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Kal sings let it go

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2 hours ago, Shallan314 said:

Ye asked, and ye shall receive XD (with permission from @kuiinteth of isaana)

(a version with me playing piano as accompaniment will be sent, as soon as I'm done managing to play the accompaniment)


This is awesome!!! 

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On 8/27/2018 at 8:09 PM, kuiinteth of isaana said:

I'm glad you guys all liked it... I'll probably try to make another, maybe Lift singing everything is awesome from the Lego movie... Maybe Shallan singing do you wanna build a snowman... I dunno maybe branch out and do mistborn? (A kandra song sounds fun)


If you write anymore and post them I will totally sing/make recordings, especially if you come up with something nice and soprano-y :D 

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sing... as in singer?

I'll check out making a parshendi song

I haven't done much recently because I didn't have a good computer, and school had just started so I was trying to figure out homework and stuff


Edited by kuiinteth of isaana
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  • 11 months later...

Sorry to be negative but it was weird and mildly disconcerting. 

On 7/4/2018 at 10:37 PM, kuiinteth of isaana said:

Adolin is ice dude (names don't matter to me) Shallan is Ana, Sadeas is Hans, Taravangian is duke mustache, szeth is sven (next song, choose either shin are better than alethi or Unkalaki are better that lowlanders


And Szeth is definitely not Sven he's not funny enough and he is kind of crazy. Maybe one of the guards that are always hanging around in the background instead. 

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  • 4 months later...

I saw this and HAD to click on it. I was not disappointed. I was LITERALLY belting this out at the top of my lungs for most of this. My siblings were probably very concerned. Never trust a sleep-deprived Cahira to not do stupid stuff like this..

Edited by CahiraCelosial
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/4/2018 at 11:37 PM, kuiinteth of isaana said:

Adolin is ice dude (names don't matter to me) Shallan is Ana, Sadeas is Hans, Taravangian is duke mustache, szeth is sven (next song, choose either shin are better than alethi or Unkalaki are better that lowlanders

That means Shallen falls in love with Sadeas



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  • 2 months later...
On 5/8/2020 at 7:05 PM, Eugenides said:

That means Shallen falls in love with Sadeas


you're right but I didn't really think it out before I posted that. Also, I've taken a long hiatus from using the forums for no particular reason, but thanks for all the awesome responses guys!

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  • 1 month later...

This was amazing!!!!!!! My inside voice was singinig all the way like I was un the Middle of The Stormlight Prince Disney Movie! When Kal said his 3rd oath I started shaking of the excitement, and Syl saying thieir Bond was strongear than ever, so good. Your song was not only a fun parody but also a great backgroung to one of my favorite scenes from WoR, know I'll hear it every time I reread it. 

PS: bless us with more amazing Cosmere songs

PS2: Lift singing everything is awesome would be.....ehm....Awesome and like full of awesomness and some other starvingly amazing stuffs.

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