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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Seems like a death sentence for Elo, goodbye.

Porridge why japanese?

Ben felt miserable. Being a Drab was horrible, maybe the Iridians did have a point. Still sacrifices had to be made. Even more now that a Returned sacrificed himself to stop the Pahn Kahl. Naturally, the whole group of priests were working the whole night to get everything in order for the funeral, well almost all of them. He send Vier to keep watch on the bodys, Vard´s corpse disappearing before he got his last honor was worse enough, having the same happen to a Returned would be unforgivable. 

Ultimately, the other priests send Ben back into his chamber. The disoriantation of becoming a Drab made him next to useless for the preparations, so he did as he was told. However, the twisting needed to fit into his fortres seemed impossible in his state. He didn´t want to destroy it but he could hardly sleep on the floor.

Sleep itself took the decicion from him as he colapsed on the ground.


An aching back was the first thing to greet him in the morning. The second were his priests with news that Aodan found yet another Pahn Kahl. Ben didn´t exactly liked his Breath with an pagan monk but he had to admit the man´s competence.

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Wil'son was shocked at the night's events. Another Pahn Kahl dead. And the abomination he'd held was in the hands of someone who could actually do some good with it. The other news about Wyrm hadn't stunned her as much as it had others. She'd never really suspected him, even when so many people had voted against him. Finding out he'd sacrificed himself for someone so important....it was a good death, for one so grand.

And now there was Aonar's accusation. That had surprised her. She'd enjoyed Elo's songs--laughed and cheered him on. There had been color to his music. Vibrancy. To find out he'd been working against them all this time felt like a betrayal. She studied him from across the room, wondering how someone could do the things he'd done and look so calm--if a little irritated, but then, this was Elo. That was who he was. Or is it? Is this just another show? She couldn't trust anything anymore. Except what the monk said. He was a good man. He'd protect them. He'd save them.

She hoped.

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Rowan heard the gist of the conversation, and breathed a sigh of relief. Not because they had killed a Pahn Kahl and retrieved a dangerous weapon, also discovering the bard's treachery in the process. No, he was relieved because Elo was loud and obnoxious. The village would be much more pleasant with him gone.

Rowan took out a fresh bowstring and strung his bow, then went hunting for the little man.

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Alan stands up, in the middle of the square, and shouts out to all that hear.


"To all PK members- Aodan has the tenth awakening, one of ours has an Awakened sword, Aodan has spies watching your every action. Our side has more breath and more power than yours. Defeat is very probable for you. I intend to spend my next night action making a lifeless to defend myself with Wyrm's breaths. If you attack me you will lose. You could theoretically pierce my defenses, but as is obvious people like me enough to protect me- I'd hope that Aodan will organize a mercenary protection for me. If not you might eventually kill me, but in the meanwhile your numbers will be decimated. You should probably attack someone else.


Or, alternatively, you could surrender. After your murderous ways your lives will be forfeited, but I promise that if any of you surrender and give up I will push any reasonable edict for the treaty that you suggest. Your victory is unlikely, but your defeat need not be a total loss for you. " 


He taps his notepad.


"Come to me, let me write your last wishes in your book. The end is nigh."

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Jeo thought through His Mental catalog of Rabbits. Which one would be best suited for Peng? Blackavar seemed to be the Best fit. But where was the Rabbit? Probably still at the Orphanage. It was Daytime, so the Children might be playing with them. So Jeo hoped down the Back Alleys towards the Orphanage. He had to avoid the Main streets now that More people wanted to eat him. Hopefully Clan wouldn't let them.


When He reached the Orphanage, the children were all playing outside. Aili had already delivered food for them, so hopefully the Rabbits had gotten breakfast and were alone. It would make it easier to Save Blackavar. Come to think of it, wasn't that the rabbit that Peng had stolen days ago? What an extraordinary Coincidence. 


The Building was empty when Jeo reached the Cage home of the Rabbits. Blackavar was asleep at the Time, so Jeo reached a paw in, and pulled out one of his Whiskers. "Zorn!" The large rabbit swore as it awoke. "Oh, Jeorah, what do you mean by waking me up in the middle of the day?" Rah denotes leadership of a Pack of Rabbits. Zorn is a Swear word meaning Catastrophe.


"Well, I just need you to be ready for something that might happen tonight. I need you to go to the Body of Peng, and look for a strange wind. It will look alive. Try to Capture it, alright?" As Jeo explained, he opened up the Cage door so that Blackavar could leave.


"Very well, I'll do this Thing Jeorah." With that, Blackavar left the Cage, and went off in search of Peng.


Join me Peng! Help me Wreck Havoc on the Town! I'm not actually allowed to wreck Havoc, but I wish I could. I'll also only be posting once per Day or Night,.

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For any reading, this was a roleplay post where Alan accused various individuals of being PK, indicated that their violent deaths would likely happen in the future, and then said he had the second heightening and left, with a message that they could talk to him.


I understand that some felt hurt by my post. I apologize for any offense or pain I caused. I was not angry at anyone, nor did I feel any dislike of any person. The aggression from my character was due to him being angry at the deaths of Grim and Dyrii, since he felt he could have stopped them by working harder to organize a lynch. I understand I overdid it, with the graphic descriptions of death. Again, this was not through any special animus to anyone, my other roleplays have different standards, though I take full responsibility for any pain I caused. I am sorry.


In character, he was seeking to get the PK to either reveal themselves or act more agitated. This obviously worked too well, and I am sorry for any emotional pain caused.

Edited by Nepene
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Gammer woke in the morning to chaos. A Pahn Kahl discovered and murdered and a returned coerced into giving their breath away? And on top of it all, Aodan goes ahead and ruins any chance to gain information by blurting out his next guaranteed suspect.
Shouldn't he have just cast suspicion on him and seen who jumps into to defend him or deflect votes away from him? Gammer thought to herself, for that's what she knew she would have done.
But the cow's already been milked, so no use in letting the cream spoil.

Gammer picked up her embroidery and began the red stitching to fill in Elo's name with. There were supposed to be hidden images in the red, filled in with subtle details of lighter and darker hues or red contrasting each other, but since Gammer had become a Drab again, she just couldn't make the colours work right. She instead ended up on fixing a secure, tight noose around his name, closed off to represent justice served.

Gammer wouldn't let her doubts of where all of these events were leading cloud her mind while she worked. But she couldn't help the nagging thoughts that this was the push the Idrians needed for control. A Monk with uncontested power, backed by Returned and mercenaries to protect him? She knew it was necessary to root out the Pahn Kahl, but once this was done, would he relinquish the power?

OOC: Gammer's doubts are my way of saying I realized my mistake after last game of what I did wrong in revealing my information like that at the beginning of the cycle. It takes away any possible information that can be gained by having people defend that person if you just cast a vote in suspicion against them, instead of just immediately revealing them.

And then also, since we've now got at least 3 of the PK, the game has to at least be almost the halfway point, so I figured I'd do some RP leading up to the Post-game Negotiations. ;)

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"Wyrm, you have my infinite respect and gratitude for saving an innocent. Thank you so very much. You will be remembered and you will be avenged. You're helping us destroy the Pahn Kahl and they shall die. There is no doubt about it. The monk, among others, had good suspicions. Peng, rot in the ground. You are a waste. I can't believe someone would try to ruin both of these bapeautiful nations. Elo, have fun in death. You too are unbelievable."

Aili was outraged that Peng and Elo had been working against the town the whole time. They deserved to die, that is what Justice required. They had sent numerous to the grave. Now it was their turn. The others would be soon to join them. Trueheart would not let them go so easily. If they dared to show their faces, they would be crushed by the scales of Justice.

"Gammer and Asgren, I challenge you to defend yourselves to us. Prove your innocence."

So Claincy, which body was made into a lifeless?

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Um, I'm not sure how one "proves" their innocence, exactly. That's the point of the game, anybody can say or claim anything. You're the ones with the Spies and Strawmen. I have let Aodan know everything I've done in the game so far, I'm obviously not going to reveal what I've done publicly, but if Aodan or anybody else that has been directly verified by him has any questions feel free to PM and ask me.

I guess the only way to actually prove anything is to let you guys Seek me or Lynch me. So your call.

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The whole concept of Breath really works in the favor of the villagers, methinks. As soon as we find one trustworthy individual, we can float enough of it down the line to that person, giving us a fantastic advantage.

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Um, I'm not sure how one "proves" their innocence, exactly. That's the point of the game, anybody can say or claim anything. You're the ones with the Spies and Strawmen. I have let Aodan know everything I've done in the game so far, I'm obviously not going to reveal what I've done publicly, but if Aodan or anybody else that has been directly verified by him has any questions feel free to PM and ask me.

I guess the only way to actually prove anything is to let you guys Seek me or Lynch me. So your call.


That is the sort of answer a PK would give. There are clear ways to prove your innocence. Wyrm did so to my full satisfaction earlier. You can account for all your actions, motives, indicate your suspicions. Be as open as possible. It's hard to lie and the more you say the more your motives are open.


I mean, hopefully, we are the ones with the spies and the strawman. Not you. I'd hope you are on our side. But you're displaying very depressed style PK behavior at the moment. "I can't prove my innocence, spy on me, I don't even care". It's not behavior that I'd expect of a good Hallendren.

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Never before in her life had Gammer felt so offended. The mere audacity of these punks, speaking with such disrespect to their elders like that. Gammer remembered if she ever spoke like that as a child, she would have been yoked up and had her hide tanned the colours of a deep, dark sunset faster than she could say, "Colours".

Why do these fools insist on public declarations? Have they no tact or discrepancy? No. Gammer was not liking the path this Tyrannical Monk and so-called team of thugs were taking to get results.

"Some of you are Idrian, so I didn't expect you to know better. But those Halledrens among you, I'm ashamed. No wonder you live here instead of the Halledren courts. The politics there would eat you all alive. If you must know, last night I spent my Breath on making Dyrii's corpse a Lifeless. An old lady needs protection in these dangerous times, as is clear when you let your young up-jumps threaten old ladies." She said, nodding towards Alan who was still glaring at her menacingly. "When I spoke up against your 'grand plans' from yesterday, it wasn't against the idea of people becoming Drab, or letting Aodan know what we're doing. I said I didn't want him having all of our Breaths, in case of death, or him stealing all of our power away. So I made myself Drab, as you requested. And I secretly told Aodan what I was doing. Because my years have taught me a thing or two about discretion.

So now you have your information, and made me put my secrets out into the open. I hope the Police State is worth it when you've rooted the Pahn Kahl out. Just pray to the God King you don't become worse than them" She spat before she walked off, fuming slightly after having being forced to reveal so much like that. There was work to be done on the embroidery.

OOC: Just some more RP to push along the Idrian/Halledren division. ;)
As I've said, Aodan already knows what I've done with my breath. I've revealed I made the Lifeless and am Drab to the PK also, taking out their list of potential targets. And as for my voting record, I honestly can't remember back the first few days. But I'll go and start dragging that up and will post my reasonings for you, if you want. Even though I'm pretty sure they're right in with the posts, anyway.

Edit 2:
Voting record: Day 1, no vote. No information.
Day 2: Voted for Swimim because a bunch of votes came out of nowhere for Chide, who hadn't even really posted yet. But that was to tie the vote up.
Day 3: I believe I voted for Cog, to get him talking, then Nepene because I wasn't aware he was working with Aodan at the time, apparently, and then Bart, because of his plan I disagreed with.

So I guess that makes me evil?

edit 3: I only had One Breath. I wasn't aware you could make Strawmen and Ropes with only 1. Making a Lifeless was the only choice I had really, without completely dis-empowering myself. And since I'm being threatened to be killed tonight by the good guys, of all people, it looks like making a Lifeless was the right choice.

Edit 4: OOC: Just to make sure we're all good, I am not personally offended or emotionally hurt or anything. Apologies for any scathing tone there may have been, but that was just me letting Gammer run rampant. Thorns are prickly by nature, and when picked, will sting back. ;)
I really can't wait to laugh at all of you when you kill me, an innocent. Gamut may have made a few mistakes, but he was never this reckless.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Making the lifeless seems like a rather selfish action, as does deliberately widening the divide for no real reason. You could scan people for breath, or maybe make some sort of awakened object with a companion's help. Why did you choose to make the lifeless?


Yeah. You could explain your vote for Swim for example.

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Per requests- my earlier posts hurt people. I apologize for this hurt. I was up till 10 am in a very intense and dark roleplay on Tuesday to Wednesday where the players are rather aggressive and violent. I as such, due to tiredness and the different standards of that roleplay, was rather aggressive. From my first post on page 2- It was not my intention to make the game less fun for you, sorry for the ungamely words. In the second, likewise. These things shouldn't be done without extensive prior consent. I hold no anger or hate to any PKers and am enjoying this game much- I was roleplaying my character in a hardcore way, not trying to emotionally hurt you in any manner.


And to you Gamma, I apologize for my attacks against your person, I do feel bad for the hurt they caused.


Anyway, hope you can accept my apology and enjoy the game. I was exaggerating with the hopeless for dramatics, and going overboard with the violence for dramatic reasons, sorry for the pain my actions caused.

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Oh, I don't care at all. I wasn't offended or upset or anything. But I had to play Gammer's hand at RP. She's too much of a Cadsuane to take a sword-to-the-heart threat laying down. ;)
And I can also completely understand coming in here after some more intense, violent type RP games all night and it being a little hard to adjust to the tone of the Forums. That can be a problem for me sometimes, too. But that's also the charm I like about this Forum, where everything is kept pretty casual and generally non-hostile. And if anything does happen, all it takes is an apology and an upvote, and everything is okay after that.

No hard feelings. I told you all that Gammer was quite brash. ;)

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Oh, I greatly enjoyed the post. It was long and detailed, full of fun threats and accusations. I don't tend to get offended by these things- I am somewhat jaded from the extreme actions in my roleplay. Cadsuane is also great so I support the comparison.


Yeah, I am glad to deal with it with an apology. I wouldn't want to have to leave this issue hidden and have someone be hurt in secret.


Your answer was fairly convincing to me anyway. With the request about powers, I was suggesting that you could have given it to a companion to make an awakened object. If you were PK my hope was that you would flounder and be unable to explain your actions.

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Gammer was working late into the night, staying up and working on her embroidery by candlelight. Things had settled down from earlier with all the accusations flying around, and most of the villagers decided to go hunt for Elo throughout the town. Gammer knew her old bones couldn't keep up, so she went home to do what she did best; she told a story.

The embroidery's design was radiating out from the center, two olive branches over-lapping to represent the Idrians the Halledrens attempted negotiations. The Halledrens depicted as colorful and vibrant, the Idrians, more reserved and drab. Some of the branches were barbed, however, and concealing daggers and hangman's nooses, with dark shadowy figures wielding them. The Pahn Kahl.

The design flowed outward in levels, each representing a different day and the events that transpired. The hanged were put on the gallows, those that had voted for them pointing towards them and condemning them, those that didn't looking away. The names of the villagers were color-coded accordingly as well, each one properly stitched accordingly. Red for deceased, filled in to denote guilt, or outlined to represent spilled innocent blood. The Returned had a whole array of colors in a swirling aura around their name, to indicate their Divine Breath. Yes, Gammer had told the whole story; so far.

But she still feared what would happen next.

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Jeo thought through His Mental catalog of Rabbits. Which one would be best suited for Peng? Blackavar seemed to be the Best fit. But where was the Rabbit? Probably still at the Orphanage. It was Daytime, so the Children might be playing with them. So Jeo hoped down the Back Alleys towards the Orphanage. He had to avoid the Main streets now that More people wanted to eat him. Hopefully Clan wouldn't let them.


When He reached the Orphanage, the children were all playing outside. Aili had already delivered food for them, so hopefully the Rabbits had gotten breakfast and were alone. It would make it easier to Save Blackavar. Come to think of it, wasn't that the rabbit that Peng had stolen days ago? What an extraordinary Coincidence. 


The Building was empty when Jeo reached the Cage home of the Rabbits. Blackavar was asleep at the Time, so Jeo reached a paw in, and pulled out one of his Whiskers. "Zorn!" The large rabbit swore as it awoke. "Oh, Jeorah, what do you mean by waking me up in the middle of the day?" Rah denotes leadership of a Pack of Rabbits. Zorn is a Swear word meaning Catastrophe.


"Well, I just need you to be ready for something that might happen tonight. I need you to go to the Body of Peng, and look for a strange wind. It will look alive. Try to Capture it, alright?" As Jeo explained, he opened up the Cage door so that Blackavar could leave.


"Very well, I'll do this Thing Jeorah." With that, Blackavar left the Cage, and went off in search of Peng.


Join me Peng! Help me Wreck Havoc on the Town! I'm not actually allowed to wreck Havoc, but I wish I could. I'll also only be posting once per Day or Night,.

If you insist.

Blackavar wandered for most of the day, looking for Peng's soul. In the end though, Peng's soul found him, forcing Blackavar's consiencness down and taking over the rabbit's body.

"It's good to be back" Peng squeaked in rabbit. Then he hopped off. He had something important to find.

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My role aside, every remaining Hallandren realises that they continue to play the game this way they will hand the game to the Idrians right? Now, the person who "claims" to have strawmanned me may be Aodan. If that's the case, it is my word against his. If not, it is my word against his and whoever strawmanned me.


Either way Idris appears to be mighty short of numbers come negotiation time . . . . .


Hypothetically, say I am PK. That would be two 'Hallandren' PK and one 'Idrian' PK down. That would infer that there is at least one more 'Idrian' PK left if the PK number greater than four, that there will always be one more 'Idrian' PK than 'Hallandren' PK remaining. (Assuming even numbers, which the player roster would suggest is the case).

Men and women of Hallandren. If he orders the death of another Hallandren tonight, or calls out another Hallandren tomorrow during the day and he picks "wrongly". Ask yourself this; will there be any sincerity in his apology?


By all means kill me tonight. But for the sake of all that is awesome remember these words.


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Guessing is a part of the game. But Aodan has been making very educated guesses. The lifeless are 2/2 on killing PK. Tonight shouldn't be too different, but even if it is, this is still a great record. As of now anyway, us Idrians are outnumbered by a lot. So Hallandren doesn't need to worry a lot about us taking the upper hand.

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