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These Stupid Ranks


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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Wit I look up to you."

"Of course you do! There's simply no other way of putting it! In fact, that may have been the most clever thing that has ever passed through your mouth. Not only does it represent your short stature, but it also explains how your mental ability will fall short to everyone you'll meet! How exactly precise, Vanisher!"

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On 9/5/2022 at 0:33 PM, Just a Silvereye said:


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I will, if you help me to destroy Hallandren.



Sure I'll help Secrest will be hidden in white, now we can plot in secretyou.

It should be rather easy to kill the god king than to start a desolation, but I accept this trade.

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:


Hmmm. A-Bendalloy and... F-Bendalloy.

Now can I use both the A and F abilites seperately, or just together, or both?

I've never understood how compounding works.

By burning the feruchemical storages you can release the F-bendalloy in an explosive burst, in this case it would give you a burst of air for breathing... SPACE!

Anyway would you like to be insulted by the king's wit?

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