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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:
3 minutes ago, Le Sigh said:

Narrator LLe Sigh was rather enjoying this.

But Narrator Le Sigh wasn’t.

Narrator LLe Sigh was the brother of LLe Sigh, son of LLLe Sigh, daughter of LLLLe Sigh, heir to the throne of LLLLLe Sigh in the land of LLLLLLe Sigh, and so on and so forth.

Also, Narrator Le Sigh was in no way related to Ghanderfuscious, but the latter was related to Narrator LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLe Sigh.

Edited by Le Sigh
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Narrator Ghanderflaffle was surprised by the turn of events, then she remembered that this it TLT and that random things happened often. 

Narrator Le Sigh also had a less fierce cousin know as Kinderflaffle.

Edit: I was double :ph34r:'d, great job.

Edited by Ghanderflaffle
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Just now, Ghanderflaffle said:

Luna was faster than my edit.

There was a sign posted by the candle that said: "Definitely not made from graverobbing."

I am very speedy.

People made sure to avoid it because it smelled like dead people.

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