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Devaan's Training ground


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Alum raised Pyrus up to block the blow and tried to sweep the axe out of his hands in one fluid movement. He then reached for his guns, then hesitated. He didn’t have rubber bullets, so a shot would be lethal without some sort of healing.

Instead he stepped away, holding Pyrus in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. Time to see what Rithmatics could do.

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Max and Mara watched the fight eagerly, Mara fidgeting with something pinned to her shirt.

“What’s that?” Max asked, leaning over to get a look.

“It’s my TUBA badge,” she told him proud. “They were a bit hesitant to let me join, thanks to your position in the Ghostbloods, but they let me in eventually.”

“That’s great,” Max said, walking off to find someone to spar with.

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There were two fights, or spars, as it were, happening in front of Deras. He wasn't sure which battle to pay attention to, but decided to watch the mech and the grounds master's battle since they seemed to be closer to his physical strength, and because he assumed the grounds master would be the most martially skilled out of them all. His wooden staff rested on his shoulder. Besides that, he saw two other people come onto the field. One the man who greeted him and the other newcomer who was also in battle currently, and a woman who had a small resemblance to the first man, likely siblings.

He stuck his free hand out, open as a greeting, like a wave (but without moving the hand side-to-side), before putting it down and resuming his observation of the battle.

Edited by Cyanic
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Silphio landed in the training grounds holding a wad of notes from turning in his bounty. Master Devaan was sparring with a dreadnought, he had activated his Aon skin and was fighting with a staff. Wasn’t that his worst weapon? He noticed Deras, Max and Mara off to one side, Max and Mara were talking while Deras was watching intently. Two newcomers were sparing, one unarmed and the other wielding an inquisitor axe. Max walked off in search for someone, he had seen that look on his face before. He wanted to do some sparring.

”Heya Max! Let’s do some sparring too. You choose the weapons” Silphio called out to him

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“Use Stormlight.” Pyrus’ voice came to his mind as Alum saw Jonas raise his axe. He breathed in deeply, feeling the raging tempest power flow within him. He raised his hand, feeling the movement of the air in front of him, the little voice of the object. Air wanted to be free, but he convinced it to change, to harden, to set. As the axe swung towards him, the air between them solidified into a thick wall of rock.

Alum wondered if they would mind that he was adding extra walls. A bit late now. 

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Jonas yelped and scampered away, his axe stuck in the wall. He tripped as he ran and regained his footing. Anxiously, he studied the chalk and decided it was useless in pieces. He snapped it in half and dropped them on the ground. He ran to the wall and studied it.

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He was in Shadesmar, briefly, the tiny sun hanging in the sky above, his shadows distorted. Pyrus was here, a dark figure stepping beside him. The alien light had a prismatic sheen on her, even in this Realm.

He raised his hand, pulling out a second piece of chalk with the other. He only had three, and this one was pink. In the Physical Realm, a glowing portal of light formed on the opposite side of the wall, a few meters away from Jonas. Alum stepped through, and with the flat of his chalk swiped a thick Line of Forbiddance in front of him, parallel to the rock wall.

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Only if you’re on my team  ;)

Yeah, sure. Pick someone to duel, or join someone else’s. I’m fine if you join ours, although you might want to check with Bit first.

Alum grinned slightly as Jonas ran full force into the Line of Forbiddance. But the man stepped around it, and Alum couldn’t dodge away from the punch aimed at his stomach. He stumbled away, lights dancing in his eyes for a moment before the Stormlight healed him. He instead grabbed at Jonas, aiming to Transport them both.

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Alum might have been faster and stronger, but he didn’t know how to dodge. The slap connected as a glowing light formed around them, and they were standing in Shadesmar. He pushed his opponent away and let the Stormlight focus him, bringing his Shardblade up and pointed directly at Jonas.

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Jonas stepped back, alarmed that they were in a new location. He burned Bronze and saw... unfamiliar pulses. He detected no Allomancy or Feruchemy, but something completely different. I'm in way over my head. His observant, tin enhanced senses got a general idea of rhe terrain and he tapped Bronze to resist exhaustion as he dodged and kicked Alum in the shin.

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“Huh.” He’d thought he’d seen the signs - a fast reaction, noting his chalk and stealing it before he could use it effectively. But perhaps he was drawing false conclusions.

“Bronze?” He thought for a moment, the grabbed his copperminds. “Wakefulness and Allomantic detection. Do you know if it detects other kinds of Investiture too?”

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“Weird stuff...like a rock wall forming in front of you?” Alum smiled, then pressed his hand against the stone. With a loud pop, it dissipated into a fine mist. “Can you tell the differences between magic types? Like... what magic am I using now?” He breathed in some Stormlight, not enough to make him glow, and let it heal him for a few seconds.

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