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Everything Brandon Writes Implodes (EBWI) REVAMPED


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The Original EBWI Post: (does not need to be read to join) (outdated)


I'm new here, and all the roleplays look really intimidating. Mainly because they have a lot of pages and a lot to keep track of. So I'm starting my own. Follow all the usual rules, keep it clean, you know the drill. Anyone can join this, though no one has to. (If I do anything wrong, please tell me.) As soon as you post a character, if you are accepted, you will be added to the PM. 

However, to keep it interesting, characters cannot be magic. To clarify, they can have magical companions or items, but cannot use Awakening, Allomancy, AonDor, Feruchemy, Forgery, Hemalurgy, Surgebinding, Rithmatics, Smedry Talents, Oculation, Voidbinding, Epic Magic, and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. They can, however, be a Shardbearer, own an Aviar, use fabrials, use Epic-derived technology, et cetera. Be creative.

This takes place in the Cosmere, but someone just found a portal...that leads into the Reckonerverse and other versions of Earth. Hilarity ensues. Everything is current except for Oathbringer - for example, the events of Words of Radiance have occurred, but nothing past that because spoilers. All other books Brandon has written are up to date.

Why this change is occurring: (should be read)


Everyone, I am very sorry for the roleplay's messiness, inactivity, and general confusion as a whole. I know that the rules are weird, characters keep changing, and it it is apparently unclear where/when this is set.

So, in an attempt to save EBWI, I'm disbanding it.

Yes, that sounds contradictory, but I think it will honestly help. I am going to revamp EBWI, making a new thread and giving it slightly different rules and an actual plot to start with. I invite all of you to sign up again; so long as your character meets the requirements, you will almost definitely be let in. Another change is that EBWI is often disrailed by chat and unrelated content. I will be creating a new PM exclusively for chat and conversation that isn't DIRECTLY related to the RPing.

Again, I'm sorry. I take the responsibility for this; I didn't know what I was doing when I started EBWI, and I was lax. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you choose to not come back, I understand. If you do want to join again, then I would be overjoyed to have you back. Please do read the redone rules.

 - AonEne

Hello, Sharders!

The cosmere and every Earth that Brandon has written are in this. Our own magicless Earth is not. All time is up to date except for Oathbringer events. THIS IS NOT ALLEYVERSE.

Please create original characters, meaning not your Alleyverse characters or ones that you have used in another RP. These characters cannot be magic. To clarify, they can have magical companions or items, but cannot use Awakening, Allomancy, AonDor, Feruchemy, Forgery, Hemalurgy, Surgebinding, Rithmatics, Smedry Talents, Oculation, Voidbinding, Epic Magic, and any other stuff I may be forgetting. They can, however, be a Shardbearer, own an Aviar, use fabrials, use Epic-derived technology, et cetera. They can be characters who had their magic spiked out of them, just so long as they don't somehow get it back. They may not be something made of, functioning because of, or very involved with Investiture, such as seons, skaze, koloss, kandra, singers, Lifeless, spren, Aviar, Aimians, Shards, Alivened, or anything Awakened to sentience. Be creative.

If you create a secondary character, then that character may be an Epic, a Smedry, a Rithmatist, or an Oculator. Cosmere magics are not included because, frankly, there are a lot more cosmere roleplays out there, and the point of this roleplay is to be diverse and figure out often unused or not thought of abilities and characters.

I reserve the right to decline anyone if they are overpowered or their character makes no sense. Try to stay sensible. If anyone is ever being inappropriate or spamming in the RP or the chat, then they may be kicked out. Spamming is not defined by someone who is posting a lot in a row or a lot in general but always has something to say; it's someone who posts essentially nothing or a bunch of stuff that literally no one cares about just to be posting. Don't do that.

This is intended to be serious. Anything that occurs must be plausible.

Now for the plot. A friendly High Epic, known as Essos, has the same abilities as Megan. He tried to reach out as far as he could to find a world LEAST like his...and found the cosmere. Stepping through the portal alerted Conquest; years ago, she had taken the pieces of Dominion and reforged them, taking up the Shard and Ascending. Her goal is to rule everywhere that she can; she avoids other Shards when possible, but does not shy away from killing to achieve what she wants. After she promptly killed Essos, she watched as the portal he had made tore open even further to reveal a passageway to every Earth that Brandon has placed a book on. (Skyward is exempt - spoiler reasons.) She decided that conquering these places would be easier than setting the minions she had gathered on the cosmere and hoping for the best, and so she headed for the world Essos had come from - a version of the Fractured States. She did leave those that followed her to wage war on several Shardworlds.

The RP and the chat will be in PMs. In the RP, please put anything that is not in character in quotes. All tenses and viewpoints are fine.




I will be writing Conquest POVs.

The main character I will be using is from Azir. Her name is Mydrys, though most call her Yd (pronounced Yid). She has a Shardblade the size of a normal sword called Wordflight, but no Plate. She doesn't like letting others know that she has the Blade. She is very good at swordsmanship. Yd was born in Azir, but her mother is Alethi. She has Alethi skin, brown hair, and dark blue eyes. She is fifteen in Rosharan years. Her father works as a worldhopping trader. He brought her on a trip to the Cognitive Realm of Roshar when they discovered the portal. After being separated, she recklessly went through. She has a female seon named Ene.

I also have a male Epic named Replay. His power is causing others to have flashbacks of moments in their life at will. He has minor control over what they see. Decent range. Can affect multiple at once. His weakness is romance, whether actual or in a book. He is twenty Earth years old.

@BitBitio the Mudkip:

Name: Luhuaiakami'ehenialoki (Nialoki in short form) 

Nationality: Horneater/Unkalaki 

Special skills: Dueling, comebacks, combat in general, also an excellent cook

Weapons: Shardblade called Stonebrasher, his lucky frying pan called Summit, and his chasmfiend carapace that was skinned off and given to him as armor, and his throwing knives.

Languages: Horneater, Alethi, French

Age: 26

History: A rebellious child, he ran away from home at age 7 and joined the Alethi culture. He became a prominent duelist and earned his Blade. He sailed off in his ship, The Breacher, and ended up getting caught in Honor's Perpendicularity during a highstorm. He ended up in Seattle, Washington, in the Fractured States.


Name: Jared Roberts

Investiture: Rithmatist

Age: 25

History: Fought at Nebrask, nearly killed by Chalklings. Strangely, the sheer number of Chalklings teleported him to Omaha, Nebraska, in the Fractured States. He had a ton of chalk, black in color, that he held on to.


Name: Utryd (pronounced Uh-trid)

Race: Thaylen/Herdazian 

Skills: Selling things, street fighting, reading and writing *gasps of astonishment* 

Languages: Thaylen, Alethi 

History: grew up on the streets, then was eventually taken in by a merchant family who helped him learn their trade, found a portal one day and decided that it would be worth it if there was anything valuable to sell.


Name: Ethan Grey, aka Frostbite

From: Reckoners Earth

Race: Human, former Epic

Skills: Smart, Learns fast, can improvise well

Languages: English, Spanish, French.

Age: 24

Weapons/tools: Harmsway, Small pistol. A sort of reverse tensor that creates matter.

History: became an Epic with ice-related powers when Calamity rose. Larcener took them, leaving Ethan with the "darkness" banished and a horrible realization of what he had done. He now is trying to fix what he and other Epics have done and are doing. He has mostly recovered mentally, and is a bit more lighthearted, but has his moments of darkness. His weakness was fire, and he still is largely afraid of it.


Name: Ryder
From: Earth (Snapshot)
Age: 28
Inventory: Police issue pistol with spare clip and a reality badge

A recent graduate of the police force, Ryder was assigned to the Snapshot program.  During his training however something went wrong.  A Deviation of epic proportions tore the program apart and flung Ryder into this new world while simultaneously killing his mentor and senior partner Jace.

@I think I am here.:

Name: Kirby Venter

Age: 27

Inventory: Aluminium knife

Personality: Like, actually has a death wish. Hates magic, hates superpowers. Wants to violently kill anyone with magic or superpowers, doesn’t care if he dies, will often charge at incredibly powerful people to kill them, fails.

History: He’s from the Reckoners Earth, and though he was never a Reckoner, still hated Epics. It’s a wonder he isn’t dead yet, considering his personality. After he realised how aluminium countered Investiture, he made an aluminium knife (alloyed with something harder).


Name: A rock
From: The earths core (Reckoners earth)
Age: A billion years, give or take
Inventory: None, but is a rock.
Personality: None, is a rock
History: Is a rock, used to be a rock for a really long time. Will probably continue being a rock.


Name: Adalyne Falls

Age: 21

Species/Ethnicity: Human, Reckoners Earth

Appearance: Dark brown hair, suntanned skin, blue-grey eyes, short (like 5’4”, or 162.5 cm), lithe yet muscular

History: Adalyne was born in New York of the Fractured States. Her older sister, Andrea, became an Epic— Permafrost, as she could make anything she touched freeze, or become extremely cold. After Andrea turned evil because of her powers, she started to resist the attempts her family made to restrain her powers, eventually attempting to kill Adalyne and actually killing their parents. Adalyne ran away with her boyfriend of 1 year, Trevor, to join the Reckoners in California of the Fractured States. They chose California because it was far from New York, and therefore far from Andrea. However, Trevor ended up being an Epic as well: Chokehold. He could squeeze anything with his mind, as long as he was touching a part of that thing. Around 6 months after they got to California, while he was holding her hand, she felt a pressure on her throat... and saw Trevor concentrating. She released his hand and ran back to the Reckoners base to report him, but found everyone dead. Chokehold had killed them all.

That all happened a year ago. For the past year, she has stayed in the old Reckoners base, hunting out Epics alone. She has vowed never to fall in love or have a romantic relationship ever again. Also, she is yet to see Andrea again, and hopes she never will.

Weapons/Skills: Smart and strategic. Has a great poker face. Skill with almost all weapons, as a sign of her six months in Reckoners training, plus keeping up her skill in the past year that she’s been alone. No signature weapon, but she’s fond of lipstick grenades.

Other: Because the Reckoners earth is an Earth-like world, aluminum really isn’t that rare. Now that Adalyne knows it is valuable, she doesn’t let everyone know that she has it, but she will supply it to those who she likes, and if she thinks there is a good enough cause, but it will still be for a price. (She thinks Conquest is a good enough cause.)


Edited by AonEne
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 I'm rejoining.


Name: Luhuaiakami'ehenialoki (Nialoki in short form) 

Nationality: Horneater/Unkalaki 

Special skills: Dueling, comebacks, combat in general, also an excellent cook

Weapons: Shardblade called Stonebrasher, his lucky frying pan called Summit, and his chasmfiend carapace that was skinned off and given to him as armor, and his throwing knives.

Languages: Horneater, Alethi, French

Age: 26

History: A rebellious child, he ran away from home at age 7 and joined the Alethi culture. He became a prominent duelist and earned his Blade. He sailed off in his ship, The Breacher, and ended up getting caught in Honor's Perpendicularity during a highstorm. He ended up in Seattle, Washington, in the Fractured States.


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Count me in.


Name: Utryd (pronounced Uh-trid)

Race: Thaylen/Herdazian 

Skills: Selling things, street fighting, reading and writing *gasps of astonishment* 

Languages: Thaylen, Alethi 

History: grew up on the streets, then was eventually taken in by a merchant family who helped him learn their trade, found a portal one day and decided that it would be worth it if there was anything valuable to sell.


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I'll join, as soon as I can make a character. It takes a while because I want a good name, and I suck at naming. I also am still deciding what race/planet.

edit: would an Epic who had their powers permanantly taken (like Calamity did)be okay @AonEne

Edited by Inklingspren
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@Inklingspren Yes, that would be okay, so long as they didn't get them back. If you had another character as your main, then they could get them back.

Jacob, Bit, glad to have you. I'll add you both.

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Alright. I think mine is ready


Name: Ethan Grey, aka Frostbite

From: Reckoners Earth

Race: Human, former Epic

Skills: Smart, Learns fast, can improvise well

Languages: English, Spanish, French.

Age: 24

Weapons/tools: Harmsway, Small pistol. A sort of reverse tensor that creates matter.

History: became an Epic with ice-related powers when Calamity rose. Larcener took them, leaving Ethan with the "darkness" banished and a horrible realization of what he had done. He now is trying to fix what he and other Epics have done and are doing. He has mostly recovered mentally, and is a bit more lighthearted, but has his moments of darkness. His weakness was fire, and he still is largely afraid of it.



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Hmm, sounds interesting.  Can we be a Brain in a Jar/Liveborn from Perfect State?  If so, I'll join as one of them, I'll flesh it out later, with a Wode scroll.

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Secondary Character


Name: Jared Roberts

Investiture: Rithmatist

Age: 25

History: Fought at Nebrask, nearly killed by Chalklings. Strangely, the sheer number of Chalklings teleported him to Omaha, Nebraska, in the Fractured States. He had a ton of chalk, black in color, that he held on to.


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I'll add you, Ink!

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Hmm, sounds interesting.  Can we be a Brain in a Jar/Liveborn from Perfect State?  If so, I'll join as one of them, I'll flesh it out later, with a Wode scroll.

I'm going to say no, but we would still love to have you join.

Bit, that explanation for how you got there needs work. I'd prefer if it made sense.

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11 minutes ago, BitBitio said:

Enough focused Investiture in one point causes the realms to be pierced. For now, saying that them Chalklings are Invested created a rift in the realms and I 'ported.

But chalklings AREN'T Invested.

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1 minute ago, BitBitio said:

But they're magic.

Magic and Investiture are technically different things. Just because the cosmere can be accessed from an Epic portal doesn't mean that the two magic systems combine.

3 minutes ago, BitBitio said:

I'm also assuming that there is some sort of portal at the Tower.

From Essos' death? That's fine.

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6 hours ago, AonEne said:

I'm going to say no, but we would still love to have you join.

That's a shame.  I assume being a poltergeist from Dreamer or a Cytonics user from Defending Elysium are also out. :( 

Hopefully this one is okay.


Name: Ryder
From: Earth (Snapshot)
Age: 28
Inventory: Police issue pistol with spare clip and a reality badge

A recent graduate of the police force, Ryder was assigned to the Snapshot program.  During his training however something went wrong.  A Deviation of epic proportions tore the program apart and flung Ryder into this new world while simultaneously killing his mentor and senior partner Jace.

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Hey, I’ll sign up!


Name: Kirby Venter

Age: 27

Inventory: Aluminium knife

Personality: Like, actually has a death wish. Hates magic, hates superpowers. Wants to violently kill anyone with magic or superpowers, doesn’t care if he dies, will often charge at incredibly powerful people to kill them, fails.

History: He’s from the Reckoners Earth, and though he was never a Reckoner, still hated Epics. It’s a wonder he isn’t dead yet, considering his personality. After he realised how aluminium countered Investiture, he made an aluminium knife (alloyed with something harder).

NOTE: This is a guy who is made with the sole intention of seeing how long it’ll take before he gets himself killed. I always wanted a character who was completely powerless so I could test their  life span when they regularly battle dieties.


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Name: A rock
From: The earths core (Reckoners earth)
Age: A billion years, give or take
Inventory: None, but is a rock.
Personality: None, is a rock
History: Is a rock, used to be a rock for a really long time. Will probably continue being a rock.

Can I join too? :D

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18 hours ago, Alvron said:

That's a shame.  I assume being a poltergeist from Dreamer or a Cytonics user from Defending Elysium are also out. :( 

Hopefully this one is okay.

  Hide contents

Name: Ryder
From: Earth (Snapshot)
Age: 28
Inventory: Police issue pistol with spare clip and a reality badge

A recent graduate of the police force, Ryder was assigned to the Snapshot program.  During his training however something went wrong.  A Deviation of epic proportions tore the program apart and flung Ryder into this new world while simultaneously killing his mentor and senior partner Jace.


11 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Hey, I’ll sign up!

  Hide contents

Name: Kirby Venter

Age: 27

Inventory: Aluminium knife

Personality: Like, actually has a death wish. Hates magic, hates superpowers. Wants to violently kill anyone with magic or superpowers, doesn’t care if he dies, will often charge at incredibly powerful people to kill them, fails.

History: He’s from the Reckoners Earth, and though he was never a Reckoner, still hated Epics. It’s a wonder he isn’t dead yet, considering his personality. After he realised how aluminium countered Investiture, he made an aluminium knife (alloyed with something harder).

NOTE: This is a guy who is made with the sole intention of seeing how long it’ll take before he gets himself killed. I always wanted a character who was completely powerless so I could test their  life span when they regularly battle dieties.


Thanks! I'll add you two!

11 hours ago, Voidus said:

Can I join too? :D

Is this rock alive?

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@AonEne, can I join?


Name: Adalyne Falls

Age: 19

Species/Ethnicity: Human, Reckoners Earth

Appearance: Dark brown hair, suntanned skin, blue-grey eyes, short (like 5’4”, or 162.5 cm), lithe yet muscular

History: Adalyne was born in New York of the Fractured States. Her older sister, Andrea, became an Epic— Permafrost, as she could make anything she touched freeze, or become extremely cold. After Andrea turned evil because of her powers, she started to resist the attempts her family made to restrain her powers, eventually attempting to kill Adalyne and actually killing their parents. Adalyne ran away with her boyfriend of 1 year, Trevor, to join the Reckoners in California of the Fractured States. They chose California because it was far from New York, and therefore far from Andrea. 

However, Trevor ended up being an Epic as well: Chokehold. He could squeeze anything with his mind, as long as he was touching a part of that thing. Around 6 months after they got to California, while he was holding her hand, she felt a pressure on her throat... and saw Trevor concentrating. She released his hand and ran back to the Reckoners base to report him, but found everyone dead. Chokehold had killed them all.

That all happened a year ago. For the past year, she has stayed in the old Reckoners base, hunting out Epics alone. She has vowed never to fall in love or have a romantic relationship ever again. Also, she is yet to see Andrea again, and hopes she never will.

Weapons/Skills: Smart and strategic. Has a great poker face. Skill with almost all weapons, as a sign of her six months in Reckoners training, plus keeping up her skill in the past year that she’s been alone. No signature weapon, but she’s fond of lipstick grenades.

Other: Because the Reckoners earth is an Earth-like world, aluminum really isn’t that rare. Now that Adalyne knows it is valuable, she doesn’t let everyone know that she has it, but she will supply it to those who she likes, and if she thinks there is a good enough cause, but it will still be for a price. (She thinks Conquest is a good enough cause.)

I know my history is kind of long... but it was fun to write. :P

Edited by Ashspren
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@Ashspren, I've seen longer. :P We'd love to have you! Are Angela and Andrea the same person?

On 7/16/2018 at 9:37 PM, Voidus said:

Of course not. It's a rock.

So...it isn't magic? If so, then yeah, sure. Your posts will be interesting...

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