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On 1/29/2024 at 4:42 AM, Mestiv said:

What is that golden noodle on your profile picture?

... and why is it spinning? ;)

The God of Light from RWBY. 

Because a certain someone is pretty awesome ;) 

On 1/29/2024 at 10:25 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Who are your favorite character(s) from Wings of fire?

And what is your favorite type of dragon from wings of fire?

And would you be an animus if you could?

Oooooh, WoF questions! 

This is hard but top three, Qibli, Snowfall, Sundew? In no particular order. Honestly I love a lot of them, Tui is great at making character voices stand out and getting me to love everyone by the end. I think those three have the best arcs, but I love all the Darkstalker protags and Wren is pretty high up there and Axolotl has to get an honorary mention and...characters are just a strong point in this series. And relationships. And dialogue. And humor. And - 

RainWings and NightWings are cool (I know everyone and their scavenger thinks that, but it's true!). They're all interesting...thinking of cultures and abilities and appearances and I just love most of them, honestly. The MudWings need more attention, they're standing out as possibly the least interesting to me. 

I absolutely would. I'd want to take a bunch of precautions to make sure I don't go mad with power, but there's so much I could do. Someone would need to stop me from casting enchantments like "everyone stops being immoral" but I recognize that, I'd make sure there were checks in place. But it would be a way to solve a lot of problems, it's almost absolute power. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2024 at 3:46 PM, Just-A-Stick said:

2 things!

1. What's your favorite breakfast food?

2. How is your pfp SPINNING!?!?!

Some form of pastry, usually. What foods I eat are very erratic - sometimes I like bacon, sometimes the idea of eating something hot or heavy for breakfast makes me want to die. Today my breakfast is a slice of sweetbread and hot cheetos. eating is hard lol 

Because of this freaking wizard: 

On 1/29/2024 at 4:42 AM, Mestiv said:

What is that golden noodle on your profile picture?

... and why is it spinning? ;)


On 2/18/2024 at 7:04 PM, WhyEverNot_8 said:

1. How are you today?

2. Chair, couch, cushion, or bed (to sit on while reading or watching smth)

3. (Insert Stick’s second question here)

Just woke up but good so far! I have a doctor's appointment today so that's exciting. Hoping to get something that will actually stop my periods because the pills that are supposed to do it aren't. I don't want to resort to surgery if I don't have to... 

I'm usually either in my desk chair (my laptop sits on my desk) or on the ground, which is currently my bed, so technically bed? 

Because Mestiv decided to be the Bestiv (I'm never gonna get tired of Mestiv Festiv Bestiv jokes) 

On 2/18/2024 at 7:11 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

What is your favorite WoF book and why?

Oooooh boy hmmmm. I love the entire second arc if I'm being honest but Darkness of Dragons probably wins, in part because that ending is just so excellent. Poison Jungle and Dangerous Gift are both just so great in terms of character arcs; DG's plot is mostly setup but I almost don't really care because it's just that good anyway? And Darkstalker will always be a classic for this sort of question just because it stands so well on its own, everything about it is a good story. I can't choose ONE, have the top four in no particular order 😭 

On 2/18/2024 at 7:50 PM, Faerie Braids said:

What is your favourite kind of tree?

👀 fun question! I'm partial to pines and evergreens, they look nice year-round and we have a bunch of them at home, so. But honestly I like all trees, especially the climbable ones. If you can climb it and it sheds Good Sticks and has nice leaves then it's a good tree. Waking up inner smol Ene with this lol 

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9 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Nice! Glad you had a good day. Also your floor is your bed? That sounds uncomfortable to say the least.

I agree that those trees are pretty cool

Have a nice day!

Thanks! You too! 

I sleep on blankets and stuff on the floor because my heatvent is under my bed and I like the heat. I am cold all the time. I'll move back to my bed proper in the summer, when it starts putting out cold air instead of warm. 

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Ohhhh, ok, that makes sense. Yea I’m also cold all the time, and my bedroom temperature is horrible. I have giant windows that aren’t too good (they used to leak sometimes) and they make my room sweltering during the day and freezing at night, so I definitely wish I had a heatvent near my bed. My room is badly positioned in my house and my parent’s room is right next to the heater, meaning that when their room is really hot mine is pleasantly warm, and when their room is pleasantly warm, mine is freezing.

I definitely feel ya with the always feeling cold tho, I hate that.

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On 2/21/2024 at 7:23 AM, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Ohhhh, ok, that makes sense. Yea I’m also cold all the time, and my bedroom temperature is horrible. I have giant windows that aren’t too good (they used to leak sometimes) and they make my room sweltering during the day and freezing at night, so I definitely wish I had a heatvent near my bed. My room is badly positioned in my house and my parent’s room is right next to the heater, meaning that when their room is really hot mine is pleasantly warm, and when their room is pleasantly warm, mine is freezing.

I definitely feel ya with the always feeling cold tho, I hate that.

Ahh that sucks, I hope you guys are able to figure something out to even it out more! 

On 2/21/2024 at 10:53 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Favorite song from Hamilton?

Favorite actor/actress from Hamilton?

Favorite Hamilton in Hamilton?

Favorite Scheuyler sister?

Favorite character in Hamilton?

The whole thing is so well put together, working so well as a unit with callbacks and themes in other songs...probably Satisfied, The Room Where It Happens, or Hurricane. But it's all so good. 

I've only ever watched the play once, actually, and not in person. So I don't really have one at the moment! 


Angelica, but Eliza is great too. 

This is one where I'm not sure I have one? They're all fine, nobody stands out to me. 

On 2/21/2024 at 11:31 AM, Immortal Platypus said:

do you think that we could get a coppermind page on Lightsong's drunk monkey theory?

I think that's too small a thing to have its own page, and would be better off in a larger page. 

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1 minute ago, Immortal Platypus said:

what page do you think it would fit under? Lightsong's?

Maybe? I'm not a Keeper and don't edit the Coppermind super often myself, you're better off asking in the Coppermind subforum or Discord if I'm being honest. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hey! Sorry for the delay, I do follow the thread so a tag isn't needed but I take a while to get to notifs sometimes. 

23 hours ago, Anguished_One said:

Kiss, marry, kill: Hamilton, shipping characters, and RPing in general

Oooh hmm. I think kiss RPing - I adore it but commitment is hard, the writing doesn't always come nicely to my brain - marry shipping - I will ship characters (whether romantically, platonically, or various other kinds of relationships) for the rest of my life - and kill Hamilton, sorry Hamilton I love your music but irl you were just some dude so I can justify it. 

Thanks for the question, that was fun 👀 

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What’s one thing people do on the Shard a lot that would prevent them from ever becoming a Mod?

Asking for a friend, definitely not my lifelong ambition to sneak into the Shardcast and play in Diceborn. 

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5 hours ago, LightRinger said:

What’s one thing people do on the Shard a lot that would prevent them from ever becoming a Mod?

Asking for a friend, definitely not my lifelong ambition to sneak into the Shardcast and play in Diceborn. 

Ha, fair. I don't actually know that there is anything common that would prevent someone? Like, double posts and getting spoilers wrong here and there don't disqualify you from staffdom. I guess anything that was done a lot could be a point against you, if you're consistently being careless and not making any effort to change? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

You have two people in the same room as you.

They are both staring at you awkwardly.

You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen.

There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room.

It looks slightly angry.

The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft.

The door is bright pink and locked from the outside.

There are no windows.

There is no furniture.

What do you do?

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23 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry.

The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?

*one quick google later* omg those chickens are so fluffy 

I ask the other two people what the rusts is going on, first off. I also coo over the chicken. 

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