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Ask Ene Literally Anything, Including Advice


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  • If you were transported back in time to the year 1800 how would you make them most of the situation?
  • An angry tiger appears in the room you are currently in. Do you survive and if so, how?
  • What is your dream job and are you on the path to achieving it?
  • If you could get $10,000 for every IQ point lost, would you take the offer and if so, how many points would you drop?
  • Would you rather have the ability to play any musical instrument at a professional level or become fluent in every language, fictional and non fictional (understanding the culture intertwined with the language comes with this)?
  • Your least favourite character from a book has to protect you from your favourite character from a book over the next 24 hours. Do you survive?
  • Would you rather have access to one feruchemical ability and one allomantic ability (doesn't have to be the same metal) or have access to every surge? Real life lightning storms provide Stormlight which can only be held by real life gemstones.
  • You meet someone who has a week left to live and they have never watched a movie before. What three movies would you recommend they watch and why?
  • Would you rather know the exact time and date of your death or remain ignorant?
  • If money were no object where would you love to visit on a holiday?
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@AonEne If shalebark grows in a forest and no one sees it, how much does tallew cost in Azir? 

If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?

Who is your favorite comic book character?

Dogs or Cats?

Gandalf or Saruman?

Digimon or Pokemon?

If you could taste colors which would you want to taste?

Beatles or Pink Floyd?

Paul mccartney or John Lennon?

If you had the option to live forever, but never accomplish something meaningful or live for 20 years, but make a massive impact which would you choose?

Edited by Nathrangking
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On 7/19/2018 at 11:21 PM, goody153 said:
  • How did you discover Cosmere and Sanderson in general ? 
  • Favorite Sanderson book ? Favorite none-Sanderson book ? Favorite novel/series ?
  • What's the reason for picking your username ?

Alcatraz was first for me, but I honestly was too young to remember when that was. In middle school I found Mistborn, vaguely thought I'd heard somewhere that it was good, and tried it. Then I devoured everything else I could get my hands on.

Choosing a favorite Sanderson book is like choosing a favorite child. Not that I have kids. Non? Yikes. Also hard. Darkness of Dragons, Breaking Dawn, Winter...too many! (Yes, I'm fond of conclusions. Why do you ask? :ph34r:)

I was looking for something Sandersony and decided intelligence was good. It also has a nice nickname.

On 7/20/2018 at 0:44 AM, The Forgetful Archivist said:
  • Why did the chicken cross the road?
  • What type of bear is the best?
  • and could you tell me like umm... all of TUBA's proprietary secrets? 


So it could be famous. I mean, half the people alive right now have probably heard that joke. Instant fame!

My dad won't not kill me for this. Um, polar maybe? Or black? How about shapeshifting Erin Hunter bears, are those allowed?

Sorry, but no.

On 7/20/2018 at 2:42 AM, The Harlem Worldhoppers said:
  • If you were transported back in time to the year 1800 how would you make them most of the situation?
  • An angry tiger appears in the room you are currently in. Do you survive and if so, how?
  • What is your dream job and are you on the path to achieving it?
  • If you could get $10,000 for every IQ point lost, would you take the offer and if so, how many points would you drop?
  • Would you rather have the ability to play any musical instrument at a professional level or become fluent in every language, fictional and non fictional (understanding the culture intertwined with the language comes with this)?
  • Your least favourite character from a book has to protect you from your favourite character from a book over the next 24 hours. Do you survive?
  • Would you rather have access to one feruchemical ability and one allomantic ability (doesn't have to be the same metal) or have access to every surge? Real life lightning storms provide Stormlight which can only be held by real life gemstones.
  • You meet someone who has a week left to live and they have never watched a movie before. What three movies would you recommend they watch and why?
  • Would you rather know the exact time and date of your death or remain ignorant?
  • If money were no object where would you love to visit on a holiday?

:blink: Hope I had money on me, I guess, because it's worth more? Ack, I've never thought about that before.

Can tigers climb stairs? Stupid question, I'm sure they can. Run into the nearby bathroom and lock myself in. And scream warnings to my mom upstairs.

Librarian and writer on the side. I'd say so. I should probably write more, but time actively hides from me.

Just one.

Languages. I'm not an instrument person.

Dude, the only characters I don't like are the flat ones. I'm so screwed. Maybe the tiger'll get em.

F-gold and a-steel please.

No movies! Instead I tell them to watch RWBY, and also do whatever they might actually want to within that week.


Honestly, I never want to leave the city I'm in right now. Maybe visit American Fork? Not that it's far away anyway, but hey, might as well...no, wait, if I can go there anytime, I'll visit wherever Tui T. Sutherland lives.

On 7/20/2018 at 4:35 AM, Toaster Retribution said:

Who do you like the most, Mraize or Nale?

From what we know right now, Mraize.

On 7/20/2018 at 6:11 AM, Nathrangking said:

@AonEne If shalebark grows in a forest and no one sees it, how much does tallew cost in Azir? 

If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?

Who is your favorite comic book character?

Dogs or Cats?

Gandalf or Sarumon?

Digimon or Pokemon?

If you could taste colors which would you want to taste?

Beatles or Pink Floyd?

Paul mccartney or John Lennon?

If you had the option to live forever, but never accomplish something meaningful or live for 20 years, but make a massive impact which would you choose?

The same amount that it costs in Azimir.

Historical as in dead? Monty Oum, poor guy.

I don't read comics. Graphic novel favorite would probably be someone from the WOF GN.


I...have heard the first name before, so that one!

Pokemon all the way.

Blue because it's my favorite.

Those are bands! I know that! Um, neither? Casey Lee Williams and Jeff Williams.

Don't know them either. See above.

20 years. I don't want to live forever no matter what, so I guess I'm dying in four and a half years. Or is that 20 years from now? Can it be from now? I'm going to say it's from now.

On 7/20/2018 at 9:54 AM, Ark1002 said:

What is your favorite game?

Why did you join the 17th shard?

Video game, Pokemon White cause nostalgia. Board, Monopoly. Outside, CTF.

I found it, it was Brandon Sanderson, I love Brandon Sanderson, the decision to join took approximately two seconds.

On 7/20/2018 at 11:50 AM, Silva said:

What is a ball-point needle used for on a sewing machine?

Is a charcoal pencil lighter than a vine charcoal stick?

State the quadratic formula. (I know it’s not a question.)

What did you last eat?

*shamelessly uses Google* Used to puncture the fabric when sewing.

*repeats* No, the vine one makes lighter marks. As for weight I have no clue.

*hisses at the math and refuses to answer* :P

Chicken noodle soup.

19 hours ago, BitBitio said:

Is it overwhelming to be bombarded with literally dozens of questions all of a sudden?

Absolutely. But a fun overwhelming.

13 hours ago, Silva said:

Is it even more overwhelming to have questions asked on questions?

Surprisingly, no.

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6 minutes ago, JacobClaessen said:

Do you think I am the TUBA spy?

Nope. I know you are. You were pretty ambitious, though, and stayed a spy longer than most others to date. Honestly, I congratulate you.

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1 minute ago, Apollyon said:

Did you just double post? 

Favorite subject in school? 

Least favorite?

Favorite RWBY song?

My mom's laptop did against my will. Sorry.

In eighth grade, I was a library aide. One of the best electives I ever had.

Math. Math. Math is evil.

There's a list on the RWBY PM; I can't choose just one. That's like a favorite Sanderson book. Or child.

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I...kinda sorta maybe perhaps actually am one. It's just...bad grammar kills me. So, yeah, I'm for them. There are times for abbreviations and imperfect grammar, and I have probably been guilty of both - but still, I prefer good grammar.

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I have a converted Sanderfriend who I beta-read for, and he was cowriting a book with his brother and their cousin. There were so many ellipses in that storming thing that it became an inside joke for us that they used waaaaaaay too many. ^_^

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1 minute ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

Whats going on? 

I did say I'd answer literally anything, so:

Archer will probably post about it on the TUBA page soon.

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16 hours ago, Silva said:

What type of fabric in particular are ball-point needles used for? (You weren’t specific enough)

Stretchy fabric? (Don't let me down, Google)

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Do you have a song in your head right now? If so, what is it?

Who's your favourite RWBY character other than Oscar?

Who's your least favourite RWBY character?

What's your favourite sounding word?

What's the weirdest fact you know?

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