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Bank of Chrysts


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Total owned amount inside vault: 21,730

Total amount owned by the city: 500,000C



Canton of Combat: 5,000C

Liebrarians: 5,000C

TUBA: 5,230



Devaan/Nohadon (Primary character) 1600C, Vault

Silphio/Nohadon (Secondary/Backup character) 500C, Vault

Kane/BitBitio1000C, Vault

Leya/Kidpen: 100C, person. 400C, Vault

Arlin/LiTaiRu: 500C, Vault

Ark/(next character): 500C, Vault

Sorana/Damaya: 900C, Vault

Life&Death/Mr Amber: 1000C, Vault

Archer/Clay: 1000C, Vault


Silph sat behind a small desk in an empty bank, behind a large, aluminium-alloyed vault. He had been told by his trainer Devaan that this would help with his training in some way. He didn't see how, but did it anyway, last time he didn't do what Devaan told him to he got kicked off a mountain. 

Well, this is boring Seph whined in his head

"yeah, it is"

why can't we fly?

"because I need to be sitting here in case someone comes"

thats boring

"it is. yes"

In front of Silph was a large, spacious room with many chairs lined around the walls the lead into a grand glass door embroidered with aluminium, making it shine. 

All he had to do was wait for customers


SO. People were talking about this on another thread, and that plus the craftsmen thread being a thing made me decide to start this.

Here's the Idea:

Each character has 500 Chrysts (the symbol is C)

Selling a cookie: 50C

Winning a duel: 500C

Losing a duel: 200C

People can either choose to have their Chrysts on them, or in the vault


Chrysts on someone can be spent, stolen and lost. If killed or incapacitated by another player, the player who incapacitated them may choose to take all the Chrysts on them. Depending where you store your money, doing complex manouvers can cause you to lose some Chrysts


you cannot spend money inside the vault. But it is much safer there, and can only be stolen if the vault is robbed, which probably wouldn't happen soon, also in the vault you gain

If anyone has any additions to the basics, tell me. Anyone who has sold a cookie, won or lost a duel, send the thread link to where you did that.

EDIT: Removed vault interest, too complex to do the math for and I'm too lazy to make it work.

Edited by Nohadon
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Oops. just realised why you sent those here. 

Also, each is character-specific. Kane won a duel, yes. But that doesn't mean Rohan gets the money.



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On 7/24/2018 at 2:01 AM, Life&Death said:

So everyone starts with 500 C? And we earn more by selling stuff and entering duels?



Yes. Additionally there is an interest rate so you gain money while your money is in the vault.


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I may choose to keep my money in the TUBA base, as no one but TUBA higher-ups know it's precise location. Unless of course your bank can guarantee the safety of all money.

(additionally, TUBA may open a guild account in said bank, if it proves to be truly secure)

(should we just make it against the rules to rob the bank?)

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So I planned for the vault to be rob able, if someone has a good enough heist planned. It's exceptionally secure however, and if it does get robbed the robbers will be hunted by players, not NPC's.

That being said, you'd have better luck trying to sneak past Mraize's shade army while dying of blood loss than robbing this vault.

"Any money robbed will be ensured to some degree by the bank" Silph said, exasperated

"is there anything else I can help with?"

Just then, a message blinked on the giant spanreed that hang overhead


"Storms" Silphio muttered under his breath, it looks like the higher-ups had given customers more reason to bother Silph

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I'd like to create a personal account. I'll keep 30C on my person, and the rest in the vault. Upon my death, the money should be transferred to SD with instructions that he should hold on to it until such time that he finds a worthy character to give the money to. ;)


And then I'd like to make a suspiciously large donation to a certain hospital... :D




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I nominate the DA, we have excellent book keepers if you're not too fussed about which dimension they're from or how many universes they've consumed. And we've only had our records department destroyed 13 times this week so we're doing pretty we-

*Breaks off and begins talking to a nearby acolyte*
"What do you mean it happened again? Who... oh well why didn't they use the... well I guess that makes sense, but... ok, fine. Just get a cleanup crew ready"

Sorry, make that 14 times, minor incident with the creation of another black hole.

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11 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Sorry, make that 14 times, minor incident with the creation of another black hole.

If that's minor, dare I ask what a major event is? :P

Does it involve those darn Eldritch abominations?

Edited by I think I am here.
You know what, I might put small footnotes in here from now on. It might be my 'thing' or whatever.
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On 7/29/2018 at 6:58 AM, I think I am here. said:

If that's minor, dare I ask what a major event is? :P

Does it involve those darn Eldritch abominations?

Black holes can only consume a star so fast, so consuming an entire galaxy is a very slow process. A major incident may be something like accidentally causing the world the bank is on to be sent back in time, Nuking a sun, sending it's matter all across the solar system, causing all life in the solar system to start dying immediately, with now chance of replacing the sun. Or simply spiking a cookie with Lerasium, Atium, Harmonium and Trellium all at once....

EDIT: I'd like to open up an account for me personally. I will keep 50 chrysts on me, but the remaining 45 will be put in my account. 

Also, I'd like to open an account for the Informants, but, I've never been given the "Official papers" that most other guilds have signed to make them official guilds, so I'm not sure if The Informants are technically a guild that can open up an account. Also, because most of the members are private, I'm not sure if the money should be as much. What do you think?

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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@Nohadon I know I’m leaving the RP, but first I would like to open up about 500 guild accounts. They are for sub sub departments Of the DA but have each splintered off because they feel that the DA doesn’t give them enough money. They each need 5000 chrysts.  I don’t want to post a thread for each of them, cuz thats useless spam, but those guilds need the money. If you need to label the accounts, just say, DASSD #001 for the first, and change the number for each successive guild. 

If you need a guild owner, say Mac is the owner. 

Oh and upon the dissolvation of any guilds that I own, I would like all of my funds transferred into a single offshore account that can be accessed by anyone with the password. Which I will PM you. 

Edited by MacThorstenson
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