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The Ten Orders: How They do Everyday Things

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How the ten orders eat out:

Windrunner: Goes into the kitchen before sitting down to make sure the facilities produce safe food.

Skybreaker: Goes into the kitchen to make sure it follows the health code and takes down every infraction.

Elsecaller: Pops in for the meal then pops the food home when it arrives.

Edgedancer: Invites a few people off the street to join the meal.

Willshaper: Eats at the most out of the way hole in the wall Restaurant.

Truthwatcher: Predicts soup of the day and wins a bet with the Willshaper.

Stoneward: Gets a steak and makes it on the grill.

Dustbringer: Eats spiciest food on the menu and a baked Alaska. Goes home starts a bonfire.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves themselves into the chef and starts cooking.

Bondsmith: Uses the meal as an excuse to reconcile fighting friends.

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How the orders cook:

Windrunners: Cooks something that fits everyone's dietary needs.

Skybreakers: Follows the recipe to the letter. If it say's cook for 15 minutes, they cook for exactly 15 minutes.

Dustbringers: Burns everything, on purpose.

Edgedancers: Only cooks long lost family recipes.

Truthwatchers: Knows the recipes by memory. 

Lightweavers: Only vaguely follows the recipe, substitutes when necessary.

Elsecallers: Doesn't follow the recipe, thinks they know better than the book anyway.

Willshapers: Just randomly throws thing together. 

Stonewards: Doesn't cook. Eats only Granola bars.

Bondsmiths: Uses every ingredient in their house. Unites them into the greatest food ever.

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How the orders go camping

Windrunner: Is always worried that someone is going to do something stupid and get hurt, and is always flying around making sure nobody gets injured.

Skybreaker: It's in the middle of fire season, so they are watching everyone like a hawk.

Dustbringer: Lights forest on fire, and then gets reported by the Skybreaker.

Edgedancer: Grows back the forest so everyone will still remember it.

Truthwatcher: Predicted the Dustbringer burning down the forest, and was swimming at the time.

Lightweaver: Is drawing the beautiful scenery, and getting frustrated trying to soulcast a stick.

Elsecaller: Is studying an interesting pinecone.

Willshaper: Has found a bear cave. Took a selfie with said bear.

Stoneward: Stubbornly refuses to leave the campsite

Bondsmith: Tries to keep everyone happy and cooks all the meals.

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How the orders go skiing.

Windrunner: Is constantly flying around saving people who are falling down. Hasn’t had fun all day.

Skybreaker: Makes sure people all follow all the rules, and gets mad at anyone moving quickly near a SLOW sign.

Dustbringer: Fell off a cliff, got frustrated, and broke the cliff.

Edgedancer: Is already an expert, and has slicked their skis so they are going down so fast that it’s giving the Windrunner a heart attack.

Truthwatcher: Is calling it every time someone biffs it.

Lightweaver: Decides to be particularly sadistic, lightweaves an illusion of a tree not being there.

Elsecaller: Is taking their ski lessons very seriously.

Willshaper: Is all over the mountain, and has found every jump or shortcut there is.

Stoneward: Does the exact same run over and over.

Bondsmith: tries to organize a friendly race, which the Edgedancer wins.


EDIT: Sorry about double posting. I didn’t realize until after I put this down.

Edited by Sunbringer
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How the ten orders buy a car: 

Skybreaker: Checks the car over to ensure that it meets all of the safety standards and then examining all of the other cars for the same reason before making a decision.

Windrunner: Flies about making sure that nobody is being harmed by an over zealous salesman.

Dustbringer: Sets fire to all of the cars in the lot and then chases the salesman for no good reason.

Edgedancer: Reminds the salesman about all of the forgotten car features.

Stoneward: Buys the same model of car that he had before.

Elsecaller: Goes in having done all of the research and tells the salesman exactly what they want. 

Willshaper: Takes the car on a joyride when the salesman looks away and forgets to return it to the lot.

Lightweaver: Soulcasts the functional minivan into a sports car.

Truthwatcher: Foresees the salesperson's pitch and cuts them off and buys their car of choice.

Bondsmith: Unites all of the salespeople into one ultimate salesperson.

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The ten orders at a Pizza-party:

The Windrunner is going around checking if anybody is allergic to anything, and warning people that the pizza is very hot. When they get around to eating their own pizza, it's cold. They stare off into the distance, thinking about the many, many dangers of baked dough with tomato sauce and toppings. 

The Skybreaker demands a discount when the pizza takes more than 30 minutes to arrive and checks twice if everyone's pizza slices are the same size. 

The Dustbringer wants their pizza extra, super spicy so they don't have to share with anyone. 

The Edgedancer shares their pizza with everyone, and reminds them that a lot of other people aren't as fortunate as they are. 

The Truthwatcher foresees that they'll have indigestion if they eat too much pizza, but they offer to share half of theirs with the Dustbringer. 

The Lightweaver's first truth is that they prefer calzones to pizza. They also freak out the pizza delivery guy by lightweaving themself to look exactly like him. 

The Elsecaller decides that the logical thing to do is to Soulcast their pizza into something healthy with the maximum amount of nutritional value. It doesn't taste good, but they tell everyone it's brainfood. 

The Willshaper orders a pizza with literally everything on it, then walks around asking if they can try a slice of everyone else's pizza too. 

The Stoneward orders the same pizza they always do, Margherita. They are extremely satisfied. 

And of course the Bondsmith is the one who invited everybody to the pizza party. They order a huge family size pizza for everyone to share. And garlic bread. And mozzarella sticks. Food brings people together. 

Edited by Ciridae
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The ten orders take out the trash:

Windrunners: Immediately volunteer's to take out the trash to protect others from having to do it.

Skybreakers: Check to be sure that all of the trash is in the proper receptacle and then check the neighbors as well. Calls in the violations.

Edgedancer: Remembers the forgotten trash and throws them out.

Willshaper: What trash?

Dustbringer: Creates the world's most intense dumpster fire!

Elsecaller: Separates every conceivable type of trash and studies its environmental impact.

Truthwatcher: Knows what the Dustbringer is going to do and gets the marshmellows.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves the trash into treasure which they proceed to draw.

Stoneward: Only puts out one receptacle consistently with everything in it.

Bondsmith: Unites all of the receptacles into one creating the trash shard.

Edited by Nathrangking
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the ten orders waking up in the morning

Bondsmith: awakes to the national anthem playing

Stoneward: wakes up with the sun no matter what. Is known for sleeping later during the winter

Willshaper: Tends to sleep in until he notices you start planning for it. Then, wakes up on time

Elsecaller: occasionally ignores the alarm, they spent all night studying, after all.

Lightweaver: Regularly soulcasts the alarm clock into something, with little thought to the consequences. Fire is the most dangerous, but they have been known to walk out of their room eating a clock-shaped apple

Truthwatcher: slaps the alarm, gets up, and has a 5-minute long internal debate about returning to bed.

Edgedancer: Awakes to the song "everything is awesome." If they don't sing the whole song, they hit snooze and sit patiently for the song to play again.

Dustbringer: Used to disintegrate the clock, but once broke the bed. Now, they just throw the clock at a strategically placed pillow.

Skybreaker: wakes up at 5 am, is ready for the day by 5:30

Windrunner: Has to be forcibly removed from duty and has had threats of being imprisoned in their room until they get enough sleep.

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How the orders have a prank war:

Windrunner: sprays floor with stormlight to make it impossibly sticky.

Skybreaker: is watching everyone like a hawk to make sure all pranks are legal.

Dustbringer: does something with fire

Edgedancer: remembers a prank they saw once with marbles, and slicks the floor to imitate it.

Truthwatcher: sees all the pranks coming.

Lightweaver: Makes illusions over walls so people walk into them.

Elsecaller: soulcasts someone’s stuff to aluminum, and nobody can change it back.

Willshaper: something jazzy, like frosting cupcakes with mustard.

Stoneward. Got caught with the “hold a bowl of water up to not get soaked” prank, and has been standing there for hours.

Bondsmith: unites a pie with your face.

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How the Ten Orders read books:

Windrunner:  Reads books about flying, while flying (like Skyward :D).

Skybreaker:  Can’t truly enjoy the book until they’ve found every single grammatical and continuity error and reports them to the author.  

Dustbringer:  Reads Fahrenheit 451, gets inspired, and goes burn down a library.

Edgedancer:  Reads the obscure works no ones heard of, and tries to convince everyone else to read them too.  

Truthwatchers:  Spoils the endings of books they haven’t read yet.  

Lightweaver:  Goes to the kid’s section of the library and reads the picture books.

Elsecaller:  Reads college textbooks, and then rewrites them, but better.

Willshaper:  “Books?  What are these ‘books’ you speak of?”

Stoneward:  Will not stop reading the same series over and over again.

Bondsmith:  Likes organizing book clubs and UNITING their fellow readers.  

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How the ten orders go to the gym:

Windrunner: Flies around the whole time stopping only when he sees someone who needs a spotter to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Skybreaker: Inspects the matting before putting on all of the appropriate gear to spar.

Edgedancer: Goes through long forgotten yoga techniques.

Willshaper: Gets lost on the way to the gym and discovers a great fast food place.

Elsecaller: Researches the most effective workouts and creates a detailed schedule.

Dustbringer: Bare knuckle brawls and trashes the gym.

Truthwatcher: Uses fortune to determine the worst diet, stays home, and does the opposite.

Stoneward: Always goes to the corner gym and bench presses the maximum weight possible.

Lightweaver: Makes an illusion workout while they secretly draw the other patrons.

Bondsmith: Plays team sports to work out and invites the other orders to join (must first bail out the Dustbringer and find the Willshaper)

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How the orders spend their weekends:

Windrunners: Fly around while watching for anyone in trouble

Skybreakers: Volunteer in the local police force and charge for jaywalking 

Edgedancers: Tell forgotten stories to poor people without families

Willshapers: A mystery...

Elsecallers: Study obscure text

Dustbringers: Set things on fire 

Truthwatchers: Win bets against Dustbringers

Stonewards: Whatever they did last weekend

Lightweavers: Make illusory art, and then make real art

Bondsmiths: Unite their friends around a campfire

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The ten orders career choice test results:

Windrunner: Would make an excellent: Cop, volunteer worker, rescue worker

Skybreaker: Would make excellent: Cop, Judge, Lawyer

Dustbringer: Exterminator.

Edgedancer: Historian, rescue worker

Truthwatcher: Professional Gambler

Lightweaver: Artist

Elsecaller: Teacher, scholar

Willshaper: Wasn't there that day, and if he was, he would have gotten hobo.

Stoneward: Bouncer

Bondsmith: Volunteer organization leader, any other kind of leader.

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  • 1 month later...

How the KR Orders play board games:

Windrunner: Purposefully loses to protect others from the disappointment of losing.

Skybreaker: Makes sure that everyone follows the rules to the letter. Refuses to play with the Willshaper, Windrunner, Stoneward, Dustbringer, or Lightweaver.

Elsecaller: Is the master strategist and usually wins, unless the Truthwatcher decides to play. Has memorized the entire deck of cards.

Truthwatcher: Foresees everyone else’s moves. No one knows if they are actually playing or not. Sometimes they randomly leave in the middle of a game.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves the board when no one is looking so it looks like their piece is in a different spot and they are winning.

Edgedancer: Invites 50 different people over to play with them.

Willshaper: Declares that all cards are now no longer applicable and attempts to use slices of cheese as replacements. No one knows what they mean or how to use them, not even the Willshaper. Moves piece blindly with eyes closed. Greatly angers the Skybreaker.

Bondsmith: Attemps to stop fights and tries to make everyone work together, even though it is not a team game.

Stoneward: Moves exactly one space forward every time, no matter what.

Dustbringer: Flips the board every single time it is their turn, even if they are winning.

Sorry for the ittybitty necro.

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I ran out of reputation to give people on this thread.:( 

How the Orders read

Windruner: Has a sappy side but will never admit it.

Lightweaver: Loves mystery novels but is to good at figuring out the endings so gets frustrated.

Tuethwatcher: Has read everything and is happy to give you a recommendation.

Stoneward: Exclusively reads from one genera.

Skybreaker: Has no time for frivolity and restricts reading to the rule books.

Bondsmith: Reads works by everyone in the hope that it will bring them understanding of others.

Elsecaller: Restricts reading to serious works that improve the mind.

Dustbringer: Gets highly frustrated if the book they are reading does not contain an explosion every two pages.

Edgedancer:  Reads works by obscure and long forgotten artists.

Willshaper: Enjoys fantasy.  Brandon Sanderson is a favorite author.

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Ten orders at School:


Windrunner:  Class President. Flies to and from school.  

Skybreaker: Slaughters everyone at dodgeball and yells at people who are out of dress code. 

Dustbringer: Famous for setting the school on fire after failing a test.

Edgedancer: Slides around between classes and "accidentally" grew the principal's orchid into a massive monster. 

Truthwatcher: Always tattles on everyone and is the class gossip, sometimes lightweaving things that didn't happen so there is never a dull moment. 

Lightweaver: Lightweaves homework into a completed state, forges signatures on permission slips, and hides the sound of the bell so they are never tardy.

Elsecaller: Soulcasts annoying teachers into smoke and teleports to get to class. 

Willshapers: Occasionally removes all tension from school so things liquify.

Stonewards: Block off corridors using stone. 

Bondsmiths: Tried to unite all the cliques, failed miserably and is now an outsider.

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The orders adopting a dog.

Windrunner: Adopts a large strong dog then trains it as a service pet to help protect people.

Skybreaker: Makes sure he’s adopting from a credible source and that all the animals are well provided for.

Dustbringer: Adopts the fiercest looking dog they can find and doesn’t listen when is told the dog might be too much them.

Edgedancer: Goes to a shelter and adopts all the lonely dogs that have been forgotten.

Truthwatcher: Adopts a quiet dog that loves nothing more than to cuddle and lay in patches of sunlight.

Lightweaver: No one knows what kind of dog she adopted. It changes every time they look at it.

Elsecaller: Spends months researching dog breeds before finally decideding on one.

Willshaper: Chooses an energetic dog and takes it everywhere with her.

Stoneward: Adopts the same breed of dog that he had as a child. Even names it the same name.

Bondsmith: Adopts a large family of dogs that all love each other and can’t be separated.

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7 hours ago, BookishOcelot said:

Elsecaller: Soulcasts annoying teachers into smoke...

*gets arrested*

By the way, I just remembered this,

On 1/25/2019 at 5:32 PM, Eluvianii said:

Now I can't shake off the idea of the ten protagonists living at some house in the suburbs.

and I'm now wondering...would anyone want to do a roleplay of this? Ten protags, one for each order, with other characters as needed, and how that would work on Earth.

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Just now, AonEne said:

*gets arrested*

By the way, I just remembered this,

and I'm now wondering...would anyone want to do a roleplay of this? Ten protags, one for each order, with other characters as needed, and how that would work on Earth.

Ooh, ooh, I would love to! Can I call Truthwatcher?

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All yours. I don't have the time for...I can leave later if I need to, screw it I'm taking Willshaper! Should I post a thread in the subforum? Alllllso, logistics. Do highstorms come on our planet now? Are we just discovering our powers, have we always had them, some combination of both depending on what people want to do?

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4 minutes ago, AonEne said:

All yours. I don't have the time for...I can leave later if I need to, screw it I'm taking Willshaper! Should I post a thread in the subforum? Alllllso, logistics. Do highstorms come on our planet now? Are we just discovering our powers, have we always had them, some combination of both depending on what people want to do?

1. Yes please!

2. Hmm... maybe they just have sphere that automatically recharge themselves every few weeks or so to prevent crazy logistical problems?

3. I’d probably just let people choose how far along in their powers their characters are. 

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8 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

1. Yes please!

2. Hmm... maybe they just have sphere that automatically recharge themselves every few weeks or so to prevent crazy logistical problems?

3. I’d probably just let people choose how far along in their powers their characters are. 

1. Deevy!

2. Okay. Is this a normal part of life - some people just are Radiants - and everyone knows, or kids-discover-cool-new-power-and-hide-it archetype? I'm more for the first, myself, but if you want to do the second...

3. Sounds good.

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

1. Deevy!

2. Okay. Is this a normal part of life - some people just are Radiants - and everyone knows, or kids-discover-cool-new-power-and-hide-it archetype? I'm more for the first, myself, but if you want to do the second...

3. Sounds good.

I like the first too.

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