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New Reputation Levels!


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There's many paths to the top, in fact you can almost classify them as individual Class's. There's the Pony epic class, heavy on bad/cheap jokes, memes, and satire. There's the Theorizer, no-nonsense, really awesome research, nit-picking over WoB, and the possibility of getting 20-30 rep per really good theory. There's the musician or artist or fanfiction writer, they make stuff in real life and then share it on here. Then there's the path of the true no-lifer, you spend all day everyday finding things to post on every topic, hoping that something will gain you rep. Then there's the hybrid who does some theorizing, some humour, some roleplaying, and posts fairly often.


I took the path of Hybrid and I joined in April ish and have since risen to number 23 on the top fifty. The ponies rise faster, but their rep is arguably less earned.


Theorizers take forever to really gain rep, just because it takes a long time to create really good theories that no one else has already figured out. There is the sense of true accomplishment from your theories though.


Musicians/Artists/Writers can rise quickly, but so far most of ours aren't very active so their rep is still in the low hundreds.


I will invite you to join the Newcago Court down in Social Clans and Guilds, joining the pseudo rp threads helps your rep some and is just a lot of fun.


Edit: And seriously!!!! Kobold is only about 150 away from Brandon guys, something is wrong................

I mostly comment on theories, with a few theories every now and then (and sometimes things that aren't quite theories). What does that make me? I'm in no way a hardcore Theorist. Most of my comments on theories are about possible further implications, without much concern for WoB or evidence. But I have never posted in any sort of RP thread.

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Brandon is at 3765 and is a Prime.


Cybertron is Cosmere.


Headcanon accepted.


I need to start making some more substantial posts though. Like, fan fiction or theories or something. 

Or post more ponies. I haven't decided which yet.


Or maybe I'll split the difference and write the epic tale of Hoid's arrival on Equestria and trying to work out how the magic system works. And going insane.

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I remember the time when I used to be incredibly below the Admins in rep. Now, only one Admin and four Mods are above me. ;)

Before you know it, you'll have passed Brandon Sanderson and everyone will be calling you a blasphemer at the top of their lungs. :P;)

EDIT: I'm at 4098 and I just noticed I'm a Dawnshard.

Edited by Kobold King
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I just wanted to say that God of Color? Is an incredibly badchull name, even if my immediate reaction was to think of the Lightbringer books rather than Warbreaker.


Also: wow. Kobold is... not just more than Brandon. He is a lot more than Brandon.

That's awesome.

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