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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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The air flicked. A shade of Tom Joebob appeared.

"You don't believe me? Really? Even now?"

He laughed, flickering.

"What if I show you?"

A window appeared. Inside it, a family sat eating dinner. There were three children, with ages ranging from 3 to 13. AJ sat at the head of the table with a woman- not Star or Thought - laughing and eating the meal. He was happy.

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Star was indeed quite unresponsive. The cell door was open. Even wounded as she was, Thought was skilled enough in combat to pass Marsh and escape. But then, she had no reason to. AJ would come. She knew that. She muttered his name. She would do so until he arrived and she was safe in his arms. Or until she died. Whichever came first. She heard Tom's words of course. They tore at her heart. It's not real, she promised herself, it's not real.

Edited by Shard of Thought
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Tom Joebob laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.

He opened his eyes and called into the void. "It is no worse than what she has done to me."

He turned to her. "Sorry? Sorry won't cut it. Not anymore."

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Tom's face was a mask of sorrow. "It is too late, Tamika. I heard your words. You cannot change who you are."

He turned away. "Your memories were destroyed, as his were. Who you were is gone. That woman... that is what I wanted."

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Jaywalk’s robe was stained with streaks of blood. Bozo sat beside him, revolver clutched between his paws.

”What shall we do?” Bozo asked.

”There’s nothing we can do,” Jaywalk replied. “Tom has powers beyond my comprehension.”

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Tom lay still. "I loved you, once. You took that, and you threw it away. To be with him."

He jerked his thumb towards the house.

"Even after all I did for you. I took your Shard, and rescued it. I restored your memories, or tried to."

Grief covered his face. "They were altered. They made you hate me. You... you punished me, made me drink what I swore I would never drink again. You used the Key to make it permanent. And now... And now..."

He stopped, unable to continue.

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