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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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4 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"I will give you a withergeist to bond. It will grant you great power. The power to kill those who threaten you, even narrators. As your people fear narrators now, so will the narrators learn to fear you. In exchange, I ask nothing, save that you use your power to stop the tyranny of the narrators."

"I decline your offer. I came here for a weapon to prevent narrators from destroying the inklings, not to make them fear us. I once again, am asking for a weapon. Are you even the Dreamsmith?"

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36 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Falvan hasn't yet reached the Dreamsmith. This is his test.

Desolation grinned. "You're right. I won't change. How does it make you feel, knowing that you are responsible for the death of Unintelligible? For Thaidakar? In fact, even the return of Darkness is on your head."

I see.

Falvan stood. He did feel there weight in his shoulders. He had brought Desolation. He had known the consequence of taking the sword. Sure he didn’t realize that it would be this bad, but he had known. Everything Desolation did, everyone he killed, was Falvans fault. Falvan killed Thaidakar. Falvan had killed Unintelligible. Falvan would kill the rest of the narrators and people. But Falvan would not be like Desolation. He would change. He would stop Desolation and redeem himself. He would not kill for killing sake, he would kill for good. And he needed the Dreamsmith to do that.


37 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I am going to get platypus to kill him."

who is platypus the man asked.

Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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48 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I decline your offer. I came here for a weapon to prevent narrators from destroying the inklings, not to make them fear us. I once again, am asking for a weapon. Are you even the Dreamsmith?"

"I am not the Dreamsmith. You think he will give you a weapon as powerful as what I am offering? He fears what you would do with it. He cares too much for narrators to grant you a weapon capable of shaking their hold over TLT. Only power will save your people, power enough to inspire fear. Fear is the only way to control narrators. Without fear you will die." The figure held out his hand to Cognition. "I will give you a chance to reconsider. Think carefully before you reject my offer a second time; I will not extend it again."

48 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan stood. He did feel there weight in his shoulders. He had brought Desolation. He had known the consequence of taking the sword. Sure he didn’t realize that it would be this bad, but he had known. Everything Desolation did, everyone he killed, was Falvans fault. Falvan killed Thaidakar. Falvan had killed Unintelligible. Falvan would kill the rest of the narrators and people. But Falvan would not be like Desolation. He would change. He would stop Desolation and redeem himself. He would not kill for killing sake, he would kill for good. And he needed the Dreamsmith to do that.

Desolation's grin faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "Very well. You have passed my test. You may see the Dreamsmith." Desolation warped, forming into a door that seemed only half-real. "The Dreamsmith is waiting for you."

17 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Is there any way to take down these barriers?” The Once-Author asked anyone around him. “It’s so boring to have these here.”

Omen, looking very strained, painfully turned his nightmarish face towards the Once-Author. "You...seek...the....Dreamsmith?"

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2 hours ago, Nameless* said:

The room brightened to reveal Desolation, a smile on the Inkling's face as he stared at something on the ground in front of him.

The rest of the group disappeared, leaving Cognition alone. In the darkness, footsteps sounded.

Omen stared at Abalodor, a look of intense concentration on his face. "You... seek the Dreamsmith as well?" His voice was strained and he spoke slowly, as if distracted. "I am not him. I will test you, and if you prove worthy I will bring you to him."

Cognition hasn't reached the Dreamsmith yet, and even if Cognition had Abalodor wouldn't be able to use their connection to reach the Dreamsmith. Generally it isn't possible to reach the Dreamsmith without Omen, although it could in theory be done using the correct method.

"i do seek the dreamsmith"

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7 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Desolation's grin faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "Very well. You have passed my test. You may see the Dreamsmith." Desolation warped, forming into a door that seemed only half-real. "The Dreamsmith is waiting for you."

Falvan looked up confused. But proceeded to the door. He was a little nervous, but he needed this. So he opened the door and walked inside.

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"i do seek the dreamsmith"

"Very well I will... test you." Omen's look of concentration increased, and Abalodor was suddenly alone in the darkness. For a brief moment, at least. Then he was back where he'd been previously in front of Omen, who was now leaning on the wall for support. "Apologies. It is... difficult to manage so many people at once. I think I'll just ask you a few questions instead. Is that acceptable?"

2 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Falvan looked up confused. But proceeded to the door. He was a little nervous, but he needed this. So he opened the door and walked inside.

On the other side of the door sat a figure with his back to Falvan, sharpening a sword at a grindstone.

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15 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Omen, looking very strained, painfully turned his nightmarish face towards the Once-Author. "You...seek...the....Dreamsmith?"

The Once-Author pulled back. Then said “Yes. I seek the Dreamsmith.”

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"absolutely, i understand"

"Good, good." Omen pulled out a notebook. "Uh, let's see... Ah, here we are. Why do you want to see the Dreamsmith?"

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

The Once-Author pulled back. Then said “Yes. I seek the Dreamsmith.”

"Could you... come back later?" Omen looked embarrassed. "I think we're full at the moment."

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14 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

It may be noted that she didn't even try; Fear of platypus is already changing her decisions. I think cognition might have some cool stuff going on but the current path for her is her trying to get Desolation's secrets out of him before he gets killed. And if she does, its gonna get bloody. Alternatively, she can also do what she's trying to do now. Which does involve her going to the dreamsmith, as she was given a "fair chance if other inklings come" probably.

Either way, platypus isn't really gonna be big in cognition's plans, so don't expect that connection to ever be important. Cognition is likely to try and distract or get rid of Platypus. I don't really know if there is a connection but its up to you I guess

There isn't a connection. It shouldn't change too much from what you've said, but Platypus is too well defended to form connections without his knowledge/permission.

14 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

Not anymore. Cognition's plans don't necessarily have Abalodor in them, but he is certainly a beneficial happenstance. Besides, you are all missing some serious foreshadowing that's been done. It could be obvious what Cognition's next steps are.

I could probably figure it out if I thought for long enough, but i'll be surprised. :D 

13 hours ago, Aeoryi said:


Back in Urithiru, Rirrom discovered some mind breaking stuff. Desolation's true weakness. 

By reverse-engineering Plot-development, he created something spectacular. Plot-significance. It could shear away a character, deeming them unworthy of a main arc, just by slicing them. It was brilliant. He just needed to find Platypus. 

Rirrom tried to use narration to send some kind of signal to platypus, detectable, and tried to tell him to go to Urithiru.

Platypus perked up where he had been walking. He felt... a sign. He needed to go to Urithiru. He didn't know why, and it could be a trap from Darkness, but... He looked down at his hand where Vengeance's faint shimmer was roaring up. He smirked. He would deal with that when he needed to. He twisted through reality, arriving at Urithiru.


Hacob looked up from a sand dune, wondering what Platypus had been looking for. At last he found... something. It was some sort of hatch, set in the ground. He briefly wondered where it led before opening it. A chilling torrent of air threw him back and the hatch slammed closed. That was unexpected. He would need to figure out what was in there.

@Nameless*, my current plan is that that is somehow an access point to where the Witherlord is, is that possible lore-wise? If not i can change it. If so, who would Platypus interact with to find out what lies within that. Eof? or someone else? also, it isn't what Platypus was looking for, he is looking for something very different.

1 hour ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

I see.

Falvan stood. He did feel there weight in his shoulders. He had brought Desolation. He had known the consequence of taking the sword. Sure he didn’t realize that it would be this bad, but he had known. Everything Desolation did, everyone he killed, was Falvans fault. Falvan killed Thaidakar. Falvan had killed Unintelligible. Falvan would kill the rest of the narrators and people. But Falvan would not be like Desolation. He would change. He would stop Desolation and redeem himself. He would not kill for killing sake, he would kill for good. And he needed the Dreamsmith to do that.


who is platypus the man asked.

DESOLATION DIDN'T EVEN KILL THAIDAKAR, WHY WOULD FALVAN FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THAT????? Actually, as I am the one making my character going through a trauma arc, i kinda understand. Never mind.

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12 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

@Nameless*, my current plan is that that is somehow an access point to where the Witherlord is, is that possible lore-wise? If not i can change it. If so, who would Platypus interact with to find out what lies within that. Eof? or someone else? also, it isn't what Platypus was looking for, he is looking for something very different.

It could be a gateway to the void between worlds were withergeists live. Moni would probably be able to recognize it, or Unintelligible.

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