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Dark One - TV Series


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11 hours ago, Angsos said:

Pretty sure doing a Martin will be used in the future to tell writers what not to do, I can't speak for Rothfuss as I know no more than fan gripes. As far as Brandon projects, I think Brandon what needs to be finished and what doesn't. Besides, as some said above, starting with a cosmere book probably would work because it's not done. You don't want to have them start a Mistborn series and have a tv series pull material from unwritten cosmere books, like GoT is doing with Ice and Fire. Speaking of, will martin ever finish or has he said the TV show will

To be fair, Martin created one of the most watched TV shows of all time. Hard to call it a failure just because his book fans are miffed about him not writing in a while. 

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On 6/13/2018 at 0:47 AM, Andy92 said:

To be fair, Martin created one of the most watched TV shows of all time. Hard to call it a failure just because his book fans are miffed about him not writing in a while. 

That's not why fans are miffed. 

He's written other things, continued writing and working on other projects. He's just left that story to the people he gave the ending and left it for them to handle. 

They (and I) are upset because the books will likely never be written. 

And because of that specifically, I'm absolutely with Pagerunner here. Brandon's already said that he has limited time to write the story that he wants and he knows it. 

The Elantris sequels have to be written for behind the scenes reasons before we can get Mistborn Era 3. 

I would really really hate to see contractual obligations to companies working on media outside the Cosmere create even bigger time constraints on a story that Brandon has already stated he has to basically keep up his pace where it is just to finish without adding to it... 

I'm perfectly fine if his involvement remains non-cosmere and he basically hands them an outline and they run with it. I am not okay with him needing to be involved to the point that it forces his other work to suffer, or Honor forbid it's a Cosmere work and they push past whatever point he's written to. 

I'm happy for Brandon's continued success. I'm scared for what that success could bring. 

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22 hours ago, Calderis said:

I'm perfectly fine if his involvement remains non-cosmere and he basically hands them an outline and they run with it.

This is pretty much how I imagine it’ll be. I don’t think he wants to commit to shelving the Cosmere aside to write a bunch of Dark One stories, but who knows really. I think he’s going to be the creator/an advisor to this series while other people handle all the other details of it. 

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2 hours ago, Andy92 said:

This is pretty much how I imagine it’ll be. I don’t think he wants to commit to shelving the Cosmere aside to write a bunch of Dark One stories, but who knows really. I think he’s going to be the creator/an advisor to this series while other people handle all the other details of it. 

For the show, yes, I can see that. But not the "supplementary, multi-volume book series that will expand on the storyline from the show and further explore subsidiary characters." When the TV execs comes calling for that book series, he's not gonna be able to float it out 5 years waiting for a good time to write it, like he has for some of his other projects. While Brandon's a big fish in the fantasy publishing pond (able to pull stunts like releasing 33 free chapters of a book as previews for TOR, or pulling a book from the publishing schedule and giving them a replacement half a year later), there's no guarantee his new bosses are going to grant him the same level of freedom. Even if the Dark One tie-in series is only two YA books, that's basically what Brandon has spent the past year doing: the Apocalypse Guard draft, the Skyward draft and edit, and now he's finishing up a novella-sized Secret Project. Dark One will take at least a year of writing time, and it will be a priority.

What does that do to his 5-year plan? He's said in the past, that January 1st 2019, he stops everything else and starts Stormlight Four. (He's got five and a half months to write Wax and Wayne Four, assuming he finishes the Secret Project tonight. But there's also the Skyward tour and the holidays, so I expect he'll like to have that done by the end of November.) Once he finishes that, he plans on a break book to clear his mind, then back into Stormlight Five. What's that break book? Could be anything, really. At JordanCon, he said maybe Elantris 2. I think he's mentioned Nightblood as a possibility. Skyward 2 will be a strong candidate. Or he could have something goofy pop into his mind that he wants to get out. But if the TV series gets rolling when his break comes up, he's gonna have to write his Dark One series then. Which isn't too bad, really... Elantris has waited, and can keep waiting. One year break, Dark One gets its pound of flesh, and then Stormlight gets rolling again. In my mind, the best case scenario. But what if Dark One comes due in the middle of one of the Stormlight books, and he has to pause? He can't say, "I'll finish this Stormlight book and get you Dark One in my next writing slot next year." Even if they'd consider let him get away with that, the TV show will have come and gone by the time the books are out, undermining the whole point of the partnership. So he has to step away from Stormlight for a year, and he's had trouble interrupting books before while writing them. (Shadows of Self and Rithmatist 2 come to mind. Yeah, we got a bonus Mistborn book out of the first one, but releasing Stormlight Four and Five at the same time would be absurd.) And then, when he finishes the Stormlight and Dark One sprint, what's waiting in between? Mistborn Era 3, and whatever other Cosmere prerequisites may remain for that. Finishing the Skyward, Rithmatist, and possibly Apocalypse Guard series, since even the new stuff will have had at least five years of waiting, and young adults don't stay young forever. And that's all assuming that Dark One is only two books at one time. Successful shows don't just end, and if the show is popular, they'll keep going with additional seasons. And, of course, they're going to want Brandon to write more books to go with them.

Every series Brandon starts, he ties a chain to himself. Stormlight, Mistborn, Cosmere standalones, Rithmatist, Alcatraz, Skyward, Apocalypse Guard; they're all pulling him in different directions, demanding his time and attention. Yes, the fan expectations are part of that pull, and the publishers' needs are there too, but his own creative integrity is the biggest force on those chains. He wants to finish these books, get these stories out and share them with people, and he'll maneuver himself to release these chains as best as he can on whatever pulls the strongest. I think he's a little immobilized right now, since he hasn't been able to slip out of the ones for Alcatraz and Rithmatist, but he had a pretty solid plan to focus on Stormlight and give himself some wiggle room. The new Dark One chain, however, is going to have the television industry pulling on it, and they pull very hard.

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My guess is he can complete Alcatraz fairly quickly unless


Bastille will be different enough to make it take longer

Rithmatist, I have no idea. I do think Brandon won't let any of his cosmere books be series because of GoT. Even though he writes much faster than Martin, he sees that the tv series will in all likelihood finish his magnum opus and Brandon won't let that happen to him I'm sure. How solid is the whole Dark One deal because like others have said, other deals sounded promising too but then evaporated to Mist.

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I understand the concerns, but part of being in this business is taking opportunities when they come to you. I’m hopeful that a successful TV venture here can bode well for some Cosmere TV series in the future. 

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I think Brandon has an idea of what he is doing. He knows what schedule he is on, and he knows how many books he has to get out. As said, AG and Alcatraz might not be huge problems, because of the other authors involved, who can help him deal with those. In addition, AG can technically be put on hold forever if he doesn’t have time for it. It hasn’t even started yet, so he won’t have any pressure to finish it. 

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I still think, that this project is going to fall through or is going to be really disappointing. I mean we are all imagining something with cosmere level worlds and magic. There is just no way, that they are able to foot the bill for this. I think they also do American Gods and there is basically no vfx in this thing, although I only saw a bits and pieces of it.

As for his writing schedule I do trust Brandon, that he knows what he is doing. Plus he has atleast 30 years left to write, at two books a year that is sixty books. Sixty books.

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20 hours ago, Angsos said:

The graphic novels thing I don't understand, are the white sand ones popular enough that he thinks more are a good idea? I'm legally-blind so graphics novels aren't my thing so I don't follow them.

When Brandon talks about them he usually says they’ve “been successful.” I don’t personally see many fans of them around here (myself included), but apparently there’s enough of a market for them. 

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I'm excited to see some of his work in a different format, particularly TV because of the re-watch-ability if it's on Netflix or Amazon. And anything to get his stuff to a wider audience!

Still, I hope the books don't take a backseat to the TV series. 


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