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Zombie Survival Guide: Investiture Edition

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is there a difference between having a tank and having Shardplate? :)



if you are part of an army, a tank can go faster, is harder, and more powerful than plate. II mean, plate and blade is awesome, but a cannon, a minigun and 10 cm of high-tech composite materials for armor are better.

If you are by yourself, plate is better cause you don't have problems with supplies. you only need to infuse the gems every oncce in a while. the tank instead would run out of fuel and ammo, and then you'd have to choose between starving to death inside or going out and be killed by the zombies.


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Wow, a number of awesome things have been proposed...


Who needs a manual? You have over a billion test subjects and nothing but bloody time.

I never before realized I wanted to read a fan fiction in which a stranded Hemalurgist experiments on zombies while slowly losing his sanity. Now it's all I can think about. :)


AonDor, to this day, remains my system of choice. It's just too versatile.


AonDor has the greatest number of uses in a post-apocalyptic setting. While at first glance it might seem unwieldy in the face of this threat, I think that if Aon Daa can lay waste to armies of Dakhor, Zed doesn't stand a chance.


Obviously the solution is to equip the tank with Shardblade murder-holes and power it with Stormlight.


A Stormlight-powered fabrial tank. This is almost too awesome for words, and I genuinely wish to see something of the kind in future SA installments. :D

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Fittingly, that post has made me into an artifabrian. TIme to go change my user title :D


I can't help but wonder if you couldn't made a mirror tower to work en tandem with Adon Dor, and cook zombies down below. Plus making food and growing plants. Okay, Aons are totally overpowered here :P

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This thread is awesome :D

I have to question if shardblades can kill already-dead zombies. I mean, they don't exactly have a soul...

I think I want to be a cross Radiant/Awakener (I'm sure Hoid could do it!) So I could endow zombies with stormlight and return earth to normal by healing their zombification.I don't know about you guys, but I don't fancy spending the rest of my life locked in a however-well-defended castle for fear of the zombie hordes.....I guess I'm like Marasi that way.:)

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I assume that zombies count as being alive, since they're still thinking and still animate. Willing to bet sufficiently powerful Regrowth could go a long way if enough cognitive power was used.


I suggest we heal the zombies only halfway, leaving them dead enough to blend in and ignore pain, but sentient enough to work with us. We can even donate to them our excess.....stuff....so as to keep them happy. Symbiosis with zombies everybody, welcome to the new world.

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I bet zombies have a very blank identity, making them rich targets for Forgery.  I'll use my combat stamp to get close and start making friends.  This is now my horde of zombies.  I'll need to make sure to write in commands to have them stamp each other every day, in staggered shifts.


This is all in an effort to survive, in style, with as little relative power as possible.  Because anyone can say "I'm a god and I win" but where's the fun in that?

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I have to question if shardblades can kill already-dead zombies. I mean, they don't exactly have a soul...


Zombies, being sentient, mobile beings, probably count at least as "alive" at least as much as the rockbuds we see being slashed by a Shardblade.


Stormlight spoilers:

I assume that zombies count as being alive, since they're still thinking and still animate. Willing to bet sufficiently powerful Regrowth could go a long way if enough cognitive power was used.


I suggest we heal the zombies only halfway, leaving them dead enough to blend in and ignore pain, but sentient enough to work with us. We can even donate to them our excess.....stuff....so as to keep them happy. Symbiosis with zombies everybody, welcome to the new world.

That is brilliant while simultaneously being morally ambiguous. Welcome to Taravangian's survival compound. :P


I bet zombies have a very blank identity, making them rich targets for Forgery.  I'll use my combat stamp to get close and start making friends.  This is now my horde of zombies.  I'll need to make sure to write in commands to have them stamp each other every day, in staggered shifts.


This is all in an effort to survive, in style, with as little relative power as possible.  Because anyone can say "I'm a god and I win" but where's the fun in that?

Forgery sounds pretty cool. Bloodsealing could also be a useful power, seeing as a lot of bodies would probably be lying around...

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The perfect end of days scenario. I bet nobody has thought of it before.



After that...who knows? I might take up a hobby, reanimating the dead, maybe.


Dangit, beaten to the punch.




You know what? I'd like to keep around a full Mistborn, so I could make Koloss-zombie minions under duralumin-control. Nothing could touch me then. 'Cept of course said Mistborn, who I need to keep controlled with friendship and threats of telefratricide.

Edited by Observer
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The perfect end of days scenario. I bet nobody has thought of it before.




Dangit, beaten to the punch.


Sorry, but I just had to. You practically asked for it.


The Silent Gatherers--

We do what we must, because, we can.

For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead--

But there's no sense crying over every mistake,

You just keep on slicing till the Rattles dissipate,

Now the Diagram is done

And the Everstorm has come

For the people who are still alive!


Ahem. The Misborn suggestion is cool too, and the "drive-thru" necromancy made me laugh. :)

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The Silent Gatherers--

We do what we must, because, we can.

For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead--

But there's no sense crying over every mistake,

You just keep on slicing till the Rattles dissipate,

Now the Diagram is done

And the Everstorm has come

For the people who are still alive!

I feel like I should be offering some audio refutation but....I can't see anything through the tears of joy. That was fractally perfect. 

It just-

I don't-



While I'm busy crying at my desk, I'll leave the suggestion of bamboo warriors left to act and fight as me.

My eyes are burning. I can't breathe. Scholar, why do you speak so? Who is that behind you, with her yellow eye? I see a distant place, filled with thoughts and beads of hardened glass, shining in a deep blue sky.

- Collected on the twenty-seventh of March, 4:30. Subject's eyes were smoking and shriveled, surrounded by water vapor.

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Well since someone brought up Lifeless... I'm thinking Awakening is the way to go. Let's say Sixth Heightening? Best way to fight a mindless zombie horde would be with my own mindless zombie horde. 

The real question is whether you can, somehow, harvest Breaths from zombies.




- Collected on the twenty-seventh of March, 4:30. Subject's eyes were smoking and shriveled, surrounded by water vapor.


Storm it Observer, now there's another fan fiction I want to see. :P

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Hmm... well, if you count Epic powers as a Cosmere ability, I would choose that. If you discount Epic powers, I would choose a Twinborn/Coinshot ability. Nothing beats shooting down a zombie horde Wild West/Red Dead Redemption style with mere coins. Or bottle caps, if the world has gone Fallout.

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"A duralumin Ferring would be able to walk among the zombies unharmed, so that's useful too I guess. Also, Hemalurgic half-zombie Dahkor would be my bodyguard"

is what I would say if I had eyes but I don't and now type this all blind.

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No, no, no. I would be invested from 'The Silence Divine'. Assuming the severity of the disease corresponds to the effect of the investiture (which seems likely given Brandon's penchant for logical systems)... Just one zombie bite, and I would have the best superpowers of all. I don't know what they are, but I would have them.

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