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  1. 1. Should Legend (Page 89) be approved?

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Names are hard for Dakhor, since we only know two, Hrathen and Dilaf. I guess that also means you don't have to follow any conventions, and can just name them whatever you want.

  • Alidarn?
  • Blanifen?
  • Cranthel?
  • Detran?
  • Elratch?
  • Fahram?
  • Ghovinal?

I could go on just making random names :P 

Edited by I think I am here.
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32 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Fanatical devotion to his religion.

By this do you mean so devoted to his religion that if someone insults it he will literally drop everything and kill them?

Because if not you may want to consider adding more weaknesses to make him a bit more balanced.

35 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Skills: Good talker and good fighter. I'm not entirely sure on how I'm supposed to put this, so I'll just let you guys ask.

I’m assuming your probably going to to want Skilled [insert your fighting style of choice here]

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10 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

With stormlight alone a KR is a gold compounder..... and also a pewter misting to a degree.....

Ok it’s not THAT powerful. Gold compounding lets you survive a point blank dynamite explosion. Stormlight could not do that. Also, it does not enhance nearly as much as pewter. It only boosts speed and reaction time, not strength or durability or anything else. Until you get Shardplate, that’s it, but nobody in the books seems to have gotten to that level (I’m taking confirmed, not suspected) yet.

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1 minute ago, Sunbringer said:

Ok it’s not THAT powerful. Gold compounding lets you survive a point blank dynamite explosion. Stormlight could not do that. Also, it does not enhance nearly as much as pewter. It only boosts speed and reaction time, not strength or durability or anything else. Until you get Shardplate, that’s it, but nobody in the books seems to have gotten to that level (I’m taking confirmed, not suspected) yet.

It does seem to be more or less as powerful as gold compounding is, depending on how much Stormlight you use.
It's a little more limited in quantity than gold compounding, since you can only hold so much at a time, but we've seen some people with Stormlight heal some pretty insane things.
It doesn't increase durability as far as we know but I do think it was also mentioned in tWoK that it increased strength, don't have books to hand right now though.

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On 1/8/2019 at 3:27 AM, MetaTerminal said:

Will Era 2 characters going into Era 3 need to be re-evaluated? As it stands, Alum’s scholarship/intelligence puts him over the 100 point cap when included with his KR abilities.

Yes, transferred Era two characters will be reevaluated. I'm also recommending that when you ask me to move a character to the new list you reread the bio and update it. 

I intend to get to that soon. Maybe tomorrow, it depends on my schedule. Sorry for taking so long on this front. 

On 1/8/2019 at 9:53 PM, Sunbringer said:

Name: Jacien Aican

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Birthplace: Unknown place on Roshar [Can you narrow it down to a region? For ethnicity purposes]

Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister. Dead)

Appearance: 6’ 00”, Brown hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark blue eyes [did you mean brown?], until he summons his shardblade, then they turn grey/silver. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny.

Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon)

Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords and has trained in Shardblade stances, good at dual-wielding weapons. Very focused in combat. Also an excellent cook. [Does he carry any weapons on him besides the Shardblade?]

Weakness: frequently zones out and sometimes misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations (Nightwatcher curse). Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. He also has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking. Kinda insecure [Won't get you any points, but I like how you're using this section to develop his character. That's what it's here for.].

Biography: Jacien was born on Roshar, where his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding, and decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him.[That man was Bruce Wayne's father. Thus Batman's crusading was averted.] Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted sister was killed. He went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy those that don’t care about the people they hurt. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat.[Does he know that? That'd be an interesting consideration he's have to make before entering into a fight.] After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills his spren [New spren, who dis? Tell me about this spren of his] from behaving against his oaths and moves on. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge, and during a visit to Sel, learned Forgery. (Alleyverse info. Will be added after I decide on a guild…) [I recommend putting a Guild Affiliation section in too. Unaffiliated is an option.]

Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge, but still REALLY doesn’t like most Skybreakers (a few exceptions). Kinda ADHD [Can you expand on this? It's kinda vague.].

On 1/8/2019 at 10:59 PM, MacThorstenson said:

I think that his skills also raise that higher, assuming only a few months of training for both melee weapons and ranged weapons, that adds another 50 points.

Now as to the weakness'. 

The nightwatcher is supposed to include the weakness in its ranking. And the other weakness, is very disturbed by innocents being killed, is kind of inherent in the oaths of the KR's. So I'm not sure how to count them. I will say that I think that there needs to be at least one other that's not included in some format.

^ Valid points.

The power problem you're bumping into is that second ideal Elsecaller and Division is powerful combo. You could get away with it if it was first ideal, but as is, it's 25% over what we're aiming for (I'm assuming the blade is dropped). 

It's hard to decide how much the weakness negates their abilities. I don't know how often he zones out, or how much can go on without him knowing while he's daydreaming. You've got a bunch of small weaknesses that add up, but once again, I don't have enough detail on them for me to assume they have anything other than a mid-level impact. With the obviously good fighting skills, that'll bring him closer, but not all the way to where I'd like them to be.

As always, my recommendations are reduce amount of powers, increase effect of weaknesses or provide more detail (like hard limits etc.), and look at weakness that limit his ability to use his powers (those are the best ones, points-wise). But overall, good work. I like the amount of thought you've put into this. 

23 hours ago, Nohadon said:

Where is the index, by the way? We should probably stick it in the OP of this thread.

I also put a link in my sig for the time being. 

13 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

What was the final say on my amoeba character? How much do I subtract for his weakness.

Obviously it's overpowered, but its nature means that its guaranteed to be passive, right? It can't attack anybody, or even communicate. I can't shake the feeling that there's some combination of powers that I'm missing that will give it the capability to grow up really fast and take over the world, so I'm going to strongly recommend that you keep it in DA territory. (That grey area where weird stuff is both possible and allowed.) And consider turning my assumed non-combativeness into an explicit restriction. What I'm trying to say is RP responsibly. 

It's also going to be hard to RP in the traditional sense, but I know you love a challenge. So sure, it's approved. But I'm glaring at you for setting difficult precedents. 

7 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Yes, Archer's is the only opinion that matters! People just like giving advice, and it's usually really helpful :)

Yikes........ I don't know how you would even start with that project.... pretty sure that's just going to have to be a case by case type thing.....

While it helps to have a bottleneck in the approval process in order to ensure consistency, I do appreciate when other people chime in with their expertise and input. That's why this is a public process. 

5 minutes ago, Kidpen said:


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Name: I am literally incapable of coming up with good names help me.

Investiture: Dakhor monk. Extra strength and speed. Almost invulnerable bones. Has extra power that allows for taking control of non sentient beings. Amount of sacrifice required scales with power of the being. This may or may not be something he uses at length in E3. It's not canon, so I might not want to overuse it too much.

Skills: Good talker and good fighter. I'm not entirely sure on how I'm supposed to put this, so I'll just let you guys ask.

Weaknesses: Fanatical devotion to his religion. Also, he wants to destroy the DA, which is basically a weakness.

History: He was born in Fjordell, and soon joined the church. He had a passion for Shu-Dereth, and was sent to the Dakhor monastery to become a monk. After gaining his powers, he would travel abroad, converting others to the church-and occasionally eliminating those who would not be converted. His wandering's eventually took him to the Alleyverse, where he quickly learned the history of the world. After learning about the Worldspike, he quickly came to a realization: This was where Jaddeth lay under the ground, ready to awaken when the entire living population joined Shu-Dereth. Soon after, he learned about the DA, their godlike leader, and the fact that they worked inside of the Worldspike (citation needed). He came to the realization that it was possible the Dark Alley was repressing Voidus inside of their lair. 

He plotted for a long time to try and take down the DA, but he had no resources, so it was literally impossible. However, he was soon approached by the Liebrarians and their attempt to take control of the Guardian and defeat Voidus, and he was given the powerful ability to take control of non sentient beings.(I'm not totally clear on how this type of Dakhor power works. It will be the same as the teleportation power, but I don't understand if the sacrifice with the teleportation makes the bone grow or if it just activates a specific power.) He was instructed to join the Ghostbloods as a spy. (@Ghostblood people do you mind this? I can fix it if not. He wouldn't have sabotaged anything or gotten important information.) He then went to the Release of Voidus as one of the Dakhor monks, planning to kill Mahz (and anyone else he could find) as a sacrifice to control the immensely powerful being.

I suspect I made some mistakes, so feel free to point them out.

I like naming people after one-syllable objects that sound like names in the right context.  

'Amount of sacrifice required scales with power of the being.' Like snake scales? Please clarify. Either way, I think that'd some extrapolation of Dakhor monk's powers is okay. 

'(I'm not totally clear on how this type of Dakhor power works. It will be the same as the teleportation power, but I don't understand if the sacrifice with the teleportation makes the bone grow or if it just activates a specific power.)' The way I understand it, their bones are in specific shapes to allow them to do specific tasks. I assumed they all had the shape for teleportation already programmed in, and it just needed to be activated, but it could be the other way. We know very little about them, so you've got some wiggle room. 

Looking at power level without actually quantifying it, we're looking at a one investiture being with a power upgrade, of above average intelligence (smart), and several years of extensive combat training. That's going to end up being OP, I think. I recommend adding another weakness. The ones you have now don't hinder him too much. The other option is getting into more detail about how specifically these impact him, and maybe that will scrounge up some more points, but I don't think it'll be enough. He's just a very competent and strong guy, so he's naturally pretty powerful. 

Going off of the Index, I put it at 100 for magic. Is his command of non sentient like a Rithmatist's (requiring specific explicit commands?). That's important to know when judging his power level. 

15 on intelligence (for good talker), 50 for Hand to Hand (for training at the monastery). You're close, you just need another weakness to drop him down a bit. 

I like where you're headed with this. Nicely done.

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26 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Ok it’s not THAT powerful. Gold compounding lets you survive a point blank dynamite explosion. Stormlight could not do that. Also, it does not enhance nearly as much as pewter. It only boosts speed and reaction time, not strength or durability or anything else. Until you get Shardplate, that’s it, but nobody in the books seems to have gotten to that level (I’m taking confirmed, not suspected) yet.

I seem to recall that it enhances strength a little bit too. But only to a degree (that's what I meant. It gives you a reduced power level pewter misting. I....... Totally have forgotten where I was going with this.....)

Either way that's a fair step up from most other entry/middling magic systems.



While it helps to have a bottleneck in the approval process in order to ensure consistency, I do appreciate when other people chime in with their expertise and input. That's why this is a public process. 

I just want to say that all of you are really good at giving positive/helpful advice/critiques! especially for new people such as my self. Sooooo, yay everyone! 

Edited by Steel Inquisitive
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Alright. So that's my three girls. I'll update their bios once the part with the points for their abilities/ weaknesses is settled. I only copied weaknesses I felt might be worth something, the rest is fluff.

I was a bit unsure regarding several parts, so any feedback is appreciated. Questions see below next to the corresponding part.



2nd ideal Lightweaver 80

Amateur (staff) 20

Intelligent 30

Missing: good “general” knowledge (sewing, embroidery, writing/reading, cooking/baking, basic calculation) in the end that's fluff/ or skills that everybody has. So maybe 20/30 for everything?


Weakness: her illusions are tied to her memories whenever she lightweaves, she relieves the corresponding memory and shows it to everybody -25?; she never learned how to soulcast and only rarely tries it out (that might change so I won't substract points, although it kind of leaves her without a surge she is able to use productively atm)



Expert - Poison Mixing 40

Skilled - Disguising 30

Average - Healing 20

Average - Cooking 20

(Regarding the last two: I felt like you can't try to incapacitate and kill people for years without learning a lot about bodies and how they work. Therefore healing. I can gladly change the wording if needed. (She's no healer, I simply tried to represent the knowledge I felt like she might have gained) And cooking, because Lena loves to cook and I spent so much time cooking with that character. (Fluff, but important fluff.)

Is the knowledge about plants and the incredients you can use included in poison mixing? If not, I'll buy that as well. What about the border between a  poison and a helpful draught? Not restoring, but numbing pain or something like that (like thinning a paralyzing poison for that use case?) I have no problem to spend more points on the poison part if it gains me some more flexibility.



can't see blood, can’t hide her emotions, her son (the blood part will hinder her in situations where blood is spilled, no idea what it's worth, and I don't really need the points, so I wouldn't make it too strong) -10?

In general: Lena has a antisocial personality disorder, which I wouldn't count as a weakness, although it definitly defines her actions.




3rd ideal Elsecaller 100

Expert Scholarship (Investiture) 40

Mind link with Max and Solace (wordless communication, ability to share memories, don't ask me about the range, we only used it when next to each other so far // Solace has a free access to her mind to do as he pleases), the link is visible in the cognitive realm and can be followed - any suggestions?

The ring from Laonin as a wedding present (below how he described them). I have a hard time to place it, but if you feel like it's too much, I'd be fine with the emergency stormlight reserve part and leave the rest, or simply own it, without using it at all.

Each ring is made up of two bands which are worn touching to form  one larger band. Each band is made of intertwined Feruchemical metals, with a well cut gemstone for the bride, and several smaller ones encircling the band for the groom. The gemstones are capable of holding Stormlight, and the rings are capable of holding Feruchemical properties. There obviously isn't a lot of space for everything to be stored, but it's enough for emergency usage. The two bands have different Aonic patterns etched into them that when the bands are turned, and squeezed together, the Aon will activate.


Weakness: hurt/ blinded by direct sunlight without any physical protection - any suggestions?

Note: officially Althea owns another shardblade, curtesy to Ark. She doesn't touch it, doesn't use it, so it's not included. Atm it's with Max.


Edited by Sorana
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10 hours ago, Voidus said:

I do think it was also mentioned in tWoK that it increased strength, don't have books to hand right now though.

Ok after some research I found a place in the end of oathbringer where Rock shoots the shardbow and Kaladin is amazed because stormlight doesn’t grant strength. Also, I will write more details, on my character, then that should be close to the final thing. 

Edited by Sunbringer
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Ok, this is the much more detailed version, and I think I better defined his weakness, and left only Edgedancer and Nightwatcher investiture.


Name: Jacien Aican

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Birthplace: Vedenar

Family: Callan (adopted father), Nisia (adopted mother), Sillia (adopted sister. Dead)

Appearance: 6’ 00”, black hair. Darkeyes with extremely dark violet eyes (since apparently that’s something vedens have). Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny.

Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon)

Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords (good at dual-wielding weapons). excellent cook. Has 2 short swords, as well as a decent number of gemstones to hold stormlight.

Weakness: (Nightwatcher curse) frequently zones out into an trancelike state where he almost mindlessly continues what he is doing, and often misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations, however he has not realized this yet.Trance never last longer than 15 min, and can happen as often as once every 40 min or as long as a day between them. Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. Has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking, and very frequently has gotten himself into trouble because of this.

Biography: Jacien was born of a Veden family, and his mother left at the Stump’s orphanage on the doorstep. He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding after forming a bond with a cultivation spren, named Auri. He decided to leave the Stump’s orphanage, and ran away. He was discovered by a kind farmer who was selling his crop, and they took him in. When he was 16 years old, he saw a guy get mugged and knifed in an alley, ran over and accidentally used Regrowth to save him. Soon after this incident, he was attacked by a Skybreaker. He was strong enough by now that he was able to fight back and win, but during the fight, his adopted sister was killed. He went to visit the Nightwatcher where he asked for the power to destroy those that don’t care about the people they hurt. As a boon, she gave him the surge of Division, and the curse of having episodes where he loses focus and is unable to recall any details from that time. These episodes fortunately never happen during combat. After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills Auri by behaving against his oaths, and moves on. He discovered the greater cosmere during his quest for revenge, and is currently considering membership in many guilds, but hasn’t decided on any particular guild, and is currently unaffiliated with any.

Guild: unaffiliated

Personality: Pretty standard Edgedancer personality (As Nale puts it, Often gets caught up on the little things, and doesn’t look at the bigger picture). Very optimistic, no longer approves of revenge, but still REALLY doesn’t like most Skybreakers (a few exceptions). Kinda ADHD (really impulsive, mostly) which does not go well with his curse.

Edited by Sunbringer
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11 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Ok after some research I found a place in the end of oathbringer where Rock shoots the shardbow and Kaladin is amazed because stormlight doesn’t grant strength. Also, I will write more details, on my character, then that should be close to the final thing. 

Well, szeth have some stormlight enhanced kicks in TWoK

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8 hours ago, Sorana said:


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2nd ideal Lightweaver 80

Amateur (staff) 20

Intelligent 30

Missing: good “general” knowledge (sewing, embroidery, writing/reading, cooking/baking, basic calculation) in the end that's fluff/ or skills that everybody has. So maybe 20/30 for everything?

I think the extra intelligence means any fluff skills that could be considered point-worthy are covered. I agree with your assessment. 

Weakness: her illusions are tied to her memories whenever she lightweaves, she relieves the corresponding memory and shows it to everybody -25?; she never learned how to soulcast and only rarely tries it out (that might change so I won't substract points, although it kind of leaves her without a surge she is able to use productively atm)

The memory weakness decreases the variety of stuff she can make, if I'm reading that right. Depending how much control she has over what's shown in the illusion, it could cause her to reveal some things she doesn't want to. That probably won't translate as extensively into the RP though, but that's beside the point. So sure, twenty, maybe twenty-five depending. 

You can afford not to do the second weakness, so I'd drop it. If you do include it, it seriously hampers her ability to use her powers.

I'm not too worried about asking you to use weaknesses to develop her character, given the amount of development you're done in the RP. 


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Expert - Poison Mixing 40

Skilled - Disguising 30

Average - Healing 20

Average - Cooking 20

(Regarding the last two: I felt like you can't try to incapacitate and kill people for years without learning a lot about bodies and how they work. Therefore healing. I can gladly change the wording if needed. (She's no healer, I simply tried to represent the knowledge I felt like she might have gained) And cooking, because Lena loves to cook and I spent so much time cooking with that character. (Fluff, but important fluff.)

Is the knowledge about plants and the incredients you can use included in poison mixing? If not, I'll buy that as well.

You've got both poison mixing and cooking, so surely it's already covered. 

What about the border between a  poison and a helpful draught? Not restoring, but numbing pain or something like that (like thinning a paralyzing poison for that use case?) I have no problem to spend more points on the poison part if it gains me some more flexibility.

That's a good point. You can afford it, so I'd recommend spending the points, rather than risk acting more powerful than you should be in the RP. 


can't see blood, can’t hide her emotions, her son (the blood part will hinder her in situations where blood is spilled, no idea what it's worth, and I don't really need the points, so I wouldn't make it too strong) -10? It really depends how you RP it. Does she get lightheaded? Faint? Have a heart attack? You're looking at anywhere between -5 and -35. Emotions is five or ten. I'm hesitant to take many for the son.

In general: Lena has a antisocial personality disorder, which I wouldn't count as a weakness, although it definitly defines her actions. I'd give you -5 for that, depending, once again, how you RP it. If you don't take the points, you have more flexibility. 

This should end up at around 100. 



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3rd ideal Elsecaller 100

Expert Scholarship (Investiture) 40

Mind link with Max and Solace (wordless communication, ability to share memories, don't ask me about the range, we only used it when next to each other so far // Solace has a free access to her mind to do as he pleases), the link is visible in the cognitive realm and can be followed - any suggestions?

Tough one. It's more of a strength than it is a weakness, but its power comes from the one's you're connected to being valuable assets. My instinct is to go high on this one. 40? Less if the range is shorter. Less if one of the linked members dies or abuses the relationship. 

The ring from Laonin as a wedding present (below how he described them). I have a hard time to place it, but if you feel like it's too much, I'd be fine with the emergency stormlight reserve part and leave the rest, or simply own it, without using it at all.

Each ring is made up of two bands which are worn touching to form  one larger band. Each band is made of intertwined Feruchemical metals, with a well cut gemstone for the bride, and several smaller ones encircling the band for the groom. The gemstones are capable of holding Stormlight, and the rings are capable of holding Feruchemical properties. There obviously isn't a lot of space for everything to be stored, but it's enough for emergency usage. The two bands have different Aonic patterns etched into them that when the bands are turned, and squeezed together, the Aon will activate.

If they're unsealed and filled: +5 to 10 depending on the metal

The strmlight reserve is inconsequential. 

If the Aon does something good and can be reused: +5 to 15 depending on what it does

Weakness: hurt/ blinded by direct sunlight without any physical protection - any suggestions?

I'd recommend wearing sunscreen. When vampires have this weakness, it tends to be used against them often. It depends on her ability to cope. If she can wear sunscreen and sunglasses, or walk around on cloudy days, it's only -25 or so. I know she can potentially become nocturnal or live underground, but not being able to daywalk is really inconvenient in our society. So it's more if it inconveniences her more. 

Note: officially Althea owns another shardblade, curtesy to Ark. She doesn't touch it, doesn't use it, so it's not included. Atm it's with Max.

That's fine. 

This character is the one that's closest to being OP. The other two are for sure fine for E3. 


I made my comments in the quote. Thanks for doing this, Sorana. 

26 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Investiture: second Ideal Edgedancer, (60m)

Surge of Division (Nightwatcher boon) (45m)

Skills and special equipment: Skilled with swords (good at dual-wielding weapons). (50s)

Excellent cook. (30s It's low because the base level gets included in fluff)

Weakness: (Nightwatcher curse) frequently zones out into an trancelike state where he almost mindlessly continues what he is doing, and often misses important details, never happens in life threatening situations, however he has not realized this yet.Trance never last longer than 15 min, and can happen as often as once every 40 min or as long as a day between them. (-40* A bit like Dalinar's visions, but much less helpful, and less predictable. The asterisk on this is I'd like to know what happens if someone attacks him while he's having one.)

Is very disturbed by innocents being killed, by himself or by others, and will go out of his way to protect them. (CA+) 

Has a tendency to jump right into things without thinking, and very frequently has gotten himself into trouble because of this. (CB-)

Biography: He never knew his parents and never really cared to try and find them. (CA-)

When he was 10, he started to figure out Surgebinding after forming a bond with a cultivation spren, named Audi. (CB+)

After his visit, he gets kind of dark for a while, and hunts down some of the Skybreakers, until he almost kills Auri by behaving against his oaths, and moves on. (CC+)

Kinda ADHD, which does not go well with his curse. (CC-)

I like the updates you've made. You can ignore the bolded text, they're just my notes. The only thing I'd like is an answer tot the purple question. Assuming it's a middle-of-the-road answer, I feel comfortable approving this character for Era 3.  

And friendly reminder, please don't double post, @Sunbringer

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28 minutes ago, Archer said:

The memory weakness decreases the variety of stuff she can make, if I'm reading that right. Depending how much control she has over what's shown in the illusion, it could cause her to reveal some things she doesn't want to. That probably won't translate as extensively into the RP though, but that's beside the point. So sure, twenty, maybe twenty-five depending. 

It's more like a film. She can partially decide which part of her life she shows, depending on the situation and how emotionally stable she is at the moment but she can't "only" make a plant or something. Either she replays a scene or nothing at all. Alright 20. I don't need the points anyway.

28 minutes ago, Archer said:

That's a good point. You can afford it, so I'd recommend spending the points, rather than risk acting more powerful than you should be in the RP. 

Sure. So another 40?


28 minutes ago, Archer said:

It really depends how you RP it. Does she get lightheaded? Faint? Have a heart attack? You're looking at anywhere between -5 and -35. Emotions is five or ten. I'm hesitant to take many for the son.

I've kept it light, vomiting and light headed feeling. I didn't want to throw too many strong weaknesses in, as she was a weak char this era. None for the son. If someone finds out about him and threatens him, I'll play along and that's it.

28 minutes ago, Archer said:

Lena has a antisocial personality disorder, which I wouldn't count as a weakness, although it definitly defines her actions. I'd give you -5 for that, depending, once again, how you RP it. If you don't take the points, you have more flexibility. 

No points for that. I don't need them, only added it, because it's a large part of who she is.

28 minutes ago, Archer said:

If she can wear sunscreen and sunglasses, or walk around on cloudy days, it's only -25 or so

That's how I rped it so far, so that will work.

28 minutes ago, Archer said:

Tough one. It's more of a strength than it is a weakness, but its power comes from the one's you're connected to being valuable assets. My instinct is to go high on this one. 40? Less if the range is shorter. Less if one of the linked members dies or abuses the relationship. 

I'll ask Meeker for details regarding the range. So far we stood directly next to each other every time.


28 minutes ago, Archer said:

This character is the one that's closest to being OP. The other two are for sure fine for E3. 

I know. But she went through enough for me to add a trauma or two.


Edited by Sorana
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Sorry since this doesn’t really fit in this thread, but what is double posting? (Im still fairly new) 


if if he gets attacked during one of his episodes, then he snaps out of it, but still needs to catch up and figure out what is happening. The curse is meant to be extremely inconvenient, but not deadly.

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4 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Sorry since this doesn’t really fit in this thread, but what is double posting? (Im still fairly new) 


if if he gets attacked during one of his episodes, then he snaps out of it, but still needs to catch up and figure out what is happening. The curse is meant to be extremely inconvenient, but not deadly.

When you post two times in a row.

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( @Archer Era 3 character.)

Name: Nakome Tomoda

Gender: female.

Age: 20

Investiture: Forger. 

Special skills and weapons: Very skilled in forgery with inanimate objects. Master warrior.(Like kung fu!) Has a pain knife.

Weakness: Not good with making stamps for people. Simply doesn't understand them. Struggles with controlling her temper. When she's mad she will lash out with words and fists. Often hurts people physically, mentally, and spiritually. Hates most people. Most people hate her. She desperately wants to have friends but her temper pushes people away. Has PTSD. Witnessed a murder as a child and now freezes whenever she sees someone die. (Length of time varies.) When she snaps out of it she's very confused and disoriented, as she relives the childhood memory. 

Physical characteristics: Short. (little over 5') muscular. brown hair. Blue eyes. small nose. She has a hostile beauty, like a cactus.  

Family: Had a ugly fight with mother which ended with her leaving and never going back. (Mother is now dead.) Father MIA since she was 7. has one uncle. her and her uncle send letters and keep in touch as much as they can.

Home planet: Sel.

History/Biography: Saw a man murdered when she was 8. Grew up feeling alone and unloved. Learned Forgery and fighting skills from her uncle. Her temper finally was too much and her mother sent her away(Nakome has successfully convinced herself that she left.) Found her way to Alleycity when she was 16, where she was accepted by a shop owner. The two of them now run the store together as the owner couldn't manage it all on her own(the shop owner is growing old.) Nakome provides her forgery skills to the store and now owns 50% of the business.  

Edited by Chasmfiend#1
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42 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

@ArcherEdits look good to me! Unless you want me to add more back story? I was trying to keep it simple.... 

Also I noticed my character is on there twice. Under my name and under Sunbringer's I believe. 

It gets the job done. Don't worry about it. 

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll fix that. 

23 minutes ago, whattheHoid said:

@Archer I have my Allyverse Character Sheet and have uploaded it on the Ghostblood PM page. Should I also do it here too?

I would like to take a look at it so I can make suggestions and add it to the list. So if you could post it here, that would be appreciated. 

I don't know if you've been following the reform process, but in case you haven't, I should introduce you to a new system we've come up with for keeping everyone's characters at a similar power level. I encourage you to take a look at the Index to give you an idea of what power level we're aiming for this era. 


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Dwig's Profile


Name: Dwig Jigdens 


Age: 27


Investiture: Twinborn (A-steel/F-copper) Shardblade. 


Skills: A mid to high intelligence, great at engineering. Adept at Steelpushing. Good with guns. 


Weaknesses: Not so good at using his Feruchemy, takes a lot of stuff unseriously. Is very protective of his twin sister, Ciera.  


Items: Power armor (Custom built prototype from his company, Trident Manufacturing.) Two revolvers, a knife or two. 


Personality: Dwig is very fun loving, but can concentrate on something if he knows it’s important. He loves his sister Ciera, more than anyone else, and would die to protect her. 


Description: A tall man, with curly, shoulder-length unkempt hair and bright green eyes. He usually wears a duster, trousers, and a button-up shirt. 

(Dwig used something to change his Feruchemy. No clue what though) 




Name: Ciera Jigdens. 


Age: 27

Magic: Channeler, with a strength of 16, cannot use the Power for any combat, though. She has the gateway and ter’angreal Talents. Good at making objects out of flows of Air.


Skills: Good at writing, and woodcarving. Has basic skills in various crafts. Good at arguing and public speaking. 


Weaknesses: Totally noncombative, a bit argumentative. Maybe a bit too trusting. 


Items: Several ter’angreal: One that can detect the use of the One Power in a small area. Shaped like a small bracelet that buzzes in a specific pattern to show if the channeler is male or female, and where they are. A small aluminum hair clasp that detects active use of Investiture. It speaks directly into her mind to tell her what type it is. An emergency Guardian (Blocks use of the One Power) in the shape of a copper bracer on her left arm. It is activated by channeling a specific weave of all of the Five Powers. 


Personality: A bit similar to Dwig’s actually, but takes stuff a bit more seriously and is quieter. 


Description: Average-sized young woman with long curly hair and purple eyes. Usually wears a T-shirt with the symbol for Allomantic tin on it. 




Shared history: Dwig and his twin sister, Ciera were born in Elendel to a Twinborn mother and a father from the Westlands. When the twins were 13, they were kidnapped and taken to the Alleycity by a gang of criminals. This event caused Dwig to Snap and Ciera to gain her powers as a channeler. The two were rescued by another channeler, who offered to train Ciera back in the Westlands. Dwig found a trainer in the Metalic Arts, and learned how to use his Twinborn abilities. Once Ciera turned 18 and completed her training, she returned to the Alleycity to find Dwig, who had left to start a shop back in Elendel. After quite a while, the twins managed to meet up again. The end. 


Dwig and Ciera E3!

Edited by Dr. Dapper
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