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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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A messenger ran up to the gathered narrators. "Generals, I bring a report from the seventh battalion. There's been an attack by a new Sugar army." The messenger took a breath before continuing: "The pass through the asparagus peaks has fallen. The fortress of grapetil has been captured. The enemy lured our forces out of the walls with a raiding party, then struck like lightning with a force almost twice as large as our own. We were out-maneuvered at every turn. It was a massacre sir, they seemed to know our plans almost before we did. The Champion was there, and also a new leader, Kernel Candy Corn. Sir, with the pass captured, they can freely send their troops to the training camps of the knight of Potatalia! You must send reinforcements at once or they will crush one of our strongest allies."

Edited by Nameless
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FT couldn't feel--anything. His brain continued to process, his powers of Narration allowed for that, but the world had stopped. the mist of high-fructose corn syrup wafted on the breeze. A Narrator who had tripped was falling toward the ground. A sniper was pointing a gun at FT. A Jelly Baby assassin was perched on an outcropping five hundred yards away. He had yet to get into position, and the time stoppage had allowed FT to study the position. If he released his weight, drew on luck, and dropped to the ground he just might avoid the bullet. 

In the meantime, he calculated how to defeat the gods. It was quite useful. FT solved Reihman's hypothesis, and discovered the next prime number, and he wondered who stopped time?

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Like this, said Aqua, and showed her.

Imagine reality as a river, stretching to infinity- its breadth space, its flow time. 

Focus on the flow around you. Right now, it flows slowly- almost unmoving. As it flows, time passes.

But it doesn't have to pass forwards.

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Oh, Sophie thought. Hmm... She focused in, centered herself, and reached out with her mind, holding the idea of time within her telepathic grasp. And then, she pushed back. 

As she did, things began to move. Backwards. It was an unnerving feeling. At first, things moved lethargically, but as she gained momentum, it began winding to a more manageable pace. When do I stop? 

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9 minutes ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

And suddenly, as time moved backwards, Commander Carrot was back, alive and well.

Not from the time reversal (that was localized) but because he'd been resurrected by the power of healthiness.

32 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Oh, Sophie thought. Hmm... She focused in, centered herself, and reached out with her mind, holding the idea of time within her telepathic grasp. And then, she pushed back. 

As she did, things began to move. Backwards. It was an unnerving feeling. At first, things moved lethargically, but as she gained momentum, it began winding to a more manageable pace. When do I stop? 

Sophie felt herself move in reverse. Aqua popped back out of her and shot into the sky again. She fell down, the forcefield went back up, Astral returned to being unconscious, Aqua came back down, Michael went backwards over the cliff and- at last- Xino stood back up again, alive and well.

Now, said Aqua in a slightly strained voice.

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