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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Narrator Gancho Labrador, a mind spawn that wasn't even created by Gancho Libre, was a little irked at all this talk of mind-spawn creations. 

Of course, mind-spawn creations are awesome, so all this means is that Narrator Ark or whoever may have made Gancho Labrador, Narrator Gancho forgets who actually did it, created Gancho Labrador to be a little irksy.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

Only one Ghanderflaffle remained.

And his name was not Phillip.

Edited by Gancho Libre
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21 minutes ago, Archer said:

Then he went to put out some of the dozens of kitchen fires and nuclear reactor meltdowns that would inevitably kill off at least a quarter more of the universe. DIDN'T THINK OF THAT, DID YOU TH- FORUMLURKER?

I did...just didn’t really care. I knew that someone would take care of it.

It’s not like we’re in charge of protecting this universe or anything! It’s exploded 18 times in 5 different ways!

Edited by The Forumlurker
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