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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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A man stood in silence, darkness on all sides. He felt music washing over him, the music that comes in absolute quiet, a masterpiece.

Spook felt the evil breeze ruffle through his clothes, through his hair and through his forsaken spirit.

Memory haunted him.

Spook Von Kelsier knew what it was like to perish without dying. He'd felt the sword of pure doom rip through his chest. Darkness consuming him... power taking all that he'd ever loved from him.

And what did that equate to?

All he'd remembered in his early years.

All he'd had were the shattered remains of a childhood and seeing something that he shouldn't have seen. He now knew it for what it was. Thaidakar had stabbed the beast too far, while Spook had thought... had seen... had remembered...

Spook shook, tears descending from his cheeks. 

His father, Thaidakar, wasn't a monster.

Spook was.

Spook had hated him, had made it known to him, had desperately tried to make others hate him too, and... yet... in the end... Spook was to blame. Spook was to blame for everything. It wasn't Thaidakar's fault for their relationship being terrible. It was Spook's. It had been, all along.

It ripped him apart inside, the truth of it, the solid, pure truth. This was his fault. Thaidakar was dead... because of him. Thaidakar had felt unloved, unwanted, and more, thus making him want to be a villain whenever the opportunity would arrive. thaidakar felt unable to tell people about Darkness, because Spook had made it that way, made Thaidakar feel like no-one loved him.

Spook was the reason why they were all in mortal peril. And he knew he could've stopped it.

"Spook..." a voice said sternly, yet soothingly, from behind him.

He didn't turn, Narration flowing around him in the shape of tears, each of the threads showing a memory that showed something he hated about himself.

"Spook," the voice said again, demanding now. "Don't tell me you don't want to join me..."

It didn't take looking at him to know that it was Darkness. Figures. The boring villain would, of course, want to hire him. Having a Plotblade made him valuable. Well... Spook didn't like it. He didn't want it... No. Spook turned, looking at that face... that horrible, twisted face that had once looked at Spook with a sarcastic, loving smile. "I'll never join you."

A laugh that sounded nothing like Thaidakar's escaped the creature's mouth, "Been watching Star Wars lately, huh? Can't blame you.. it's a good franchise."

Hatred bubbled inside of him, a pure dislike of the creature in front of him, wearing the body of his father. He would avenge his father, he had to. All of this reached a point in him. He had a plot blade, he could use it now... use it to fight him.

Darkness continued speaking, "You hate many things, Spook, including me. Why not use that hate? If you join me, after all, you could kill me at any moment you like. After all... I believe there is one you hate far more than me."

"And who would that be?" Spook asked drily. "You are utterly detestable and deserve hatred more than others in the thread."

Darkness laughed coldly, "All of those are true... but I believe those fit another person more, if you add 'cold' to the list. Nameless."

Spook's blood ran chill. Nameless... why would Spook hate Nameless?

"He's the reason your father is dead, the reason why I have his body," Darkness droned on, a smile growing on his face, "Nameless was the reason why Thaidakar became a villain, I may be your enemy, but Nameless is the true reason. Killing Nameless is useless, he's dead, after all, but there are things you can do. You can, for one thing... find him before he met Thaidakar with a time machine such as Nowhere used and kill him, thus reversing this all."

As Darkness kept on talking, Spook's hand slipped to his charm bracelet, carefully removing the sword charm, otherwise known as the Plotblade of Character. "Is that so...?" hatred filled his eyes.

Darkness misinterpreted the hatred and smiled fully, like a beast about to pounce, "Yes. It's possible, I can make your dreams come true... I can help you start a glorious revolution to fix TLT and- Oh, and what is that?"

Spook had drawn the blade, moving forward at lightning speeds, slamming the Plotblade forward. Unfortunately, Darkness moved quicker. Darkness slammed his palms together around either side of the blade, stopping it just infront of his chest. "Now... we can't be having that, now can we?" Darkness grinned as Spook tried to rip the blade free from Darkness's grasp. "I would say that this is fun, but that would be a lie. I must admit, I expected more from you..."

"I hate you..."

"I know," Darkness said, shadows traveling form his fingertips, up the blade towards Spook's hand. Spook jumped back, instinctively letting go of the Plotblade.

Darkness laughed, "You really are not a professional, are you?" He flipped the blade between his palms, letting go and quickly grabbing the blade with one hand. "Now... I shall be-" with a swish of air, the Plotblade was ripped from his fingers, flying to Spook. 

Spook barely moved from the weight of it as it returned to his hands, holding it in a pose akin to Obi-Wan Kenobi in his final duel with Maul, "Fight me."

Darkness didn't make a move, regarding Spook with silence.

"Fight me," Spook said again, the final tears dripping off of his face and onto the blade. He screamed, his voice completely raw, at Darkness, "Fight me, stormit!"

"No," Darkness said with a twitch of his lips, "I don't think I will. Some say that fighting another person is how to destroy a person. I say that it isn't merely that, it's refusing to do what the other person expects, and instead showing them what they don't want in any way, shape or form. You want to fight me, to kill me, to feel something, whether it's guilt, hatred or grim satisfaction. I don't think so."

And, with that, Darkness disappeared in a puff of pure black smoke, leaving a broken Narrator on the ground, weeping and trying to figure out what he'd done wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus perked up. "That was some... weird energy I just felt. It's weird, it felt wrong somehow."

Platypus felt something whisper in his mind, something important. He couldn't understand it, but something about it... something about it seemed too grave, too important for it not to be something important. Deathly important. 

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31 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

And, with that, Darkness disappeared in a puff of pure black smoke, leaving a broken Narrator on the ground, weeping and trying to figure out what he'd done wrong.

Subversion appeared next to Spook a moment later. "You know, the going back in time idea doesn't sound so bad honestly."

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8 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion appeared next to Spook a moment later. "You know, the going back in time idea doesn't sound so bad honestly."

Spook twitched on the ground, his sword still in his hands, his face on the flat side of the blade. The always cold steel felt good against his tearstained face. 

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7 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook twitched on the ground, his sword still in his hands, his face on the flat side of the blade. The always cold steel felt good against his tearstained face. 

"You shouldn't feel bad. Thaidakar was a terrible person."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"You shouldn't feel bad. Thaidakar was a terrible person."

Spook sat up, shaking himself, setting the sword down beside him, "I don't know... I just don't feel as if he was a horrible person, maybe a bad one, but not a terrible one. I thought he was the worst, he isn't-wasn't. Far from it."

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook sat up, shaking himself, setting the sword down beside him, "I don't know... I just don't feel as if he was a horrible person, maybe a bad one, but not a terrible one. I thought he was the worst, he isn't-wasn't. Far from it."

"Oh, of course he wasn't the worst person." Subversion eyed Spook's sword curiously. "So, what're you going to do?"

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Platypus felt something whisper in his mind, something important. He couldn't understand it, but something about it... something about it seemed too grave, too important for it not to be something important. Deathly important. 

Platypus shuddered, then teleported to Spook, feeling that something had gone awfully, terribly, wrong.

54 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook twitched on the ground, his sword still in his hands, his face on the flat side of the blade. The always cold steel felt good against his tearstained face. 

Platypus looked in horror. "Darkness," he muttered. "You'll pay."

46 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"You shouldn't feel bad. Thaidakar was a terrible person."


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33 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

"Oh, of course he wasn't the worst person." Subversion eyed Spook's sword curiously. "So, what're you going to do?"

"I'll figure that out along the way, probably." Spook picked up the sword, shrinking it and attaching it to his bracelet again.

Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus shuddered, then teleported to Spook, feeling that something had gone awfully, terribly, wrong.

Platypus looked in horror. "Darkness," he muttered. "You'll pay."


"Darkness will pay." Spook stood up. "All we have to do is figure out how. Darkness is immensely skilled, obviously. He killed my mother, albeit with a servant. That is not a feat easily accomplished. "Do either of you have any ideas on how to kill Darkness?" he asked Subversion and Platypus.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"I'll figure that out along the way, probably." Spook picked up the sword, shrinking it and attaching it to his bracelet again.

"Darkness will pay." Spook stood up. "All we have to do is figure out how. Darkness is immensely skilled, obviously. He killed my mother, albeit with a servant. That is not a feat easily accomplished. "Do either of you have any ideas on how to kill Darkness?" he asked Subversion and Platypus.

"No, not currently, but I'm a Luxsprite, or at least some other Ordered-Light being, so that might help... Seems like Light is the solution, the question is how we do it. And the answer is, we go check up on Mythos and see if he's been able to change those prophecies, then work from there."

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8 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:



4 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Darkness will pay." Spook stood up. "All we have to do is figure out how. Darkness is immensely skilled, obviously. He killed my mother, albeit with a servant. That is not a feat easily accomplished. "Do either of you have any ideas on how to kill Darkness?" he asked Subversion and Platypus.

"Yep. Mordite'll do the job."

1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"No, not currently, but I'm a Luxsprite, or at least some other Ordered-Light being, so that might help... Seems like Light is the solution, the question is how we do it. And the answer is, we go check up on Mythos and see if he's been able to change those prophecies, then work from there."

"Sorry, but what exactly do you expect to be able to do?"

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10 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


"Yep. Mordite'll do the job."

"Sorry, but what exactly do you expect to be able to do?"


Platypus reaches for the Mordite blade, then recoils, like it burned him. "Well, I won't be able to use it."

"I don't know, I'm going to figure it out!"

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4 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:


Platypus reaches for the Mordite blade, then recoils, like it burned him. "Well, I won't be able to use it."

"I don't know, I'm going to figure it out!"


Subversion grabbed the Mordite blade from Platypus.

"Well, I'll stick with what works."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


Subversion grabbed the Mordite blade from Platypus.

"Well, I'll stick with what works."


Platypus slapped her hand away before she could grab it. "I do not trust you with this blade. I'm going to give it back to Nowhere or keep it in my lair."

"All right, what do you suggest? How do you plan to stab him with the Mordite?"

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:


Platypus slapped her hand away before she could grab it. "I do not trust you with this blade. I'm going to give it back to Nowhere or keep it in my lair."

"All right, what do you suggest? How do you plan to stab him with the Mordite?"


Subversion grabbed for the blade again.

"I'm not planning to stab him with Mordite. That would never work."

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13 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


Subversion grabbed for the blade again.

"I'm not planning to stab him with Mordite. That would never work."

"NO! I! AM! NOT!"

Platypus slapped her hand again, then summoned his Narrationblade, only to see it wasn't Prismite anymore. "Ha! Luxite! I told you I was a Luxsprite!"

"..." Platypus stared at her. "You literally said, and I quote, 'Yep. Mordite'll do the job.'"

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22 minutes ago, Nameless* said:


Subversion grabbed for the blade again.

"I'm not planning to stab him with Mordite. That would never work."

6 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"NO! I! AM! NOT!"

Platypus slapped her hand again, then summoned his Narrationblade, only to see it wasn't Prismite anymore. "Ha! Luxite! I told you I was a Luxsprite!"

"..." Platypus stared at her. "You literally said, and I quote, 'Yep. Mordite'll do the job.'"

Spook drew his Plotblade and slapped the mordite blade out of Platypus's hand, taking it, "Enough. Squabbling like children won't kill Darkness, nor will bragging about new found status as a mystical creature. Personally, I care little about that and, Subversion, only helpful suggestions, please." Spook held both swords in his hands, seeing how he could hold both of them.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Spook drew his Plotblade and slapped the mordite blade out of Platypus's hand, taking it, "Enough. Squabbling like children won't kill Darkness, nor will bragging about new found status as a mystical creature. Personally, I care little about that and, Subversion, only helpful suggestions, please." Spook held both swords in his hands, seeing how he could hold both of them.

Platypus didn't have it in his hand, he can't hold it without it basically burning him.

Platypus slapped Spook's hand away too. "I told you, I'm giving this back to Nowhere or keeping it in my lair! And I'm not bragging, Subsy here was just skeptical, and whenever I'm right and she's wrong, I have to gloat. She deserves it!"

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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus didn't have it in his hand, he can't hold it without it basically burning him.

Platypus slapped Spook's hand away too. "I told you, I'm giving this back to Nowhere or keeping it in my lair! And I'm not bragging, Subsy here was just skeptical, and whenever I'm right and she's wrong, I have to gloat. She deserves it!"

"Thus," said Spook drily, "Proving yourself as bad as her. Now, as I was saying," He tucked the plot blade back onto his bracelet, "we need to come up with a plan instead of fighting each other. It's far more important than the fight."

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5 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Thus," said Spook drily, "Proving yourself as bad as her. Now, as I was saying," He tucked the plot blade back onto his bracelet, "we need to come up with a plan instead of fighting each other. It's far more important than the fight."

Platypus grinned. "Eh. As bad as her isn't quite true, but... for lack of a better term I'll let it slide. And my plan is already out there. Go check in with Mythos and see if his plan is working."

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8 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"NO! I! AM! NOT!"

Platypus slapped her hand again, then summoned his Narrationblade, only to see it wasn't Prismite anymore. "Ha! Luxite! I told you I was a Luxsprite!"

"..." Platypus stared at her. "You literally said, and I quote, 'Yep. Mordite'll do the job.'"


Subversion looked the blade over. “Eh, could be fake. I’ve never seen Luxite before. Besides, what do you really expect Luxite to do?”

She made a mental note to go deal with Nowhere later. “Just walking up to Darkness and stabbing him would never work, no matter what weapon I had. He’s too powerful, and besides that the rules of Plot wouldn’t allow it.”

8 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Thus," said Spook drily, "Proving yourself as bad as her. Now, as I was saying," He tucked the plot blade back onto his bracelet, "we need to come up with a plan instead of fighting each other. It's far more important than the fight."

“Here’s the plan: You give me the Mordite blade and I do whatever I want with it, then I’ll help you convince Moni to kill Darkness with her Plotblade.”

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2 hours ago, Nameless* said:


Subversion looked the blade over. “Eh, could be fake. I’ve never seen Luxite before. Besides, what do you really expect Luxite to do?”

She made a mental note to go deal with Nowhere later. “Just walking up to Darkness and stabbing him would never work, no matter what weapon I had. He’s too powerful, and besides that the rules of Plot wouldn’t allow it.”

“Here’s the plan: You give me the Mordite blade and I do whatever I want with it, then I’ll help you convince Moni to kill Darkness with her Plotblade.”


Platypus sighed. "Eh. Then why did you say that Mordite would do the trick?"

"Absolutely not."

Just now, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer offers to spar with sleeper.

um... isn't he dead though?

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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