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2 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

If you want to rewrite all forty different fabrial’s point values, then be my guest, but I’m not going to do it.

We could just label them all 35 points and be done with it.

If that's not satisfactory, then I would be willing to put in the effort, but I don't think that each radiant should have the same value. Each radiant isn't necessarily the same in terms of investiture or combat or other things. If we want them all to be 100 thats fine, and I'll try to figure something out that works, but I think that saying that third oath radients aren't all equal.

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Just now, MacThorstenson said:

If that's not satisfactory, then I would be willing to put in the effort, but I don't think that each radiant should have the same value. Each radiant isn't necessarily the same in terms of investiture or combat or other things. If we want them all to be 100 thats fine, and I'll try to figure something out that works, but I think that saying that third oath radients aren't all equal.

I was the one who wrote the item portion of the index, and when I wrote the fabrials, I was mostly trying to think about how they be on their own. I would rather the point values add up to greater then the score of a third oath Radiant, because they lack the limits of the oaths and stormlight.

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4 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I was the one who wrote the item portion of the index, and when I wrote the fabrials, I was mostly trying to think about how they be on their own. I would rather the point values add up to greater then the score of a third oath Radiant, because they lack the limits of the oaths and stormlight.

Stormlight also powers fabrials. But you do have a point.

4 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I think Stormlight healing is more useful than the weakness of having the oaths could counter.


I suppose the issue is now, which radients do we want to allow at third oath? If all of them, then I'll get doing some math. I think windrunners will stay at 100 though.

EDIT: Stormlight healing works just as well as gold healing right? Should it be ranked roughly similar to a gold ferring?

Edited by MacThorstenson
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3 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Stormlight also powers fabrials. But you do have a point.


I suppose the issue is now, which radients do we want to allow at third oath? If all of them, then I'll get doing some math. I think windrunners will stay at 100 though.

EDIT: Stormlight healing works just as well as gold healing right? Should it be ranked roughly similar to a gold ferring?

I'd say it's more powerful than Wayne's healing ability has been shown to be, but it's more limited than compounding is so not quite compounder levels.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

I'd say it's more powerful than Wayne's healing ability has been shown to be, but it's more limited than compounding is so not quite compounder levels.

Ok, that puts it at more than 50, and less than 140. 

The whole radiant section of the list needs serious reworking.

EDIT: May not get to it tonight, but I will rework this.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Umm ok, well a lot of people said stuff, so I will attempt to take it all into account, while also watering down Anna so that she is not as OP.

@MacThorstenson @Voidus @Archer @Snipexe

First Issue: Stormlight. Okay, so the main reason I'd added this was because I thought this was going to be a factor I'd have to keep track of, and I didn't want to have to do all the maths. I also saw it as a bit of a limiter, as this character wasn't really supposed to be a main character - even less than a supporting character, and more in line with a walking plot device. Think of Anna as the G-Man from the Half-Life series - well, at least that was my vision for her. A person who commanded extraordinary powers but didn't really use them directly, rather manipulating the main characters to accomplish her goals. However, now that I realize that having a limiter might actually help her get into the RP, I think I'll scrap that entirely and just say she draws it like normal - maybe she even needs more of it than usual, as her Surgebinding is different from that of most other Knights Radiant. Also it would be Sanderson, because we can't not have Sanderson on a Sanderson Site.

Second Issue: Surges / Time Travel. So the Surges work somewhat differently for Anna than the other Knights. She cannot use the Surge of Transportation to transport to Shadesmar, and neither can she use the Surge of Progression to heal others. Instead, she uses the two Surges to benefit her chosen Ideal; Time. As a Timekeeper Radiant (unofficial name), she can use Transportation to travel around the time-space continuum, and using Progression she can heal any paradoxes.

Now I realize that Time Travel is a delicate subject in this RP. I get it; it's fun at first, but then you have a whole slew of paradoxes, alternate universes and 30 slightly different versions of a single character running around, which can be a big pain in the neck for some people. However, there is a big thing that I made sure Anna cannot do; while she can heal paradoxes, she cannot actually create them. As a Timekeeper, her duty is to make sure that the time-space continuum functions smoothly and properly, like a well-oiled machine, without any malfunctions (aka paradoxes) creating big problems. This is what I was trying to convey with the idea of "unravelling universes". While she can move up and down the timeline of the universe, she cannot change major events that are to come or have come. She's a lot like Hoid, I suppose; he is always travelling place to place, and while he interacts with the characters in sometimes significant ways, he cannot actually cause grand-scale changes, for that would shatter the fragile peace he has set up.

So that is my argument for allowing Anna to time travel; she is not able to create paradoxes, but rather she can heal the universe to set it right.

Anyways, to clear up some other misconceptions; 1. Yes, she can turn her Shardgun into a Shardblade, but she prefers a ranged weapon for picking off foes at a distance - less of a chance for a catastrophe. 2. After thinking it through, I'm just going to scrap the whole Hemalurgy thing. Yes, I was trying to go with the idea of "Scadrial/Roshar mix", but in all honesty? It only served as a way to bog her down. She wasn't ever going to use the abilities that granted her strength and speed, as she already established herself as a non-combatant person and who prefers pin-point accuracy to brute strength, and it was just an idea I'd tried to hamfistedly shove into her backstory. Instead, I'm going to explain the weaknesses it gave her through more sensible means; for example, Cultivation granted Anna with powerful Surgebinding abilities, but as a servant of Cultivation - who, being a Shard based upon the growth of things, I would assume to be a staunch pacifist - she probably wouldn't need much combative skill. Thus, she could still use a Shardweapon, but it did less damage because, if she could handle herself, she wouldn't really be needing it (she'd probably just use it for any necessary intimidation). Her insanity can be the Bane granted to her from Cultivation, to balance out the Boon she got. 3. The whole thing about "slowing or speeding up individual timelines"? Yeah, that's going too. It was honestly a hasty idea that, looking back, was pretty stupid.

So hopefully that clears everything up.

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I will say that if she's trying to fix paradoxes, she should avoid the Alleys at all costs. The level of time dialation and constriction, the parallel universes created and destroyed, the number of times scientists have had to kill alternate versions of themselves, it'd be a nightmare for her.

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really didn't want to start the era with three characters, but alas. Things happen.

Updated bio for Prism Acute. Too much has been adjusted for me to just say to transfer it over and add a year to her age.


Name: Pry Acute (short for Prism)

Age: 19

Physical characteristics: Around 5’ 2”, tan, and dark-haired. She only wears practical clothing with a whole lot of pockets.

Investiture: Brass Ferring

Abilities: Well trained in fighting with a staff and some limited experience with other forms of combat.

Weakness: Freeze carries over fight instincts when under pressure. Depends too much on people being intimidated by her looks. Bad aim with everything - throwing and shooting. Cares about her siblings more than herself. And her height also isn't really helping her either.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Family: Both of her parents are alive and she has ten younger siblings: Light (Female), Precious (F), Freedom (F), Unity (Male), Brethren (M), Dawn (F), Lineage (M), Compile (F), Warmer (M), and Eon (M). All of them are two years apart except for Brethren and Dawn who are twins.

History: Pry was taught how to fight during her apprenticeship to an old tailor. He believed it to be as important a skill as sewing and told her he wouldn’t call her education done until she knew. Growing up with so many siblings made her want to have some time away, so when she met Mejin at age 14, she left Scadrial with her and came to the Alleyverse. She was there for four years. When she was 18 Hellbent captured her siblings in her absence. She felt like in part it was her fault because of her affiliation with TUBA so she left their organization. Her mentor led her to the Keepers who helped her out like they had him in a bad time. She has since joined their ranks.

Guild: Keepers


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1 hour ago, Le Sigh said:

First Issue: Stormlight. Okay, so the main reason I'd added this was because I thought this was going to be a factor I'd have to keep track of, and I didn't want to have to do all the maths. I also saw it as a bit of a limiter, as this character wasn't really supposed to be a main character - even less than a supporting character, and more in line with a walking plot device. Think of Anna as the G-Man from the Half-Life series - well, at least that was my vision for her. A person who commanded extraordinary powers but didn't really use them directly, rather manipulating the main characters to accomplish her goals. However, now that I realize that having a limiter might actually help her get into the RP, I think I'll scrap that entirely and just say she draws it like normal - maybe she even needs more of it than usual, as her Surgebinding is different from that of most other Knights Radiant. Also it would be Sanderson, because we can't not have Sanderson on a Sanderson Site.

*misses reference*

In practice, the Alleystorm conveniently comes by whenever people need to refill their spheres. Also, everyone and their dog has spheres handy, so unless you're in a duel, lack of stormlight is rarely a problem.  

1 hour ago, Le Sigh said:

Also it would be Sanderson, because we can't not have Sanderson on a Sanderson Site.

Except For Warhammer 40 000 And Other Community Approved Exceptions!

1 hour ago, Le Sigh said:

Now I realize that Time Travel is a delicate subject in this RP. I get it; it's fun at first, but then you have a whole slew of paradoxes, alternate universes and 30 slightly different versions of a single character running around, which can be a big pain in the neck for some people. However, there is a big thing that I made sure Anna cannot do; while she can heal paradoxes, she cannot actually create them. As a Timekeeper, her duty is to make sure that the time-space continuum functions smoothly and properly, like a well-oiled machine, without any malfunctions (aka paradoxes) creating big problems. This is what I was trying to convey with the idea of "unravelling universes". While she can move up and down the timeline of the universe, she cannot change major events that are to come or have come. She's a lot like Hoid, I suppose; he is always travelling place to place, and while he interacts with the characters in sometimes significant ways, he cannot actually cause grand-scale changes, for that would shatter the fragile peace he has set up.

My take on it is that before this character entered the Alleyverse, time-travel and unraveling universes did not exist. By introducing the character, you introduce that element, regardless of whether or not the character is directly 'responsible' for their existence. Additionally, you, as the RPer, would have the chance to decide when these elements crop up, and what effect they have. That's a big step to make. 

1 hour ago, Le Sigh said:

Anyways, to clear up some other misconceptions; 1. Yes, she can turn her Shardgun into a Shardblade, but she prefers a ranged weapon for picking off foes at a distance - less of a chance for a catastrophe. 2. After thinking it through, I'm just going to scrap the whole Hemalurgy thing. Yes, I was trying to go with the idea of "Scadrial/Roshar mix", but in all honesty? It only served as a way to bog her down. She wasn't ever going to use the abilities that granted her strength and speed, as she already established herself as a non-combatant person and who prefers pin-point accuracy to brute strength, and it was just an idea I'd tried to hamfistedly shove into her backstory. Instead, I'm going to explain the weaknesses it gave her through more sensible means; for example, Cultivation granted Anna with powerful Surgebinding abilities, but as a servant of Cultivation - who, being a Shard based upon the growth of things, I would assume to be a staunch pacifist - she probably wouldn't need much combative skill. Thus, she could still use a Shardweapon, but it did less damage because, if she could handle herself, she wouldn't really be needing it (she'd probably just use it for any necessary intimidation). Her insanity can be the Bane granted to her from Cultivation, to balance out the Boon she got. 3. The whole thing about "slowing or speeding up individual timelines"? Yeah, that's going too. It was honestly a hasty idea that, looking back, was pretty stupid.

So hopefully that clears everything up.

A question about the shardgun: What's its rate of fire?


Silva, I'll add Pry to the E3 list.

Mac, if you want to overhaul the Index, be my guest. I'll admit that there are some inconsistencies that need fixing.  

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3 hours ago, Snipexe said:

Character Submission:

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: John “Ace” Tawson

Physical Characteristics: 2 meter tall man. 43 years old


Tin Savant

Nightwatcher Boon: Copper Allomancy.


Expert Scholar

Skilled Marksman


Spades and Diamonds: 2 custom moded pistols, each with a different purpose.

Spades: A heavy caliber pistol, whose bullets hit hard enough to stop  a person in their tracks if a shot is planted directly in the chest or shoot through a door or wall. It has heavy recoil and cannot be fired quickly.

Diamonds: A lighter caliber pistol. Its bullets lack penetration, but are much more accurate at longer ranges. It has a faster firing rate, less recoil, and can be fitted with a silencer


Colorblind (doesn’t see color)

Nightwatcher Bane: Every person he kills is permenantly screaming in his mind. When he is doing non-physical activities, they fade to a buzz, but the more active or violent he is, the louder they get. Whenever he kills someone the screams are loud enough that he cannot hear anything.

Family: None

Home Planet: Alleyplanet

Backstory: He was born in the underbelly of Alleycity. His mother was killed in a gang war when he was 5, and his father died soon after from a masked hemalurgist that wanted his gold feruchemy. He spent his time growing up on the streets, gaining many scars, both physical and emotional, that can been seen today. It was during this time that he snapped, gaining his tin. He began to experiment with it, whenever he could get his hands on some, and one day while he was trying it out, at about age 10, a DA scientist seeked him burning the metal, and brought him on as a lab assistant. During the next 15 years his life vastly improved, with him learning and studying with the scientist, gaining his skills in marksmanship and analysis. Though he still bore a grudge for Hemalurgists because of what they did to his father, he eventually grew to respect the DA, and his mentor. During the 7-Day war, at age 25, he was on the ground with many of the other DA denizens. After the war, he continued his study and training, but stopped when he discovered that his mentor had been the one to kill his father. After his discovery, he left the DA, going to wherever the wind would take him. He ended up joining the police for a time, before the precursors were formed, and loved detective work. After seeing a massacre by a super rioter, Ace was horrified. It was during this time that he went to the Nightwatcher, and asked for Copper. It took him several years to find her, and when he got back, everything changed. He discovered that the precursors had taken over the police department, and he had been fired. Remembering his love for detective work, he decided to become a private eye

Guild: Unaffliated.

Psyche: Big ego, easy to anger. Has stopped caring about those around him

Personality: Gives off an easy going air, but is incredibly analytical.

Appearance: [The artistically inclined are welcome to include an illustration of their character.] Wears a black Fedora and trench coat. Black hair, brown eyes

Fighting Style: Because of his bane, he tries to be as tactical as possible, trying to kill as few people as possible. His nature as skilled marksman makes this easier as well. He will almost always try to shoot to incapacitate.




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37 minutes ago, Life&Death said:

We are having relatively weaker characters correct?

Yes! Aim for the level of a third ideal KR or a twinborn with a few years experience in two subjects. Or just look at  the points values on The Index in the second post of this thread. Thats the same post that I am on my way to edit right now because I forgot to add Snipexe's characters to the list. (Sorry. It looks good, Snipexe. The marksman skill is balanced by the big weakness. I l Iove the backstory too. The only change I'll make is to remove the art note.) 

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Updated Lusk (don’t need to add it to the list): @Archer


Name: Lusk Uwik

Age: 46

Investiture: Atium Ferring (very skilled)

Occupation/Guild Affiliation: Ghostbloods, Council Member

Strengths: Extremely proficient at using Atium Feruchemy (see Walker v. Lusk duel for example). Is skilled at making people feel inadequate and meaningless. His different ages he can switch to have different strengths and weaknesses, which will be listed below.

Weaknesses: Physically weak due to a liver accident he barely survived a year ago. He is now not as quick to getting into fights as he was before. He also cannot walk anywhere without his cane, which is a standard wooden cane (no hidden weapons)

Weapons: A single steel knife, his fists, and if he’s feeling particularly like an old man, he can flail his cane at people. Also, I’m pretty sure his verbal jabs count as weapons :P He has a series of Harmonium cubes for Allomancy and one harmonium cube for Atium Feruchemy.

Ages: Lusk can use his Atium Feruchemy to switch to many ages of his life for different strengths and weaknesses, taking the age’s psychology as well. Note, this also counts as his Backstory:

8: Eight year old Lusk is short and small, can get through tight spaces and is fast due to experience from running from Shades and his father. Weakness is he has the psychology of an eight year old, so can be manipulated with nice words, is pretty dumb, and scared of most adults.

18: Sixteen year old Lusk is intelligent. He can assess most Investitures due to studying for tests and can identify different strategies that are being used and how to combat him. Imagine a kid who’s cramming for his final exam. Weaknesses is that he’s very physically weak, looks terrible with pimples and is pretty much an insecure nerd who got bullied a lot.

22 - 27: ‘Popular Lusk’. It was basically the period where Lusk switched residences and decided to bury everything he liked. Poetry, space travel. He pretended to be someone he wasn’t, and that made him popular. Popular Lusk is skilled in intimidation and socialising. He is exceptionally good at throwing his harmonium cubes, due to beer pong experience. Weakness is that he’s almost always drunk, and has no experience of anything beyond which is mentioned.

28: ‘Fat Lusk’. Lusk’s mother died here, and Lusk was depressed for one year, he had eating problems, and became physically massive (fat). Strengths are how heavy and large he is, weaknesses are how he’s constantly crying, has no skill in anything, and bad words can pretty much incapacitate him.

30 - 35: Lusk’s ‘kill zone’. Lusk’s father constantly came to berate Fat Lusk, saying he was worthless, insulting his mother, being abusive, all of that stuff. Lusk finally snapped and knew he wanted to kill his father who’d been bad to Lusk his entire life. From 28 - 30 he stopped being fat, and from 30 - 35 Lusk pushed his body further than he’d ever done, physically becoming the strongest he’d ever been. Strengths are that he has the strength of someone who goes to the gym daily, and is proficient with a knife and sword. Weaknesses is that his mind is literally nothing but combat, nonstop. All he ever thinks about is how to kill his father, which can be problematic when switching to this age because Lusk’s father is dead.

35 - 45: Lusk appeared on a stormy night and had an epic showdown with his dad. His dad underestimated, and even then held his own for a while. Lusk killed him at the age of 35. His father had been a Ghostblood, but instead of killing him, Lusk was offered a place in the Ghostbloods, as his father had been a great warrior and Lusk had beat him. In this age, strengths are Lusk is trained in deception and politics, and is very skilled in Atium Feruchemy. He was a council member. Weaknesses are that nobody likes him, and he has a very large ego and like his father, underestimates people. He has completely stifled his personality, but a little bit of good shines through him when he tried to help Walker in the duel. This ended up in him getting Liver failure and Walker punching him in the face.

46 (current): Lusk is but a husk of who he used to be. After spending the better part of a year in the hospital, Lusk has the strength of worldly wisdom. He knows he’ll never get a second chance, that even when he tried to be good enough failed, that nobody likes him. He doesn’t like himself. Weaknesses are, well, the current weaknesses (at the top of the bio).



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3 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Updated Lusk (don’t need to add it to the list): @Archer

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Lusk Uwik

Age: 46

Investiture: Atium Ferring (very skilled)

Occupation/Guild Affiliation: Ghostbloods, Council Member

Strengths: Extremely proficient at using Atium Feruchemy (see Walker v. Lusk duel for example). Is skilled at making people feel inadequate and meaningless. His different ages he can switch to have different strengths and weaknesses, which will be listed below.

Weaknesses: Physically weak due to a liver accident he barely survived a year ago. He is now not as quick to getting into fights as he was before. He also cannot walk anywhere without his cane, which is a standard wooden cane (no hidden weapons)

Weapons: A single steel knife, his fists, and if he’s feeling particularly like an old man, he can flail his cane at people. Also, I’m pretty sure his verbal jabs count as weapons :P He has a series of Harmonium cubes for Allomancy and one harmonium cube for Atium Feruchemy.

Ages: Lusk can use his Atium Feruchemy to switch to many ages of his life for different strengths and weaknesses, taking the age’s psychology as well. Note, this also counts as his Backstory:

8: Eight year old Lusk is short and small, can get through tight spaces and is fast due to experience from running from Shades and his father. Weakness is he has the psychology of an eight year old, so can be manipulated with nice words, is pretty dumb, and scared of most adults.

18: Sixteen year old Lusk is intelligent. He can assess most Investitures due to studying for tests and can identify different strategies that are being used and how to combat him. Imagine a kid who’s cramming for his final exam. Weaknesses is that he’s very physically weak, looks terrible with pimples and is pretty much an insecure nerd who got bullied a lot.

22 - 27: ‘Popular Lusk’. It was basically the period where Lusk switched residences and decided to bury everything he liked. Poetry, space travel. He pretended to be someone he wasn’t, and that made him popular. Popular Lusk is skilled in intimidation and socialising. He is exceptionally good at throwing his harmonium cubes, due to beer pong experience. Weakness is that he’s almost always drunk, and has no experience of anything beyond which is mentioned.

28: ‘Fat Lusk’. Lusk’s mother died here, and Lusk was depressed for one year, he had eating problems, and became physically massive (fat). Strengths are how heavy and large he is, weaknesses are how he’s constantly crying, has no skill in anything, and bad words can pretty much incapacitate him.

30 - 35: Lusk’s ‘kill zone’. Lusk’s father constantly came to berate Fat Lusk, saying he was worthless, insulting his mother, being abusive, all of that stuff. Lusk finally snapped and knew he wanted to kill his father who’d been bad to Lusk his entire life. From 28 - 30 he stopped being fat, and from 30 - 35 Lusk pushed his body further than he’d ever done, physically becoming the strongest he’d ever been. Strengths are that he has the strength of someone who goes to the gym daily, and is proficient with a knife and sword. Weaknesses is that his mind is literally nothing but combat, nonstop. All he ever thinks about is how to kill his father, which can be problematic when switching to this age because Lusk’s father is dead.

35 - 45: Lusk appeared on a stormy night and had an epic showdown with his dad. His dad underestimated, and even then held his own for a while. Lusk killed him at the age of 35. His father had been a Ghostblood, but instead of killing him, Lusk was offered a place in the Ghostbloods, as his father had been a great warrior and Lusk had beat him. In this age, strengths are Lusk is trained in deception and politics, and is very skilled in Atium Feruchemy. He was a council member. Weaknesses are that nobody likes him, and he has a very large ego and like his father, underestimates people. He has completely stifled his personality, but a little bit of good shines through him when he tried to help Walker in the duel. This ended up in him getting Liver failure and Walker punching him in the face.

46 (current): Lusk is but a husk of who he used to be. After spending the better part of a year in the hospital, Lusk has the strength of worldly wisdom. He knows he’ll never get a second chance, that even when he tried to be good enough failed, that nobody likes him. He doesn’t like himself. Weaknesses are, well, the current weaknesses (at the top of the bio).



Why ever not? It's such a nice bio. May I add it to the list?

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1 minute ago, Life&Death said:

I’m going to probably go no investiture. Probably.

Skills are scored based on years of training/experience. So please be very explicit and detailed about that when you write up your bio. 

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So I've had a thought that something that might help people who are planning on having OP characters would be to have a separate character sheet. Or, essentially the same character sheet but with some additions so that other players can see why they might want to approve the character. I hope that it might also help people refine OP characters so that other players actually get excited about interacting with them and think of ways that they can weave their own character into the OP characters story. OP characters should be central to many plots, so it's important for other people to know how they might interact with the world ahead of time so that plots can develop accordingly.

Something like:










Home Planet




Intended Threat Level:

Story purpose:


Modus Operandi:


So for example:


Name: Metronome the Great (/Metronome the all powerful, Metronome the amazing, the great and powerful Metronome, Metronome the Magnificent, he who rules over all, most powerful Epic in the fractured states, etc.)

Appearance: The most handsome figure that anyone has ever seen (Or a short, somewhat portly man just entering into middle-aged, well groomed, Wears a waistcoat over a white shirt and with matching pants most of the time.)


Skills: IRRELEVANT WHEN HIS POWER IS ALREADY SO GREAT! But he has a startling ability to see the best in situations and ignore anything which contradicts his own worldview, which is sort of like a skill.

Equipment: A pocketwatch so that he can prove his all powerful might upon request by knowing exactly what time it is while other plebians need to consult things like watches. Watches that HE synchronizes in the first place to establish his dominance over all mankind.

Weakness: NONE! METRONOME IS THE PERFECT BEING! (Though he does drastically underestimate others, the more powerful they are the more he underestimates them)

Family: As no one has claimed any level of kinship it can only possibly be concluded that he is descended from the gods themselves! (Or possibly that none of his family want to admit being related to him)

Home Planet: Reckoners-Earth

BackstoryLittle is known of Metronome before Calamity struck but he was born in Salem, Oregon and has lived there for his entire life, gaining very little attention from anyone in anything he did. After he was given powers by Calamity he took hold over the city with his mighty powers (Or as other people would say, he hung around the people who took over the city and they felt too much pity to correct him) and held a prestigious position, co-ruling it (Disputed) with an Epic known as Soulcaster.
Events in the city had begun to spiral, leading to panic and chaos when suddenly Metronome found himself in the middle of a completely different city with no idea how he arrived there. Thus he set about his mission to take over the Alleycity as well and rule over it as he did in Salem.

Guild: Unaffiliated I think that most OP characters should be unaffiliated with guilds where possible

PsycheOf relatively average intelligence, somewhat calmer than most Epics but with a grandiose sense of self-importance to match any High Epic with control over their own city. Metronome is aware that he is indeed the most powerful Epic that has ever been and will not neglect to mention this fact to anyone he meets.

OP traits

Intended Threat Level: WORLD-ENDING (/very minor villain's underling, unlikely to be a threat to any player character or even most NPCs) Suggested levels: Individual threat, group threat (3-4 characters), guild threat, multi-guild threat, world-ending threat

Story purpose: To give a world-ending threat that will unite all characters beneath him and crush those that defy him, he will likely be the center of most major plotlines this era for all guilds and characters as they either venerate him or try in vain to come up with a plan to defeat him, a great opportunity for people to kill otherwise unkillable characters. (Primarily a comic relief element. Give some people a fun villainous character to interact with without needing to endanger their character, introduce some fun roleplay elements that people can enjoy. I'd rather people didn't actually try to fight him, he can easily be ignored or temporarily incapacitated if it seems he is blocking one of your characters story goals)

Benefit (What do other players get out of this character?): A mechanism by which you can indisputably kill any of your characters for none can oppose him! (I foresee some fun interactions between him and other characters, especially characters who would perceive themselves as kind or good-hearted. He's not a significant opposition to any plan but some people might find his sheer confidence in himself a little concerning and may think he's hiding powers that he doesn't openly show. This might create some amusing scenes where powerful characters consider him a legitimate threat while relatively low-powered characters consider him a joke, though a joke that they might humor from time to time to avoid upsetting him)

Foible (Why haven't they taken over the world yet?): THE ONLY THING THAT HAS STOPPED HIM FROM RULING THE ALLEYVERSE IS THAT HE ONLY JUST ARRIVED! IT IS INEVITABLE IN TIME! (Anyone who doesn't want him to take over the Alleyverse could lightly punch him and likely render him unconscious. Or possibly just ignore him entirely as he has zero combat ability whatsoever and poses no threat)

Modus Operandi (How do they fight / scheme? What is their plan?): Metronome begins any fight by showing his enemies just how impossible it is for them to defeat him. He tells them the time. EXACTLY! Then waits for them to give up and bask in his majestic presence. He assumes that once this is repeated enough times that the entire Alleyverse will be aware of his might and all yield to him as their supreme ruler, though he may go around adjusting people's clocks just to hammer home how superior he is to all others and create places where others might worship him if they so desire.


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4 hours ago, Voidus said:

So I've had a thought that something that might help people who are planning on having OP characters would be to have a separate character sheet. Or, essentially the same character sheet but with some additions so that other players can see why they might want to approve the character. I hope that it might also help people refine OP characters so that other players actually get excited about interacting with them and think of ways that they can weave their own character into the OP characters story. OP characters should be central to many plots, so it's important for other people to know how they might interact with the world ahead of time so that plots can develop accordingly.

Something like:

  Reveal hidden contents









Home Planet




Intended Threat Level:

Story purpose:


Modus Operandi:


So for example:

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Metronome the Great (/Metronome the all powerful, Metronome the amazing, the great and powerful Metronome, Metronome the Magnificent, he who rules over all, most powerful Epic in the fractured states, etc.)

Appearance: The most handsome figure that anyone has ever seen (Or a short, somewhat portly man just entering into middle-aged, well groomed, Wears a waistcoat over a white shirt and with matching pants most of the time.)


Skills: IRRELEVANT WHEN HIS POWER IS ALREADY SO GREAT! But he has a startling ability to see the best in situations and ignore anything which contradicts his own worldview, which is sort of like a skill.

Equipment: A pocketwatch so that he can prove his all powerful might upon request by knowing exactly what time it is while other plebians need to consult things like watches. Watches that HE synchronizes in the first place to establish his dominance over all mankind.

Weakness: NONE! METRONOME IS THE PERFECT BEING! (Though he does drastically underestimate others, the more powerful they are the more he underestimates them)

Family: As no one has claimed any level of kinship it can only possibly be concluded that he is descended from the gods themselves! (Or possibly that none of his family want to admit being related to him)

Home Planet: Reckoners-Earth

BackstoryLittle is known of Metronome before Calamity struck but he was born in Salem, Oregon and has lived there for his entire life, gaining very little attention from anyone in anything he did. After he was given powers by Calamity he took hold over the city with his mighty powers (Or as other people would say, he hung around the people who took over the city and they felt too much pity to correct him) and held a prestigious position, co-ruling it (Disputed) with an Epic known as Soulcaster.
Events in the city had begun to spiral, leading to panic and chaos when suddenly Metronome found himself in the middle of a completely different city with no idea how he arrived there. Thus he set about his mission to take over the Alleycity as well and rule over it as he did in Salem.

Guild: Unaffiliated I think that most OP characters should be unaffiliated with guilds where possible

PsycheOf relatively average intelligence, somewhat calmer than most Epics but with a grandiose sense of self-importance to match any High Epic with control over their own city. Metronome is aware that he is indeed the most powerful Epic that has ever been and will not neglect to mention this fact to anyone he meets.

OP traits

Intended Threat Level: WORLD-ENDING (/very minor villain's underling, unlikely to be a threat to any player character or even most NPCs) Suggested levels: Individual threat, group threat (3-4 characters), guild threat, multi-guild threat, world-ending threat

Story purpose: To give a world-ending threat that will unite all characters beneath him and crush those that defy him, he will likely be the center of most major plotlines this era for all guilds and characters as they either venerate him or try in vain to come up with a plan to defeat him, a great opportunity for people to kill otherwise unkillable characters. (Primarily a comic relief element. Give some people a fun villainous character to interact with without needing to endanger their character, introduce some fun roleplay elements that people can enjoy. I'd rather people didn't actually try to fight him, he can easily be ignored or temporarily incapacitated if it seems he is blocking one of your characters story goals)

Benefit (What do other players get out of this character?): A mechanism by which you can indisputably kill any of your characters for none can oppose him! (I foresee some fun interactions between him and other characters, especially characters who would perceive themselves as kind or good-hearted. He's not a significant opposition to any plan but some people might find his sheer confidence in himself a little concerning and may think he's hiding powers that he doesn't openly show. This might create some amusing scenes where powerful characters consider him a legitimate threat while relatively low-powered characters consider him a joke, though a joke that they might humor from time to time to avoid upsetting him)

Foible (Why haven't they taken over the world yet?): THE ONLY THING THAT HAS STOPPED HIM FROM RULING THE ALLEYVERSE IS THAT HE ONLY JUST ARRIVED! IT IS INEVITABLE IN TIME! (Anyone who doesn't want him to take over the Alleyverse could lightly punch him and likely render him unconscious. Or possibly just ignore him entirely as he has zero combat ability whatsoever and poses no threat)

Modus Operandi (How do they fight / scheme? What is their plan?): Metronome begins any fight by showing his enemies just how impossible it is for them to defeat him. He tells them the time. EXACTLY! Then waits for them to give up and bask in his majestic presence. He assumes that once this is repeated enough times that the entire Alleyverse will be aware of his might and all yield to him as their supreme ruler, though he may go around adjusting people's clocks just to hammer home how superior he is to all others and create places where others might worship him if they so desire.


This is a really good idea. I'll edit this onto the OP2. 

32 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Just wondering if this is an oversight or if I can have one: there isn’t a point value for a glassweave outfit. Is it just random armor?


A glassweave jacket could take quite a beating, protecting its wearer almost as well as a suit of armor. 

- Alcatraz 3

Given its similarity in strength to regular armour, I've always treated it as being common and weak enough not to be worth attributing points too. I could see adding 5 or 10 points for them, but I didn't have plans to. 


While I'm here, I'd like to take this opportunity to update you about how this thread is going to run going forward. As you know, Voidus and the leaders of this sub-forum have edit privileges. They are the ones that can add or edit bios on the list. In past, I've been the point-man on that front, but I am handing over that responsibility to @Lord Meeker. AV mods may still add in bios if they happen to stop by, but it will be assumed that if no one else does, Meeker will do it. No pressure, Meeks.

The character submission process will remain the same. Post your bios here, then someone will authoritatively explain why they think it is acceptable or not. The Index should help keep this process consistent. The final say will still go to the mods, but speaking from experience, it's really nice when someone dissects a bio for you. I appreciate the input that people take it upon themselves to provide. If you're submitting a bio and Mac, Itiah, Kenod, or any other fantastic person quotes you and shares how they scored it or makes comments about how it could be improved, I encourage you to listen to them. That's what this thread is about: sharing your idea with the community so you can get as many eyes on it as possible before it becomes official. Don't be afraid to bounce ideas off of people, or to pick the brains of experienced RPers. 

Additionally, Snipexe has been coerced convinced to cover the graveyard shift. Expect to see him commenting on bios as well. Once the details are sorted, you should tag Meeker, not me. It should also go without saying that PMing me with bios is a futile endeavor. It's easier if you post your bio here instead anyway, not just because it gives you the opportunity to get feedback from other people, but it also keeps everything character-related in one place. 

There are other ways to make the mods' life easier as well. Format and spell-check your post before submitting it. Also, work a lot of context clues into your sentences, and be clear about what your referencing. It's easier to locate a bio, or even an old train of thought, if you drop hints about who the Hoid you're talking about and why we should know them. 

Finally, be patient. Due to volume of submissions, IRL events, and other commitments, you may not get a response for a few hours, or even days. If Meeker posts after you and doesn't mention you, then you may have been accidentally missed. It happens. If it happens to you, quote your old post and ask what's up. Chances are your request was lost in the sea of other text they were sifting through. 

Thank you all for your cooperation. I know going through this process can be tiresome sometimes. Y'all are troopers, and the prep work you put into your characters has made my job so much easier this past year. Try not to break anything while I'm gone. 

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8 minutes ago, Archer said:

Given its similarity in strength to regular armour, I've always treated it as being common and weak enough not to be worth attributing points too. I could see adding 5 or 10 points for them, but I didn't have plans to. 

I will be making my characters outfit be glassweave now.

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