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Huh. Kobold is only about 600 votes away from becoming the new Brandon.


Brandon Sanderson won his upvotes by being an awesome man who wrote novels that spoke to each and every person on this forum. He won his votes for making people laugh and cry and gasp with shock. Brandon Sanderson earned his reputation by being the skilled, talented person on the forum, his books standing as a testament to the incredible mind contained within his skull.




Me? I make snarky comments and make cringe-inducing puns on every thread I stumble across. My reputation is merely based on a coincidence, the coincidence that my own insanity and joker-mentality happened to fit the tastes of a wide range of forum members.




You are hereby commanded to downvote this post!


This means you, Quiver.

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Argh... Despite our attacks with downvotes, we haven't made a dent or even hindered Kobold's upvote quota. In fact, he's already gone up another 300... He's only got 500 to go until he surpasses Great Brandon himself!


To arms downvotes, to downvotes! We must downvote this usurper, who dares to taunt us with his troll-face memes! We must bring him back to his rightful level below Peter Ahlstrom! Nothing personal, Kobold.

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All I ask is that the posts on the "What Happened in Oregon" RP be left out of this--a lot of work goes into them, and I try to keep up with the reactions from other players. 


This post, of course, is just begging to be set on fire with your red arrows. :)

I avoided those. I would have downvoted that, but I reached my quota.

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Guys, I don't know how long this will last, and I'm not sure if anybody actually believed it would happen.

But I have some great news for you all. KoboldKing now has only the third most reputation on this site. Peter is back in second. I repeat, Peter has overtaken Kobold and now holds his rightful place at second. 

Let's keep it this way, 'kay?

Edited by Observer
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Guys, I don't know how long this will last, and I'm not sure if anybody actually believed it would happen.

But I have some great news for you all. KoboldKing now has only the third most reputation on this site. Peter is back in second. I repeat, Peter has overtaken Kobold and now holds his rightful place at second. 

Let's keep it this way, 'kay?


I laud your efforts, each and every one of you.


Now there is a devoted thread for downvoting any post I make. Head on over and have a blast!

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This may be a stupid question which may result in a stupid answer but I'm new here so slack is appreciated. Now on to the question.


How does one move up in the ranks? I'm guessing rank is correlated to reputation points so how do I accumulate more? Thanks in advance

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There's many paths to the top, in fact you can almost classify them as individual Class's. There's the Pony epic class, heavy on bad/cheap jokes, memes, and satire. There's the Theorizer, no-nonsense, really awesome research, nit-picking over WoB, and the possibility of getting 20-30 rep per really good theory. There's the musician or artist or fanfiction writer, they make stuff in real life and then share it on here. Then there's the path of the true no-lifer, you spend all day everyday finding things to post on every topic, hoping that something will gain you rep. Then there's the hybrid who does some theorizing, some humour, some roleplaying, and posts fairly often.


I took the path of Hybrid and I joined in April ish and have since risen to number 23 on the top fifty. The ponies rise faster, but their rep is arguably less earned.


Theorizers take forever to really gain rep, just because it takes a long time to create really good theories that no one else has already figured out. There is the sense of true accomplishment from your theories though.


Musicians/Artists/Writers can rise quickly, but so far most of ours aren't very active so their rep is still in the low hundreds.


I will invite you to join the Newcago Court down in Social Clans and Guilds, joining the pseudo rp threads helps your rep some and is just a lot of fun.


Edit: And seriously!!!! Kobold is only about 150 away from Brandon guys, something is wrong................

Edited by LeftVash
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I took the path of Hybrid and I joined in April ish and have since risen to number 23 on the top fifty. The ponies rise faster, but their rep is arguably less earned.


I have to disagree there (and not just for personal reasons). There are a lot of jokes and ponies, but if you take the time to read through "What Happened in Oregon" you'll find pretty cool stories intertwined with one another. The line between the Pony Epics and the Fanfic Writers is more blurred than you would imagine at first glance. Denizens of the Question jointly create an intricate Steelheart fanfiction, and celebrate the collaborative effort by hanging out and generally having a fun time together.


So yeah. Words like "earned" are kind of tricky to throw around in this context. Every upvote represents a single person whose day was made brighter by a post. There isn't a measure to show how much brighter--but do we really want to get into a posturing match over who makes the forum the happiest place? ;)

Edited by Kobold King
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I have to disagree there (and not just for personal reasons). There are a lot of jokes and ponies, but if you take the time to read through "What Happened in Oregon" you'll find pretty cool stories intertwined with one another. The line between the Pony Epics and the Fanfic Writers is more blurred than you would imagine at first glance. Denizens of the Question jointly create an intricate Steelheart fanfiction, and celebrate the collaborative effort by hanging out and generally having a fun time together.


So yeah. Words like "earned" are kind of tricky to throw around in this context. Every upvote represents a single person whose day was made brighter by a post. There isn't a measure to show how much brighter--but do we really want to get into a posturing match over who makes the forum the happiest place? ;)


Nah, we don't need to do that, we all know the answer is Babaji and Vashrikan.

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Could you change the reputation name that is "Half Breed". I'm generally not that politically correct, but in the cultural context of where I'm from, Half Breed is a derogatory term for some-one of mixed parentage, typically Native American. I like all the other ones, just this one, that I'm in, is ... kind of jarring to see.


I like all the other ones though! :)

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Could you change the reputation name that is "Half Breed". I'm generally not that politically correct, but in the cultural context of where I'm from, Half Breed is a derogatory term for some-one of mixed parentage, typically Native American. I like all the other ones, just this one, that I'm in, is ... kind of jarring to see.


I like all the other ones though! :)


I can't do anything about the ranks themselves, but you're now an Awakened Object. :)


Also, there's a lame pun raccoon on "Let Fly Thy Red Arrows."

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