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[Shardhunt Unlockable] The Alloy of Law Annotations (Ch. 2-10)


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It's nice to get some new annotations. Besides the tidbits (Sazed's Zenness, the God Beyond...), I like to read Brandon's thoughts on his writing.




Let's call it dozing, then.  :)

Edited by Kurkistan
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Ahhh! New annotations at last!

EDIT: Good on you, Sazed, protecting Scadrial from the other Shards. Glad to know he's hard at work with that.

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So . . . well, at this point, the ability to explain it scientifically breaks down. I do like what it does, but I have to set its boundaries and stick to them—and accept that some of what’s going on is irrational. (And don’t get me started on what should really be happening scientifically when Wayne slows time.)


Interesting. It implies we've been wasting our time trying to make for a physical explanation here on this and bendalloy/cadmium. I'll just be satisfied with them using handwavium for now, then.


Incidentally: good work letting people die, Sazed? The annotations imply Sazed could stop people being kidnapped and murdered if he wanted, but he doesn't because he "doesn’t feel that interfering is something he should often be doing".


I am not impressed. Oh well. Good to know he's not completely useless since he's working on figuring out the other Shards.

Edited by Moogle
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I liked this: now I must know more!

Yes, one of the months of the year is named after Vin. There are twelve months, one after each member of the crew, with a few tweaks. (The days of the week have different names too, but we ended up not using any in this book.)



Oh, look, this is Brandon being Brandon...

(Well, it’s not the only one, but to say more would be to give away too much.)



I want to read this book so much!

It was a nice spin on a typical Western motif—instead of being the quiet gunman of Western cliché, he was a screwball hatmaker. And his horse was sentient and grumbling about having to carry him around; she wanted to get back into a human body as soon as possible.


I didn't actually remember the mention of the God Beyond - but then, I've only read The Alloy of Law once. We've now seen the name pop up in both The Emperor's Soul and Words of Radiance. I definitely suspect Hoid for, if not starting, then at least propagating this trend throughout the cosmere. I wonder if he is subtly making people believe in Adonalsium as a part of his cosmere plan...

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I didn't actually remember the mention of the God Beyond - but then, I've only read The Alloy of Law once. We've now seen the name pop up in both The Emperor's Soul and Words of Radiance. I definitely suspect Hoid for, if not starting, then at least propagating this trend throughout the cosmere. I wonder if he is subtly making people believe in Adonalsium as a part of his cosmere plan...


It also pops up in Shadows for Silence, and I don't think Hoid has ever visited that planet. I'm not so sure it isn't some sort of remnant of the original Yolish religion which might have revolved around Adonalsium. Worldhoppers might be spreading it though, you bring up a good point.

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I liked this: now I must know more!


Oh, look, this is Brandon being Brandon...


I want to read this book so much!


I didn't actually remember the mention of the God Beyond - but then, I've only read The Alloy of Law once. We've now seen the name pop up in both The Emperor's Soul and Words of Radiance. I definitely suspect Hoid for, if not starting, then at least propagating this trend throughout the cosmere. I wonder if he is subtly making people believe in Adonalsium as a part of his cosmere plan...

Where id the God Beyond mentioned in Words of Radiance?

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WoR Spoilers

During Hoid's story about the two blind men and the nature of beauty to Shallan during her flashback to Middlefest Fair

Thanks, I hate asking because I just read it but books like WoR are so big stuff like the flashbacks and small things like this just all start to blend together or separate themselves so I can only remember a specific quote but not the chapter it's from. (Like when Kaladin asks if Honor is dead and Syl says "yes but i am apart of him.") Not being able to find that chapter again is driving me up a wall.

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i wonder why we didn't got the prologue and f9irst chapter. for prologue maybe he's keeping something hidden about bloody tan, but why the first?

Brandon just hasn't written it yet. That's why these weren't posted earlier. The prologue was actually the very last thing he wrote for the book.



Thanks, I hate asking because I just read it but books like WoR are so big stuff like the flashbacks and small things like this just all start to blend together or separate themselves so I can only remember a specific quote but not the chapter it's from. (Like when Kaladin asks if Honor is dead and Syl says "yes but i am apart of him.") Not being able to find that chapter again is driving me up a wall.


I totally gotcha man. Quotes can be tough. Here's the other one you were looking for.

“You ask me why I protect Dalinar. I have to know if he really is what he seems, Syl. I have to know if one of them lives up to his reputation. That will tell me—”

“Tell you?” she asked, becoming the image of a full- size young woman standing on the wall before him. She was nearly as tall as he was, her dressfading to mist. “Tell you what?”

“If honor is dead,” Kaladin whispered.

“He is,” Syl said. “But he lives on in men. And in me.”

This is from Chapter 41, page 470 in my edition.

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Brandon just hasn't written it yet. That's why these weren't posted earlier. The prologue was actually the very last thing he wrote for the book.




I totally gotcha man. Quotes can be tough. Here's the other one you were looking for.


This is from Chapter 41, page 470 in my edition.

Thanks a lot for the help. Feels good to not have that gnawing at the back of my head.

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It was a nice spin on a typical Western motif—instead of being the quiet gunman of Western cliché, he was a screwball hatmaker. And his horse was sentient and grumbling about having to carry him around; she wanted to get back into a human body as soon as possible.


I want to read this book so much!


Pfft. really, I was thinking of Mr. Ed...even though the horse would've been female and a kandra, but then I was like, Sazed as a hatmaker riding TenSoon! (Perhaps I can make myself look like more of an idiot today...)

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I like how Brandon finds it just as silly to discuss Feruchemical iron and time bubbles as I do. It's clearly not meant to be immensely rigorous (though the discussion of FTL with Allomancy is about the only worthwhile topic there, in my opinion).

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I like how Brandon finds it just as silly to discuss Feruchemical iron and time bubbles as I do. It's clearly not meant to be immensely rigorous (though the discussion of FTL with Allomancy is about the only worthwhile topic there, in my opinion).


Chaos!? You wound me!  :( ( :P)

-Though, to be fair, most of my delving into the minutia of time bubbles is at the very least spurred by FTL considerations.

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Marewill flowers are named after Kelsier’s wife. 

Most adorable thing!



I find it hilarious that Wayne as a character came first, and then Brandon had to stop him "borrowing" the story from Wax. Wonder what he would replace it with? :P

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Well, I take it your not religious yourself then, as the same ignoring kidnapping murder etc argument on Sazed could be made for all the religions worshipping an omnipotent god ;). Stronger even, as they would know all the results of their actions, sazed can only see so far into the future. You might be a hindu thou I guess;)


And love the flower name! and the months too. Wich twelve then?


Vin we know, Kelsier, breeze, Ham, Clubs, dockson. Elend already got the city, but maybe anyway?


Who more, tensoon?  some of clubs aprentices? Marsh, the rebel leader(blackout, forgotten name;)), Demoux maybe?.


Whos the rest of the month´s you think?

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Maybe Spook and Marsh? Who was their smoker before clubs?



Rebel leader is Yeden I think?


Demoux has a street named after him already, but that doesn't necessarily count him out for the months.

This could work:

1. Vin


3. Marsh

4. Breeze


6. Dockson

7. Renoux/OreSeur

8. Clubs

9. Spook

10. Yeden


12. Elend.


Or possibly Mare as one of them? Instead of Elend who Kelsier didn't originally like?

It depends who named the months, and who they counted as the 'original crewmembers', I think.

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I like how Brandon finds it just as silly to discuss Feruchemical iron and time bubbles as I do. It's clearly not meant to be immensely rigorous (though the discussion of FTL with Allomancy is about the only worthwhile topic there, in my opinion).

actually, the fact that you can theorize that kind of things is one of the things I like about sanderson. his fans are mostly curious, inquisitive people. people wanting to figure out things. it is normal for that kind of people to wonder how magic would work. we were sanderfans before sanderson ever started writing. he simply provided us with something that appealed to us. sometimes before we ourselves knew what we wanted.

Compare, for example, with the lord of the rings: "why didn't gandalf just make a spell to defeat the orcs in moria? because he could not. he don't have the power to do that. why then did he use a spell to kill the ballrog? Because he could". Quite unsatisfying to have to take an author's word that way.

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