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Hi! I'm TruthlessofShinovar. I really thought that name would have been taken.

I remember last year looking at some Best Fantasy Books lists, and I found Way of Kings as number 1 or 2. The cover and description instantly hooked me. I looked it up on Goodreads, and it became even more interesting. I remember buying the Kindle version that evening because I needed to read it. I think my 16-year-old mind blown with every chapter. (About 500 pages later I bought the physical copy - and the sequel.)

A few months after reading WOK I read Elantris, and I loved it. Then Words of Radiance, which I think is even better than Way of Kings. Now, 8 months and three Sanderson books later, I'm currently reading Mistborn: The Final Empire. I love Brandon's writing style in the Stormlight books, but for some reason I'm finding Mistborn's style a bit clunky and exposition-heavy. From reading some earlier and later Sanderson books, I think he really improved on his writing - and especially his dialogue.


Edited by TruthlessofShinovar
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1 hour ago, Life&Death said:

Hello and welcome to the Shard. Beware of cookies and people trying to steal breath. If you could have one Sanderson power what would it be?

Hey! I think Lashing is the most fun to read about, but personally I think I would choose Shallan's powers (Lightweaving?).

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Welcome @TruthlessofShinovar! Welcome to the forum you join to learn about Hoid's antics :ph34r: and stay for discussions involving Realmatic Theory...

To start with Way of Kings is indeed ambitious of you. I am glad you are giving Mistborn a try! That is where I recommend starting with cosmere. His writing style is unique, but I promise that finishing the trilogy will blow you away.

Have an upvote and avoid the hemalurgically spiked cookies :) 

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1 hour ago, TruthlessofShinovar said:

Hey, thanks @Moonrise! Yeah, TWOK is probably too overwhelming and dense as a place to start... but it was pretty much what I was looking for - something a little more meaty and contemplative than the YA I had been reading.

In case you did not see yet, Brandon has some really nice YA series as well. Reckoners in particular (Steelheart is book 1) is quite popular I hear and his new book coming out this year (Skyward) sounds interesting.

If you want really meaty, then Wheel of Time (WoT) 14 book series could be for you :P 

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22 minutes ago, Moonrise said:

In case you did not see yet, Brandon has some really nice YA series as well. Reckoners in particular (Steelheart is book 1) is quite popular I hear and his new book coming out this year (Skyward) sounds interesting.

If you want really meaty, then Wheel of Time (WoT) 14 book series could be for you :P 

Haha, I actually got the first few WoT books for a bargain a few weeks ago. I am going to start them this summer :)  

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3 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Welcome! I hope you enjoy Mistborn more as it goes along. Its a great story, and Kelsier is awesome.

Also, watch out! The Cosmere subforum will spoil basically every Sanderson book, and the subforums for individual series contain spoilers for those series as well. 

Thanks for the heads up! I definitely won't be too active on this site until I'm more caught up :D 

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