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What is Calamity?

Lightsworn Panda

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All the YA books (Alcatraz, Rithamist, Steelheart) Are set in AlternateUniverses of Earth, and are confirmed by Brandon to not be Cosmere.


Upvotes to whoever finds that WoB, I'm too lazy right now.

Stupid confirmed facts...always messing up my wild conjecture...

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I didn't realize one of my first threads got necroed so bad...  <_<

Hey, reduce, reuse, reanimate. It's good for the environment.  ;)


All the YA books (Alcatraz, Rithamist, Steelheart) Are set in AlternateUniverses of Earth, and are confirmed by Brandon to not be Cosmere.


Upvotes to whoever finds that WoB, I'm too lazy right now.




  1. Skyward. (Working title.) Young Adult cosmere novel. In the early stages of development. Probably a few years off.

So only all of his current ones.

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Hey, reduce, reuse, reanimate. It's good for the environment.  ;)


In the What Happened in Portland RP, there's a character named Lightwards who is a necromancer. A minor Epic once called him "Lightwards the Green" because of the distinctively hideous green bowler hat he always wears. 


I sense Lightwards using this slogan sometime in the near future. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I didn't realize one of my first threads got necroed so bad...  <_<


Aren't you glad to see one of your children restored to former glory? :P


Though in all seriousness, this is a very versatile and useful thread. It's nice to have all speculation (serious and not so serious) compiled in one place.



In the What Happened in Portland RP, there's a character named Lightwards who is a necromancer. A minor Epic once called him "Lightwards the Green" because of the distinctively hideous green bowler hat he always wears. 


I sense Lightwards using this slogan sometime in the near future. 


I think this is definitely a thing that will happen.  :ph34r:  :D

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Guys, I think I know what--or who--Calamity is.


  • It's big and red.
  • It gives gifts.
  • It exists in a far away, hard-to-reach location.
  • It is capable of defying the laws of physics.
  • It sees you when you're sleeping.
  • It influences whether you're naughty or nice.



If we can just confirm December 25th as the publication date of Calamity, this will be entirely confirmed.



You, sir, win the internet.

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I have no firm evidence to support this...but I kindof hope that earth from steelheart ends up being a cosmere coreworld.  You have to admit that there are some similarities to earth amongst the coreworlds.


I really like the idea of the Reckoners universe being Odium's shardworld. I think epic powers universally making you evil fits with Odium being hate incarnate. Almost certainly not canon but still fun to think about.

Edited by rabbitt773
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My strategy is to guess absolutely everything in the hope that one random guess will turn out to be accurate.


Calamity is man-made.


Calamity is not man-made.


Calamity is important.


Calamity is unimportant.


I think the chances are fairly high (at roughly 100%) that you would be correct on 1/2 these points.


Calamity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster (credit to TwiLyghtSansSparkles).


Unlikely, as Brandon is strongly religious, and probably does not approve of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on religious grounds.

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Has anyone considered that Calamity could be sentient? And if it is, is it sapient? If so, does that mean it has morals? If not, then could it be an object of extreme power being controlled by someone? That seems pretty similar to a Shard, although Calamity is not a Shard. And I just realized that all those questions will be instantly RAFO'd :/

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Unlikely, as Brandon is strongly religious, and probably does not approve of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on religious grounds.



That one was more of a joke. There's this Reckoners RP we both participate in, and my character (an insane Cloudcuckoolander Epic) thinks Calamity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Calls it the Great Noodly One. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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That one was more of a joke. There's this Reckoners RP we both participate in, and my character (an insane Cloudcuckoolander Epic) thinks Calamity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Calls it the Great Noodly One. 


Yes. As you can see, we take our Sanderson theories very seriously. :P

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Has anyone considered that Calamity could be sentient? And if it is, is it sapient? If so, does that mean it has morals? If not, then could it be an object of extreme power being controlled by someone? That seems pretty similar to a Shard, although Calamity is not a Shard. And I just realized that all those questions will be instantly RAFO'd :/

To be honest, I´m half convinced that Calamity views earth as soome kind of reality TV, naturally I could be completly wrong on this account.


That's what you get for being in the same RP as Lightwards :P

He always ends up doing something like this after spending some time with Stitch. ;)

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To be honest, I´m half convinced that Calamity views earth as soome kind of reality TV, naturally I could be completly wrong on this account.

That...actually makes sense, in a weird sort of way. Reality TV producers for shows like Big Brother choose contestants who would almost certainly profile for personality disorders like narcissism, which they judge makes for better viewing. So if Calamity is some sort of producer, choosing people with personality disorders, giving them incredible amounts of power, and then watching the fun...that makes Calamity seem both fond of chaos and malevolent.

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That...actually makes sense, in a weird sort of way. Reality TV producers for shows like Big Brother choose contestants who would almost certainly profile for personality disorders like narcissism, which they judge makes for better viewing. So if Calamity is some sort of producer, choosing people with personality disorders, giving them incredible amounts of power, and then watching the fun...that makes Calamity seem both fond of chaos and malevolent.

I wonder if the complete destruction of Oregon was more of an season final or the equivalent of the show getting cancelled.

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