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3 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

@Sorana Thank you! I am actually unsure of how to contact characters "in character." Do I just corner you in one thread or another lol? Also, I think Lena and Lita should meet, seeing that they share at least half their names with one another.

Yes, you just corner Lena in a thread. She is actually currently in that Tavern Ark mentioned. Just go to the thread and post there. Maybe have your character enter the tavern, order something to drink. And then we'll write a conversation and see where it leads.

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No Necromancer wasn't approved, as mentioned by Bean and in an earlier post.

Again just a note for all, we haven't forgotten anyone, we will get to posts that are left here without being tagged multiple times, we've just had a lot to get through and also have other things to take care of sometimes. Try not to put too much pressure on people who volunteer to do this in their free time please because it can get really stressful. I know that I'm very frequently online but that's usually to deal with emergency stuff and I'm frequently only on for short stints at a time via mobile so it can be difficult to do something as lengthy as a character approval or ascertaining changes and I also have normal mod duties, 3 RPs and my normal activity on the Shard as well as a full time job and a daughter to look after so I don't always have a bunch of free time. Sometimes I'll be largely unavailable for a few days and while some of our other mods may be active during that time to fill in they also have their own lives to live.

There are only three rules that have been officially laid out for the Alleyverse, but one of them is 'Be patient' I hope everyone can respect that not everyone is always able to be as active as you may be and not put unnecessary pressure on others, be they a mod or just a player who you're waiting on for a scene.


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Here we go: (For Cakuin)


Enhanced strength and speed (Compare to  A-pewter) +45 M

Blood healing (Compare to F-gold) +10 M

Enhanced blood strength +10 M

Total: 105 M

Physical stuff:

Expert hand-to-hand +45 P

Average with handguns +45 P

Average with knives and swords +45 P

Total: 135 P

Weaknesses: (All IMO and subject to change by mod) 

Sunlight -40

Revenge -30

Unskilled with larger weapons-10

Harmed by gaseous Investiture -15 

Can't be healed by most magic means -5

Total: -100 

Finally: 105 M+135 P- 100 Weaknesses= 145 points.



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On 2/14/2019 at 10:48 PM, Sherlock Holmes said:

Right here.


When you say talented with a variety of weapons are you including firearms in that? Or just melee weapons?

3 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

Here we go: (For Cakuin)


Enhanced strength and speed (Compare to  A-pewter) +45 M

Blood healing (Compare to F-gold) +10 M

Enhanced blood strength +10 M

Total: 105 M

Physical stuff:

Expert hand-to-hand +45 P

Average with handguns +45 P

Average with knives and swords +45 P

Total: 135 P

Weaknesses: (All IMO and subject to change by mod) 

Sunlight -40

Revenge -30

Unskilled with larger weapons-10

Harmed by gaseous Investiture -15 

Can't be healed by most magic means -5

Total: -100 

Finally: 105 M+135 P- 100 Weaknesses= 145 points.



I came out to a similar total but for different reasons, I had a few more points in the magic skills, bit higher deduction for the additional weaknesses. But yeah seems like it's balanced now.

Warder: +5
Enhanced physical abilities: 85 (Equivalent approximately to Allomantic pewter Feruchemical gold twinborn but a little weaker than Feruchemical gold)
Blood-draining: 30 (Seems to roughly double the effects of the other abilities, it does depend a bit on how long this boost lasts)

Total: 120 M

Skills: Expert hand-to-Hand + 50, Average melee weapons + 35, Average ranged weapons + 45
Total: 130 S

Weakness: Sunlight -40, unskilled with heavy weapons -10, revenge -30 (Trusting that you can more accurately impact how this is going to impact your character than I can), Harmed by gaseous Investiture -20, Can't be healed by magical means -15

Grand total: 120 + 130 -120 = 130

Thank you all for the offers, it does help when things are pre-scored based on the Index. :)
Also sorry that post came off a little more aggressive than I intended, just because this is not the first time I've mentioned it so it was starting to hit a serious nerve and I was also just tired. Anyway, I love all of you guys and how enthusiastic about the RP you are, just wanted to reiiterate that I would like it if people could appreciate that some people have less free time in their schedule than they may like.

I'll be going through the last few pages in case I missed any one else's profile.

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@Voidus I have absurd amount of respect for what you and the other mods do for us here on the Shard, especially when it comes to stuff like this, and I am very sorry to once again add to the backlog of characters. No rush on this one, so take literally as much time as you (or any of the other mods) need.


Name: Jonathon Smedry

Physical Characteristics: Sandy hair, just shy of 6' tall, blue eyes, 22 years of age, very fit from hundreds of hours of swinging a Shardblade.

Talent: Passing Through (Prime) (+50) - He can pass through things and things can pass through him.

Skills: Skilled in the Shard-stances. (+60)

Equipment: Shardblade (+30), Cognitive Mask Aviar (+10)

Weakness: Sometimes his Talent makes him fall into the ground partially and then end up doing a flip when he becomes solid again as his sunken parts are then forced out of what they've sunken into. Also can happen with a wall and send him flying laterally.

Family: The entire Smedry clan, though he doesn't know it.

Home Planet: Technically Smedry-Earth, but he doesn't remember it. He's been in the Alleycity for as long as he can remember.

Backstory: His parents fled their home, and their talent was enough to accidentally land them into the Alleycity while his mother was pregnant with Jonathon. They disappeared when Jonathon was 13 and he's been on his own the whole time since, mostly hiding in ruined sections of city.

Guild: Unaffiliated.

Personality: Likes to make puns, enthusiastic, independant. Enjoys scaring people by sticking his head out of a wall and screaming at them, or saying something and disappearing. Super protective of the people he cares enough about to designate as family.

Theme Song: Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright

Fighting Style: Shardblade stances.

Point total = 150, with no accounting for weakness.


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Wings - 15 M
Enhanced senses - 10-50 (Depends how enhanced they are, keep in mind that tin levels of enhancement are at a 35, I'll let you self score this)

Skills -
Expert melee weapons - 75

The listed weaknesses are basically just the absence of skills so can't really count much for those, unless you mean really bad at scholarship and politics as in doesn't know anything about Investiture or science, is completely incapable of deciphering the motives of groups, etc.

That being said, total still only comes out to 140 even maxed out so I think you should be fine.
@Sherlock Holmes

49 minutes ago, Invocation said:

@Voidus I have absurd amount of respect for what you and the other mods do for us here on the Shard, especially when it comes to stuff like this, and I am very sorry to once again add to the backlog of characters. No rush on this one, so take literally as much time as you (or any of the other mods) need.

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Name: Jonathon Smedry

Physical Characteristics: Sandy hair, just shy of 6' tall, blue eyes, 22 years of age, very fit from hundreds of hours of swinging a Shardblade.

Talent: Passing Through (Prime) (+50) - He can pass through things and things can pass through him.

Skills: Skilled in the Shard-stances. (+60)

Equipment: Shardblade (+30), Cognitive Mask Aviar (+10)

Weakness: Sometimes his Talent makes him fall into the ground partially and then end up doing a flip when he becomes solid again as his sunken parts are then forced out of what they've sunken into. Also can happen with a wall and send him flying laterally.

Family: The entire Smedry clan, though he doesn't know it.

Home Planet: Technically Smedry-Earth, but he doesn't remember it. He's been in the Alleycity for as long as he can remember.

Backstory: His parents fled their home, and their talent was enough to accidentally land them into the Alleycity while his mother was pregnant with Jonathon. They disappeared when Jonathon was 13 and he's been on his own the whole time since, mostly hiding in ruined sections of city.

Guild: Unaffiliated.

Personality: Likes to make puns, enthusiastic, independant. Enjoys scaring people by sticking his head out of a wall and screaming at them, or saying something and disappearing. Super protective of the people he cares enough about to designate as family.

Theme Song: Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright

Fighting Style: Shardblade stances.

Point total = 150, with no accounting for weakness.


All good, I hope people continue to post characters here, I just wanted to emphasize that it can sometimes take time. 

I'll admit to not being an avid alcatraz reader so I'll open up to the community whether or not this is a realistic talent to have, my understanding was that they tended to be more probability based.

Assuming it's feasible, we might need to resort to something similar to the Epic scoring system with Smedry talents, this is well beyond what I think 50 points could reasonably justify. That's High Epic level power there without the Epics usual weakness of having something that can turn it off.

In terms of accidental power activation I'd put it at a -20, maybe -30 depending on how frequently/disastrously you were planning on implementing it.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

my understanding was that they tended to be more probability based.

I was mostly basing this off of Grandpa Smedry's "arriving late" Talent somewhat combined with the "getting lost" talent, but I can understand it blurring the lines of feasibility a little.

3 minutes ago, Voidus said:

That's High Epic level power there without the Epics usual weakness of having something that can turn it off.

True, but it doesn't always work the way he wants. Sometimes he doesn't get it just right and too much passes through him, making him pass out once the breath he has runs out and sometimes it refuses to work at all.

5 minutes ago, Voidus said:

In terms of accidental power activation I'd put it at a -20, maybe -30 depending on how frequently/disastrously you were planning on implementing it.

If his emotions overwhelm him, it'll get pretty bad, which is why he avoids combat other than sparring and ritual-based non-lethal dueling where possible.

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I've done it again. I have made the most powerful character in the AV...


Name: Jimothy Cripput

Epic Name: God


1: His pillow is always cold. You could light it on fire and it would still burn while cold.

2. Nigh omnipotence. Though he can do whatever he wants, it must affect no one (not really though he just thinks he is God).

History: Worked as the infomercial man for MyPillow. Average fella who lived an average life but was secretly insane and had a major God Complex. Calamity apeared. Crem happened. 


Major joke, this is.


Edited by JacobClaessen
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Hey, just curious. I was looking at the index and it's +10 points if you have a complimentary twin born combination.

I can only think of two: Crasher, and pulserunner, (a cadmium, f steel) Could we make a complete list of complimentary twin born combinations?

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On 2/15/2019 at 10:09 AM, Voidus said:

No Necromancer wasn't approved, as mentioned by Bean and in an earlier post.

Again just a note for all, we haven't forgotten anyone, we will get to posts that are left here without being tagged multiple times, we've just had a lot to get through and also have other things to take care of sometimes. Try not to put too much pressure on people who volunteer to do this in their free time please because it can get really stressful. I know that I'm very frequently online but that's usually to deal with emergency stuff and I'm frequently only on for short stints at a time via mobile so it can be difficult to do something as lengthy as a character approval or ascertaining changes and I also have normal mod duties, 3 RPs and my normal activity on the Shard as well as a full time job and a daughter to look after so I don't always have a bunch of free time. Sometimes I'll be largely unavailable for a few days and while some of our other mods may be active during that time to fill in they also have their own lives to live.

There are only three rules that have been officially laid out for the Alleyverse, but one of them is 'Be patient' I hope everyone can respect that not everyone is always able to be as active as you may be and not put unnecessary pressure on others, be they a mod or just a player who you're waiting on for a scene.


My apologies.  

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3 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Hey, just curious. I was looking at the index and it's +10 points if you have a complimentary twin born combination.

I can only think of two: Crasher, and pulserunner, (a cadmium, f steel) Could we make a complete list of complimentary twin born combinations?

There are 240 different twinborn combinations barring compounders, I'd rather not go through each and every one of them and have to think it over. At the moment it's going to be moderators discretion.

2 hours ago, King Taravangian said:

My apologies.  

Didn't mean for that all to be directed at you, sorry if it came across that way. I was tired and irritated at the time. It was just a general statement.


4 hours ago, JacobClaessen said:

I've done it again. I have made the most powerful character in the AV...

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Name: Jimothy Cripput

Epic Name: God


1: His pillow is always cold. You could light it on fire and it would still burn while cold.

2. Nigh omnipotence. Though he can do whatever he wants, it must affect no one (not really though he just thinks he is God).

History: Worked as the infomercial man for MyPillow. Average fella who lived an average life but was secretly insane and had a major God Complex. Calamity apeared. Crem happened. 

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Major joke, this is.


Metronome laughs at your puny god.

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3 hours ago, Voidus said:

There are 240 different twinborn combinations barring compounders, I'd rather not go through each and every one of them and have to think it over. At the moment it's going to be moderators discretion.

There are actually 289, and I just considered them all. :P If you want, I made a chart with all the combinations. Pink is a definitely not, Green is a definitely, Purple is a possibly, I want the mods to look over those. And A steel F Gold is supposed to be purple


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It’s good. If you ever wanted to remake it I’d suggest with a ruler. But your Nicrosil Feruchemy line definitely needs more greens. Nicrosil Feruchemy is pretty much a super enhancer for any Allomantic abilities, because you have the no-upper-limit benefit of Feruchemy added to Allomancy.

Edited by I think I am here.
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3 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

It’s good. If you ever wanted to remake it I’d suggest with a ruler. But your Nicrosil Feruchemy line definitely needs more greens. Nicrosil Feruchemy is pretty a super enhancer for any Allomantic abilities, because you have the no-upper-limit benefit of Feruchemy added to Allomancy.

This was actually the draft to be put in a google sheet, but I ran out of patience and just posted this.

The thing is, think about the nicrosil combos I left out. Iron would kill you, Tin, not that useful, Copper is kinda dumb, Electrum, we don't know what happens when you flair, cadmium and bendalloy don't have much need of flairing, same with chromium and nicrosil. Atium, you don't access it in large amounts anyway.

Edited by beantheboy12
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