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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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This is my chance!

Max was trapped. He pounded on the gateway to the Beyond, but he could not get through. It would not let him.

And so, he wandered the furthest reaches of Shadesmar, searching for a gateway. To somewhere else. Anywhere else. Anywhere but here.

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Many years later, in the present, the Witherlord looked up at Xinoehp.

And smiled.

"It's funny," he said. "Just when you think you have it all... you lose it."

The words clanked around in Xinoehp's head for a second. Then, something clicked.

And Xinoehp remembered.

Edited by xinoehp512
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4 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:

This is my chance!

Max was trapped. He pounded on the gateway to the Beyond, but he could not get through. It would not let him.

And so, he wandered the furthest reaches of Shadesmar, searching for a gateway. To somewhere else. Anywhere else. Anywhere but here.

A voice, barely audible, echoed in his hearing.

"Well," it said. "What have we here?"

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16 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

A voice, barely audible, echoed in his hearing.

"Well," it said. "What have we here?"

Figures began to rise around him, adorned in white cloaks threaded with gold. “Our old master seeks to find you,” the zealots of Odium said. “But she knows not where to go.”

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10 minutes ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

"A platypus eating half of a stormlight-lollipop, on bridge 5 the old geezer that lures people to their death and saved us from the cream soda plague, that's what."

7 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:

Figures began to rise around him, adorned in white cloaks threaded with gold. “Our old master seeks to find you,” the zealots of Odium said. “But she knows not where to go.”

In moments, they faded, replaced with a hundreds of thousands of other images and thoughts. Slowly they swirled around Max, trapped in his state of stasis.

"I have need of your services," said the voice. Said Fate.

Edited by xinoehp512
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24 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

In moments, they faded, replaced with a hundreds of thousands of other images and thoughts. Slowly they swirled around Max, trapped in his state of stasis.

"I have need of your services," said the voice. Said Fate.

Max reached out for one of the images, but his hand phased through it. “Who are you?” he asked, walking through the swirling pictures.

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"Well, goodnight," sixteen year old Rose said. She started closing the door. 

"Rose," Granite said softly. 

Rose paused. 

"Do you ever think that maybe... Mom might have killed Dad?"

Rose paled. She shook her head. "Granite, you know I don't like talking about-"

"No, I'm serious. It makes sense. She was gone for so long. Maybe... maybe she ran off with some other guy. That's why Dad was so quiet about it. And when Mom filed for divorce, then-"

"Granite," Rose said warningly. 

"But it makes sense! Doesn't it? Haven't you ever thought about-"

"Yes, of course I've thought about it, Granite! I-"

"You can't say you haven't thought about if Father was murdered! Or-or maybe it's happier, Rose, maybe Mom had to leave, 'cause she was some sort of hero. And then she was kidnapped and they forced her to divorce Dad! And then-"

"GRANITE, STOP IT!!!" Rose yelled. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Mother left because she didn't care about us and Dad killed himself because he couldn't handle it. That is all that happened." She cried softly. "For all we know, they're both dead. They're not coming back, Granite, so you can fantasize all you want about them. They left because they. Didn't. Care. About. Us." She turned away. "Goodnight." Rose shut the door firmly before Granite could say anything more and walked to her bed. She collapsed onto it, grabbed her pillow and sobbed into it. "I am Rose Elena Kholin," she said in a shaking voice. "My Father was a normal man without spikes in his eyes. My Mother was a normal woman who couldn't make things happen when she said things aloud. They both died in a fire. And now I live with my Aunt and Uncle. My name is Rose Elena Kholin. My Father was a normal man without spikes in his eyes..." 

Rose repeated those words until she fell asleep and she dreamed that she believed them. 

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Sometimes I feel like an evil scientist, said TVG. I began an experiment nearly 450 pages ago. Or rather all of us began an experiment. We took two perfectly normal children and then separated them from their perfectly abnormal parents. One of them killed himself and the other was so traumatized about the whole thing that she made herself forget she had ever had children in the first place. We took those children and we set them aside, to sit while we kept writing. Now, those children have grown up. Narrators, watch closely, for we are about to find out what happens when you rip young children's parents away from them and let them stew over it for a decade. 

Both their souls are crushed and even if we tried to fix them, they would never look the same way they did when they started. It's beautiful and it's heartbreaking and perhaps most importantly, it would be an absolute shame if we let them continue to rot. For, in their current states they are not going anywhere. I intend to bring Granite to CBST very soon. He is ready, but his older sister is not. Both have the capacity to become absolute works of art though, and if you know anything about me, it's that I will always choose the artistic, beautiful plot. 

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