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Tournament: Cosmere Character Roast Battles

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15 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Ene comes to watch, and facepalms. And upvotes. And totally isn't biased in cheering Ink on.


(Ha, Shallan, Stick, and Pattern. This is going to be so great)

I didn't realize you had been odium until I chose him. He is going to be fun to write. And that trinity battle. That and Pattern V Syl. This round will be entertaining for sure

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1 hour ago, Matias said:

@Ashspren but how could you know if someone votes more than one?, if you don't, would it be better to do another thing? Like another program or maybe counting the "likes" on every rap

I really can’t know if someone does, but messing with upvotes is generally seen as a bad idea. I just have to trust people’s integrity, I guess. 

Also, the program I use (Google Forms) is easy to use, and anonymous. 

Edit: @Herowannabe@Rhapsody@EdgedanceroftheDawn About 24 hours left!

Edited by Ashspren
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7 minutes ago, Rhapsody said:

ok here comes Syl!

spoilered for lenght and because OB spoilers =)


You put it in a quote and not a Spoiler Box. At least for me I can only see the first line and the rest is missing.

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1 minute ago, Sorana said:

You put it in a quote and not a Spoiler Box. At least for me I can only see the first line and the rest is missing.

The rest of her rap exists only in the cognitive realm. ;)

J/k, I'm seeing the same thing. I assume that she's working on fixing it...

Working on my rap now, I hope to have it up soon. 


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18 minutes ago, Rhapsody said:

@Sorana yeah I accidentally sent it while still writing. don't know how i did that.

It should be fixed now =)

and complete

No problem. I just wanted to make sure that you can fix it.

*scrolls back to read it*

Edited by Sorana
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5 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

My opponents' all set the bar high, but here's my rap. I may have gotten a bit carried away.... nah! :P

Spoilered for length, but no major spoilers. 

  Reveal hidden contents

(Here comes my rap it’s extraordinary

But you might need to grab a dictionary

To understand all of the mockeries

And somebody tell my adversaries

I will allow them to use all of these

Sick verses for their obituaries.)


Yes, I am a Stick,

but not any Stick

For I am THE Stick!

My verses are sick

My burns are epic

My bars: Deific

My rhythms all click

And fricking metrics

Are kind of my schtick

But this bag of tricks

Is propaedeutic

To the imminent flick

And the clock goes tick

Tock so here’s a quick

Mock that I just picked

To kick all these hicks

That think they’re so slick

But they will be ticked

When they all get licked

By this little toothpick

The one. The only.



First up is the pathetic Cryptic spren

More like an anuretic Septic spren

Your manifestation always changes

But I remain fixed throughout the ages

You said you were dead, your memory weak

So dumb for so long you barely could speak

I guess I was wrong ‘cuz some things don’t change

You’re still a melange of all things deranged

I shouldn’t be so hard on you Pattern

Let’s blame it all on your cling-on slattern


Yes I’m talking about you Shallan

Don’t like it? Find a shoulder to bawl on

Or get yourself a notepad to scrawl on

‘Cuz unlike you,

You shrew,

It’s true

I knew

All too

Well who

I was intended to be all along

You thought that you could turn me into flame

And you wish you could burn me in this game

But now I’m about to double your shame

You can change your name, or wed whatshisname

But one thing’s the same, you’ll always be lame.


They say you should save the best for the last

Sylphrenia? The best? You’re making me gasp

You’re so proud you’re the Stormfather’s daughter

I’m going to blow you right out of the water

Less filled with Honor and more filled with sass

Your attempts to help are barely half-baked

Why won’t you say things that Kal needs to know?

You’re holding him back, not helping him grow

Maybe he wouldn’t be so dang morose

If you stopped withholding crucial info

You gave it your best but you’ve been outclassed

Go be depressed with your bridgeboy outcast


I wish i could give more upvotes... 

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5 hours ago, Herowannabe said:


My opponents' all set the bar high, but here's my rap. I may have gotten a bit carried away.... nah! :P

Spoilered for length, but no major spoilers. 


I thought for sure that you would do this.


I am a stick

And then call it good.

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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Storms, all those ick-words...

Aren’t they fantasTIC? ;)

j/k I’m going to be unintentionally rhyming words in my head for days now. :lol:

46 minutes ago, Life&Death said:

I thought for sure that you would do this.

  Reveal hidden contents

I am a stick

And then call it good.

Nah that would have been too easy. Plus I wanted a chance at winning. ;) 

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