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Tournament: Cosmere Character Roast Battles

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here's the rap(ish).


so we here are supposed to

roast all the others.

now this should be easy.

how to put this delicately, wayne's an idiot.

in what world does two and two make a pickle? like this shouldn't be too hard,

especially for the daughter of bard,

 who's got more brains than the sibling,

who draws all their smarts from a tower.

without a human has no power,

and the one you chose is a storming lighteyes!

wayne tried to eat a cummerbund he drinks during fights, he fights without guns, only focused on the funs.

The Sibling chose the wrong side,

picked to turn the wrong tide,

fought for the ones who'd never died,

and all the while,

the dead making a pile

the sibling made a file

and never went an extra mile.

wayne's hats bring up his intelligence,

has not a scrap of elegance,

barely speaks with relevance

and he should be viewed with negligence.

Eshonai out.

(sung to the rhythm of derision.)


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So mine's a little long and reads more like a poem then a rap, but anyways here you go. I don't know why it's in bold and I can't get it to switch back. I think because I pasted it from google docs. Also just in case, there are spoilers for RoW and TLM



Well you’ve probably heard of the Sibling before,

But now’s the perfect time to learn a little bit more

About an old and wise spren who’s been living in a tower,

Master of a storming cool and very epic power!


One thing they’ve got in common,

With Eshonai so far

Is that they know some rhythms

Unique to Roshar


But other then minutiae

They’re really not the same

When it comes to mass extinctions,

It’s Eshonai we blame,


She runs from her own family,

Spends hours making maps

Then Stormform just corrupts her,

And she falls in Rayse’s trap.


And Wayne, well now,

He’s just a little rough

Even with all his bendalloy,

His brain never worked quite fast enough.


He’s goofy to a fault,

But he also killed a man

Misogynistic, egotistic

And he was dumped by MeLaan!


So I hope that after all of that,

You might just understand

That when it comes to cosmere characters

The Sibling’s known across the land.


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Good job you two! I liked them a lot!

14 hours ago, stormform wert said:

here's the rap(ish).

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so we here are supposed to

roast all the others.

now this should be easy.

how to put this delicately, wayne's an idiot.

in what world does two and two make a pickle? like this shouldn't be too hard,

especially for the daughter of bard,

 who's got more brains than the sibling,

who draws all their smarts from a tower.

without a human has no power,

and the one you chose is a storming lighteyes!

wayne tried to eat a cummerbund he drinks during fights, he fights without guns, only focused on the funs.

The Sibling chose the wrong side,

picked to turn the wrong tide,

fought for the ones who'd never died,

and all the while,

the dead making a pile

the sibling made a file

and never went an extra mile.

wayne's hats bring up his intelligence,

has not a scrap of elegance,

barely speaks with relevance

and he should be viewed with negligence.

Eshonai out.

(sung to the rhythm of derision.)


@stormform wert, are you confirming that this is done and you’re submitting it for voting?

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Spoiler*Wayne strides up to the mic(?), complete with an expensive duster and a comically large bowler cap. The colors clash horribly, and it is unclear as to what his motive in fashion is at this time*

*Wayne strides up to the mic(?), complete with an expensive-looking duster and a comically large bowler cap. The colors clash horribly, and it is unclear as to what his motives in regards to fashion are this time.*


Our two friends from Roshar - greetings, I guess

But honestly I don't think I really need to stress

the dishonorable direlection; immoral malediction

from both your puny paradigms of fraternizing fiction


The 'Sibling' you call yourself, which I suppose makes sense

If you reconsider reconciliation with what that title represents

a neglected, needy, nauseating nightmare of non-autonomy

Because you can't be rusting relevant without your girl Navani


Sure, maybe Urithiru had its fabrials working through,

but those Rosharans sure seemed to work them plenty fine without you

I haven't got the arrant thought to keep spitting out these fitting bouts

But at least I've got some talent wrought to continue fighting out


*Wayne throws off his hat to reveal a second, smaller hat underneath*


And Eshonai, my wishful friend, I haven't quite forgot you

so time for I to recommend a wistful spot of straight revue

You died as you lived, they say - with your head in the clouds

Not a care for the world you have, just the one you're not allowed


Your fellows carried echoes of meadows and melrose

But your narrow-memo violent bellows keep your stomach eerie yellow

Can't even look past or surpass the contrasting mass of pashendi castes

You amassed a vast cache of slashed aghast men - lives and dreams dashed


Neither of you have a mote of honor left to claim

so either you take a note or conjure some bereft and honest shame

I know you have your accusations, and your defenses to explain

But unfortunately for you guys that's all you get from Wayne


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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6 minutes ago, stormform wert said:

oh, storms.

That’s what I’m thinking, and I’m not even competing! There is a hard vote ahead.

Remember that you can vote on anybody, even if you are competing. That is the kind of thing I would forget, and I don’t want anyone else to!

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You now have 24 hours to choose who you are voting for, between @stormform wert, @The Sibling, and @Channelknight FadranThe poll is here. You may not vote twice or anything. I suggest rereading them all before casting your vote! We’ve got some doozies.


I have never seen anyone use “doozy” unironically in so long


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6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I take it that participants aren't supposed to vote?

I’m pretty sure you can. Let me double check.

From an answer to that question:


Nope! You can vote! Don’t worry about it— it’s completely anonymous. I would vote for myself, so... :P


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