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Devaan's Training ground


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Alum scanned the map. There were names he recognised: Scadrial and Roshar, the United Isles. Some sort of Terrisman colony to the south. Others he didn't. The Free Kingdoms? Bassopolis? He had heard distant rumors of the Reckonerverse, but had never found it after years of searching. He supposed the arrows pointing off indicated ways to perpendicularities - either that, or the realm stretched and knitted together like Shadesmar.

He was going to have to investigate. Alum stored the map as best he could on one of his minds under the heading Alleyverse, and said, "This city, for starters. It's the capital? And what's with the big spike at the center? It's obviously important."

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Deras began to grow bored again. He wasn't much for conversation, but at least he could entertain himself. He turned to the other man in the grounds, whose name he didn't quite catch.

"Hello," Deras nodded, "Deras." He introduced himself with a gesture. "Here for training too?" It wasn't a very good question since that should have been obvious, but Deras couldn't feel embarrassed so he didn't mind.

@BitBitiowhile waiting for Devaan to get back from the meeting

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I'm back! Going to be on less during the day while I walk around paris. But during the night I should be on plenty.

"So. Deras I want you to pick a weapon. Kerith and Jonas. You too, Max, Mara. You two get an option, I know you two well enough. So either you two stop by the Waystop and pick up a patron there. He goes by the name Astiel, he's probably got some feruchemical abilities, but try bring him here, however if you two would rather, you can explore the rebuilt alleycity. I want you to be familiar with the place before you get sent out into it. Silphio and Ethil have both done this. Alternatively. You could try duel me. If you win you get the day off. If you lose you have to polish off the statues around the hall of legends for the entire day. It's up to you what you want to do." Devaan picked up a wooden staff and went through a basic Kata, beckoning the other trainees to join in. He sped up, expecting the rest to try match his speed. He payed careful attention to when people dropped out of Rhythm as the others began to join in, noting down each pupil's speed, precision and focus. He made the Kata more complex, increasing his foot movements until it went from a basic Kata to a full chay-shan dance.

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The facts begin to assemble in his mind, piecing together. This was some sort of training ground, outside of the main city, for worldhoppers to practice their combat skills. As the others began to perform some sort of dance - Selish, he guessed - he stepped away, head turning to Pyrus.

”What do you think?”

Combat. Warlike people. Welcoming.

“Not sure how they’d react to Hemalurgy, though. We’ll keep that quiet. Shall we do some Rithmatics?”

His spren gave an affirmative, and Alum knelt against the stone floor, getting out some chalk. He quickly sorted through his copperminds, pulling the information and experiments that he had cut short. “First item: chalking aesthetics,” Alum said. He glanced up at the others. “I’m here if you need me.” And he began to draw.

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The front gate opened slightly as Kerith poked his head in.

"Hey, Devaan?" he said, pushing the gate wide open. "The big guy's here." 

A giant mech stood there, nearly fifteen feet tall. It was blocky, with stubby legs and a single arm that ended in a box-shaped fist. Where the other arm should have been had an over-sized rotary cannon. The mech's plating was painted black, adorned with dozens of golden cogwheels and skulls, and a silver hand was embossed on the center. 

Kerith seemed to enjoy their shock. He leaned against the wall, chuckling.

"Brother-Captain Orren," he said, waving towards the group, "meet your new friends. And please, try not to kill anyone this time."

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28 minutes ago, Grey Knight said:

A giant mech stood there, nearly fifteen feet tall. It was blocky, with stubby legs and a single arm that ended in a box-shaped fist. Where the other arm should have been had an over-sized rotary cannon. The mech's plating was painted black, adorned with dozens of golden cogwheels and skulls, and a silver hand was embossed on the center.

issat a storming dreadnought? Whyyy, would he need hand-to-hand combat training? XDD

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“Orren. I want you to spar against Silphio when he get’s back. He’ll give you a tough time of it. Until then I want you to learn more precise techniques” Devaan handed the Mech a giant knife, he used it for cutting through dense jungles back when he was exploring Nalthis, but it fit as a small dagger in the giant mech’s hand 

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39 minutes ago, Cyanic said:

issat a storming dreadnought? Whyyy, would he need hand-to-hand combat training? XDD


It's a dreadnought, and the only training he needs is how to beat y'all up without falling over :lol:

17 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“Orren. I want you to spar against Silphio when he get’s back. He’ll give you a tough time of it. Until then I want you to learn more precise techniques” Devaan handed the Mech a giant knife, he used it for cutting through dense jungles back when he was exploring Nalthis, but it fit as a small dagger in the giant mech’s hand 

The stubby hand moved up to the dreadnought's* center, holding the tiny knife in front of its eye-slit. As soon as Devaan turned around, it awkwardly tossed the knife behind it.




*This is a dreadnought:


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Deras stopped practicing for a while, slowly getting the hang of the basic kata, and looked at a certain newcomer, a large metallic box that had small legs and large arms, a mech, it seemed. He knew what a mech was, but didn't know how he knew. At first it put him on edge, but it seemed that the training grounds' master was speaking with this mech. He stared at it, curious.

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Devaan heard a whistling through the air, getting quieter and quieter. He spun around and saw that the Dreadnought had flung the dagger over it's shoulder and off the edge.

"So I see you need a lesson in respect first" Devaan told the Mech, stepping forward.

"Everyone stand back please" He called out to the rest of the people gathered on the ground.

"I'll give you the first hit"

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As a side note: all Black Crusade dreadnoughts were outfitted with aluminum plating after the 7 day war. 

Something rattled around in the dread's interior, and a loud bang resounded inside the metal hull.

"I do not understand this," a voice, heavily distorted by static from the dreadnought's speakers, said. "You... seek death by combat?"

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9 minutes ago, Grey Knight said:

"I do not understand this," a voice, heavily distorted by static from the dreadnought's speakers, said. "You... seek death by combat?"

"There won't be death. Combat till knockout. You need a lesson in respect. I give you a weapon and you will try to use it. Now take a swing at me" Devaan fell into a combat spear, holding his wooden staff to his side in a ready stance. He activated the Aons on his body, something he rarely did nowdays and manifested his shardplate as a light armor that engulfed his clothes, shielding him.

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Deras watched with interest as combat seemed to be beginning. The master of the training grounds begun slightly glowing. Deras hadn't seen much of how other people fought, so this would be both a learning experience and a compelling one

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3 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

"There won't be death. Combat till knockout. You need a lesson in respect. I give you a weapon and you will try to use it. Now take a swing at me" Devaan fell into a combat spear, holding his wooden staff to his side in a ready stance. He activated the Aons on his body, something he rarely did nowdays and manifested his shardplate as a light armor that engulfed his clothes, shielding him.

"But... this body, it is a weapon. I cannot hold things." 

The dreadnought held up its single hand, flexing the short, tiny fingers as an example. They couldn't even touch each other.

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4 minutes ago, Grey Knight said:

"But... this body, it is a weapon. I cannot hold things." 

The dreadnought held up its single hand, flexing the short, tiny fingers as an example. They couldn't even touch each other.

"If you struggle with something. You tell me. You don't ignore the problem. Now throw a storming punch!" Devaan yelled, charging at the mech, staff extended.

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Alum considered fleeing before the man in an even larger Shardplate and the aged Terrisman began to battle. Pyrus was walking about him, concerned. Surely the Shardbearer would win?

“Looks can be deceiving.” There was a strength to the Terrisman - Devaan - and he didn’t seem fazed by his opponent.

Alum decided to stay. He did, however, draw a thick Line of Forbiddance in front of him. Just in case. 

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Dreadnought Orren shrugged with his one arm. He took a single step forward, slamming Devaan with his fist. The Shardplate shattered, and the Terrisman was sent flying across the arena.

"As you wish!" he shouted towards Devaan.


Sorry if that was too godmoddy. Devaan still has his Aonic body, though, and is likely fine. And, in 40k, dreadnoughts are able to punch out tanks.


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Nervously, Jonas burned Bronze and Tin, then tapped wakefulness. He tentatively stepped up to the weapons rack and pulled off an Inquisitor Axe. He ran his finger along the smooth obsidian and tentatively stepped over to the man who had a piece of chalk in his hand. 

"Care to spar?"


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@BitBitio School is just about to start, but sure! Alum’s not in the best position right now, though, with a Rithmatic and F-Copper spike, so he’ll want to change it first. Is there a bio for Jonas? I couldn’t find one.

“I... sure,” he said. “Can I step outside for a few moments? I’ll be right back.”

He quickly darted out of the gate with his bags. Once out of sight, he unwrapped his sleeves and began sorting through his vials. Selecting an Allomantic Pewter spike, he yanked out the F-Copper, feeling blood beginning to spill around his arm, and dropped it immediately into a vial. Then, grasping the thin edge of the A-Pewter spike, he stabbed it firmly through his arm. Alum decided to keep the Rithmatic spike, though. He wanted to see how it could be used in combat.

Attaching some pewter vials to his belt next to his guns, he washed the blood and chalk off his arms with some water, dried them and wrapped them, and stepped back inside.

“Okay. I’ll spar.”


This may be a lot of things to do this quickly, but he’s used to the process.


Edited by MetaTerminal
Fixed some formatting. I’m never going to get used to it.
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Devaan saw the hit coming. Sloppy. If he wanted to he could have dodged that punch with ease. He landed on his feet and walked towards the Dreadnought, and flashed his palms towards Orren, interlocking his fingers and creating an Aon. Modified Aon Eon 


I think it’s Eon. Or Edo

Flew out and hit Orren, weakening him. Devaan strolled towards Orren and hit the chestplate with his staff, Discharging an Aon on his palm to send a concussive blast as well as hitting the Dreadnought with the staff. A puncture in the Armour appeared once Devaan lowered the staff. The Aon detonated, sending Orren  stumbling backwards.

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In that case disregard my spike swap - I thought your character was much more powerful. I’ll just say he felt Copper and Rithmatics. This way it’ll be more of an even battle.

Alum took off his copperminds, putting them aside where they hopefully wouldn’t be disturbed. Then he summoned Pyrus, holding the blade in front of him. They had one of the Blade guards hanging on the wall, so he pulled it off and covered it. It didn’t fit perfectly, since Pyrus had changed slightly in shape and size to suit him, but it would do.

”Alright,” he said. “I’m ready.”


@BitBitio You can go first.


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Jonas was no good with weapons, but was a beast with hand to hand. He would save that for later. He charged forward like a bull and chopped down. His technique was sloppy enough that it was visibly obvious that this was his first time using an axe.

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