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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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For my 2,000th post, a poem, spoilered for length. This was kinda last-minute.


Far away, over a small fire and under a star-filled sky, a hooded figure whispered to the wind…


Have you seen the goddess,

Weeping at her dear one’s grave?

Clad in violet

Shimmering rays.


Sculpting clouds

And topping peaks

Her crystal tears

Upon her cheeks.


Just a Thought

Lost to the wind

With not a care

For what has been.


She’s seen it all

With lavender eyes

Heeding love’s

Forgotten cries.


She laughs.


“Oh, no.”


The Shard shakes her head.


A shadow of the future

Fate’s quiet silhouette,

Malleable and frail

Muttering, “Not yet.”


Shattered by ideas

And broken by the sun.

Sabotaging destiny

As the prophecy’s undone.



The figure pulled back its hood, revealing a head of blonde hair and shimmering amethyst eyes.


Star smiled.


But that was irrelevant.








Edited by Shard of Thought
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21 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Edit: Why are there so many ninjas?!?!?!

That's what I'd been saying!!! You know what, with all the ninjas abounding, I'm just gonna post from page 396 even though current page cap is 403, and doing it without any context on what is happening otherwise because I can. So there.

And now for something completely different; the Foot of God Tanalast comes down and squashes the Ghanderflaffle Empire, preventing it from rising ever again - (edit) until it rose again.

Edited by Le Sigh
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A breadmunk looked up from where it had been hiding. "What's so wrong with me saying the name of my species? Breadmunks have rights too! If it weren't for how much effort it would take, I'd start a protest! A peaceful one though. Not violent. Violence is almost as bad as how mean you're being to my kind. You all are MEAN and I don't like you." Then it disappeared using one of the many mystical breadmunk powers.

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However, that rule only applied in Western Ghanderflaffle Society. Easterns were all about "Ghanderfuscianism" and filial piety, or whatever. They were the ones who'd enslaved the breadmunks who apparently all escaped. This caused EGE to declare war on Breadmunktopia.

Narrator LLe Sigh was rather enjoying this.

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