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New Reputation Levels!


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Negative rep isn't really handed out too often, unless the person in question is a troll, blatantly offensive, or a babaji bot. You apply it being pressing the red, "down" button instead of the green one.


(Unless this is mroe about the negative spren itself, in which case, I'm a lamespren.)


I get on average about one negative rep for about 10 or 20 positive ones....  I figured some people just do not like me and feel the incentive to downvote me each time I say something slightly controversial even if i do my best to phrase it in a polite manner.


I wish the downvote button would come with a toolbox that forces people to explain why you are downvoting this specific post. Half of the time, I do not know why it is I am being downvoted.


Just this week, I think I got 2 or 3 downvotes... but I couldn't trace back to which post they were applied to...


I am probably one of the most downvoted active member :ph34r:

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How exactly does this reputation thing work?


There is green arrow and a red one next to each post. You can upvote someone by clicking on the green arrow and downvote someone by clicking on the red one. You only upvote and downvote one post one time. I also think there a limit to the number of downvotes you can apply during a certain period of time. Elders on the forums would know the exact rules regarding downvotes.


Typically, you get upvoted if you write something that is either considered funny, entertaining or a good rant/theory/comment. You get downvoted if you are rude, aggressive and disrespectful. However, I would add that if you end up being a frequent poster with a strong opinion, you may catch downvotes for posts that are neither of those things but that expressed an opinion whoever you are interfacing with does not agree with, especially if you write it in a decisive manner.


Usually, avoid downvoting people just because you disagree. I would advice to actually try to talk to the person you have a different with. People do not always realize they have offended someone. It is best to tell them as, from personal experience, people rarely purposely try to offend or hurt others.

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Thanks :) And I upgraded from a Ghostblood to a King's Tester..... :ph34r:


You know, if you think about it, the reputation system means the members here have crazy life stories.


"Yep, I tried my hand at bein' a spearman for a while, but I got demoted to a bridgeman. Then it turns out that I'm a halfbreed, and then I get turned into an awakened object! Man, that was a crazy weekend..."

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Here, have an upvote!


Wait! I just thought of something! Stormfather! Doesn't this mean we're all omnipotent and that we can decrease or increase peoples' Investitures!?!?!?!

Edited by Steel
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When you eventually Overhaul the Negative Rep, can one of the Ranks be Ugly Lizard-Crab thing?

I almost want that to be a positive rep.

Edit: the level just below that should be 'wet piece of slime' then.

Edit your: or was that a ....creepy crab-thing with 17 legs? I've forgotten the quote :o

Edited by Delightful
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I almost want that to be a positive rep.

Edit: the level just below that should be 'wet piece of slime' then.

Edit your: or was that a ....creepy crab-thing with 17 legs? I've forgotten the quote :o


Those are different quotes: the ugly lizard-crab-thing is Hoid's audience in the epilogue before Jasnah arrived and 


A piece of wet slime and a disgusting crab thing with seventeen legs


is from Hoid's children story he (almost) told Kal in prison.

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It's interesting to note that when Kobold passed Peter Ahlstrom, we almost burned him at the stake like an angry mob. Yet when TwilightsansSparkles passed Peter, no-one protested... <_<

Because like a lobster in a pot or boiling water, we have become used to this disastrous phenomenon. Next thing you know it'll be "oops, Peter just fell off the Spikeocracy!"

Those are different quotes: the ugly lizard-crab-thing is Hoid's audience in the epilogue before Jasnah arrived and

is from Hoid's children story he (almost) told Kal in prison.

Thank you! I guess this means I need a reread soon. :) Edited by Delightful
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