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“That’s a shame Rashan.” Soul replies. Tucking both aluminum swords in his cloak to keep them out of sight he continued. “How about old fashioned brawling? Get into any tavern fights at least?”

Turning to the barkeep he slid some coins over. “Some root beer please. I’ll probably stay a while so just keep it coming. Oh and don’t worry, I won’t attack anyone.”

Edited by Life&Death
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"I'll take a root beer" Elkanah says, Tension beating stronger now. These men... they were talking about killing. "Get ready for trouble" elkanah whispers to evelyn. Her crystals were also throbbing to Tension. He rolls a few spheres to the bartender. They seemed to be money. It was a few of the medium sized sapphires.

Edited by Inklingspren
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“Hey now, TFA I know we have a recent disagreement but that is no reason to be threatening.” Soul smiled and a small shard knife appeared in his hands before seeming to melt away. “I’m not looking for a fight at this exact moment. Perhaps later if you feel inclined.”

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"Connection?" Rashan looks back from Soul to the bartender, then grinned. "So much for keeping your power secret then, Mr. Forgetful."

He turned back to TFA and Soul. "I mean, I'm in this duel with Devaan, that could go either way. My duel with Cuthbert was a while back, but we fought to a standstill, so no one really one. I haven't really been getting into fights beyond that."

He turned, facing TFA, then kept his voice low, smiling. "What, or who, do you have in mind?"

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Soul kept aluminum flared within him. These people were just here for a drink, like himself, but they were dangerous and it wasn’t good to let his guard down.


@Hydra sorry if you wanted your power hidden from characters, I overlooked that part of your conversation. If you want I can edit so that no one in the RP knows.


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Rashan was fine with assassinations, but he wasn't as enthusiastic about brawling in the bar. Something about the barkeep, the way he handled himself, suggested that Connection was not his only power.


Rashan didn't know what it was, like he didn't know what most magics outside of his own were, but Soul had implied Connection was manipulative. Rashan wasn't sure of how to feel about that.

Trying to change the topic from the rising tension, Rashan inquired about Soul's powers. "So," he asked. "Apparently you're a double aluminium twinborn. Now, I don't know what the heck that is but I read somewhere that if you were of the same metal you could compound, though what exactly compounding is I have no idea either. Can you compound?"

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“Yes, I can compound aluminum. It’s an uncomfortable process that I don’t die that often. Normal tapping is usually all I need.” Soul smiled. “I usually employ my allomantic abilities more, although not many can do what I can do with them.”

This man said he knew little on compounding. Good, so if the rumors of his speed storing were true, this meant that he wasn’t double steel. Soul had faced speed compounders and they were notoriously difficult to kill. 

Soul chose not to alaborate on his allomantic abilities. People usually grew uncomfortable if they knew he could use a metal unlike anyone else.

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Kothar sighed as a few of the NPCs left. "Please, would you take talk of murder and violence to a booth? You are scaring my customers" he said as he poured more rootbeer into a cup of ice for TFA.



Also yeah @Life&Death, if you wouldn't mind editing it. Kothar is very new. No-one would know of his powers.


Edited by Hydra
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Kothar poured out quite a few more mugs and began handing them to everyone that had ordered. Soul, Elkhana, and Rashan soon all had fresh cups of rootbeer. "Wait, you say you are a aluminum twinborn?" he said to soul after handing him a cup, "Have we ever had the pleasure of meeting?"

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A rock suddenly appeared on one of the nearby bar stools, one of the pieces of metal protruding from it piercing through the cushioning.


Hoping that no one noticed that, the rock sat, waiting to be served.

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Rashan zoned out of the conversation, sensing something. Yes, someone was here, watching, someone he could only recognise because he had some connection to them. His master surgebinder. Voidus. Rashan turned subtly, seeing if he could spot the rock, or if it would remain unnoticed, watching in the shadows.

Suddenly, the rock appeared, resting on the empty stool next to him. "Howdy." Rashan said, unsure of how Voidus would reply.

Edited by I think I am here.
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Kothar was kind of startled by the appearance of the rock. "What in the name of the almighty are you?" he said, fumbling with his register as he tried to deposit all the spheres, coins, and other things he had obtained. 

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Unused to being noticed by so many people at once the rock stayed perfectly stationary. As it was a rock it didn't really have much of a choice about that unless it Elsecalled.

Hi Rashan, still no progress towards being a full Surgebinder? The rock asked. Trying to ignore the man creeping up behind it.

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"Hey, hey, hey!" Rashan fumbled, eventually getting the aluminium box off of his surgebinder. "You're gonna end up getting yourself soulcast into fire if you keep that up. Believe me, it's almost happened to me." Placing the rock back on a barstool, and then poking it for good measure, Rashan wen track to his busine-"

 Hi Rashan, still no progress towards being a full Surgebinder? The voice echoed in Rashan's head, sounding exactly how he imagined a sentient rock hemalurgic mastermind to sound like. Not wanting the others to hear his response. Rashan tried to project some thoughts onto the rock.

I can't, Voidus. Being an Elsecaller is all about logic, statistics. Do I look logical to you? You're a master of hemalurgy, logic's your thing. Me? I don't know.

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Pleased to be out of the box, the rock regarded Rashan and projected to him privately.

Well I'll still be around to help you out then, you never know, an inkspren might still take a liking to you. Or you might get spiked.

The rock then used its non-existent eyes to glare at TFA, Soulcasting his rootbeer into smoke.

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