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Signing questions


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- When is the first time Wit visited Roshar? (just wondering)

- Will the Everstorm reach the Origin like the normal storm supposedly does?(prob RAFO)

- Is there req to be a squire, or just follow the KR that represent you?and does it take certain time?

- What with lyatil skin grow around her mask , does she connected to the Parshendi?

- Does Rysn saw the eye of santhid in the water?


Do with the questions as you may ;)


Edit: forgot to add:

- Did Gavilar had the exact same visions as Dalinar? Could Gavilar bonded with the Stormfather if he were alive?

Edited by shinintendo
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Is Roshar a pangea? Can sprens "imitate" animals abilities for human use? Its there a time where humans were the voidbringers of another species? (i dont know if the phrasing is correct in the last question)

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  1. Can you tell me anything about Darkness's facial scar or when he acquired it. 

Did the Radiants have a way to communicate person-to-person across distance?

Are highstorms the shockwave of a global explosion?

There are lines on the surgebinding chart between the symbols for diagonal orders and between orders 1-4 and 6-9.  Can you tell me what any of these signify? Do they represent additional Radiant abilities?

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Is Hoid involved in Taln's current state of being/location?

Can Hoid use Stormlight?

Does the map easter egg involve something from one of Brandon's other books?

Did what happened to Honor happen before or after the Recreance?

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There are lines on the surgebinding chart between the symbols for diagonal orders and between orders 1-4 and 6-9.  Can you tell me what any of these signify? Do they represent additional Radiant abilities?


I actually thought about this the other day! I'd be very surprised if every line doesn't represent something significant. Even a RAFO would be a win IMO.

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Regarding Squires:

Do Squires get any surges, or is it just the bonus of speed / strength / healing from Investiture?

Can a Squire move up the ranks and bond a spren and become a Knight Radiant? 

Or are Squires bonded to their Knight Radiant in the same way as the Knight's Radiant bond to their spren?




WoB says that investiture from various other shardworlds works differently when they world hop. Do the various invested objects (Nightblood, Shardblades, Scepter of the Moon, Hemalurgic Spikes) all change how they work when they go to a different shardworld? if so would Nightblood become a spren that is able to grant the Nahel bond?

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