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Crackpot Theories (A game)

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  • 4 weeks later...



After Odium has taken all of the Shards, and not become Adonalsium, he will be confused. He will give the Shards to Vyre as an experiment, who will become Adonalsium. Vyre had secretly stolen a small piece of Odium's Shard, which means that Adonalsium will only be complete with Vyre as the Vessel.

Theory: Hoid is actually Bill Nye the Science Guy in disguise.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/12/2022 at 11:45 AM, Voidspawn said:

Proof: Susebron likes the taste of metal.

Theory: Captain Underpants is Hoid's father.

Proof: The reason that we don't ever see Captain Underpants in the cosmere is because Hoid banished him to our world somehow. That is why Mr. Krupp is always so mad


Theory: Dalinar is the weakest character in the cosmere

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On 2/25/2022 at 11:38 AM, Primeval Chaos said:

Proof: The reason that we don't ever see Captain Underpants in the cosmere is because Hoid banished him to our world somehow. That is why Mr. Krupp is always so mad



On 2/25/2022 at 11:38 AM, Primeval Chaos said:

Theory: Dalinar is the weakest character in the cosmere

Proof: Anyone can open a perpendicularity, like, bruh.

Theory: Warbreaker's sequel will be about how Siri leaves Nalthis and gets a job at Apple on earth.

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  • 1 month later...

Proof: You expect us to prove our outrageous statements?! Fine.(upvote to whoever gets the reference) Kaladin has a subconscious fear of fighting, spren are excellent weapons which are necessary to fighting, and they make him very good at fighting(arguably something he is more scared of), so he is therefore afraid of spren.

that kinda made sense. drat.

Theory: Alcatraz is Hoid before he had the "no hurt people" thing on him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Proof: He has danced with a Fused and Nale knows Ulim and Kalak calls Ba-ado-mishram by her first name, only heralds would be on such good terms with the Fused.

Theory: Taravangian is actually a Feruchemist and is constantly storing Fortune and Zinc, he just forgets some days.

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