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The Ten Orders: How They do Everyday Things

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Just now, Bigmikey357 said:

I wish we knew all the Shard names so we could play this game with Adonalasium. We know 11 of them. Maybe speculations are in order.

We actually only know 10, unless Brandon just revealed one and I didn’t hear about it.

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Meeting strange alien race.

Windrunner: Makes the thing his squire. Or kills it instantly to protect his planet. In that case he spends next day silently weeping.

Skybreaker: Finds reason to put the thing in jail. He has great excuse when the alien race complains and it's almost as safe as killing it.

Dustbringer: Greets the thing warmly. Then finds it's ship, disassembles it quietly and learns about it as much as possible. Then reports the alien to bondsmith.

Edgedancer: Makes the alien his friend. Then takes it to get to know everybody. Then visits aliens planet and befriends them all.

Truthwatcher: Learns about the alien, its home planet and race everything without leaving his room. Then uses all the informations on his own.

Lightweaver: Hides from the alien, infiltrates its ship and secretly visits its planet. Then steals the ship (read "boots") and goes home.

Elsecaller: Meets the alien, then teleports on its planet and learns EVERYTH!NG. Then starts political machinations on the planet.

Willshaper: " Borrows" its ship for some time. Then travels whole cosmere. About thirty years later returns home with Map and couple of useful informations. And tons of stories to tell.

Stoneward: Without hesitation reports alien sighting to bondsmith. Then leaves for free day full of sparring and military training with other stonewards.

Bondsmith: Forges an aliance with alien leader after learning their language in matter of seconds. Then finds out if they can bond spren.

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Unlocking a door

Windrunner: would panic and search for anybody who needed to get into the house and was locked out.

Skybreaker: would use a key and open the door while scanning for signs of burglary.

Dustbringer: destroys the door.

Edgedancer: remembers that they hid a key under their doormat.

Truthwatcher: Sees the skybreaker open the door and lets him do it.

Lightweaver: Would break down the door and light weave one back

Elsecaller: would soulcast the door away and soulcast it back.

Willshaper: Leaves. Who has time to unlock a door?

Stoneward: would turn the entire door to liquid and walk in.

Bondsmith: remembers he gave his key to his friend to unite them with himself.

Edited by beantheboy12
Willshaper change
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I have the slightest intuition that Ingenuity is the originator of what ever magic system allows various investure powered machines to work, such as the allomanic replicator cube and fabrials. That or it is similar to a green lanterns ring..

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How the orders handle waking up and getting to work:


Windrunner: Work?  No time to work when there are people to protect.

Skybreaker: Would fly but there's probably some dumb law against that, so they waste their time stopping fully at every stop sign.

Dustbringer: Always early.  There is no traffic because they destroyed it.

Edgedancer: Slides through traffic while flipping and doing acrobatics to make everyone stuck in traffic remember there is fun in the world.

Truthwatcher: Already hit the lotto, no need to work.

Lightweaver:  Creates a replica office in their bedroom complete with replica work cloths and teleconferences in for everything.

Elsecaller: Teleports, duh.

Willshaper: Teleports, but not to work because that's not fun or an adventure.  Probably end up in some forsaken part of the Outback or something.

Stoneward:  If busy, never leaves work and does not have to worry about getting there.  If not busy, dreams about it being busy.

Bondsmith: Convinces work to come to him.

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How the orders would react when their local mayor wants them to repaint the playground.

Windrunner: Would repaint the park. Then add safety signs. And maybe some rubber corners on rough edges for the kids.

Skybreaker: "On what legal basis?"

Dustbringer: "If there was no playground. There would be nothing to repaint. *insert beaming smile here* "

Edgedancer: Slides all around the playground while painting the mayors name all around so that people don't forget who initiated it. 

Truthwatcher: Would see in the future that one of the other orders would repaint the playground. Then stay very far away from it given the outcome of the repainting.

Lightweaver: Would lie about agreeing on repainting the park. Then stealing the paint canisters to create his/her own personal artform. Then lie about stealing the paint canisters.

Elsecaller: "Why?"

Willshaper: Would agree to paint the playground. Then end up playing on the playground. Finally wandering somewhere else forgetting about the entire thing.

Stoneward:  Would agree to paint the playground. Start painting. Then stubbornly won't stop painting as "it isn't good enough".

Bondsmith: Make the mayor repaint the playground himself/herself.

Edited by goody153
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Ten orders going shopping at the mall:

Windrunner: would be the first one in and last one out of every store to ensure that everyone was safe.

Dustbringer: would decide now is the time to test the sprinkler system.

Skybreaker: Would inspect every store and keep a list of those not up to code.

Edgedancer: Would Remember to buy All if the things that their companions forgot.

Truthwatcher: Would foresee all of the sales and bring the proper coupons.

Stoneward: Would be dependable and carry bags for their friends around the mall.

Willshaper: Would start buying the correct items, but then get sidetracked by exploring the mall's employee only areas.

Elsecaller: Would spend the entire time in the bookstore.

Bondsmith: Would reconcile arguing friends who can't decide where to go first.

Lightweaver: Would spend the entire time putting on shows in the display Windows as shoppers walk by.

Edited by Nathrangking
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The orders get coffee at Starbucks (or insert your favourite coffee shop here, it doesn't matter)

Windrunners: Orders a very large coffee, the better to stay awake to protect people.

Skybreakers: Whatever they order it has to be exactly the right size and contain exactly the right mixture of ingredients or they will complain to the manager.

Dustbringers: Probably managed to break something and get kicked out.

Edgedancers: Tips very generously, end up sharing half the coffee with a homeless guy. Except Lift who still tips very generously, but orders the most sugary drink available and chugs it.

Truthwatcher: Orders coffee, and then sits in the corner. Knows everything about everyone in the store before they leave. Or something.

Lightweaver: Tries to trick the employees to get free coffee.

Elsecaller: Orders a black coffee, then just leaves.

Willshaper: never orders exactly the same thing twice.

Bondsmith: Tries to settle arguments between costumers and employees.

Stoneward: Orders a coffee.Takes a really long time to drink the coffee.

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How the Orders eat breakfast

Windrunner: Skips breakfast. Who has time to eat when there are people in danger?

Skybreaker: Military rations. No need for anything fancy.

Dustbringer: Probably wakes up at noon and buys from the McDonald's all day breakfast menu.

Edgedancer: Eats whatever, and then makes extra meals to give to the homeless.

Truthwatcher: Creates a healthy, nutritious meal everday

Lightweaver: Would make something that looks delicious even if its not that healthy

Elsecaller: Grabs some fruit and goes to wherever they need to go.

Willshaper: Tries something new everyday.

Stonewards: Eats two sunny side up eggs, one piece of toast, and three bacon strips everyday. No change.

Bondsmith: Creates a bunch of different meals for everybody to enjoy.

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How the Orders do trekking/climbing a moutain

Windrunner: Makes sure everybody has all the safety measures done ever before trekking/climbing then leads the way to ensure that whatever danger lies ahead. He suffers it first and saves whoever is behind.

Skybreaker: Makes sure to research all the possible legal infraction that could be done with the activity and the area of said activity. Then vigilantly makes sure nobody does any legal infraction more than actually enjoying the trek/climb.

Dustbringer: Makes sure to bring all the necessity on the trek/climb like a normal person. Then proceeds to burn the entire mountainside without actually even trying or intending to like a not normal person would.

Edgedancer: Makes sure to call all their "lonely" friends so that they can go on with their trip. 

Truthwatcher: Make sure to stay behind indoors and not do something so exhausting and dangerous like climbing/trekking a mountain.

Lightweaver: Makes sure to draw every possible beautiful sights along the trek/climb and ending up being left behind by everybody. Then the lightweaver proceeds to pretend to be not left behind.

Elsecaller: Makes sure to do all the necessary research and all the actually proper preparation for a successful climb/trek. Oh the elsecaller also collect plant/soil samples along the way.

Willshaper: Makes sure to follow the trail of the trek/climb but ends up in the opposite side of the country anyways.

Stonewards: Makes sure to follow his instincts and disregards what the mountain guide would say. Ends up in wherever the Willshaper ended up somehow.

Bondsmith: Makes sure to invite everybody like literally everybody possible for the trek/climb

Edited by goody153
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How the Ten Orders go on a car trip from Colorado to California through the mountains: 

Windrunner: *insists on taking every driving shift, not sleeping for days on end, but feeling satisfied since no one else had the chance to crash the car* *only occasionally glances outside to wish that they were flying among the mountains*

Skybreaker: *stays awake with Windrunner for most of the time, constantly watching the speedometer and yelling at Windrunner whenever they surpass the speed limit* *also ignores everything outside except for speed limit signs*

Dustbringer: *pushes the driver's seat every once in a while just to annoy whoever's driving, but spends most of their time chowing on whatever food they have and wondering how much stormlight it would take to reduce that boulder over there to rubble*

Edgedancer: *finally manages to convince Windrunner to sleep and takes over their shift driving, is less annoyed by Skybreaker but still occasionally snaps at them* *ignores Dustbringer wholeheartedly* *watches surroundings intently except for when driving*

Truthwatcher: *sits in back, reading and wishing that they were back at home so they wouldn't have to read the same ten books over and over again* *is unaware of everything outside*

Lightweaver: *spends all of their time watching the surroundings and sketching* *tries to cheer Windrunner up by offering to give up their sandwich to Windrunner, but ignores Skybreaker except to Lightweave the speed limit signs to give higher numbers than they actually have*

Elsecaller: *plans out entire car ride to the minute, and gets upset when it takes two hours longer than they thought it would to get to the destination* *ends up disinterestedly taking notes on the state of the road to report to the state*

Willshaper: *insists on stopping at every cool place (waterfalls, mountains, whatever), partially to give Windrunner a break, but mostly to get pictures of all the things* *spends time in car wishing they were outside and wandering around*

Stoneward: *sleeps in trunk the entire time, determined to not complain* 

Bondsmith: *tries to get everyone on a different sleeping schedule to maximize productivity* *fails miserably, but hey, at least they tried*

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How the ten orders throw a house party:

Windrunner: Checks and double checks to make sure that there exists no possibility of injury to the party goers. Then spends the rest of the time walking around and supervising to ensure that everyone is ok.

Dustbringer: Sets house on fire and takes the party to the neighbors house.

Lightweaver: Provides some rather epic entertainment when the dustbringer destroys the entertainment system.

Skybreaker: Calls cops at the first sign of an infraction.

Willshaper: Takes the wild party on the road.

Stoneward: Invites the same five people to watch their favorite program.

Bondsmith: Makes peace between the different cliques at school and invites them to the party.

Elsecaller: Calls together friends and they have a quiet night of book club.

Truthwatcher: Foresees trouble and does not throw a party.

Edgedancer: Invites all of the outcasts to the popular kid's party.

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How the ten orders respond to a fight breaking out with them as students

Windrunner: Joins the side of who seems oppressed on the fight.

Dustbringer: Joins the fight without taking sides.

Lightweaver: Pretends to see nothing and continue doodling or something.

Skybreaker: Runs straight towards the nearest teacher to report the conflict.

Willshaper: Doesn't witness the fight cause he isn't even at school.

Stoneward: Tries to stop the fight by getting inbetween it. Tanks all the kicks and fists instead and refuses to go away despite the pain.

Bondsmith: Tries to stop the fight by diplomatically asking on the sidelines. 

Elsecaller: Rolls eyes at the morons fighting. 

Truthwatcher: Already noticed the brewing conflict before the fight so the kid stayed away.

Edgedancer: Calls everybody to see the fight.

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How the Ten Orders do movies:

Windrunner: Covers everyone’s eyes during even only slightly disturbing parts so as to “protect” them.

Skybreaker: Calls the cops if anyone under the age of 17 is watching an R rated movie.

Dustbringer: Writes scathing reviews about movies that they haven’t even watched just for the heck of it.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves their favorite movie on top of whatever’s on.

Willshaper: Never watches the same movie twice.

Stoneward: Watches the same movie over and over again.

Bondsmith: Watches Avengers cause it’s about teamwork.

Elsecaller: Only watches documentaries.

Truthwatcher: Has watched all of the movies (they are called watchers for a reason!).

Edgedancer: Only watches really old B-movies that everyone else has forgotten exist.

Edited by Lunamor
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This used to be something else but I am changing it cause the formatting got really weird and I can’t add quotes in an edit.

The ten order’s favorite colors:

Windrunners: Light blue

Skybreakers: Black/Dark purple

Dustbringers: Orange

Edgedancers: Silver

Truthwatchers: Green

Lightweavers: Red

Elsecallers: Dark Blue

Willshapers: Purple

Stonewards: Amber

Bondsmiths: Yellow

I am sooo clever.

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*smiles and bows* Thank you both. (I saw what it was before Lunamor changed it. I feel cool.)


I also just had the weirdest urge to call her Luna. Can I call you Luna?


Edited by AonEne
Changed pronoun
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5 minutes ago, AonEne said:

*smiles and bows* Thank you both. (I saw what it was before Lunamor changed it. I feel cool.)

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I also just had the weirdest urge to call him Luna. Can I call you Luna?


Sure! I am glad that you saw it before I changed it. That post was really quite awesome.

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