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Also: wow. Kobold is... not just more than Brandon. He is a lot more than Brandon.

That's awesome.


With a key distinction being that people shell out a lot of money for autographed Cosmere novels, while I still can't convince the local convenience store clerks to trade me a bag of cookies in exchange for an autograph. :P;)

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Seriously, Kobold. How much of your life have you spent on this website!?  :blink:


With a key distinction being that people shell out a lot of money for autographed Cosmere novels, while I still can't convince the local convenience store clerks to trade me a bag of cookies in exchange for an autograph. :P;)


Start small. Ask for a cookie next time. :P

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I just had a hunt around for rep titles (typically *before* seeing that I'd been beaten to it. Sigh. It was fun :) )

I have Truthless at 993, spinner at 787, Elantrian at 752 and lamespren at -25.

These titles are awesome...but what's a spinner?

Is there someone you can see the top and bottom ten rep-holders? I'm fairly certain I saw it recently, but can't find such a a page again.

-25? How do you get negative spren?

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-25? How do you get negative spren?


Negative rep isn't really handed out too often, unless the person in question is a troll, blatantly offensive, or a babaji bot. You apply it being pressing the red, "down" button instead of the green one.


(Unless this is mroe about the negative spren itself, in which case, I'm a lamespren.)

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Negative rep isn't really handed out too often, unless the person in question is a troll, blatantly offensive, or a babaji bot. You apply it being pressing the red, "down" button instead of the green one.


(Unless this is mroe about the negative spren itself, in which case, I'm a lamespren.)

Okay, thanks.

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Ooh, I'm a half-breed now! Am I Misting? That would be cool if I was Mistinng.

Nope, sadly they come later down the line. I´m sure you´ll be there soon. You´ve got epic support. B)


Also, if you think of something new that fast there is an edit function. In fact I just added this segment with an edit. ;)

Edited by Edgedancer
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