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Ask Cadcom Anything


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Hey! I am a Cadmium Compounder! You can ask me anything. As long as I'm not giving you info to steal my identity or sensitive personal information, I will answer it. Who knows, maybe I'll answer some of those questions as well. :ph34r: But probably not.

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 @Cadmium Compounder 

If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?

Who is your favorite comic book character?

Dogs or Cats?

Gandalf or Sarumon?

Digimon or Pokemon?

If you could taste colors which would you want to taste?

Beatles or Pink Floyd?

Paul mccartney or John Lennon?

Olives on pizza yes or no?

If not now then when?

Edited by Nathrangking
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13 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

 @Cadmium Compounder If shalebark grows in a forest and no one sees it, how much does tallew cost in Azir? 

If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?

Who is your favorite comic book character?

Dogs or Cats?

Gandalf or Sarumon?

Digimon or Pokemon?

If you could taste colors which would you want to taste?

Beatles or Pink Floyd?

Paul mccartney or John Lennon?

Olives on pizza yes or no?

If not now then when?

1. Tough one Now that Steven Hawking has passed away, maybe him. Or maybe Martin Luther

2. honestly never read comics as a kid. Flash, but only because of the series

3. Dogs, most of the time, cats are either stupid or funny, depending on the cat.

4. Gandalf. Typical huh?

5. Pokemon. (once again, never did either as a kid, and Im in my 20s. Everyone should shame me now)

6. Orange. (not because it's a fruit)

7. Beatles (basically no opinion though)

8. Paul Mccartney( also almost no opinion though)

9. Most of the time, Olives are fine

10. then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot I had made this post. Let's see. 

1. Probably to New York

2. For most of it's history it was Assur, but for brief periods of time, Ninevah acted as the capital. I had to wiki that one

3. It depends on how you look at it, but it's either 0 or 1

4. It's Vasher, and because in the end,


he sacrifices his life for Susebron

which is pretty cool. That's totally canonically accurate

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  • 11 months later...
25 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

What is the question to life, the universe, and everything? Here’s a hint: The answer is 42.

Short answer 1. What is the hubble constant? (In attempteing to come up with a creative answer, I came across this article)

Short Answer 2. What is the purpose and reason behind life, the universe, and everything? (this was a bit more cliche) 

Long Answer: (And I must preclude this by stating that despite being on my list of books to read, I still haven't gotten around to actually reading hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Though I still understood the reference. Therefore all of my knowledge at this time is based on a 5 minute google search) (Spoilers for length, with a TL;DR at the end)



We don't know. Deep thought is not able to fully understand the question, and therefore is not able to fully answer the question. Thus the answer 42. It must somehow make sense, but connection between deep thought and living consciousness on this matter is lacking, and therefore, we do not know what 42 means. The purpose of Earth is to calculate what the ultimate question to Life, the Universe, and Everything is, to therefore help us understand the Deep Thought response of 42.

Knowing that the purpose of Earth is to calculate the question, in order to determine the question we must look at how earth has evolved as an entity, as well as in individual segments and pieces, since it's creation. We can also assume that because earth is still working, and has not yet completely stopped, it is still computing, and has not yet come to an answer. 

I am in no position to determine the question, but I can extrapolate some data real quickly by determining what Earth has had as constant since it's creation. The answer to this is that there is very little constancy in earth, except that it seems to constantly be changing, which appears to be more computation than answer. 

However, at the current time, it appears Earth is trying to use Humanity as a tool. Best we can determine at this time is that Humanity is the best tool earth has come up with to determine what the question is. So we must determine what humanity is attempting to accomplish. A couple possible questions that we constantly run into as humanity is how to preserve ourselves/our memory. We also constantly try to determine what is fair and just for all. We also try to determine how to be the very best.


 Based on this quick thought experiment, The question to Life, the Universe, and Everything, is: How do you become, Life, the Universe, and Everything?

We strive to preserve ourselves, and our memory, as Life would do. We try to Be as fair as possible, therefore becoming a universe, and we try to obtain everything, therefore becoming everything. This Question begs another question in my head as well. And therefore another possible answer to the question. 

What if the purpose of Life, the Universe, and Everything, is that those three combined form some sort of computer(like Earth, or Deep Thought), developed by an even more advanced race, and it's purpose is to determine how to become Life, the Universe, and Everything, and the Answer 42 means that Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42% done with it's computation. Thus the answer 42. 


I think I'll go read Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy now. I also think you asking me that question has caused me to enter into an existential crisis. 


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The way I see it, everyone's got a cheat song. You know, a song that is technically crem, and you know it's trash, and you'd never let your friends see you do it, but you let yourself listen to it in moments of weakness because you're being true to you and living your best life, so stop judging me, okay!? 

Going by that overspecific definition, what's yours? :)

Bonus question: That smile emoji is creepy, right? It can't be just me that has nightmares about its demonic intent. Please validate my nonsensical fear. 


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1 minute ago, Archer said:

Bonus question: That smile emoji is creepy, right? It can't be just me that has nightmares about its demonic intent. Please validate my nonsensical fear. 


I would just like to say that yes, that emoji is in fact very creepy. Ene likes to terrorize me with it.

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12 hours ago, Archer said:

The way I see it, everyone's got a cheat song. You know, a song that is technically crem, and you know it's trash, and you'd never let your friends see you do it, but you let yourself listen to it in moments of weakness because you're being true to you and living your best life, so stop judging me, okay!? 

Going by that overspecific definition, what's yours? :)

Bonus question: That smile emoji is creepy, right? It can't be just me that has nightmares about its demonic intent. Please validate my nonsensical fear. 


I don't know if I have one right now, but in the past it was a song called Hot Problems. Actually, you know, maybe Bromance now, and in the past. 

Depending on the context, the smile is between a 12 and a 71 (on a scale of 1-100) Never less, and never more. However, usually it spends its time being below 54. I spent about 3 minutes taking time to determine those numbers. I wanted to make sure they most accurately reflected my perception of the emoji.:)

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 9/7/2019 at 10:21 AM, Butt Ad Venture said:

What color is your table?

Tan. Like a light colored wood tan.

On 9/7/2019 at 10:21 AM, Butt Ad Venture said:

Wafflecakes or panwaffles?

Wafflecakes obviously. A cake made of waffles is much better than waffles cooked on a pan

On 9/7/2019 at 10:21 AM, Butt Ad Venture said:

Bright orange or bright green?

Bright orange... even though my avatar is bright green...

On 9/7/2019 at 10:21 AM, Butt Ad Venture said:

Cadmium Allomancy of Cadmium Feruchemy?

Why would you do this to me? I need them both to survive months under water without breathing. (For me it'll only feel like weeks) Prrobaby allomancy, as I could hide on the other side of the wall from someone and trap them in my bubble. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Jaywalk said:

When the Earth, sun, and Alpha Centauri align, what are the chances a zebra will get his sloth a chew toy for his birthday?

I worked hard to find out when these would all align. Like I searched google for 5 minutes. The reason I did this was to try to think of something creative based on when they would align. But my five minute google search proved fruitless, so I guess I'll just start from scratch. 
We must assume certain things, and then determine chances based on that. So in this scenario, I can only take into account those Zebras that have sloths. 

There are no reported Zebras with Sloths, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. We can probably assume that there are less than 100 zebras with sloths. If we assume 100 zebras with sloths, and 365 days a year, this means the chances of Zebras having a sloth with a birthday on the same day that the earth, sun and Alpha Centauri align, is about 100/365. (Close to 1/3)

But then we have to consider how often it is that zebras give sloths chew toys for their birthday. slothbirthdaygifts.com(Which totally isn't a website I made up) shows that 1/10 sloth owners across species get Sloths chew toys for their birthday. 

So the odds that a Zebra will get a sloth a chew toy for it's birthday when the sun, earth and alpha centauri all align is about 1/30, among zebras that own sloths. 


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  • 4 months later...
On 7/24/2019 at 6:51 PM, Lunamor said:

I would just like to say that yes, that emoji is in fact very creepy. Ene likes to terrorize me with it.

I had no idea this post existed :P 

Hey CadCom, will you ever rejoin the Alleyverse? If you do will you resurrect the Informants? If you do will they take over the Alleycity in a shocking new plot? 

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  • 4 years later...
On 2/5/2020 at 2:56 PM, AonEne said:

I had no idea this post existed :P 

Hey CadCom, will you ever rejoin the Alleyverse? If you do will you resurrect the Informants? If you do will they take over the Alleycity in a shocking new plot? 

Only 4.5 years later... Probably not. I don't have a lot of time for roleplaying anymore. I'm pursuing a masters program full time, working full time, have a child at home, and then 2 more on the way. 

If I do, it'll be at least a year or two out. I have actually deleted a lot of my really old PMs, so I might not be able to even find the information any more.(Of course, it's also fully possible this has already occurred, and if I tried to do it, I would be very late) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/27/2024 at 11:49 AM, CadCom said:

Only 4.5 years later... Probably not. I don't have a lot of time for roleplaying anymore. I'm pursuing a masters program full time, working full time, have a child at home, and then 2 more on the way. 

If I do, it'll be at least a year or two out. I have actually deleted a lot of my really old PMs, so I might not be able to even find the information any more.(Of course, it's also fully possible this has already occurred, and if I tried to do it, I would be very late) 

Entirely valid, hope you're having a good life with the kids :D 

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