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Zombie Survival Guide: Investiture Edition

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Hmm... well, if you count Epic powers as a Cosmere ability, I would choose that. If you discount Epic powers, I would choose a Twinborn/Coinshot ability. Nothing beats shooting down a zombie horde Wild West/Red Dead Redemption style with mere coins. Or bottle caps, if the world has gone Fallout.

Epic powers would certainly help keep you alive (unless your weakness is "zombie bites"  :P). You could also rule any other survivor groups with an iron fist.


While we're thinking outside the Cosmere, I just want to draw attention to The Rithmatist. Lines of Forbidance would work wonders towards compound fortification.


"A duralumin Ferring would be able to walk among the zombies unharmed, so that's useful too I guess. Also, Hemalurgic half-zombie Dahkor would be my bodyguard"

is what I would say if I had eyes but I don't and now type this all blind.

Would storing Connection keep zombies at bay? My knee-jerk reaction is to say that it wouldn't, but the newspaper clippings in AoL indicate you can sway Koloss in such a manner. So who knows? You can test it out for us. ;)


No, no, no. I would be invested from 'The Silence Divine'. Assuming the severity of the disease corresponds to the effect of the investiture (which seems likely given Brandon's penchant for logical systems)... Just one zombie bite, and I would have the best superpowers of all. I don't know what they are, but I would have them.

I didn't even think of that. But if you don't mind, I think I'll wait and see what happens to you before I get in line for a zombie bite...

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I would be a Feruchamist. I would be full of How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse information that I would to reach to fellow survivors. I would hopefully be able to heal from any zombie bites, and on scary nights I can forcefully make myself go to sleep. Since I am able to drop off buildings/mountains with ease and have increased speed I will be rarely caught by the hoard. And if I am caught I have strength!

Edited by Adamantame
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Do you think you could control zombies with a strong enough emotional push?

Hmm... That depends. A zombie's urge to eat you would be PRETTY strong.

By the way, what are the zombies like in this apocalypse? Do they rise from graves? Can they spread the disease/love through bites or oter ways? How mindless are they? How resistant to damage are they? Can they swarm or World War Z a defense?

Edited by ST4RK
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Do you think you could control zombies with a strong enough emotional push?

Ooh, I don't know. It would probably depend on the type of zombies we're dealing with... (see below)


The way I see zombies, I doubt there would be enough surviving emotion to Soothe or Riot. I like the idea of it, though. :)


By the way, what are the zombies like in this apocalypse?

I recently finished re-reading World War Z for probably the billionth time, so I had shambling, infected zombies in mind when I started the thread. Very little surviving intelligence, can't be killed without a headshot. I think most suggestions thus far on the thread would work for any "flavor" of zombies, though.


With Forgery it should be possible to temporarily cure a zombie, since they are quite familiar with older versions of themselves, and likely long to be that person as well. Could be very useful for gathering information.

I doubt that zombies have a very strong Cognitive presence, so there's no reason it couldn't work!


On that note, are there zombiespren that cluster around infected wounds? Could be a colorful way of determining whether someone is a carrier of the virus, if there is one.

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I recently finished re-reading World War Z for probably the billionth time, so I had shambling, infected zombies in mind when I started the thread

Well, if we're dealing with those sorts of zombies, then Wayne's or Marasi's time-altering ability from AoL would be definitely useful.The coinshot ability wouldn't be effective, since the zombie from World War Z are very resistant, to the point where they can still live and attack people while decapitated. Altering their behavior would be neigh-on impossible, and Forgery is pretty much useless, since the zombies have no Cognitive presence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who wouldn't? Storms, if I could write well I'd do it myself. We should start a "Someone Write Us a Cosmere Zombie Story" petition. :D


I may give it a try. I'm thinking of a setting with modern tech that combines the magics/setting of the Shardworlds we've seen thus far... having to seek shelter from zombies AND a highstorm? Sounds interesting to me...

Edited by Two McMillion
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After spending years watching the movies and hanging around terrible websites, I would construct several hundred soulstamps that would, even if only for half a second, transform me into the cognitive ideal of Chuck Norris himself. Within that series of half-seconds, assuming cognitive shadows cannot do everything, I could plausibly escape any danger, hit with any shot I fired, and carve more soulstamps. Oh yeah.

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After spending years watching the movies and hanging around terrible websites, I would construct several hundred soulstamps that would, even if only for half a second, transform me into the cognitive ideal of Chuck Norris himself. Within that series of half-seconds, assuming cognitive shadows cannot do everything, I could plausibly escape any danger, hit with any shot I fired, and carve more soulstamps. Oh yeah.

Hmm... If you could do that, I would carve soulstamps that would transform me into (at least, the cognitive version of) Superman. Or Hulk. Or any other overpowered character from cartoons and anime (Goku form Dragonball, example) .

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Isn't the cognitive version of chuck norris overpowered enough?

There is actually a massive difference between Goku and Chuck Norris

Cognitive version of Chuck Norris: Can take on whole armies without breaking a sweat.

Cognitive version of Goku: Destroys whole planets - by throwing a star at one.

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Well, unfortunately, we don't want to end the planet, we want to kill and survive zombies. I'll stick to FTL Chuck Norris powers, and maybe the ability to become immune to bites. You don't turn Chuck into a zombie, he turns you into him. Fortunately, they'll quickly combust under the pressure of being something so awesome for more than a few seconds at a time. It's better than shardplate!

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There is actually a massive difference between Goku and Chuck Norris

Cognitive version of Chuck Norris: Can take on whole armies without breaking a sweat.

Cognitive version of Goku: Destroys whole planets - by throwing a star at one.

actually goku is not well defined. he was shown with the capability to destroy planets already when he became a level 1 supersahyan, but much later than that, when he should be orders of magnitude more powerful, his energy balls still do surprisingly little collateral damage. And he still feels pain when he get slapped by his wife. While his son gohan, that could easily dodge bullets, get actually punched by videl before she started to train for real, and get a black sign for this - while if the world of dragonball had any coherence, videl should have broke her hand. So it's never very clear what those characters can or cannot do.

cognitive chuck norris, on the other hand, counted to infinity twice, and never wears a clock because he decides what time is it; and that is something goku cannot do.

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Are we seriously debating Dragonball and Chuck Norris here? Hold on while I do a reality check, I think I might look down to find 12 fingers....

nope. Oh well, worth a shot.

I would assemble an army of sliders and pulsers, so we could grow food and plan at extraordinary rates, all of which would make life a whole lot easier here. Honestly one of each would work fine, but the idea of creating a whole village that temporarily lifts itself from normal timespace is just too awesome to pass up.

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Are we seriously debating Dragonball and Chuck Norris here? Hold on while I do a reality check, I think I might look down to find 12 fingers....

nope. Oh well, worth a shot.

I would assemble an army of sliders and pulsers, so we could grow food and plan at extraordinary rates, all of which would make life a whole lot easier here. Honestly one of each would work fine, but the idea of creating a whole village that temporarily lifts itself from normal timespace is just too awesome to pass up.

I wasn't going to say anything about the thread derailment (sometimes a thread derailment is so awesome, getting back on-topic feels like destroying a work of art.) But I'm glad we're back on schedule...

With a Pulser and enough cadmium, you could probably just wait for the zombies to rot away and for the rest of civilization to rebuild itself. :)

Here's an idea: could an Aluminum Compounder, able to generate a near-infinite supply of Spiritual Identity, resist the effects of a zombie bite?

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I wasn't going to say anything about the thread derailment (sometimes a thread derailment is so awesome, getting back on-topic feels like destroying a work of art.) But I'm glad we're back on schedule...

With a Pulser and enough cadmium, you could probably just wait for the zombies to rot away and for the rest of civilization to rebuild itself. :)


Not sure if the cadmium consumption would be at reasonable level. especially since i expect finding allomantic metals would be difficult in a post-apocalyptic wworld. And the people who actually were burning cadmium would only be a few seconds, from their point of view, from zombie death.

But well, this gives me an idea for a coordinated team.

send a pulser ahead. when the zombies are near the pulser, the pulser throws up a cadmium bubble. now, the rest of the team standing out of the bubble will see the zombies standing still. they can calmly take aim and headshot all the zombies. throw down the bubble, rinse, repeat at will. if you run out of bullets, long spears should be fine - long enough that you can stab the zombies in the head while standing out of the bubble. the important is not running out of cadmium.

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After spending years watching the movies and hanging around terrible websites, I would construct several hundred soulstamps that would, even if only for half a second, transform me into the cognitive ideal of Chuck Norris himself. Within that series of half-seconds, assuming cognitive shadows cannot do everything, I could plausibly escape any danger, hit with any shot I fired, and carve more soulstamps. Oh yeah.


No, go Deadpool all the way. Teleportation,4th wall destruction, invincibility, katanas, and CHIMICHANGAS


Just throw in some hemalurgic spikes and you're all set

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You guys are overthinking things :P

The answer is simple; you have to rig up a highly complicated system, become an Aluminum Gnat, and use the benefits of being an Aluminum Gnat to purge whatever investiture is making the zombies...well, zombies, when they bite you, thus rendering you immune to zombies. Now you just have to farm and whatnot to make food :P

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By the way, would Returned be affected by zombie bites? They are, after all, immune to diseases ordinary humans suffer. If they were immune to zombie bites, I would become a Returned. I wouldn't have to eat (except for the Breath a week. Maybe I could do what Vasher did), and I also would have super strength.


King of nowhere, you know almost as much as I do about Dragonball  :D


damnation, this really should be made into a video game.

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