried to kill me. He tried to kill you. And know he's going to get himself killed because he himself is in the way." Spook scoffed. "That man will be the death of me..."

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42 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

You can kill him if you can take Mordite and you give me time to create a mega post when he dies. Remember, you have to take the Mordite from Desolation...

Feanor screamed, leaping into the air. Power spread around him, forming fell wings tipped with blades. He flew up into the sky, holding position there for a few seconds, blades in his hands and in his wings, "For Zara!"

He laughed, rushing at the Desolation holding the Narration blade. Using the skill he'd shown earlier, the Narrator slammed the full weight of his powers into the Narration-blade, ripping it's inner narrative to a million places. The blade melted in Desolation's hands as Thaidakar landed on the dragon's back, slashing at Desolation with his full might. He danced, sweat dripping by the gallons off of him. This was taking a toll on him, but it would be worth it, in the end.

Thaidakar kicked Desolation away form himself as they fought. He stabbed one blade into the dragon's neck, stabilizing himself, and the other swiping at Desolation and sending threads of Narration all around him.

"Thaidakar isn't a good man," a voice said softly from behind them. Spook walked forward, "My father killed Nameless, I'm not surprised to be honest. He killed my mother because she was in the way. He tried to kill me. He tried to kill you. And know he's going to get himself killed because he himself is in the way." Spook scoffed. "That man will be the death of me..."

The Desolation with narration was attacked first. The rider of the dragon there was skilled at defending, but stood little chance against Thaidakar alone. 

But he wasn't alone. 

The other dragons, both of them, they charged at Thaidakar, the Desolation on top of them swinging their blades at him. Foreshadowed threads ripped through the air, attacking Thaidakar with their temporal visions. 

37 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

"Can we wait a sec? I want to see if desolation will let me have this weird armor stuff or we will have to fight over it"

We may want to wait for Aeo to get back

 Indeed Desolation did not let the person take anything from him. He already had a disruption shield going, which would disrupt any attempts to mess with his powers, and he had several mental defenses anyways. Desolation, as it seemed, was completely prepared for this.

Additionally, the dragons proved way harder to behead than Xyr thought due to the aforementioned shields.

Edited by Aeoryi
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"Why must you reject my requests?" Xyr throws three kunai at the armored dragon in an attempt to stun it. One gets in a chink in the armor, another bounces off, and the third is Narrated into a large hammer that contacts the dragons head and knocks it out.

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7 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

immediately teleports back. "ahem, that was rather mean."

He gets sent into a Foreshadowing thread, which unravels the future

Five strange stones surround a darkened figure, who is chanting ominously. The figure looks directly at Abalador, and it was then when he realized the figure had no face. 

Another flash.

A black goo seeped in from the floor of a medieval castle, and surrounded everything. Screams echo from the black goo.

Another flash.

A familiar person runs away crying. 

and then finally, the most important,

Platypus stands on top of Thaidakar's corpse holding a blade darker than the rest.

The Desolation also happened to kick him away during this time, since he was basically helpless.


EDIT: @Xiahida

Unfortunately, due to the dragon having a shared mind with the rest of the goo, it just absorbed the kunai, and ignores Xyr.

A desolation copy appears in front of Xyr, and traces a reverse outline of him to prevent farther major interference.

Edited by Aeoryi
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