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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Yrank gripped his knuckle duster tightly, cocked back his fist, then connecting it to the body of the enormous rabbit sending it flying, unconscious.

"That costed me one week's worth of energy..." Yrank trailed off as he collapsed to the ground, senseless.


(This is kind of how I imagined it)




Edited by The H
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Jilu’s eye twitched as she noticed the mass of undefended meat. Focus, she thought. Screaming, the strange reindeer monster bit into the large rabbit’s face, blinding it. The Lord of the Colour Red snarled, and jumped onto Jilu, savaging her face in return. However, his feet soon get stuck in the muffin, and is unable to harm Jilu. Jilu shifts back into human form, then pulled the rabbit of of her face as it scrambled.

”A souvenir!”

Jilu shoves the Lord of the Colour Red into her pocket, then focused on the giant rabbit.

Edited by SpiritOfWrath
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2 hours ago, SpiritOfWrath said:

As soon as the words leave Nogard’s mouth, a gigantic Red rabbit bursts towards them. On it, the Lord of the Colour Red rides with a crazed look in his eyes. “You abandoned me. Forgot about me. I will get that GIF, if I must take it from your cold dead hands. Prepare yourselves.”

The mount gave a mighty roar, and charged at them. With this, Jilu shifted into her monster form, and met the attack.

I imaginded something

Aero used the form of the scissors to summon his sword

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The Once-Author swung his Authorblade which, as it normally did with things that weren't his characters, went straight through the rabbit doing nothing.

You know those moments when you suddenly realize a weapon that you were given is actually designed in a way that it would develop a point in your character, that was probably designed intentionally to be that way by the person who developed it but their intentions went completely over your head?

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