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Here is my Rep character.

Alan Smedry


NameAlan Smedry

Physical CharacteristicsSlim build, with Raven black hair, and blue eyes. 

InvestiturePrime Talent(+50M): Able to find things. Whether this is finding his car keys, or finding trouble, it never takes long for his Talent to kick in. On Coppermind it says Smedrys are innately able to use Oculators, so I'm trying not sure if I have to take Oculator(+40M) or not.

Skills: Hand to hand combat training(Skilled +30S), Scholarship(Average +20)

Equipment: Shaper’s Lenses(+20M), Oracle's Lenses(+20M). These lenses are each one half of a pair of goggles, as opposed to 2 separate pairs.

Weakness: Alan is quite scatterbrained at times, misplacing things and forgetting important details. His Talent both helps make up for this, whole also reenforcing the weakness because he has no reason to be more careful. He is trained in hand to hand combat, but relies heavily on his Oracle's lense.

Family: The Smedrys.

Home PlanetEarth(Alcatraz)

Backstory: Alan grew up on Earth, and lived there happily for some time. Eventually he just felt underappreciated by his family, and left home. He ended up in the Alleyverse, and was quickly recruited by TUBA, saving him from a lot of trouble. He has since focused on helping them out as he can, and has become the TUBA Representative to help them further their goals.

Guild: TUBA

Fighting Style: Alan tends to take advantage of his Oracle's lense, in a short term sense during a fight, quite similar to using Atium. He is not trained in the use of weapons.

@Lord Meeker

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@Voidus, I've got a couple of Epic powersets I'd like some feedback on, mainly point calculations. I'm not yet sure if I want to create characters with them, but I'd like to know how they'd be scored.

Laplace's Demon:


Primary power: Enhanced analytical abilities. This manifests in three different ways, Probability prediction, physics simulation, and pattern analysis.
Probability prediction allows for the analysis of trends from small data sets, allowing for the prediction of possible actions of groups of people, assigning probabilities to each possible action they can take. This works better the larger the group is, and the more data there is available. Predicting the actions of a single individual is much more difficult, even with insight into their personality. Larger groups, on the other hand, tend to average out.
Physics simulation allows for perfectly predicting the outcome of deterministic systems, such as the paths of a group of rocks falling down, or a roulette wheel. This ability requires knowledge of the rules behind the system to work though. Encountering an unknown phenomenon, or an non-deterministic one, makes usage of this ability impossible, and if the Epic is only partially aware of the rules behind the system they can encounter errors in their analysis.
Pattern analysis allows them to take a phenomenon, or a number of incidents, and analyze the pattern behind them, creating a prediction of the rules it is based on. This works in concert with probability prediction and physics simulation, allowing them to establish the necessary rules for these to be able to work. The main issue with this, however, is that the rules they deduce might not be the actual rules that apply to a phenomenon or pattern, which might throw of their predictions by some degree.
This power is a semi-passive ability, with the power normally running subconsciously, with results manifesting as improved intuition, but they can also focus the ability on a specific task, which makes it much more effective, but requires them to consciously know what they're trying to analyze.

Secondary power: Area scan. This is an active ability that allows them to perfectly know everything about a 50 meter area centered on them. The issue here is that it isn't possible for them to consciously comprehend all this information, so they're only capable of accessing the positions, motions, and appearances of objects in this region, although they can also access information more specific information like temperature, sound, or specific materials, but this requires them to actually focus on acquiring this information, and on the specific place they want the information from.
The interesting part about this ability, however, is that their first ability is also capable of making use of this information, but is capable of accessing the full breadth of information, granting what amounts to a pseudo danger sense, though limited to what information can be gathered from inside of the ability's active area (Note that threads don't have to be inside of this area to be noticed, but either this area or what can be perceived with their normal senses must contain the information necessary for the thread to be noticeable).

Weaknesses (not character weaknesses, just ones inherent to the abilities): The main weakness behind the abilities is that whatever is being analyzed needs to have some form of rules. Anything that doesn't rely on this isn't predictable anymore by their primary ability. For example, if probability prediction is used to anticipate the actions of a group, they can use something to make the decisions at random to make them impossible to predict. This can be as simple as flipping a coin to decide on their actions, as it means that even everything about them is known, there's still a 50/50 chance for what they'll do. In the same way, it is impossible for them to perfectly predict the actions of living beings, especially sapient ones, since there will always be at least some degree of randomness involved, or at least function according to rules that can't be understood. The second weakness is that the ability requires actual data to work with, which means that it's impossible to make predictions about things they're not aware of, and the actions of unanticipated third parties can throw of all predictions. Also, trying to consciously interpret large amounts of data gathered using area scanning can cause information overload, which causes migraines and makes it impossible for them to focus on anything, shutting down their powers.

Maxwell's Demon:


Primary power: Separation of heat and cold. They can take heat from different substances, transferring it into something else. They can do this even when the substances are at thermal equilibrium, or when the substance they're taking heat from is colder than the substance they're transferring the heat to. This ability is much easier to use on gasses, with solids being the most difficult to use this ability on. The lowest temperature a substance can be brought to differs, but for air this is generally around -6°C (-76°F), and for other substances this lowest temperature is generally a lot warmer, with gasses being close to this temperature, fluids being close to -20°C (-4°F), and solids being around - °C (23°F), unless their phase will change while their temperature is being reduced, in which case either the lowest temperature for that phase or the current temperature will be the limit, whichever is lower. There isn't any real limit on the maximum heat that can be transferred to a substance, though gasses take less effort and are more useful. In order to transfer the energy the substance needs to be inside of 50 meters of them.

Secondary power: Gas manipulation. They're capable of aerokinetic control of gasses, but with the peculiarity that this control takes more effort the closer the gasses are to thermal equilibrium compared to the gasses around them, with anything less than 10°C (18°F) difference from equilibrium being too close to manipulate, and a difference of 40°C (72°F) is necessary for full control, which generally gives the appearance of them manipulating freezing winds and flames/hot winds. Again, their control area for this ability is 50 meters.

Peculiarities: The amount of heat they can put in a hot area is fairly small in the beginning, unless they create a large cold area and then channel all the heat into a small area. However, when heat flows back into cold areas, or from warm areas into the surrounding air, they can use the energy generated during this to increase the amount of heat inside of their hot areas. The increased heat inside of these areas will increase the heat flow, which will also increase the amount of heat generated, creating a compounding effect. This still has limits though, as they aren't immune to the heat and cold themselves, meaning that building up too much heat will kill them, and if the gas changes to plasma they'll lose control over it, causing all the heat to flood back into the general area, causing a large explosion. At the same time, because of their range limits they'll run into trouble if they use their ability for too long, as they'll end up cooking themselves, and they need to watch out when disengaging their ability as the resultant explosion might injure or kill them otherwise.


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On 6.2.2019 at 4:51 PM, beantheboy12 said:

Would a simple 3rd ideal light-weaver with 15 points of intelligence and 35 points of melee combat training be allowed?

In my opinion yes. 100 for the 3rd ideal Lightweaver, and then you have 50 points for non-investiture skills left, which fits with the two skills you mentioned.

Though I have to admit, that I think you loose a lot of rp, if you start at a higher oath. I've done it with Althea as well, as I felt like I needed it for her concept to work, but I wouldn't do it anymore.


@Lord Meeker

I've updated Damaya's bio, so that it represents her at the end of Era 2. We finally managed to finish that thread.



Name: Damaya Vulken (was Damaya Tenira)

Investiture:  Lightweaver 3rd Ideal, spren: Corundum (100)

Weakness: has nightmares; too curious for her own good; has a tendency to trust those who show her kindness; she never learned how to soulcast and only rarely tries it out; her illusions are tied to her memories: whenever she tries to lightweave she replicates one of her memories for everybody to see like a short scene in a movie - meanwhile she relieves the complete memory herself (-25), one-eyed (?)

Character: very loyal to her friends, good hearted, has no real purpose in her life anymore, deeply traumatized after growing up with a Chaos sorcerer who abused her regularly

Special skills and Weapons: Intelligent (30), Scholarship (General Knowledge: sewing, embroidery, calculation, reading, philosophy,...) (20), Amateur Staff (20)

Physical characteristics: young woman 23 years old, green eyes, long blond hair (usually open or in a low pony tail), frail and small build, open face

Family: her family was killed in the Seven Day War when she was 7, grew up with forster parents who abused her for several years, she considers Araha (narrator Ark) family, Damaya has a sister (Althea) but she doesn’t know about her

Home: the other side of the World

History/Biography: After the war Damaya grew up on the streets, stealing food whenever possible. One day she was caught by a woman and forced to live with her. It wasn’t a bad life, and Damaya learned everything she would need to find a good husband. She ignored her spren, Coru, whom she bonded while living on the street, and pretended to be a normal girl. That worked until the woman married again. Her husband saw the spren and decided to make use of Damaya’s abilities. He abused her for several years, sending her now and then to the Waystop to learn to control her powers. It left Damaya almost unable to control any illusions and a deep hatred for her spren.
After she got kidnapped by some Chaos marines and afterwards rescued, she trusts her spren more and more, following Araha’s example who loves her spren dearly. Damaya killed her “father” herself, smashing his head. She never took the time to work through what happened, instead buries everything deep down in her soul. After she handed the house she grew up in (unknowlingly) over to the Ghostbloods, she left (fleed) the Alleycity for the other side of the world.

There she and Araha met, among others, Nogard and Klasten. They managed to stop Rotcennoc’s plan to destroy the islands and hand them over to the darkness. During the fight she bonded a new island, which is currently floating somewhere in the other side of the world. Afterwards they traveled for a year together and discovered underwater parshendi, before setting out to the north sea.


And I've got a new character. He started as a no-name NPC during Era 2, who first got a name and then we kind of rped some longer scenes with/ around him (see background). I'm not sure how often he will enter the stage outside of GB related stuff, that depends on the threads and the occasions.

Thanks to @Ark1002 for looking up the names that were used for him, thanks to @kenod for his skill set (which is great, and I hope I descriped it correctly ;) ) and thanks to @whattheHoid for initially trying to shoot Ark :P

@Lord Meeker I'm unsure how to rate his investiture, as it's nothing cosmere typical. I calculated 70 points, but that can be completely wrong. Same with his weakness. I added the points in brackets behind the corresponding skills. There are weaknesses I simply added because they are logical, they don't add any points to his pool (in my opinion, if you think it might be different feel free to tell me).Depending on how much points his investiture really ends with, I might up his weapon's skill.


Name: Mike Austen (aka Mustafa, Marcus, Martha, Mario, Maverick, Mary, Micky, Mich, Morgan, Melaku, Macik, Maurice, Megan, Moses, Mac, Monica, Molly, Maddy, Maddona, Magento, Maco, Makie, Malikia)


Age: 15


Physical characteristics: dark hair, tan, well-built for a teen, lanky, brown eyes, seven spikes in his chest

Investiture: spiked: can change parts of his body into animal parts (fox, cat, squirrel, wolf, porcupine, snake, squid, salmon) (70?)

Weakness: easy target for emotional allomancy due to his spikes, panically afraid of Ark and any (known) members of the DA, claustrophobia (-20?)

Character: shy and quiet, tries to keep to the background, very passionate about avenging his dead friend.

Special skills and Weapons: assassination (skilled) (60), melee weapons (average) (35)

Family: two younger brothers (David, Garrus), parents are still alive and they all live in a village close to Alleycity

Home: Alleycity

History/Biography: Mike grew up in Alleycity. One day he was on his way through the city with his best friend and they were robbed. His friend died on his way to the hospital and Mike swore he would avenge him. He joined the Ghostbloods for this reason and they started to train him. During one of his last trainings he saw the councilmember Ark for the first time and mistook him for the man, that had killed his friend. He tried to assassinate Ark and failed. Mr. Itiah claimed Mike had acted on his order, to show the class that you couldn’t let your guard down even for a moment. This saved Mike’s life, but Ark still ordered him to go to his friend KoTiel and offer himself for an experiment. Mike followed the order and entered an Alley, searched for KoTiel. KoTiel spiked Mike several times and afterwards sent him back to Ark. Ark questioned Mike about his powers, afterwards Mr. Itiah and ordered Mike to his sleeping quarters and assigned him therapy sessions.



Edited by Sorana
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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

And I've got a new character. He started as a no-name NPC during Era 2, who first got a name and then we kind of rped some longer scenes with/ around him (see background). I'm not sure how often he will enter the stage outside of GB related stuff, that depends on the threads and the occasions.

Thanks to @Ark1002 for looking up the names that were used for him, thanks to @kenod for his skill set (which is great, and I hope I descriped it correctly ;) ) and thanks to @whattheHoid for initially trying to shoot Ark :P

@Lord Meeker I'm unsure how to rate his investiture, as it's nothing cosmere typical. I calculated 70 points, but that can be completely wrong. Same with his weakness. I added the points in brackets behind the corresponding skills. There are weaknesses I simply added because they are logical, they don't add any points to his pool (in my opinion, if you think it might be different feel free to tell me).Depending on how much points his investiture really ends with, I might up his weapon's skill.

Powerset seems correct. Nice to finally see him appear.

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16 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:
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Name: Maqk Frost

Physical Characteristics: Very pale. Light blue hair. So light some would say white. About 35. Is always in a light blue suit with matching tie and bowler hat.

Investiture: Epic. 

Primary power: Can create a special type of ice that glows light blue and imitates the form of various non invested substances. This is limited to a total volume of 1 cubic foot. He can reform it at will, like a sylblade. It can only be in one piece. 

Secondary power: Can shoot blasts of ice out from his hands to form objects. This is like Frozone from The Incredibles. 

Tertiary power: Can shape ice with his hands.

Passive power: The air around him is noticeably cooler, getting progressively cooler the longer he is there. It takes about 10 minutes for him to lower the temperature of the room by about 1 degree Fahrenheit.

Secondary Passive power: His footsteps leave frost marks behind. When he touches non living things, veins of frost start to appear, radiating from his hand or finger. They slowly spread over the entire object, but quickly melt as soon as he stops touching them, (assuming normal room temperature).

Skills: 15 intelligence, 35 melee points.

Equipment: His Primary power Ice thing which he will either use as a cane or a sword. Occasionally as a shield.

Weakness: Epic weakness:

Warm temperatures.

At about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius) the secondary passive power and the Tertiary power stop functioning. The Secondary power and the the primary power stop at 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1 degrees Celsius). The Primary passive power stops functioning at 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 degrees Celsius)

Family: He's a Mc. Not a lot of family in that area. 

Home Planet: Earth

Backstory: Placed on earth to monitor Calamity by the council, see if something would turn up. Was given powers by Calamity, as soon as they found out about this they moved him to the alleyverse to watch the Queen of Ice. He has just been moved to the alleyverse from earth and will appear in the court.

Guild: Newcago court.

Psyche: He's a quiet person. Not shy, but always calculating. Doesn't like to say a lot. Generally regards himself as better than other people.

Personality: Really loves to use snow in his speech.

Appearance: Jack frosty.


Sorry, I can't get to your character tonight Jacobclaessen.

@Voidus could you rank my character's epic power?

Total power should be around 30, depends a little bit on the strength of the Secondary mainly a number of the other abilities basically seem like flavour, which I really enjoy but don't add much to the point total.
So assuming that the blasts of ice are somewhat limited in direct combat ability (Can't just freeze everyone in a room in solid ice) then I think 30-40 points should cover it. @Lord Meeker seems to be within final point limits but anything you see that needs to be added?


5 hours ago, kenod said:

@Voidus, I've got a couple of Epic powersets I'd like some feedback on, mainly point calculations. I'm not yet sure if I want to create characters with them, but I'd like to know how they'd be scored.

Laplace's Demon:

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Primary power: Enhanced analytical abilities. This manifests in three different ways, Probability prediction, physics simulation, and pattern analysis.
Probability prediction allows for the analysis of trends from small data sets, allowing for the prediction of possible actions of groups of people, assigning probabilities to each possible action they can take. This works better the larger the group is, and the more data there is available. Predicting the actions of a single individual is much more difficult, even with insight into their personality. Larger groups, on the other hand, tend to average out.
Physics simulation allows for perfectly predicting the outcome of deterministic systems, such as the paths of a group of rocks falling down, or a roulette wheel. This ability requires knowledge of the rules behind the system to work though. Encountering an unknown phenomenon, or an non-deterministic one, makes usage of this ability impossible, and if the Epic is only partially aware of the rules behind the system they can encounter errors in their analysis.
Pattern analysis allows them to take a phenomenon, or a number of incidents, and analyze the pattern behind them, creating a prediction of the rules it is based on. This works in concert with probability prediction and physics simulation, allowing them to establish the necessary rules for these to be able to work. The main issue with this, however, is that the rules they deduce might not be the actual rules that apply to a phenomenon or pattern, which might throw of their predictions by some degree.
This power is a semi-passive ability, with the power normally running subconsciously, with results manifesting as improved intuition, but they can also focus the ability on a specific task, which makes it much more effective, but requires them to consciously know what they're trying to analyze.

Secondary power: Area scan. This is an active ability that allows them to perfectly know everything about a 50 meter area centered on them. The issue here is that it isn't possible for them to consciously comprehend all this information, so they're only capable of accessing the positions, motions, and appearances of objects in this region, although they can also access information more specific information like temperature, sound, or specific materials, but this requires them to actually focus on acquiring this information, and on the specific place they want the information from.
The interesting part about this ability, however, is that their first ability is also capable of making use of this information, but is capable of accessing the full breadth of information, granting what amounts to a pseudo danger sense, though limited to what information can be gathered from inside of the ability's active area (Note that threads don't have to be inside of this area to be noticed, but either this area or what can be perceived with their normal senses must contain the information necessary for the thread to be noticeable).

Weaknesses (not character weaknesses, just ones inherent to the abilities): The main weakness behind the abilities is that whatever is being analyzed needs to have some form of rules. Anything that doesn't rely on this isn't predictable anymore by their primary ability. For example, if probability prediction is used to anticipate the actions of a group, they can use something to make the decisions at random to make them impossible to predict. This can be as simple as flipping a coin to decide on their actions, as it means that even everything about them is known, there's still a 50/50 chance for what they'll do. In the same way, it is impossible for them to perfectly predict the actions of living beings, especially sapient ones, since there will always be at least some degree of randomness involved, or at least function according to rules that can't be understood. The second weakness is that the ability requires actual data to work with, which means that it's impossible to make predictions about things they're not aware of, and the actions of unanticipated third parties can throw of all predictions. Also, trying to consciously interpret large amounts of data gathered using area scanning can cause information overload, which causes migraines and makes it impossible for them to focus on anything, shutting down their powers.

Maxwell's Demon:

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Primary power: Separation of heat and cold. They can take heat from different substances, transferring it into something else. They can do this even when the substances are at thermal equilibrium, or when the substance they're taking heat from is colder than the substance they're transferring the heat to. This ability is much easier to use on gasses, with solids being the most difficult to use this ability on. The lowest temperature a substance can be brought to differs, but for air this is generally around -6°C (-76°F), and for other substances this lowest temperature is generally a lot warmer, with gasses being close to this temperature, fluids being close to -20°C (-4°F), and solids being around - °C (23°F), unless their phase will change while their temperature is being reduced, in which case either the lowest temperature for that phase or the current temperature will be the limit, whichever is lower. There isn't any real limit on the maximum heat that can be transferred to a substance, though gasses take less effort and are more useful. In order to transfer the energy the substance needs to be inside of 50 meters of them.

Secondary power: Gas manipulation. They're capable of aerokinetic control of gasses, but with the peculiarity that this control takes more effort the closer the gasses are to thermal equilibrium compared to the gasses around them, with anything less than 10°C (18°F) difference from equilibrium being too close to manipulate, and a difference of 40°C (72°F) is necessary for full control, which generally gives the appearance of them manipulating freezing winds and flames/hot winds. Again, their control area for this ability is 50 meters.

Peculiarities: The amount of heat they can put in a hot area is fairly small in the beginning, unless they create a large cold area and then channel all the heat into a small area. However, when heat flows back into cold areas, or from warm areas into the surrounding air, they can use the energy generated during this to increase the amount of heat inside of their hot areas. The increased heat inside of these areas will increase the heat flow, which will also increase the amount of heat generated, creating a compounding effect. This still has limits though, as they aren't immune to the heat and cold themselves, meaning that building up too much heat will kill them, and if the gas changes to plasma they'll lose control over it, causing all the heat to flood back into the general area, causing a large explosion. At the same time, because of their range limits they'll run into trouble if they use their ability for too long, as they'll end up cooking themselves, and they need to watch out when disengaging their ability as the resultant explosion might injure or kill them otherwise.


@kenod information based abilities can be really hard to judge but this is how it'd be rated.
Laplace's Demon
Primary - 30 points
Secondary - 30 points
Synergy - 30 points
Total - 90 points

Maxwell's Demon
Primary - Need to know the rate of temperature change for this one, if you could instantly cool liquids to -20 C then that's an instant-kill ability. Also I think some of these temperature calculations are off? Assuming for gasses this is meant to be -60 C?
Secondary - with the limitation: 30 (Assuming reasonable levels of control, no winds strong enough to throw tanks at people, etc.)
Synergy: 20 points

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What if he could launch the ice formed from his primary power? Like Yondu's arrow from guardians of the galaxy, but a lot weaker. He wouldn't have nearly as much control. More like Thor's hammer in terms of control, he could launch it away, and bring it back.

As for the secondary power, I was thinking the maximum damage he would be able to do to someone would be freezing them like frozone did at the beginning of incredible's during the bank robbery. He could only do this one at a time though and wouldn't be instant. It would take about a second or two of ice blasting to completely freeze them.

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13 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Need to know the rate of temperature change for this one, if you could instantly cool liquids to -20 C then that's an instant-kill ability. Also I think some of these temperature calculations are off? Assuming for gasses this is meant to be -60 C?

Yeah, that was a typo, it was supposed to be -60 C. Solids are supposed to be -5 C. The instant-kill trick wouldn't work, because of the difficulty of freezing anything that isn't a gas. It would take them at least 10 seconds to gather the focus to start cooling it. The cooling also isn't instant, though with gasses the speed is high enough that it'll seem that way. For liquids the time necessary to freeze someone's blood would take around 30 seconds, although giving them hypothermia might be a bit quicker. So while this would be a valid method, it would take too long, and would require a lot of their focus, meaning that they can easily be killed. this would be more of an execution/torture method. There's also the issue of actually targeting the blood. They'd generally have to target the body itself, which is a solid, and would take even longer to freeze. An easier technique would be to transfer heat into the body and cook it instead, but that would still take a lot of time, at least ten seconds to get to dangerous temperatures, and even then they wouldn't immediately die, with getting to those temperatures being even more difficult. It's a lot easier for them to just compound a bunch of heat into the air and fry them that way.

33 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Secondary - with the limitation: 30 (Assuming reasonable levels of control, no winds strong enough to throw tanks at people, etc.)

The winds have a fair degree of speed, but don't carry a lot of kinetic energy, and would mostly manifest as gales, with fully controlled hot zones and cold zones having a maximum speed of 17 m/s (enough force to shake trees, or cause difficulty walking into, but not enough to cause actual damage to heavier or sturdier things), and can't really compress the air, but the can keep the air inside the zone even if the large amounts of heat would cause pressure increases (this can increase the amount of force, on the other hand, once this tosses things around you're basically being hit with fireballs, and I'd say being blown away is probably preferable to actually ending up in the center of one of these, since the impact might actually be survivable). They can however release control over zones they control, causing implosions and explosions because of temperature differentials (they can also use this with their synergy, but it is more difficult because of the speed, causing large efficiency losses, generally retrieving only 10% of the heat differential). If they have a bit of time to focus they can also combine their hot and cold zones to generate energy faster, or manipulate the shape and force of the explosions, this is a more advanced usage that needs training, and can't be improvised.

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Maxwell's Demon (Revised)
Primary - 50 points
Secondary - with the limitation: 30 (Assuming reasonable levels of control, no winds strong enough to throw tanks at people, etc.)
Synergy: 30 points

Total: 110 points

So will probably need some weaknesses to cancel it out.

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On 2/3/2019 at 6:04 AM, King Taravangian said:


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Name:  Jonathan Thomas, or Necromancer

Appearance:  Varies.  He's a tall, lith male whose age often varies.

Investiture:  He's an epic who can control time... kind of.  His power is time manipulation, but only for organic beings.  He can accelerate or reverse the age of any living thing within one hundred feet.  He can use this to kill instantly, or to bring people back from the dead.  He can also do it for things that have recently died, but only for ten years, and very slowly.  For humans, he can change the age of anyone around him.  For animals, the same.  For plants, he can also, and uses this to accelerate plant growth.  He can direct the growth, so he can grow a field of grass to strangle his opponents.  He can also change his own age.  If he's injured, he can age himself forward for a few months, healing the injury.  Or, if he's shot, he can age himself backwards, making himself younger, and therefore making it so that he was never shot.  He can also halt time for people, freezing them and bringing them to a complete stop.  I realize that this is insanely powerful, but I do have a reason.

Skills:  He's very intelligent, and is able to use his abilities to their full potential.  He's also an accomplished scientist, genetics specifically.  He's also a rather skilled botanist.

Equipment:  Nothing extraordinary.

Weaknesses:  He's very reliant on his abilities, and deosn't really know how to fight without them.  His epic weakness is bugs.  Specifically, bees.  A sting from a bee will negate his powers until the poison is out of his system.  All bugs freak him out, and he destroys them every time he sees them, but for some reason he is unable to destroy bees.

Family:  All of his family were in Kansas City when it was wiped out by Obliteration.  He's gone to genealogists, and he has no surviving relations.

Home Planet:  Earth (Reckoners)

Backstory:  Young Jon was born in the suburbs of Kansas City.  He always was fascinated by space, and also genetics.  He went to college at some community college studying genetics.  Despite this, he was able to make it into the space program.  It was around this time that he had an accident with his genetics expirement.  He was expirementing with different breeds of bees, and the escaped his container.  The swarmed him, stinging, and he was almost killed.  Someone found him, dragged him out, and he recovered.  He went to space, posted on the ISS as a genetic researcher.  Calamity came, killing everyone on the station, but he made Jon into an epic.  Jon floated in space, using his powers to halt time for him, eliminating his need to breath.  He interned an orbit of earth, and finally crashed down to earths serface.  His powers allowed him to survive, and he immediately began searching for his family.  Calamity had died while he was in space, and he had to fight and kill several evil epics.  Upon finding out that his family was dead, he put himself in stasis where he was captured by inter-dimensional slave traders.  He killed them, found his way to the alleyverse, and joined the DA.

Guild:  The Dark Alley

Psyche:  Relatively sane, compared to pretty much everyone else in the alleyverse.  He's quite, doesn't often talk to people.  He is sullen and resentful towards other epics, and will find excuses to kill them.  He's blunt, and won't hold his tongue.

Intended Threat Level:  High.  Not world-ending high, more like murder-a-whole-city high.  Not that he'll do that.  I think I'll use him as more of a vigilante, looking out for the little guy in Alleycity.  Considering that, it's lower since he's not a villain. 

Story Purpose:  He'll be a vigilante. I'll have him running around Alleycity trying to take down villains.  Weird for a DA member, but he sees hemalurgy as a holy art, defiled by people who would use it to create monstrosities.  

Benefit:  He could be used for some interesting things in concert with other powerful time-controlling epics.  He will also form the core of a powerful vigilante team that would be great to RP.  

Modus Operandi:  I'll use him peacefully, but he will kill if he need to.  He won't actually kill others, he'll mostly just turn them over to the precursors.  



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On 2/4/2019 at 6:39 PM, Lord Meeker said:

Necromancer {Talk to @Voidus on this one, He has a system. I'll still score it if you want, but I think the Epic power is too powerful}

That's why I used an OP character sheet.

On 2/4/2019 at 9:23 PM, Darth Woodrack said:

Should change it to slow time, not stop time.

I tweaked it a bit so it doesn't affect anything.

On 2/4/2019 at 9:10 PM, Voidus said:

Necromancer power breakdown @Lord Meeker.

I think the resurrection power has been taken out but that still leaves it at 450M for the Epic points. The instant-death power is particularly concerning, it is canonical in the Reckonerverse but most Alleyverse characters would just have 0 defense against that, which means no matter what kind of weaknesses you use to offset this, this character pretty much instant-kills any other character in a duel scenario.

The way I'll use this guy will be mostly aggression against NPCs, and I won't use him to engage other characters with out due warning or permission.

On 2/4/2019 at 9:27 PM, Voidus said:

Except if they actually fought what would happen is Hellbent gets immediately timestopped and killed, then resurrected, timestopped and killed again without the ability to do anything. Hellbent is probably ~500 at a guess, I don't remember his full suite of abilities but he wasn't this bad.

I tweaked timestop abilities.  He would have trouble insta-killing Hellbent if Hellbent was wearing plate, because of the amount of investiture.  I also took away his resurrection abilities.

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Can Kane get a poll as well? @Voidus

On 1/14/2019 at 2:51 PM, BitBitio said:
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Name: Kane Mentiz

Investiture: Pinnacle, Oracle, ChayShan, Archivist (Via Spike), Windrunner of the Third Ideal, Cognitive-Shielding Aviar, Amberite Aether Bond, Shardarm, Soulcaster Fabrial made from a dead Cryptic.

So, a brief summary/reiteration: Visionary (Electrum Compounder according to MAG)+100, Archivist by Hemalurgy+25, ChayShan+40, WIndrunner Surges and Shardarm+100, Soulcasting+30, Amberite+35, CogShield Aviar+10.

Skill in magic: I store information in Copperminds constantly. Also, I have infinite determination due to Electrum Compounding, but note that I only Compound to fill my Bracers up unless it is an emergency, where I will burn for Determination instead. I have trained a lot with Allomantic Electrum so that it applies better in combat. I can see up to ten seconds into the future if I'm flaring. I am highly skilled in the art of ChayShan. I Worldhop by jumping through perpendicularities, whose locations are embedded in my copperminds. I am good friends with my spren, Quintexidus or Quin for short. Also, I have considerable Aether power, and decent skill with it. I have befriended the Aviar, Arrow (Eelakin name is Arroji) . Now a Savant for Determination. More explained in weakness and history.

Equipment: Metallurgy equipment, Sentinel Coat, spheres, Power bracelet(summons slight boost in power and Stormlight), knives and daggers, machetes, Plasma rifle, two Devastator pistols, metalminds, metal vials, etc. Presumably, this totals about 30 points. Subject to change.

Plasma Rifle:


This rifle fires energy blasts, however it must be charged with Investiture. In order to fire, it must use up Investiture. Kane hooks up electrum "batteries" that it taps to fire.

Devastator Pistol:


This functions the same as the rifle, though its fire type and battery required are different.

Weaknesses: I am stubborn to a fault and have tried the same things in the past repeatedly before finally changing tactics.-20 Can be influenced due to Hemalurgic spike.-20 Also sometimes, I will make reckless or bad decisions that will cause damage to myself and others.-10 I am missing my entire left arm and it can't heal.-15 Feruchemical Electrum savant. I get more yield out of tapping and burning Metalminds but if I run out I go into a depressed state and lose motivation to do anything.-40 Another is his wanting to help my friends. He could be forced to do anything if the life of a friend was on the line.-30 Another massive weakness is his Stormlight healing issues. He cannot heal any faster than a normal person via Stormlight or unkeyed goldminds, only by Regrowth. The only thing it does is keep him from dying. Thus, his healing from injuries is long, laborious, and much like a normal human's.-50 This is due to a disease Kane has genetically, it was also greatly augmented by the Alleystorm and Kane's minutes in the center of it. It is a type of cancer that affects his Invested abilities to the point where each power has a quirk about it that makes it disadvantagous. Information available upon request.-100 Also, as a result, he will die by the end of Era 3.-50See below for an extensive guide on how to beat him.

Other abilities: Intelligent. +30 Master of Metallurgy+10, proficient fighter in all weapons, master of knives, machetes, and daggers especially+50. Proficient hand to hand fighter+30. Skilled with Soulcasting. Owns a Soulcaster stolen from an irresponsible ardent. Incredible strength on account of having a "Shardarm." Ambidextrous for hands (due to Shardarm making my non-dominant hand equally dexterous) and feet (normally, I was always footbidextrous)+10, I would say it is a disadvantage because it means he doesn't have a Shardblade in exchange for having two arms, though the Shardarm makes him stronger and ambidextrous, so he gets +10.

Appearance: Blue Sentinel Coat with helmet (coat is Awakened to protect me+20), silver synthetic t-shirt underneath, Aluminum utility belt with weapons and metal vials, padded brown jeans, protective boots. Keeps hair moderately short. No freckles, looks like he always has a decent tan. Muscular arms, with Soulcaster and Aether on right hand, Power Bracelet on wrist, long Electrum Bracer(like an arm guard for archery but electrum), two Copperminds on upper arm, Shardarm for left arm, angular facial features. 

Sentinel Coat:


There is some controversy about metals in the cosmere and the Alleverse. You can see several metal sections on the coat, however they can't be Pushed or Pulled on. This is not because they are Aluminum. Rather, they are made of electrum. Due to the fact that Kane is a Compounder, all of the metal on his person are electrum. He Compounds to fill them to a very large extent. Metalminds of enough Investiture are immune to being Pushed or Pulled.

PM me for more details. - Bitbitio

Age: 40 Scadrian years old (Ageless, due to a large outpouring of Investiture that changed Kane's Spiritual Aspect during the Alleystorm+20)

Nationality: Half Terris, Half Elendel Basin

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Chocolate brown

Height: 6'4"

Religion: I'm Pathian, although I don't own an earring since I already have a spike. 

Home planet: Born in Scadrial, specifically Elendel Basin. 

Spouse: Adli Mentiz 

Parents: Brevan and Kaiah Mentiz (see history for more details)

Siblings: Older sister named Lita Kion, she is married to a JinDo man who is also a ChayShan master named Sudo Kion. She is a Twinborn Lurcher/Steelrunner. Killed by a highstorm.

Children: Zaren Mentiz

History: My parents are Brevan, a Terrisman steward who was a full Keeper, and Kaiah Mentiz, a full Mistborn. Kaiah belonged to House Mentiz, a prominent noble house in the Eastern Dominance that was in the Allomancy business. They made metal vials and mined their contents, then shipped them to Luthadel. Although Brevan was just a lowly steward, they eloped and moved to the Central Dominance. By the time they arrived at Hathsin, Ruin's final plan was in motion. They fought the Koloss and barely survived. They moved to the Roughs after the Catacendre and started a family. When Kane was only two, they were killed by Koloss, which caused Lita, the elder sibling, to Snap. Lita and Kane moved to the slums of Elendel. For six years, they lived as street children. One day, a passing Terrisman noticed Lita using Allomancy. After studying them for a short time, he deduced that she was also a Feruchemist. Therefore, Kane, being her brother, was also possibly a Feruchemist. The Terrisman, who was an Archivist, brought them to the Village. Within four years, Kane and the Terrisman had been kidnapped and Kane was Hemalurgically spiked with Archivist powers. This also caused me to Snap. My sister realized what danger I was in, so she rescued me alongside the constables. We worldhopped to Sel, where I studied ChayShan techniques and became proficient in it. Unfortunately, the same kidnappers, called the Trellurgists, attempted to kidnap me again. We escaped to Roshar, though I still move around to avoid Trellurgists. I joined TUBA and dueled Rhazien (Mraize's first character). I was later captured by the Trellurgists, however, and Minag was killed. I escaped and eventually swore the Second Oath of the Windrunners. Using my newfound power, I traveled to the Vaeria and bonded an Amberite Aether. However, I discovered that I couldn't escape conventionally, since I was out of Stormlight and couldn't find a perpendicularity that didn't kill me on contact. A Vo-Dari learned of my problem and Sent me back to Roshar with his power. I began searching for Rhazien. I arrived in the Horneater Peaks and met an old Forger. I then traveled to Rhazien. I educated him in ChayShan. Then, I went to the Alleyway Bar a few times. Eventually, I founded the Sentinels and fought in the Seven Day War. After the Seven Day War, he became a Feruchemical Electrum Savant. He participated in the Long War and is currently sequestered in his bunker, working with Metallurgy. I have written a lot of backstory for Kane, and I mean a LOT. The easiest place to find it is Page 1 of CDS. 

Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, and quick to trust. I'm stubborn, and observant. I store everything in my copperminds just in case, including ChayShan techniques. Also is depressed, runs on electrum Determination.

Kane studies Metallurgy, so in his spare time he is cooking up new alloys to test various experiments on them. His most successful discovery was the alloy that he uses for his armor, which is primarily elecrumminds but also a stronger metal. He has this little case with several highly valuable metals in it. A single bead of atium+0, can't burn it, a single ettmetal cube device, a cube shaped piece of malatium, several thin sheets of aluminum (that stuff is storming expensive), and his prized object. A single bead of lerasium. However, it is smaller than an ordinary lerasium bead and it can make at best a Mistborn slightly weaker than Spook was.+0, he will not use it, I guarantee this As malerasium (my headcanon name for a lerasium alloy), it can make an above average Misting. However, Kane is keeping it in reserve until a later date.

Total points: 205 (Overpowered, but with serious weaknesses that greatly hinder him.




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1 hour ago, beantheboy12 said:

Hey, @Voidus, could you add Delarin (in signature) to my character list... thing comment spoiler thing... you know? She was unanimously approved in the chat thread as long as she remains non combatant. Which she will.

When? I can't see any relevant poll or discussion. Which potentially means other people haven't either and may want to vote.


1 hour ago, BitBitio said:

Can Kane get a poll as well? @Voidus



Yep, I'll give people one last chance to vote on Necromancer then change the poll over later today.

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2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

When? I can't see any relevant poll or discussion. Which potentially means other people haven't either and may want to vote.

It starts at the very end of page 35 of the chat thread and ends somewhere in the middle of page 36

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