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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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PAGE 2500!!!!! 

1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

im surprised we havent been pineappled yet.

It happens less often than you'd think, especially at a climax in the plot.

And no, that top part isn't bolded, the natural font is really large

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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4 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


i just knew you were gonna do that :P 

Wait, this might be the only page divisible by 500 with plot if Thaid posts in time! I just checked and the others don't. STOP THE POSTING UNTIL THAID POSTS SO 2500 WILL BE THE ONLY 500 OR 1000 WITH PLOT!

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Wait, this might be the only page divisible by 500 with plot if Thaid posts in time! I just checked and the others don't. STOP THE POSTING UNTIL THAID POSTS SO 2500 WILL BE THE ONLY 500 OR 1000 WITH PLOT!


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2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

The Desolation with narration was attacked first. The rider of the dragon there was skilled at defending, but stood little chance against Thaidakar alone. 

But he wasn't alone. 

The other dragons, both of them, they charged at Thaidakar, the Desolation on top of them swinging their blades at him. Foreshadowed threads ripped through the air, attacking Thaidakar with their temporal visions. 

 Indeed Desolation did not let the person take anything from him. He already had a disruption shield going, which would disrupt any attempts to mess with his powers, and he had several mental defenses anyways. Desolation, as it seemed, was completely prepared for this.

Additionally, the dragons proved way harder to behead than Xyr thought due to the aforementioned shields.


2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Fine. But stop trying to fight me."


"Good man? No. But a man trying his best to do what he thinks needs to be done? Yes. But don't worry Spook, he won't be the death of you. I'm about to kill him."

i'm gonna take the foreshadowing as permission to take the mordite and kill thaid.

Platypus runs up the dragon's back, finally reaching the Desolation on it. The he wove a web of Narration and while Desolation was distracted by absorbing the Narration, he wove plot. Using the plot he wove, the Mordite blade twisted through reality and ended up in Platypus' hand after he unsummoned his Narrationblade. He jumped off the dragon to the one that Desolation was fighting Thaidakar on. Then he ran, charging towards Thaidakar, ready to end this, once and for all.

Spook grumbled, but let what would happen... would happen.

1 hour ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus arrives at where Thaidakar was fighting. "It. IS. FINISHED!" he yells, thrusting the dark blade into Thaidakar.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

As Thaidakar combatted the dragons and their riders, he grinned. This was what he knew... this was his life, this was where he excelled. Feanor fought with all his might, killing his enemies as best he could to give Platypus time to kill him like he'd told him. This would all work out, hopefully. Feanor laughed, striking a Desolation in the stomach, not the real one, as he soared through the air. 

And, yet, as he waged the battle, something in him knew that it would all be in vain.


In Platypus's mind, a feeling of anticipation built. A thought different than his own whispered, "Kill him!"

As Platypus yelled, Thaidakar turned to look at him.

In Thaidakar's eyes was a look of pure horror.


The Narrator cursed as the Mordite blade neared him. 

"No..." he whispered. 

Time seemed to slow from Thaidakar's eyes. He couldn't move his body, but his thoughts moved faster than lightning.

This was the end... he would never lay his eyes upon his children again. He would never get to talk to his friends. he would never get to fight. He would never get to make right the many wrongs he'd done.

Was he truly ready?

Something in him whispered that he was, but his heart groaned in the many wrongs he'd committed in his long life.

Was this where it ended? A dark blade entering him, wielded by a friend who would unintentionally bring about his own doom? It seemed so... Or, perhaps, was this just the beginning? Thaidakar found peace in that theory. Death, perhaps, was just the beginning of the next adventure. He grew more and more comfortable with the fact as time went on.

And, yet... this wasn't the end for all of them. This would affect all of them, every single one of them.

So he decided to show Platypus how to save them all.


Meanwhile, Mythos dug through the drawers in the secret chamber in the castle, looking for something. He cried, "Ahah!" Valaran pulled out a scroll from the drawer, unrolling it and looking through its contents.

What he found shocked him to the core.

He needed to find her instantly.

So, therefore, he rushed out of the castle, searching for a way to leave.


Thaidakar smiled softly, blue energy leaving his hands and going to Platypus in slow motion. It would reach just as the sword would plunge into his heart, Thaidakar knew. Hopefully it would be enough.

It would have to be.


Mythos dug into his pocket for the stone that had brought him to the castle. "Perfect..." whispered the Legender, knowing what was to come finally for once. He brought the stone to his lips and muttered a few choice words. He instantly disappeared in a burst of energy.


When Thaidakar died there was nothing special, at least, not at first. He looked right into Platypus's eyes and smiled softly and whispered, "I'm sorry..." as the blade plunged into his chest. A strangled gasp emerged from his throat as his body slumped to the ground like it usually would.

But then it became extraordinarily terrifying.

Darkness crackled across his body, growing from the Mordite blade.

The voice screamed in Platypus's and Desolation's ears, "YESSSS! YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!"


Mythos appeared with a scattering of sparks in the library, striding to Moni. He drew out the scroll, his eyes glowing with energy. "I am the Legender!" The words rippled through the room, sending books crashing into the floor. 

"You are the Moniker! The Named One! The Name! You will know what to do when the dust settles and the true war starts!"


Spook couldn't help but gasp when he saw Thaidakar's body begin to be consumed by the darkness. The corpse twitched, purple energy bursting like balloons in the sky, sending sparks cascading down. "What have we done?" he whispered, pure horror taking hold of him.


"Right now, the Herald of the Darkness has perished, the Creator of Gems along with him! They are one! They are Kar Von Kelsier, also known as Thaidakar Von Kelsier, Narrator and former God. 

"The Darkness is coming."


Suddenly, in Platypus's mind, a vision unfolded. 

It was the events that Mythos/Valaran had seen, except from someone else's perspective.

A man named Kar stood, watching as his son and a trusted associate left for the woods for a few years. He would miss Valaran, but it was a necessity that his son depart. He wished he could've stayed, but there was no other way to avoid what Eof and Brighton wanted for him.


Kar stood, smiling as he shook a tall young man who's his son's hand. He hugged him whispering, "I'm so proud of you."


Kar was a child, alone in a dark place on a dismally made bed, flies and worse bugs all around. He was weeping. "Mama? Dada?" he pleaded to the night, receiving no answer.

Suddenly, a kind voice whispered, "Hey, kid..."

"Who're you?" Kar asked, looking up, his crying stopping suddenly.

A young boy, a few years older than Kar, smiled, wiping away Kar's tears, "I'm Rond, nice to meet you. Can we be friends?"


Kar was an adult again, sitting at a table, helping his son, Spook, with homework.


Kar was clapping as his older son sat down on a throne, receiving his crown.


Kar was fighting Platypus and laughing, though it wasn't a real fight. A mere game to him.


Kar ran through a hall, dark beasts and characters everywhere. he screamed, "WHERE'S MY WIFE?"


Kar was helping his son up off of the ground, chaos around them.


He was a teenager, talking to a beautiful young girl.


Adult Kar rushed into a room, leaving Spook by the door. A creature was over his wife, attacking her, her Narration blade was by the door, wilting. 


He smiled as he and Zara helped Valaran walk for the first time.


Kar grabbed Zara's Narration blade and stabbed the creature.


Kar laughed with his family around him, waiting for the day when they could all grow old together.


Kar screamed as the blade ripped through the creature, puncturing too deep. "You will not take away my future!" He yelled at the beast.


He fought as hard as he could, trying to get his friend back in a graveyard from a dark creature.


He was back in the room, ripping the body of the beast off of his wife and gasping.


He was ascending to godhood in a different time, smiling while thinking about how much good he would do, despite what it would later turn out to be.


Kar fell to the ground, holding his wife's body as he watched the beasts wounds kill her more and more. But... he noticed that the most fatal wound was one to her heart.

It wasn't made by the beast.


Kar knelt, pulling out an old book of languages and flipping to his favorite one. He came to a word that he knew well, adding a word to his name. He would forever introduce himself as that and tell people to call him it.

Thaida meant murderer in a language no-one would know.


Kar the Murderer.


Peace shifted in Platypus's mind, revealing a man now standing, reaching for Platypus's own hand in the present and pulling him towards him. "Platypus," Thaidakar said softly, "I need to tell you one thing before I leave."


Mythos said softly, "The Darkness is almost here. We will be doomed unless we act. Name, you must Unite The Blades of Plot and give them to the one who will need them. This is your duty, Moniker. You are one of those who will be either the salvation or the destruction of TLT as we know it. Eof is one of the Keepers of Time and knows how this will ned. You must not let the Darkness get to him, or it will be too late for all of us."


Thaidakar smiled softly, "Platypus... you are like a son to me. I wish I could tell you all that I know and teach you like I did my own two sons to the best of my abilities. I tried to do what was right, but failed. Do not make my mistakes. I tried to do what was right, even though it could never have worked. Do the same, my son. Please do better than I did. These coming days will be hard, especially on you, but you will need to be strong for them. They will look up to you for leadership and you will have to provide it. You can do this, Platypus.

"Remember who you are. Do not let Vengeance consume you." Thaidakar turned, starting to walk away into a blinding light. "Goodbye... my son." 

And the vision released Platypus.


And, so, Thaidakar's soul left besides this one thing that will happen between, but we'll pretend that already happened TLT, never to return, splintered beyond recognition.

A beam of purple and black energy struck Thaidakar's almost darkness consumed body. His eyes and mouth snapped open, beams of purple light emitting from every opening. His corpse began to rise into the air, power sparking around him and entering him. Platypus was thrown back by the energy, as was everyone else.

He snapped upright, eyes focusing into pure white, hair shifting in the air without any wind. The sky began to clear, the clouds and light leaving. He settled on the ground, Feanor's cloak rippling around him, his hood on his back. A voice that few new came from what had been Thaidakar's lips.

"I have Returned!"


Spook felt his blood run cold as he heard the creature's next words echo through TLT. 

"I am the Darkness! I am the Shadow that darkness the door of TLT! I am the one who quenches the Light in favor of the Darkness! I have returned and I shall Unite the Shadows into one! I killed my Author! I am my Author! Kneel before me or perish beneath my Fel-blade!" pronounced the Darkness. "Desolation! You have been a good companion and I will need your further service and alliance." 

Spook twitched, that voice... That monster controlled... Darkness... Unite the Shadows...

"I am free!" Darkness screamed with pure glee. "And... now to fracture the ancient deal." A giant sword, sorta like Nightblood, formed in his hands, pointing towards the sky. Power formed around him as he slammed it into the ground. Something snapped in TLT as everyone suddenly remembered what had happened so long ago in a Kingdom no-one had remembered with their king who'd been named Valaran, a religion focused on prophesies and Time Keepers, a sundering of their memories, previous lives... It all came back to them.

Spook fell to the ground as his memory changed in his head. "No..." he whispered, seeing it for the first time. "Thaidakar wasn't a bad man... He never killed..." 

Spook was wrong after all.


Far away from them, Micheal stood, looking down at a grave. It wasn't Lindy's or his son's grave... no, it was the grave that he'd wanted himself to be buried in when the time came. he raised a blade to his neck, closing his eyes. Thaidakar, the Narrator he'd admired, had killed his wife and son. He had nothing to live for. He couldn't figure this world out after all.

He took in a breath and- A firm hand gripped his wrist, moving the knife away from his throat. Micheal looked up, confusion evident in his eyes.

Shadow shook his head, "No, Micheal... That is not the way to go. That is not the way for anyone in this world and Beyond. And, besides..." Shadow adjusted the cuff of his suit, "I need you.

"We have a lot of work to do, my friend."

Gonna tag almost everyone that I can think of here so that y'all know what's going on.

@Nameless* @Being of Cacophony @Aeoryi @TheRavenHasLanded @Ancient Elantrian @shortcake @Sequence @xinoehp512 @Xiahida

Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
Realized I accidentally didn't remove something.
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13 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Mythos said softly, "The Darkness is almost here. We will be doomed unless we act. Name, you must Unite The Blades of Plot and give them to the one who will need them. This is your duty, Moniker. You are one of those who will be either the salvation or the destruction of TLT as we know it. Eof is one of the Keepers of Time and knows how this will ned. You must not let the Darkness get to him, or it will be too late for all of us."

Moni smiled sadly, looking at Mythos tiredly. "I'm sorry Mythos. I can't accomplish that task." She gestured to the scattered papers on the desk. "Read those. You'll see." Endings appeared in her hand suddenly, and she walked out of the room, moving as if underwater.

3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

A beam of purple and black energy struck Thaidakar's almost darkness consumed body. His eyes and mouth snapped open, beams of purple light emitting from every opening. His corpse began to rise into the air, power sparking around him and entering him. Platypus was thrown back by the energy, as was everyone else.

He snapped upright, eyes focusing into pure white, hair shifting in the air without any wind. The sky began to clear, the clouds and light leaving. He settled on the ground, Feanor's cloak rippling around him, his hood on his back. A voice that few new came from what had been Thaidakar's lips.

"I have Returned!"

Moni appeared moments later. She held the dagger of Endings, and it pulled her towards the figure. Her face was strained, exhaustion evident across every inch of her being. "I've been waiting for you to show up."

10 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

And, so, Thaidakar's soul left TLT, never to return, splintered beyond recognition.

Thaidakar's soul has left TLT, just as Nameless' soul has.

Thaidakar stood in a strange place, his surroundings were misty, undefined. Before him stood a hooded figure with folded arms. "So. You're finally here. For the last time, I hope."

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22 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook grumbled, but let what would happen... would happen.

As Thaidakar combatted the dragons and their riders, he grinned. This was what he knew... this was his life, this was where he excelled. Feanor fought with all his might, killing his enemies as best he could to give Platypus time to kill him like he'd told him. This would all work out, hopefully. Feanor laughed, striking a Desolation in the stomach, not the real one, as he soared through the air. 

And, yet, as he waged the battle, something in him knew that it would all be in vain.


In Platypus's mind, a feeling of anticipation built. A thought different than his own whispered, "Kill him!"

As Platypus yelled, Thaidakar turned to look at him.

In Thaidakar's eyes was a look of pure horror.


The Narrator cursed as the Mordite blade neared him. 

"No..." he whispered. 

Time seemed to slow from Thaidakar's eyes. He couldn't move his body, but his thoughts moved faster than lightning.

This was the end... he would never lay his eyes upon his children again. He would never get to talk to his friends. he would never get to fight. He would never get to make right the many wrongs he'd done.

Was he truly ready?

Something in him whispered that he was, but his heart groaned in the many wrongs he'd committed in his long life.

Was this where it ended? A dark blade entering him, wielded by a friend who would unintentionally bring about his own doom? It seemed so... Or, perhaps, was this just the beginning? Thaidakar found peace in that theory. Death, perhaps, was just the beginning of the next adventure. He grew more and more comfortable with the fact as time went on.

And, yet... this wasn't the end for all of them. This would affect all of them, every single one of them.

So he decided to show Platypus how to save them all.


Meanwhile, Mythos dug through the drawers in the secret chamber in the castle, looking for something. He cried, "Ahah!" Valaran pulled out a scroll from the drawer, unrolling it and looking through its contents.

What he found shocked him to the core.

He needed to find her instantly.

So, therefore, he rushed out of the castle, searching for a way to leave.


Thaidakar smiled softly, blue energy leaving his hands and going to Platypus in slow motion. It would reach just as the sword would plunge into his heart, Thaidakar knew. Hopefully it would be enough.

It would have to be.


Mythos dug into his pocket for the stone that had brought him to the castle. "Perfect..." whispered the Legender, knowing what was to come finally for once. He brought the stone to his lips and muttered a few choice words. He instantly disappeared in a burst of energy.


When Thaidakar died there was nothing special, at least, not at first. He looked right into Platypus's eyes and smiled softly and whispered, "I'm sorry..." as the blade plunged into his chest. A strangled gasp emerged from his throat as his body slumped to the ground like it usually would.

But then it became extraordinarily terrifying.

Darkness crackled across his body, growing from the Mordite blade.

The voice screamed in Platypus's and Desolation's ears, "YESSSS! YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!"


Mythos appeared with a scattering of sparks in the library, striding to Moni. He drew out the scroll, his eyes glowing with energy. "I am the Legender!" The words rippled through the room, sending books crashing into the floor. 

"You are the Moniker! The Named One! The Name! You will know what to do when the dust settles and the true war starts!"


Spook couldn't help but gasp when he saw Thaidakar's body begin to be consumed by the darkness. The corpse twitched, purple energy bursting like balloons in the sky, sending sparks cascading down. "What have we done?" he whispered, pure horror taking hold of him.


"Right now, the Herald of the Darkness has perished, the Creator of Gems along with him! They are one! They are Kar Von Kelsier, also known as Thaidakar Von Kelsier, Narrator and former God. 

"The Darkness is coming."


Suddenly, in Platypus's mind, a vision unfolded. 

It was the events that Mythos/Valaran had seen, except from someone else's perspective.

A man named Kar stood, watching as his son and a trusted associate left for the woods for a few years. He would miss Valaran, but it was a necessity that his son depart. He wished he could've stayed, but there was no other way to avoid what Eof and Brighton wanted for him.


Kar stood, smiling as he shook a tall young man who's his son's hand. He hugged him whispering, "I'm so proud of you."


Kar was a child, alone in a dark place on a dismally made bed, flies and worse bugs all around. He was weeping. "Mama? Dada?" he pleaded to the night, receiving no answer.

Suddenly, a kind voice whispered, "Hey, kid..."

"Who're you?" Kar asked, looking up, his crying stopping suddenly.

A young boy, a few years older than Kar, smiled, wiping away Kar's tears, "I'm Rond, nice to meet you. Can we be friends?"


Kar was an adult again, sitting at a table, helping his son, Spook, with homework.


Kar was clapping as his older son sat down on a throne, receiving his crown.


Kar was fighting Platypus and laughing, though it wasn't a real fight. A mere game to him.


Kar ran through a hall, dark beasts and characters everywhere. he screamed, "WHERE'S MY WIFE?"


Kar was helping his son up off of the ground, chaos around them.


He was a teenager, talking to a beautiful young girl.


Adult Kar rushed into a room, leaving Spook by the door. A creature was over his wife, attacking her, her Narration blade was by the door, wilting. 


He smiled as he and Zara helped Valaran walk for the first time.


Kar grabbed Zara's Narration blade and stabbed the creature.


Kar laughed with his family around him, waiting for the day when they could all grow old together.


Kar screamed as the blade ripped through the creature, puncturing too deep. "You will not take away my future!" He yelled at the beast.


He fought as hard as he could, trying to get his friend back in a graveyard from a dark creature.


He was back in the room, ripping the body of the beast off of his wife and gasping.


He was ascending to godhood in a different time, smiling while thinking about how much good he would do, despite what it would later turn out to be.


Kar fell to the ground, holding his wife's body as he watched the beasts wounds kill her more and more. But... he noticed that the most fatal wound was one to her heart.

It wasn't made by the beast.


Kar knelt, pulling out an old book of languages and flipping to his favorite one. He came to a word that he knew well, adding a word to his name. He would forever introduce himself as that and tell people to call him it.

Thaida meant murderer in a language no-one would know.


Kar the Murderer.


Peace shifted in Platypus's mind, revealing a man now standing, reaching for Platypus's own hand in the present and pulling him towards him. "Platypus," Thaidakar said softly, "I need to tell you one thing before I leave."


Mythos said softly, "The Darkness is almost here. We will be doomed unless we act. Name, you must Unite The Blades of Plot and give them to the one who will need them. This is your duty, Moniker. You are one of those who will be either the salvation or the destruction of TLT as we know it. Eof is one of the Keepers of Time and knows how this will ned. You must not let the Darkness get to him, or it will be too late for all of us."


Thaidakar smiled softly, "Platypus... you are like a son to me. I wish I could tell you all that I know and teach you like I did my own two sons to the best of my abilities. I tried to do what was right, but failed. Do not make my mistakes. I tried to do what was right, even though it could never have worked. Do the same, my son. Please do better than I did. These coming days will be hard, especially on you, but you will need to be strong for them. They will look up to you for leadership and you will have to provide it. You can do this, Platypus.

"Remember who you are. Do not let Vengeance consume you." Thaidakar turned, starting to walk away into a blinding light. "Goodbye... my son." 

And the vision released Platypus.


And, so, Thaidakar's soul left besides this one thing that will happen between, but we'll pretend that already happened TLT, never to return, splintered beyond recognition.

A beam of purple and black energy struck Thaidakar's almost darkness consumed body. His eyes and mouth snapped open, beams of purple light emitting from every opening. His corpse began to rise into the air, power sparking around him and entering him. Platypus was thrown back by the energy, as was everyone else.

He snapped upright, eyes focusing into pure white, hair shifting in the air without any wind. The sky began to clear, the clouds and light leaving. He settled on the ground, Feanor's cloak rippling around him, his hood on his back. A voice that few new came from what had been Thaidakar's lips.

"I have Returned!"


Spook felt his blood run cold as he heard the creature's next words echo through TLT. 

"I am the Darkness! I am the Shadow that darkness the door of TLT! I am the one who quenches the Light in favor of the Darkness! I have returned and I shall Unite the Shadows into one! I killed my Author! I am my Author! Kneel before me or perish beneath my Fel-blade!" pronounced the Darkness. "Desolation! You have been a good companion and I will need your further service and alliance." 

Spook twitched, that voice... That monster controlled... Darkness... Unite the Shadows...

"I am free!" Darkness screamed with pure glee. "And... now to fracture the ancient deal." A giant sword, sorta like Nightblood, formed in his hands, pointing towards the sky. Power formed around him as he slammed it into the ground. Something snapped in TLT as everyone suddenly remembered what had happened so long ago in a Kingdom no-one had remembered with their king who'd been named Valaran, a religion focused on prophesies and Time Keepers, a sundering of their memories, previous lives... It all came back to them.

Spook fell to the ground as his memory changed in his head. "No..." he whispered, seeing it for the first time. "Thaidakar wasn't a bad man... He never killed..." 

Spook was wrong after all.


Far away from them, Micheal stood, looking down at a grave. It wasn't Lindy's or his son's grave... no, it was the grave that he'd wanted himself to be buried in when the time came. he raised a blade to his neck, closing his eyes. Thaidakar, the Narrator he'd admired, had killed his wife and son. He had nothing to live for. He couldn't figure this world out after all.

He took in a breath and- A firm hand gripped his wrist, moving the knife away from his throat. Micheal looked up, confusion evident in his eyes.

Shadow shook his head, "No, Micheal... That is not the way to go. That is not the way for anyone in this world and Beyond. And, besides..." Shadow adjusted the cuff of his suit, "I need you.

"We have a lot of work to do, my friend."

Gonna tag almost everyone that I can think of here so that y'all know what's going on.

@Nameless* @Being of Cacophony @Aeoryi @TheRavenHasLanded @Ancient Elantrian @shortcake @Sequence @xinoehp512 @Xiahida

Desolation glance concerningly at the Shadow.

"I kept my end of the deal, now you keep yours." The inkling said.

Desolation could feel the power he had from Thaidakar. He turned to Platypus. "You, my friend, are doomed."

3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

this is so sad 

"XYR- COGNITION- RAIN- Johny- (hes says this sarcastically) TO ME NOW-"

an enormous raven flys toward abalodor.

Cognition immediately appeared, and floated down onto Abalador's shoulder.

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29 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"how much time do we have? if i can hit it hard enough in the right spot, it should die. just dont get touched, alright?"

the raven at this point has shruken down and landed on his other shoulder.

"I'm sure you can understand everything." Instantly Abalador's vision was sharper

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40 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


Moni smiled sadly, looking at Mythos tiredly. "I'm sorry Mythos. I can't accomplish that task." She gestured to the scattered papers on the desk. "Read those. You'll see." Endings appeared in her hand suddenly, and she walked out of the room, moving as if underwater.

Moni appeared moments later. She held the dagger of Endings, and it pulled her towards the figure. Her face was strained, exhaustion evident across every inch of her being. "I've been waiting for you to show up."


Mythos blinked, looking down at the papers. He jumped, "What- Moni? You were just here!"

40 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Thaidakar's soul has left TLT, just as Nameless' soul has.

Thaidakar stood in a strange place, his surroundings were misty, undefined. Before him stood a hooded figure with folded arms. "So. You're finally here. For the last time, I hope."

Thaidakar nodded, "Yes... I will never return to that place ever again, I suppose..."

33 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Desolation glance concerningly at the Shadow.

"I kept my end of the deal, now you keep yours." The inkling said.

Desolation could feel the power he had from Thaidakar. He turned to Platypus. "You, my friend, are doomed."

Cognition immediately appeared, and floated down onto Abalador's shoulder.

Darkness nodded, "Remember, Desolation, I am not Shadow. Not really. The Shadows are pieces of me determined to stop my return. They have failed."

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7 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Mythos blinked, looking down at the papers. He jumped, "What- Moni? You were just here!"

There was no reply but the empty room, dimly lit by candlelight. On the paper were scrawled a few barely legible words: "Unity is broken. Broken by arrogance, broken by hatred, Unity shall not be healed.

Beside the words, in a much neater script, was a notation: "The last prophecy of Foe, collected shortly before his demise."

10 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar nodded, "Yes... I will never return to that place ever again, I suppose..."

"Good." The figure lowered his hood, revealing the face of the brave adventurer. The face of Nameless. "You should have left earlier. If you had, none of this would have happened."

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13 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

There was no reply but the empty room, dimly lit by candlelight. On the paper were scrawled a few barely legible words: "Unity is broken. Broken by arrogance, broken by hatred, Unity shall not be healed.

Beside the words, in a much neater script, was a notation: "The last prophecy of Foe, collected shortly before his demise."

Mythos paled, "Foe undid the prophesy, which means... it all could be obsolete, it could all be false... No..."

14 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"Good." The figure lowered his hood, revealing the face of the brave adventurer. The face of Nameless. "You should have left earlier. If you had, none of this would have happened."

"I know, my friend," Thaidakar said softly. "I should have left, but for different reasons. I didn't know it would come down the wire that quickly, nor did I know that Shadow's inner self would be released that fast... I was getting out of touch.

"But you're wrong, Nameless," Thaidakar said, growing more confident. "And I lied too, during all of this. I've been meaning to say all of this for a long time.

"You are the reason why this happened, truly, Nameless.

"Most of my desire to do all of what I did was because of you because of what you tried to do to me time and time again, to do to a person who did not understand TLT. I have tried to forgive you for it, but it always fails in the end to change me on the inside, of what I feel. But I thank you, for you showed me what TLT could be like. I needed that push so that I could search to see if there was more to all of this. And with that came the discoveries I needed to see. And, yet..." Thaidakar sighed, "I cannot help but regard you as my friend, Nameless, Lstml, Brave Adventurer, Nameless One... 

"In the end, you're one of my first friends, despite how you made me feel during that first long while. I know it was silly for why I felt like I did in your mind, but that is because you were used to how TLT worked then, I wasn't. And, so, when I killed you, knowing exactly who you were, I lied. I said I didn't want to kill you. I did want you to die, but never like that. I wanted to kill you so many times, I dreamed of the opportunity to help you feel how I felt several times over during my time here. And... yet... it didn't feel better. I know why. Revenge is never the way. That stayed my hand for a long time... I'm glad it did, because I would not have been able to hold myself together then, nor would I have been able to do what I did in these last days before the Return."

Thaidakar wiped a tear that had begun to fall from his eyes, "I don't feel glad that I did it now. Despite what you might think, Nameless, I did everything for the sake of trying to make TLT a better place. Oh, sure, you tried too on occasion, but what did you do when you weren't? You didn't try to help people then, you didn't try to do better, you made empires and killed those who stood in your way. You destroyed while others tried to create! As I said, however, I cannot hate you for long because you, when you tried, did all you could to make TLT better, but only when it was under threat. You are two sides of a coin that I cannot understand in any way shape or form, Lstml, but I do admit that you have done great things in your life. Most better than I ever did as either Adonalsium or as a Narrator."

He turned from Nameless, starting to walk away, "You were always there to beat me down just as I was trying to get back up and try again to be a good person. Do not forget that, Nameless. You caused your own death by giving me the tools and the reasons to kill you."

I've been saving so much for Thaidakar to use for a moment like this...

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Mythos blinked, looking down at the papers. He jumped, "What- Moni? You were just here!"

Thaidakar nodded, "Yes... I will never return to that place ever again, I suppose..."

Darkness nodded, "Remember, Desolation, I am not Shadow. Not really. The Shadows are pieces of me determined to stop my return. They have failed."

"But now..." Desolation flashed a malicious smile, "There are so many narrators here. I think it would be a folly to waste this opportunity."

... @TheRavenHasLanded

Cognition narrowed his thoughts, removing the unnecessary ones, and improving his senses. She spoke, "we should probably stop Desolation and Platypus."

Edited by Aeoryi
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34 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"But now..." Desolation flashed a malicious smile, "There are so many narrators here. I think it would be a folly to waste this opportunity."

Xyr takes a deep breath in and Connects to Desolation and pulls again. He summons Sin A blade that you can't see simply, but instead where it should be, like the waves you see in the distance on a hot day, you get simply an impression and views Desolations defenses, and starts slashing through line after line, each one withering away like a life to far past its expiration date. He Connects Desolation to his current solid form and to his location. He is trapped. Xyr sweeps Desolation's legs out from under him and rams Sin downward.

@Aeoryi have at it!

Edited by Xiahida
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