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The craftsmen.


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"Yes we can install an HUD on your helmet. We will also make a variety of modes for viewing the map in your helmet for any situation, so to recap, you want one big holographic map, one tablet sized one, and a HUD in your helmet conveying the same information. I'll put in the order now, so the boss can size it up for a price." He walks over to the wall, writes the request on a piece of paper and slips it into the wall.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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"We can have it fully operational in a week, we can have the actual devices to you tomorrow, the helmet, tablet etc, but the satellite's will take longer to set up and position. We can get about 3 out per day, so in 2 days we will have the bones of the system ready. In 3 or 4 the accuracy will be much better, and faster. In a week, all the devices will be out."

Suddenly, the wall beeped, and a paper flew out. The clerk picked it up and read it. "As for payment, the boss wants 'claiming rights?' something about being able to claim worlds that he discovers. is that all right?"

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The clerks eyes shot up at that offer. 50/50? That’s incredible! But Mack’s paper had said that he didn’t want too much territory to maintain, barely any at all if that could be managed. He said max he was willing to take was one out of every ten. 

“Well, uh thank you for the generous offer, but we don’t actually want that much territory there’s not a whole lot we can do with it anyway, I was instructed to negotiate for one out of ten, and nothing more. How does that work?”



The way Mack sees it, he doesn’t have enough men to man too much territory, and he knows that he will be using this invention as well, so he feels guilty for overselling it to you.


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"Ok then. How can we contact you to deliver the materials. We can teleport them to the entrance to the boundless realms, or if you give us details about your location, directly to your ship or base or whatever you use."

@Gancho Libre

"Give me half an hour. I will have that watch for you. That will be about, 50 crysts."

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The clerk walks back into the room, with a modified wristwatch. Seeing that the man was gone, he wrote out a note and stuck it on the lockbox in the wall with a slot to insert money. He put the watch inside of the lockbox. He then walked back to the counter and sat down.

The note read:

"It takes the hand exactly three seconds to go all the way around the circle. Don't worry about how we keep it that way. If you want, we can explain it, but honestly its really boring. Just insert 50 crysts into the lockbox, like a vending machine, and it will open."

The clerk accepted the paper. 

"This should work great, we will teleport it into the center here tomorrow, whenever we can manage. Thank you for the business." He grabbed the helmet and the note and walked to the door, opening it for the Explorer.


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Ioc reappeared in the Craftsman Place, covered in blood and koloss.

"Sorry about the mess," Ioc said. "It's rather a funny story. I get to the bank, go to my bank vault, and what do i see? about 500 kolos guarding it. I'm thinking, 'hey, those koloss is gonna steal me stuff!', well, actually I said that aloud. Then those koloss turned towards me and started attacking me, so I had to kill all of them. In the middle of the battle, I realized I was unconsciously hutting off all of them heads, so I resolved to do that to all of them. Once it was done, I removed the bodies and placed the heads upright on the floor so it would look like the koloss sank into the ground. That is except for the blood. Huh. I'm just realizing, maybe they won't fall for it. So, anyway, I was pretty happy, cuz then the jerk who put a bunch of koloss in front of my vault would be super conbamboozled. Anyway I go to the vault, and I try to open it, but the jerk darn switched my lock! I was there for ten hours, going through every single possibility with F-speed, when I got bored and just ripped the front off. And you know what? It was empty! So, I go raise the alarm that my vault was stolen, and I lead some security guys to the place of the scene, and this clerk comes and says to me, 'This ain't your vault,'

Ioc grinned. 'So, it seemed that I did all that for nothing! My vault was one over. So, I opened it up and left before the jerk could come back and realize I ransacked his money place,"

So, Ioc inserted 50 chrysts into the lockbox, pulled out the watch and disappeared in a flash of beige.

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"This heavily fortified shop, is the craftsmen shop, its not where the Magic Happens. While this was our original location, we have since expanded and now this is just the gateway to the actual base." Unlocking the front door, Mac led the way into the shop, speaking as he went. "This first room is the showroom, basically its where we sell normal stuff to people." He walked through another door, and began guiding Alum through the maze of hall ways, pointing out things like the private meeting rooms, various storerooms, and the eggnog fountain. Then he arrived at one final room with an large Aon Tia on the floor. 

"Give me a second." Stepping into the room, he disappeared in a flash of light. A few seconds later he reappeared with a little vial of blood. Reaching inside, he pulled out a needle sized hemalurgic spike. "When I insert this spike into you, it will give you a little bit of my identity. With this, you can use pre-drawn Aons, you can't make your own, you need to be a elantrian for that, but with this you can use our teleporters and the other Aons you see around. You are a normal human right? This would end up going in your mid back. Can I stab you?"


Edited by MacThorstenson
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“That would be... problematic.” Alum thought back over his oath. “I made a pact that I would only ever use two spikes, a long time ago. They go in here...” He gestured to his right arm. “I swap them out regularly, keep them in vials of blood. For my studies. If you were to stab me, I’d have to remove one permanently. Does the spike have to go in my back, or could it go in a different bindpoint? One where it could be more easily removed?”

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"hmmm, maybe. If we split it up into multiple spikes, then yes they could go into your arm, but you would need half a dozen." Mack dissapeared, and returned with half a dozen vials of blood. "Each one of these can be put in your arm, and will grant you an aspect of membership. This one allows you to use the Aons, this one just identifies you as a craftsmen, allowing you past most security check points. The other 4 each grant you access to the different parts of the base. You will find that its arranged in the shape of an Aon Rao."

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On 9/23/2018 at 3:52 PM, MetaTerminal said:

“That would be excellent.” Taking the vials, and removing the A-Pewter and A-Bendalloy ones that sliced through his arm, he inserted the Craftsmen and the Aon spikes. “I’m good to go. What’s the plan from here?”

"Now, we head into the main part of the base." 

Stepping onto the Aon Tia in the center of the room, Mack and Alum disappeared in a flash of light. Reappearing in a giant glass dome with augmenting fabrials and strengthening aons all over it. The dome was also at the bottom of the ocean. This Dome was shaped like the center of a Aon Rao, with each of the sides having a door, and large glass hallway leading to smaller circular domes. 

"Here is the main part of the Craftsmen base, This is where most of the labs are, the sleeping quarters, and all the other necessities of life. Each of the sides leads to a smaller subsection of the base. To the south is the main transporting room. In there we can get all around the multiverse in a few steps. To the west, that is the experimental lab. Lots of explosions and the such over there." He paused for a moment remembering something, then his eyes widened. "That reminds me, I need to drop this off." He removes a gem from his robe. "This has information on hemalurgic automations. I need them, because regular automation are too stupid to work in there, but real people are too valuable and I lose way to many of them because of accidents." He started walking over to the west gate and began explaining their work there. "Right now, we are trying to create self containing plasma swords. They generally explode so its not that functional. We are trying to get them to be summoned by a pair of gloves. The idea, is that you snap your fingers, and an Aon program activates that creates and maintains a plasma sword in your hand. Its really dangerous. I love it." Reaching the west door, he grabbed a craftsman who was walking in and gave him the gem, with instructions to deliver it to the guy in charge there, and to finish building the automatons with this information.

"Now, that way is the north door. It leads to where the money is made that keeps this place running." He began to walk toward the east, cutting across the dome. "During the 16 year peace, I traveled around the entire multiverse, and I reached the earth with the free kingdoms. Those guys are idiots by the way. They are under the impression that huts are more advanced than houses. Anyway, I went to the Hushlands, and while I was there, I discovered that they have aluminum all over the place. They have amazing technology that can extract tons of it from a certain rock. Its amazing. I took that, and brought it here, where I make it really cheap, then sell it at a huge markup to scadrial, and the other planets in the cosmere. I make loads of money, and that's how I keep this thing running." Arriving at the east door, he stopped, and said. "This east door is the vault, and my personal quarters." The door swung open, after checking to make sure that it was Mack who was entering. Once inside, he stepped on a moving walkway. "I also got these things in the hushlands. I love them." They stood in silence as they rode down the hallway. When they reached the second dome, the door swung open again, revealing a collection of buildings. Walking through, he named them out.

"Here is my personal lab, you can see Operation Iron Man Mk 2 in progress." Looking thorugh the door, there was a series of suits in various stages of construction, each one demonstrating a different sub system that would be needed in the final suit.

"Here is the vault." Inside of this room, there were a number of pedestals, each one containing something different. In the back, there were three pedestals higher than the rest, one held a ring, the next a pair of gloves, and the third, a laurel wreath. The rest of the pedestals were filled with various artifacts that Mack was proud of.

"And this final building contain most of the quarters for me and the other head craftsmen. You will also be in here. Now that the tour is over, I have stuff I need to do so uh i guess do what you want? Please don't mess with the aluminum, everything in there is automated, and if you bump something it could screw up production. Uhh yeah. Oh, wait. Don't mess with the rods from god, or the nukes, or the other weapons in the middle area. Have fun!" Mack turned around and ran back to the iron man suits and began building his Mk. 2.


Sorry for the late reply, I didn't really have a lot of time for a long post these last few days.


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Don’t worry - this post is the most belated of them all.

Even the sheer size of the building astounded him. Alum marveled at the technology: aluminium was plentiful here? Moving walkways? Iron Man suits? Aons? Nukes? It would take a while to acclimatize, for sure.

But for now, he had elsewhere to be. Grabbing some conveniently placed sign materials, Alum left the compound. He had had an idea.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

"Good, my master requires a snazzy new robe endowed with aon edos" the brightly clocked figure leaned in close to the counter "price is no object, it's an abstract thought"

"Great! I will be done. 

Any colors or styles that you guy want?"

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